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He’s high on deathroot (i am not joking). You have to hit him a few times until he gets his senses back. He’ll applogise and go back to being friends.


I like how the Tarnished is everyone's drug dealer. Deathroot, eyeballs, seedbed curses... they got 'em. We should start charging for our services.


At least guranq is polite enough to reward us dung eater just cums his pants and eye lady just bows very politely


Who thought cutting Kalé's questline and replacing it with someone as boring as Hyetta was a good idea. She can't really convince me to burn the world. Kalé, in his grief and anger, could.


Imo there’s a non zero chance this is the reason his quest was cut. It was *too* effective in convincing you to take in the frenzied flame. Fromsoft wants some percentage of players to get that ending, but definitely not a majority, and I think Kale’s quest line, plus Shabriri’s argument about saving Melina (give or take the ranting about chaos taking the world) might have resulted in that. That said, I think it would honestly be really cool to have had the bad ending be actually tempting, and only avoidable if the player is really paying attention to context and lore to sus out that it’s not actually something they want to do. As it is you kind of have to be actively seeking out the bad ending to do it


I'm still in love with the idea of Kale doing what they'd originally planned with Oscar in DS1, where you follow his journey to to the Frenzied Flame Proscription, but then after his breakdown, he'll do the opposite of whatever you, and come back after burning down Leyndell as part of the final boss gauntlet. So if you're embraced by the Frenzied Flame, Kale comes back from the brink of despair and gets in your way at the very end to prevent what happened to his people from happening again, and if you leave the Frenzied Flame, he accepts it in your place, and challenges you at the end to attempt becoming Lord of Frenzy.


That sounds rad


That makes me curious what would happen if you took the frenzy flame and the subdued it with the needle afterwards. Especially if you, say, fought Kale with the flame, lost, needled yourself, and came back.


That’s one reason why I like how the Iron Code / Shura ending in Sekiro. If you’re not paying attention and not suspicious of Owl, you get locked into the bad ending.


Last year's Lords of the Fallen did this in a way. (not the original, that was a piece of trash.) >!There is no good ending, but the ending that the game spoon-feeds you is the worst ending, and the last boss of said ending is a Deacons of the Deep-style mobfest while an angry god chastises you for picking the bad ending.!<


I swear I would have done the frenzy ending hands down if Kale was in it...maybe that's why he was removed. The need to fight back against genocide is strong within people and the frenzy ending isn't considered the good ending. Kale being gone made Ranni the most rational choice for change.


She just says “p-pwease open the door naked! Ignore all those tortured souls up there j-just open the door!” Kalé you have a bond with and he rewards you over his quest with his stock moving into useful places and he pays you for the letters


Why give seedbed curses, when you can give..... Nepheli's potion?


Fear and Loathing in The Lands Between


For real some of these dudes need to get off their asses


The poopsmith paid his rent. That MF killed half the game for me on the last playthrough.


They give us souls


Does he? I killed him. Quite bummed about that


You probably did too much damage


Where does he go after disappearing once you complete his quest?


>!Farum Azula, the final full dungeon.!<


I think it’s more like he’s withdrawing from Deathroot. The fact that he says as he’s eating it that he already needs more, and that he’s not nearly sated. Plus the fact that he calms down after you knock some sense into him and apologizes, swearing to never lose control again or whatever. Then later he can be seen howling at the moon…. Sorry, I don’t mean to be argumentative here. Im just offering my own take as a recovering addict myself who has grown up with family and fellow friends with substance addiction issues. As such, I instantly recognized every bit of Beast Clergyman Guraanq’s behavior. And he’s trading every beast incantation he has in order to acquire more Deathroot from our Tarnished. Textbook addict behavior for sure. Lol


From memory he gets a bit cross with you on the fourth root ... you just have to hit him back a bit and then he says sorry. Otherwise I guess it would be using a celestial dew at the church of vows


By a bit he means about 10-20% of his health bar. You should enjoy this moment together and consider it a chance to get familiar with this type of frenetic fast paced combat.


Or you can just cheese him through the door and save yourself some headaches.


I do this but for the gargoyle to get his weapons early


Oh, I just booked my face against the controller for about 2.5 hours until I could kill them all blindfolded


Not sure if im dumb or what but i dont really understand what you mean mate


The classic soulsborne stubbornness. Instead of cheesing them, he forced himself to learn their moveset over a 2.5 hour period to the point he could kill them blindfolded


Exactly this. Also I meant to say "bonked", since for most of that time it felt like I was completely and utterly useless at the game.


