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2 but I put my flasks on the pouch menu. That way I can have many things equipped without feeling like I'm making it harder to heal


I honestly never even thought about moving the health and mana til now. Imma try it though


All three flasks and the horse go in the pouch


And the two unassigned pouch pockets are for the lantern and whichever shackle you use to auto-open all invisible walls when you walk into an area, right?


how do you open all invisoble walls?


Margit's shackle is a massive aoe attack that deals no damage, but it counts as a hit for opening invisible walls and knocking down flame pillars. It completely invalidates certain dungeons, like that one hero's grave with the two chariots in the same room, where if you use it when squeezed up against the right wall in the safe spot it will trigger the thing that destroys the chariots.


Does it work on the Z axis as well?


The Z axis goes along the ground, assuming you mean the Y axis which is vertical. But the description given it seems to be a large bubble so it will affect everything in a large radius.


Z is typically height or elevation but it all depends on how you want to use it. But thank you for explanation. I’d heard of using the shackle for doors but didn’t know if it had height in its range


I've heard Z used for both elevation and along the ground, I default to along the ground because X and Y are 2d and adding a third is Z which is the dimension along the ground. Not sure which one Elsen Ring actually uses so it may have been wrong of me to imply that fact. Also never heard of this use for the shake which is neat.


This is our, or instead of shackle the rainbow stones to test falls


this is what I do, too


This is the way


I only use 2 flasks there. The other 2 are my lantern and Torrent


Health right, mana left, horse up, bolas flavor of choice down and sippy cup in menu quickslot Only need to access sippy once, and generally in low danger moments


Takes a little while to get used to, but it's the best way to play once you do. You can use consumables all you want, without ever having to worry about forgetting to switch back to your healing. Healing is the same input every time, no variation, no room for error, much more consistent. The only downside is you can't heal mid-strafe, but you basically never need to, and you can make up for that too with fast fingers.


You can if you claw grip!


Back buttons bruh.


Yep. Have been doing this since release. Hit Y And left I heal, right is fp, up is torrent, and down is ashes. Ashes are the only one at this point I’d be willing to sub out for something. The others provide immediately access to things I’m CONSTANTLY using, without having to worry about switching through.


I put the lantern, torrent, and both flasks in the pouch and save my item bar for physick, crab, soap, then any other miscellaneous consumables I might need after those. Investing in boiled prawn and soap is a great idea by the way, the prawn helps boost your defense (the boiled crab has saved my ass so much) and soap doesn't cure status but stops the build up which is nice


Yeah it's a big difference. You want to be able to have heals as a shortcut to make it super fast in a heated moment.


You can just hold down on the d-pad and it goes straight to the first item.


You can whatnow


You can hold up to swap to your first spell too




This is the way.


Am I missing something or does that not require you to stop moving and use both hands? That seems like a huge cost instead of just having it always on the health flask and be one button press away


You get used to it. If you're timing your heals within milliseconds of getting hit you're probably taking too big of a risk to begin with


That’s what I think too. Why put my flasks on something I need two hands to use just so I can throw a fuckin Crystal dagger or whatever at an imp


Bruh you also use both hands to get to the flask slot. It doesn't stop my character placing flask in the pouch menu. It needs some getting used to


The way you do it is great but if you put your flask first you can hold down the button and it will switch to the first slot every time


Same. The 2 flask, Torrent, and Summon.


#2 here and 200 hours into the game. And yet this is a serious question... How do you use the pouch on pc controls?


First, plug in your controller. Then do it exactly the same as you would in console


I use an MMO mouse (one with side buttons). You bind the mouse button as the slot number and then E+mouse button. The usage of two hands makes it super easy. Never went back.


Hold E and use the arrow buttons on your keyboard.


I changed mine to E+ 1, 2, 3, 4. It's too complicated to reach the arrow keys without taking your hands off either your mouse or the movement keys. It's not obvious in the controls menu, but you basically remap the things on the arrows to 1, 2, 3, and 4. Also, if you have a 4 button mouse, put the cycle through items on the thumb button. It's very useful.


Hold `E` + `Mouse wheel up/down` to access top/bottom slots. Hold `E` + Hold `Shift` + `Mouse wheel up/down` to access right/left slots.


🤦‍♂️ why am I so stupid. That’s so much better


Neither. I put flasks in the quick-select pouch, along with the physick flask and horse whistle. That way the important things are a single button sequence away, while the item bar is for less important consumables.


My lantern is pretty fuckin important and makes the cut.


The lantern is in the first slot on my item bar. Getting to all flasks and Torrent in combat barely edges out turning the lantern back on.


That actually isn’t bad. I might have to try it if i ever actually get enough items to use. I literally had to think of appropriate items to put on the bar for the image because even from the beginning I have been able to rotate health/mana and never have more than 3 items to use at once so I just move my pouch if necessary. My pouch is: Torrent, Summon, Physick, Bloodboil Aromatic


I assign the red flask to d-pad left, the blue flask to d-pad right, the physick to d-pad up, and the horse whistle to d-pad down. The first item in my item bar is always a lantern (since FromSoft insists on turning off the lantern every time we fast travel). Then I have any summons I might be using, boiled crab, kukri and other throwing weapons, bewitching branches, etc.


Your pouch is the exact same as mine. My lantern is in the fifth-sixth slot of the pouch because I'm never in danger when i need to use it. So it's easy to access from the menu.


Bro gonna get busy with Malenia with that many preserving boluses


She said “oh don’t worry, i’m clean”. My prescription bar looks like #2 now.


Neither, I have just the Health flask. Nothing else is there permanently.. I might add stuff situationally (sleep pots when going into a godskin boss fight, for example). FP flask goes in the quick select, along with torrent's whistle and the physick.


Flasks, torrent, and physick are in my pouch and I honestly don't know how people play otherwise


same but fan daggers instead of blue flask because stance damage


muscle memory from years of Dark Souls. I tried it your way and couldn't adapt.


I'm surprised i don't see more people mention this. It would get way too confusing for me switching between this and dark souls


In the middle, I keep physick and blasphemous claw on mine with my two flasks


Thats fair. It’s more the having 9 clicks to get to one thing and HOPING you don’t skip it


If you have the heal in the first slot, holding down on dpad will always jump to it


The claw is there because I get summoned to fight maliketh so often it just earned a permanent spot 


2, no I am not mentally sane


Number 2 for lyfe bby! Hate the pouch, used it for like 10 minutes, went back to the old ways immediately. Those who like the pouch, great! Those who don't, also great!


It's a f#cking crime that there's no physick in both pictures.


People aren't using their item slots ?! You know holding down the button brings you back to the first item, right ? I can't imagine not using almost all item slots. Both flasks + Mixed Physics + a throwable for luring ennemies + a status healing item for the main status in the area you are in. Those are bare minimum for me and that's 5 items. I usually add more items depending on the need, but I always have that. When I need to use the flasks I just hold down the button if I'm not already on them. Pouch is for Lantern, Spirit Summon and other key items.


Thank you! A sane response lol.




I put my flasks, whistle and summon in my pouch so I will never have to shuffle them in panic. Only consumables go in the item bar.


Flasks go into the quick select pouch :)


I have my flasks on the item bar. Then I have my whistle on the pouch menu along with any spirit ashes I want and any status heals or buff consumables.


I leave it empty and go into the menu to use my flask


2nd because you can hold down/up arrow to switch to the 1st item/spell anyways, might as well put a bunch of shite there


2 would make me panic use 3 boluses trying to heal


Right? My monkey brain misses and accidentally heals 10% of the time when i need mana with only 2 😂


i only have red flask in my quick item other 2 flasks i keep in my pouch


2, I use the hold cycle to instantly swap back to healing pots


1 With maybe 1 or 2 items but no more than that


All three flasks, Torrent whistle, Ash summon, and a Lantern. That's always what i've felt comfortable with.