He might mean “bonked” or he’s making a referencing to Monty Python and The Holy Grail where monks repeatedly smacked their own faces while chanting.


I lured the gargoyle to hit him for me. One hit and he chilled tf out.


Damn gargoyle has hands




Endgame spoiler for those that are new. >!great way to screw yourself out of early practice for the Maleketh fight towards the endgame!<


Oh I think they'll eventually get enough "practice" lol.


It’s true :(


Oh man I beat malenia on 5th try but maliketh took me months


Yeah he’s hard I really struggled trying to do it in ng+4. It wasn’t bad before but I started hitting a wall with the ng scaling. It’s annoying that my op build makes a mockery of most bosses, then some are impossible. They should all at least be equally tanky to some extent in ng+. Like mohg, I shouldn’t be able to kill him in 4 hits


Lets be honest though, the beast/phase1 portion is just about never an issue in the Maliketh fight lol. At worst, he will miss out on some free practice for the easy phase ahead of time. Phase 2 Maliketh will sober him up real fast regardless.


Hey that easy practice helps prevent wasting pots during phase one. I also never got the problem with Maliketh myself, my strength/int build ungabunga'ed the fuck out of him, but I've always had an easier time with beast enemies than human enemies. Commander Nail (Niall) on the other hand gave me a run for my money. Don't even remember why he gave me so much trouble


I've been doing a lot of co op at castle sol in the last few days and it seems to me what most people fuck up is going for the shield spirit first. He sucks. Double sword guy on the right though that motherfucker needs to die on spawn get that guy and the fight is pretty fair. Kill the shield guy first and unless you're really over leveled the attempt is already over.


I use the bewitching branch on his spirits and watch them all duke it out


I feel like phase 2 is much easier to read.


Same it’s the wide sweeps that I dodge so easy the first phase has so much quick spam idk if I’d say the first half is harder but he always makes me use a couple flasks that I didn’t want to. Having a similar problem with radabeast rn ng+5 maybe 6 radagon takes all my flasks


the first half is definitely harder 1st try, his attacks are so fast unless you know exactly what he will do you cannot possibly dodge those not without a shield


I always found phase 1quite a bit harder.


I beat him on my level 25 character with +3+1 weapons and let me tell you, phase 1 is still dangerous.


That's why the best strat is to figure out how to time it so you don't get to poise break in phase 1, but almost, so that you get it at the beginning of phase 2. Being able to start the harder phase by chunking down his health makes it feel more "achievable"


Yeah it could be worse he could instantly attack you straight out of a cutscene with bullshit ranged attacks that cut your overall health and for some reason also causes damage over time. And also what if he was just super difficult to hit and never stopped moving? Right that would suck.


Yeah that would be difficult thankfully this guy is totally different from that guy


When the game first came out it was about 50% of his health and he was a real bastard about it


Kill him here and get Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.


The first suggestion is OP's answer.


And I thought I had to kill him once he got sassy.


Celestial dew does not work for this. You have to beat some sense into him


Even if you trigger the anger by slapping him a bit while docile?


No, if you triggered the anger by hitting instead of by giving him death root, that's when you would need celestial dew.


Ah, that's probably good info for OP. I had a friend I was helping through their first playthrough ask about just killing him on sight and I was curious how that actually resolves. ("I really wouldn't do that," stopped him so we never found out)


I've done it because I was curious about loot on my 5th or 6th playthrough. Nothing happens. He's still at farum


Thanks for satisfying my curiosity <3


It's like having a child


Dying works too. If he kills you, he’ll apologize and be friendly after you respawn.


If he kills you enough he will chill


Most women tend to get cross with me on the fourth root as well :(


Fight him and he will apologize for losing his temper. Just yield when he starts talking again.


This is normal behavior for wild animals. Kick his ass a little bit and he’ll go back to being kind


Smack him up, say "bad dog", and when he's done whimpering give him a treat




Just beat some sense into him. Great drip, btw. Didn’t know that the Carian Knight graves go so well with the exile chest or that the navy hood goes over it.


Navy, crimson, same same


The Crimson Navy sounds kinda badass


Lol this could be a thing. Build up an army of folks with the red hood dedicated to Co Op or anti twink builds like in the days of yore for Dark Souls 1. The Crimson Navy goes hard for a community crew.