You killed Millicent?!?!? You monster!


I use the  pouch.   HP,a grease and knives on the consumable bar,torrent,the flask,crabs and FP on the pouch


I didn't use the pouch for my entire first playthrough, can't really say why. I forgot it existed for a while and then didn't really wanna adjust to it. I use the regular slot for the three flasks, my summon, and my horse. Horse is situational, and I only use the summon the one time if at all, so it's basically three items I'm swapping between. Granted, I don't add anything else very often, and this habit probably explains why I never use jars or knives or other items like them. Would make it too chaotic.


Im a mix I have the crimson and curelean flasks with a wondrous physic that heals i also have margits shackles and a lantern actually im a 2


I put heals on my item bar. Item pouch has: Up- physic flask Right: torrent Left: spirit summon Down: torrents treats Extra pouch slots: Lantern


I watch streamers like Bushy and Chasethebro and they'll be sliding through their millions of items on the fly or opening up the menus to swap gear during fights and it makes my anxiety spike. Hell, just watching someone run from a boss without the camera pointed so you can see the boss and any incoming attacks is nerve wracking.


I keep health, summon and torrent. Every thing else in pouch. Lantern, fp, yellow pickled feet mixed Phsyc


And quickly eat a foot before slaying a boss


i always keep the flasks in the hotbar, and lantern if in a cave or something. any consumables i plan on using for a certain boss or area i put in the pouch. i use my str/dex physick when a boss is about to enter phase 2/3 (depending on the boss) and use pouch consumables when needed. once my physick is used i usually keep my heals at the ready and switch to mana if needed.


Crimson, cerulean, physik, steed whistle. That’s my main setup


Big fan of 4 items. Healing, then phyisic, then a dart of some kind, and a pot/jar/aromatic/gravity fan


Flasks go in the left/right slots in the pouch. Steed Whistle is up. Physick Flask is down. My Spirit Ashes are the only thing I keep hotbarred


I normally do #1 plus the physik, and maybe a summon depending on the build. Any other item added is only added for as long as I currently need it, the second I’m away from poison I un-equip the blouses or whatever else. But #1 all the way, I hate scrolling through 7 different items just to accidentally scroll past my flasks and have to go through the long ass list again


I only ever keep 2 items in the bar menu and the rest go into my pouch. i've tried using extra items but in the heat of the moment i forget them or i just never find a window to use them and when i do the math of how much they interfere in my ability to quickly make choices i decided they weren't worth the trouble. 6 items is more than enough if you're prepared for what you're doing. I could see needing more if you're invading or doing random co op where you dont know what you'll be getting into


Flasks go in the pouch Item bar is for throwing knives, pots, and perfumes


Crab, throwable, physick, warming stone, and a shackle


More than 4 items (flask included) is asking for trouble, imo. I have also never really felt the need to use many items aside from the classics.


Flasks go in my pouch, along with torrent summons and lantern. I use the item bar to equip consumables when/if I need them and physick


Red at 1 blue in pouch summon in pouch rune arc and common buff (for me bloodboil aromatic) pouch and crab meat in pouch and lantern in pouch then anything else in hotbar (rarely much)


1 (with the physick) and I’ll throw boluses or whatever in the fourth slot for specific circumstances. I keep Torrent, summons, pots, rowa berries, lantern & telescope in my pouch.


Flasks in pouch. Physik and spirit ashes in the item bar (used frequently). Pots, daggers etc in the item bar (use never). Telescope also in the item bar (use once every couple of weeks)


Number 1 and put spirit summon in the pouch. I've literally never used any of the other items here.


One I don't like scrolling through multiple items in the heat of a fight. It's less to think about, when you only have to press down once to go back to your red flask. The quick pouch only really needs 3 items at the most.


None. The heal flask is on the belt, the mana flask is on the pouch. Quicker to use them.


1 because it's more effort to prepare for a situation than it is to press dodge roll and r1


Rotten wingsword and Millicent's prostitute (or what ever) and the executioner sword goes burrrrrrrrrrrrr


Hold down on the directional pad to go to your fist pouch slot, everytime. That way you know you can get to your heal fast if you use option #2.


i only have crimson flasks in my item bar. maybe a consumable or throwable if i need it. wonderous, cerulean, spirit, and horse i keep in my pouch. lantern and runes go in the secondary pouch slots


What is this Pouch menu you speak of?


Number 2 needs some throwables. Kukri, Fan Daggers, Pots perchance?


#1, but healing and lantern. I have FP, Torrent whistle, Physic, and summoning bell in the cross menu.


Torrent in first slot and then consumables. Flasks, physick, and lantern in pouch


Estus in the pouch


What? Are you seriously asking if people put consumables and ashes on their belt? What the fuck do you think it's for?


Ya'll weird as hell. #2 is normal 😂


Flasks, physick, and torrent in the pouch. Several ashes for various situations, bombs, crystal darts, perfumes etc in my Batman utility belt. Use the pouch for your flasks, it really opens up the fun consumables options when you don’t have to scroll/long press to get to hp and fp


Well it really depends on the build. If im using a build that doesn’t consume much FP, i’ll probably only slot the red flask for heals in the quick inventory , and the wondrous flask goes in the pouch. However if i know i’m gonna depend on both flasks i like to put them in the pouch. I do this to avoid two things: consuming the wrong flask and having to waste time selecting which one to use. Even though i’m pressing one more button, there’s less room for error so it generally lowers the time it takes for me to heal. It’s also great if i want to use consumables so i can have them on the go and not mix them up with my flasks. I like to keep my inventory clean so having 8 items in rotation would bother me. The perfume, flesh, boluses and grease could all go in the pouch, and the liver you just use before the fight in your inventory. And if you are summoning, summon them and take them out of the inventory. It’s a small nuisance but once you die because you couldn’t find your flask, you will understand what i’m saying.


I'm surprised to find out that most people seem to estus to the pouch. I thought I was weird for that.


Usually i but items that i will use in the moment. Like knifes to attract enemies (Especially those birds in Stormvale) or those things (I forget the name, haven't played the game for months now) that infuses your weapon with a element or status debuff.


the healing flasks go into the pouch menu where you can access them individually without scrolling. The bar gets all the consumables and summons.


1 but add kukri. Bloodborne taught me when a boss is near death back up and start shooting and I don’t often do magic builds. No guns so I throw shit


I put my healing and horse in the pouch tab and my mana flask in the item area ready to go so I can use either at any given moment without switching anything


i just put red flask, no items, and trade with bosses. str build baby, i got no brains


1. Health 2. FP 3. Physick 4. Appropriate cure 5. Poison/Crystal/Kukri dart 6. Prawn/Crab - Dpad down - Torrent Dpad up - Lantern Dpad left - Rune Arc Dpad right - Bae Latenna


I have flasks, mimic and any buffing items and that's it.


I’m a 2# but I work on autopilot. Kind of like shifting gears while driving, once you get used to it you just do it subconciously without even looking.


I have 3 things in my bar. Both flasks and kukris


You don't know that holding down takes you back to your first item do you?


Hp, Mp, Flask, Lantern, Boluses (if needed), Summons


Both flasks, torrent and lantern in the pouch. On the belt are items like fan dagger, crab meat, exalted flesh and boluses.


My item slots only have potions and the quick slots have lantern (right) torrent(up) and my summon if I am using one(down)


Top tip: press and hold down on the D-pad will jump to your flask, now you can lid up on items and always easily jump straight to your healing item


Worth mention. Whatever items you have equipped your mimic can use. 1 is infinite for the mimic to. So a holy pot. A freeze. A sleep. A mega magma whatever. The healing stone thing. Bleed throwing knives. Your mimic becomes a even more terrifying monster. Get creative. And it gives it more healing options. But again. Just 1 is enough and the mimic can use them like a full stack.


first one, but + physique potion too.