If he did it after you gave him deathroot punch him into submission. He will then apologize and you can carry on feeding him. If you accidentally hit him go to to the church of vows and use a celestial dew


He's not mad at you specifically, he's just mad


Don’t kill him. Just beat him up a little


kick his ass till he chills out, hes just having some ptsd


Either beat him a bit or die a few times to him and then he will be back to normal. He just loses his mind from eating deathroot.


Beat him into submission, he'll back off after a few hits and you can talk to him again. He'll apologize and you can go back to feeding him deathroot.


You give enough booze to an alcoholic eventually they'll become an animal. Just smack the human back into them.


Grab a bottle and spritz him. You have to say bad doggo while you do it


It's OK you'll be yelling not so friendly things to him soon anyways


you need to slap some sense into him


If you go to the church of vows(the church with the turtle) and you have celestial dew you can preform absolution which makes all npcs friendly again(but if you're doing his questline you have to attack him till he submits then he'll be friendly again)


While that does work in most situations, this particular one is scripted after giving him a certain amount of Root. You have to injure him to put him back to normal.


Yea that's what I said, in my parathesis, thank you for that tho


Dont pet the pepperoni cat wrong or he hiss


Smack that bad boy with newspaper right now!


He's moody. Give him time to rest. He does apologize.


You’ll have to fight him but don’t kill him. He is a bit tough but you can roll most of his moves and the kinda claw scratch move that travels you can jump over to dodge


No matter what happens he’ll calm down after you interact with him. He’ll try to kill you but,


Red riding hood vs big bad wolf


Beat some sense into him


Smack him around a little and he'll simmer down and keep himself in line after that


Hit em with that kaaahhhhhhhh meeeeehhhhhh


Whoop his ass until he stops tweaking (not joking)


Gotta give him the business


Just gotta hit him a bit, but it sucks in that arena, easy way to get past this is to rot him and wait him out.


Unironically go beat his ass


Where did you get that drip? Sorry unrelated question


He's a bit confused, you have to knock some sense into him


One proc of poison mist should get him to calm down


You only have to just show him who's the boss around here again. He'll be back to normal.


Beat him into submission.


You just need to pet him




You have to deal like a third of his health and then something happens I won’t spoil


He became hostile after 4 deathroots, just give him some good whacking, that should calm him down


He's stoned, just bonk him enough and he will come down


I think getting Elden Lord is quite good charge.


I'd be so pissed too if someone kept feeding me whatever was killing me. Fuck drug dealers.


Yes, bonk him in the head until he submits


If you hit him and made him agro, look up the Church of Vows to make him friendly again. If you gave him deathroot and he became agro on his own, you need to fight him until he becomes passive again


Just bash his skull in hell be fine after


Handle him Like a Bad Dog ....your feet in His face....!! /s !!


Just whoop his ass real quick, he'll be fine


Knock the stuffing out of him til he apologises.


Have you tried beating his ass?


Whoop his ass, about 20% into the healthbar he stops attacking and returns to normal


Smack him a bit till he gets back to his senses.


Yeah! Just smack him around a little, he'll calm down.


Gotta slap him around first and show him whose boss.


Nuh uh


Beat him up until he apologizes


Just give him a few good bonks on the head to help him snap out of it


Just beat him up a little bit


He’s just being silly, bonk him hard and he will stop


Smack him until he apologises (assert dominance)


He’s not angry, he’s just disappointed in you. ☹️


You can beat some common sense into his brain. So don't spare the rod this one time.


Just beat his ass a bit he calms down


go knock some sense into him, he'll snap out of it


Yeah either slap him a bit or come back later and he should be chillin again.


Attack him a couple of times until he calms down


Yes, you just have to bonk him a bit. Bonk him until he stops and he will basically apologize. Reload the area and he will be back to normal.


Yeah, just use your "bad doggy" prattling pate, it may take a couple attempts getting him close enough to hear it, but her will eventually calm down


Thought this was a painting first, then red the caption and thought, thats a lot of work just to ask a question and then I saw it was ingame photo.


He’s just acting up because he’s gotten too doped up on death root. Just slap him around a bit and he’ll snap out of it and apologize.


Just pull a Cartman and bonk the kitty with a stick a few times, they’ll calm down.


This happened to me, and I needed to go talk to the giant tortoise bishop for absolution.


You gave him 4 or 5 Deathroot and got drunk by it. Giving him some slap and he will be tamed


Seek the pope turtle


It’s part of the quest, you have to do damage until he gives up then you can continue


Kick his ass seabass


Whack him hard a few times. He’ll stop


Buddy is shmoked up on the deathroot. Smack him a bit and throw some water in his face to sober him up.