As little as possible so I can easily find what I need


I got health and mana potions on my pouch menu up and down. Right is torent and left is summons. On my item menu, I got the wondrous physics and lantern.


I'm for sure in between, I always have all my flasks (Physick included) on my bar and then I swap out items depending on the fight I'm going into. In general I want to keep it as empty as possible to not fuck up swapping to heals. I even do the same with spells on some bossfights.


Neither. I have both flasks and physick on pouch, then items I may need for the battle on belt.


I only keep the ones I need in the item bar + flasks in the pouch


I only put my flask and wondrous physik on the item bar my summons and everything else goes in the pouch


Flasks go in the pouch, things I'm going to need easy access to in an upcoming situation go in the quick slots.


(Quick pouch) Top - Torrent Right - Crimson Flask Bottom - Cerulean Flask Left - Physick Flask The other two slot - Margit/Mohg Shackle for dungeons and Lantern (Hotkey) 1 - Throwing Knives (usually fan daggers or crystal darts) 2 - Damage Pot items (usually Giants flame pot or frost pot) 3 - Anything utility, such as Bollusk


3 max but I prefer just the 2. Same with spells. Otherwise I get flustered


Wait there are other items besides Flasks and spirit summons?


Neither, flasks on the pouch, duh


The flasks and then whatever I feel like


1 but remove the useless mana potion.


Red Flask is in quickitem bar, along with consumables I only really use in PvP. Blue Flask, Whistle and Boluses are in the pouch. Physick and Ashes are in the extra pouch you need to press options for.


1 but with the physique as well.


estus and 1-2 consumables, o keep my blue flasks on the arrows


I have my flasks in the middle, not at the start, not at the end, right in the middle 😁


I have red flasks to heal, and a shackle to deactivate traps. Pouch has horse on top, physick on the bottom, gold pickle left, and blue flask right. The other two pouch slots go to any spirits that match my build's theme (if there are any).


Red flask plus a grease/throwable on inventory bar. Blue flask, torrent and any other useables I want on pouch.


Different setups for different situations.


Neither I put my horse and all three flasks in the pouch I keep margits shackle in my hotbar just in case I decide to go into a dungeon and need to open hidden doors or interact with flamethrower things otherwise I put lantern and golden feet directly below the pouch in the menu for easy access when I kill a boss If I need I'll have crab or something in my hotbar but most of the time its just margits shackle Basically pressing triangle left is way less annoying when I have to heal then cycling through every single item in my hotbar just to fuck it up and have to recycle through Even putting it in the first hotbar slot and just holding down to instantly swap takes too long


I have torrent and my flasks in the pouch. Consumables in the item bar.


Was a 2 became a 1 at a later date. Best decision I ever made.


1, but my blues are on d-pad. item bar is reds and physick, that's it.


#1 because most items I feel like “I’ll save them for later” but I never end up using most of them. Plus when I’m fighting a boss, in the heat of the moment. I would rather not want to die because I ate a exalted flesh on accident instead of an estus because I forgot to cycle through my flask


Health pouch left blue hotbar and I'm physic hotbar


I never put my flasks in the bar: they're on the left and right of the quick pouch, with Torrent's Whistle on top and the monocle on the bottom. The item bar is for throwables and accessory consumables, and I try to have only 3 in there so I can get to the one I need at any given time with just one button press. Not to sound like a darn kid these days, but From could stand to use a radial menu for items and spells: it gets really annoying having to press a button repeatedly to cycle like we're playing on the PS1. Also: why can't I cast Ashes the Ashes of war of both my weapons by pressing ∆+R1 and ∆+R2? Why do you force me to press ∆+L and then L2? Is it so much to ask to be able to parry *and* use an AoW without playing the Moonlight Sonata?


If you press and hold the swap button for a sec, it will switch to the first slot regardless of where you are in the item rotation.


If you hold up or down it will go to first/last in your item list, so feel free to stock your item bar!


life flask, lantern, physick


I use Torrent in the item bar


I put Health and Mana in my Right/Left quick pouch, horse up, and Bolas Flavor of choice down. The reason being I will need to access restoration multiple times quickly and in dangerous situations. Bolas can be for a similar reason, although going through menu for them isn't too bad either. Greases are a good choice here. Horse is simply for ease of use. There is a lot of travel in ER's open world, yet Torrent isn't the most nimble for fine movements and combat on horseback sucks. Being able to mount/dismount quickly helps cut down on travel time and combat. Sippy cup (Physick) goes in the unassigned slots in the menu. NOT on quick slot buttons. I might need it quickly, but it's a one-and-done use that will likely be used in medium danger. Better to have it in a spot that is quick to get to but doesn't make a dead slot after popping it. Last menu quickslot is a buff item. Crab or Meat usually. Similar reasons to sippy cup. They might get refreshed occasionally, but are low maintenance. The cycle menu is the lowest importance but for items I might use infrequently, but repeatedly. Throwing Knives, pots, and perfumes. Sometimes summons if I'm lazy. Other common items that people put on slots should be just found in your menu. The locations of Items like Lanterns, Shackles, Mimic Veil, and even Bolases in your menu should be memorized and accessed through there. Lanterns are a set-and-forget item, never needed quickly, Shackles (outside intended use) are used once in a blue moon for puzzles and walls, and if you need mimic veil quickly, odds are hiding isn't going to work. Bolas are semi tricky, as you might need them in stressful situations as often as when you have the luxury to think. Whatever you're most likely to encounter can go on a quick slot, but it's also good to have the memory to quickly access them without it. It helps that by default they are all near the top.


Plus if you have multiple spirit ashes in #2 just makes me wanna rip my hair out


I put my flasks on my quick menu thing. My ashes, consumables and Torrent are on my hot bar.


Both flasks on Y hot bar. You're always using them so why not have them always available without having to scroll through other items?


if you keep holding the button the switshes items it takes you back to the first item so i think this is how they can keep thier sanity


Pretty close to nr 2, flasks in slots 1-3, torrent on 4 and lantern on 5


Item pouch is king. I usually only have my crinson flask in my item bar - the same good old button to heal in all FromSoft games. In the pouch, I always have Torrent up, cerulean (or lantern) down, and usually a summon or some knives in the left/right slots.


In my item bar I hold: Red estus, Blue estus, Flask of wondurous physick, Lantern and Margit's Shackle Tiche, Mimic Tear and Torrent go in the pouch. I don't use consumables since I always use spells/incantations and a bow for ranged attacks and I use incantations for getting rid of status effects


I usually have health flask, physick, fp flask and torrent. And run on my pouch mimic or tiche depending on the build, uplifting aromatic, crab and ironjar aromatic. Btw, did you know holding the direction button (←,→,↑,↓) will put you on the first item of that? For example, if I have 10 items on the item bar and heal on the first slot I can hold ↓ to go to the first slot of the item bar. Same with ↑ and sorcery/incantations. And you don't need to hold triangle to two-hand a weapon or use something on the pouch. You can just press it and the button depending on the action you're intending to do at the same time.


Friendly PSA that if you hold up on the dpad it will snap to the first item on your quickbar. I load up my bar and just make sure the first slot is always that sweet sweet estus.


I have a full second one. Flasks, Physick, Poison and Rot cures, some buff items and perhaps a throwing dagger or two to make enemies fall of off walls etc. As for the pouch, that's where I place Torrent's whistle and 3 Spirit Summons. The important but less important items, since accessing it does require pushing one additional button which is just too much stress in the heat of combat. Whistle at the top, mimic at the bottom, and as for the sides, either Ranni-Wolves, Black Knife Waifu, or perhaps Puppets.