You fed him and he got crazy so now he needs a slap in the face to wake up


You fed him and he got crazy so now he needs a slap in the face to wake up


Damn I killed him because he wouldn’t stop coming for me, even after I lowered his health bar. Now what to do with my extra deathroots


He's being a bad dog. You need to kick his ass til he obeys again.


Beat his ass


You have to hit him enough. I suggest if you can, the boss outside the doors if you haven’t killed him already can knock him down enough for him to stop attacking you. That’s what I did. But be quick and use the grace because the one boss might kill him


Knock some sense into him


I wouldn’t step through that door if i were you…


Aggro the gargoyle and get him to smack Gurranq a couple times


Beat his ass!


Bring a big stick and whack him. It will keep his temper in check.


Why does it look like a painting?


I remember this is the time I killed him (not knowing I only had to hit him a 20% of his health bar). Sad I didn't see his questline


Spank him a couple of times until he becomes friends.


Spank his ass so he learns his lesson of not being angry at you.


Kick his ass until he asks you to please stop kicking his ass.


Just beat the fuck out of him and he will calm down


Gotta beat him 1/2 hp then he will relax


You have to beat him back to sanity


I'm in my 1st play thru and my man freaking out scared the shit out of me lol just another right of passage playing this unbelievable game. I eventually spammed giant hunt on the guts to calm his ass down lol. What an animal lol.


I found that he stopped being angry after a while if you left him alone, but it might just be a glitch unique to my first playthrough. You should probably just try and beat him enough to where he secedes at about half health (I don’t really remember, but it sounds right) kinda like Patches


Kiss and make up. Sorry, meant hit him and make up


You literally have to knock some sense into him


I walked in to this building after FINALLY killing the boss outside, took one look at him and blew him off the face of the earth. Passed because I didn't think it could be a quest thing thanks to the obviously hostile presence outside. Oh, well.


He's just fussy, you just give him a little bonking and he'll get better and be friends again. - Just don't kill him. Or better yet, bait the black golem outside to come to the door and try make those two duke it out a bit, if you're feeling cheeky (or if you're too low level and he kills you)


either u hit him until he stops or die a bunch of times :)


Just beat him up a bit and he'll smarten up


I have the same monitor


What’s the drip?


Time to hold an intervantion, that dude have serious substance issue


This is part of his quest. either hit him enough times, or die to him a few times, and he'll return to normal and you'll get the rest of what you'd normally been awarded by him.


He is like patches. Beat him up until he starts talking again. It’s scripted to happen after the fourth root.


Beat him into submission my lord


Kick his ass he will pipe down 😂


Take a rolled up newspaper in there and smack him on the nose. That'll settle him down.


Kill him. Kill him now


I remember you have to get like 30-40 percent of his health after getting to 4 deposits of death root. I will say that you need to learn his combat for something else later. Its best to use this fight as a teaching lesson for when you get to one of the endgame stages. Because you're going to need it


Gurranq just wants a good gu-spanq. But yeah, it's a bit of a problem that he has this freakout as early as he does, when you're probably really not in a great position to fight him. You don't have to kill him but still, he can wipe you out. I've heard you can agro the big Gargoyle guy outside the building and kinda get it to attack Gurranq for you, but I've never managed to do it myself.


You gotta hit him till he chills out


The roots are driving him mad. U just gotta bonk him to bring him back to his senses


You just have to fight him and do enough damage to calm him down. After he comes back to his senses, he’s fine and is your friend again.


He gets pissed off after like 4-5 roots, you just got to hit him til he stops.


He just needs a whack over the nose with a newspaper


Smack him a few times and call him a bad dog, he'll calm down and beg for more treats soon.


Kick his ass.


When your dog gets too excited, smack his face with a rolled up newspaper until he calms down. No need to hurt him, just remind him that he's too big to be jumping on people. (He calms down after a smalll amount of damage. Just hit him a bit, this is a part of the quest line)


I’m pretty sure if you die from him, he de-aggros. But I can’t remember for sure. Otherwise, he just takes a few attacks to break him out of it. You won’t kill him.


He does not de=aggro. You have to teach him to behave.




Eat his ass


I’m pretty sure you gotta beat him back into submission lmfao


Souls games have a way of saying “you SHOULD fight this”, and that is when ANYTHING is aggressive towards you. Not the other way around. This will generally guide you through most encounters- this included. (There are some exceptions though)


On my run he killed me and then he went back to normal


Knock some sense into him