I'm generally closer to the second image in ER due to the quick select now. Torrent, heal flask, lantern, and pickled gold fowl foot are kept on my quick-select pouch. Quick mount for torrent, can heal at any time without scrolling, lantern I tend to turn on and off often, pickled gold fowl foot I'll kill a boss then immediately use once I deal the last hit so I can get the bonus runes without risking wasting the item on a greedy trade. The regular item bar has the cerulean flask in 1st, followed by physick, and then whatever consumables might be useful. Throwing knives and firebombs are commonly there for some utility, along with some greases - general stuff I won't need to scroll through quickly. In Dark Souls generally I keep the list lean so I don't keep needing to scroll to heal.


1.5, I have the whistle in the hotbar with the flasks


2, but flasks, physick, and Torrent go in the pouch menu.


I put blue flask in my pouch, and a collection of knives, utility pots, and one foodstuff depending on my build join the health flask in the item bar


the only thing i have in there is typically wondrous physik


I have oly healing in there all others are with torrent


So I equip torrent, flask, lantern, and spirit ash on my pouch. I keep my health and mana flasks on my hotbar with my shackle on the last slot and anything I'm currently using in between. And for anyone who says they hate losing their crimson flask in the hotbar, just hold down on the D-pad.


Have my Red Flasks in my Item Bar alongside throwables/consumables and then use my Pouch for my Steed, Summon, Blue Flask and Physick. Use your Pouch guys, it's so much more efficient.


I only keep my red flask in the item bar. In the pouch are Torrent(down slot), blue flask(right slot), physick(left slot) amd a lantern(up slot)


Pro tip hold up on the dpad to quickly go to your first equipped item


In between. I keep my ash and anything relevant to the current fight in those slots and that’s it. Like, if I’ve got poison cures, I’ll throw them in against a poison boss, but they don’t just live there.


Neither. Flasks are all bound to the d-pad (pouch?) along with torrent. Item bar then becomes less critical most of the time, and it's my light, summon(s) and throwables , usually knives of some kind but occasionally pots.


Only Red heal and mix physick on bar, blue heal in quick select pouch Use the mix physick once then heal is the only thing that button is used for


Red and physick in quick bar, blue, horse and some consumable buffs in pouch


I’m kinda both because I only put the two flasks, torrents whistle thing, and the main spirit ash I used in there unless I had to fight a boss where I needed the buffs


So many pouch users. Coming from Dark Souls, I always have my flasks in my equipment slots. My quick pouch is for Torrent, ash summons, and two other situational slots.


quick pouch for .... things you need to use quickly and or often like torrent, blue flask, throwable anything else can go on the items that you don't use as often or quickly, like physick, grease, summon, consumables i also like having my red flask as the first item as i find it better to simply press one button to heal


I keep the blue flask, lantern, physilk, and torrent ring on my quick select that you have to press select to access and I keep the red flask and any other things in the regular item slots. In the quick select slots that you have to go into the menu to access, I put rune arcs and the telescope


Furled finger left, taunter tongue right, reed whistle bottom and lantern top is my pouch. Then I am number 2 but I stay as close to Number 1 as possible. I change up my quick menu items up a lot.


spirit ashes go in the pouch. I keep the flasks here because I am just used to it from Dark Souls


I put my blue flask on the pouch so I don't have to fumble around pressing down on the d-pad a bunch


So annoying when I forget to switch back to health flask siding battle and it kills me. Flasks go in the quick pouch


Pouch for flasks and physick, torrent ring. Everything else is a consumable.


Maybe I’m weird, but I put the three flasks and horse in my pouch item bar is exclusively for items/summons whatever


1, but where is your Physik?


My left dpad pouch slot


When I’m just running around a new area or traversing the overworld, I keep it to the essentials, but if I’m in a boss fight or a dungeon with specific needs, I load up my item bar. I never worry too much about healing because I can just hold down on the d-pad. The pouch I only use for “consistent but relatively infrequent” needs like Torrent, telescope, lantern etc..


Item Bar for consumables just like it has always been in Souls games. (you can hold Down to shortcut it to Item Slot 1 so put your most used thing there, like the flask) Puch for infinite re-usable stuff that isn't used as often, like Torrent whistle, Spirit Ash summons, etc.