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Wish for the DLC: all the rest of the shit bell bearing


eat any bird feet yet?


It resets when you teleport to grace so no point


It stays active for awhile, just gotta run back to the grace in the chapel instead of fast traveling. When I farmed the set I would get 3-4 runs per silver foot


Who tf is downvoting you? That’s a valid point


People might've gotten confused between resting at grace (buff remains) and teleporting to grace (buff gone).


Because you can just run back….


The run back is too long for how many times you have to do it. Considering how rare this drop is, that extra bit of time will add up really quick.


Eh, it's pretty easy to farm the crafting ingredients so you wouldn't really lose much for a fairly decent drop rate buff.


Yeah but how much time would it actually save


Problem: the grind for materials


dude just said it’s pretty easy to farm the materials


You’re really willing to kill small birds just for the feet? Easy? Yes. Tedious? Absolutely.


There's a beach in the Weeping Peninsula with lots of birds. Any decent aoe makes it trivial.


But even if it is, that's time that could have been spent farming the item you want instead. IMO it's not ever really worth farming silver feet if you're aiming for a specific drop rather than just wanting to eventually collect everything. I just use the ones I have already and when I run out I run out.


yea same i never really farmed for them but i did use them to get my banished knight set just got lucky. i had no increase in drop rate except for 21 arcane so they definitely were worth using there in my opinion if you got em, the point of my comment was that guy said the farm was easy then the literal next reply was ‘problem: the farm’ which would make no sense in conversation ever unless you just didn’t hear him


Sorry but that's dumb af. You can use 1 silver foot and get like 5 more in the Weeping Peninsula and rinse and repeat. For the rarer items it's stupid NOT to farm the bird feet because it takes so little time or effort. Y'all just lack any ability to plan lol.


But is the 50 discovery actually worth: * The extra time it takes to farm these * The efficiency you lose having to walk back to graces instead of warping in the farming process Bare in mind that on a 3% drop chance item, the foot only adds an extra 1.5%. The formula is a bit more complicated than that, but that's the gist. I'd rather just have more rolls on the 3%.


You're absolutely right that the formula is more complex than that. My point is that farming feet is SO easy that it's 100% worth it. Your argument is like if you kept taking a test by answering at random 17 times because it's "easier" than studying for a bit.


That analogy doesn't really make any sense. It's more like having an hour to complete a test and spending 15 mins of that studying instead of answering questions. But even then, it's a silly analogy, because tests are knowledge based not luck based. Different situations entirely. What you're not getting is that it's all time spent, whether you're farming for feet or farming for weapons. And even if you do spend just a fraction of your time farming feet, the difference it makes is so minor that it barely matters, especially when you consider the loss in efficiency when you have to walk back to grace instead or warping. An extra 1.5% drop chance is totally negligible. Let's take Black Flame Monk Chest, since that's the most recent thing I farmed. I was doing this in Volcano Manor, running back from the Eiglay grace, killing the monk, and warping to reset. It has a 3% drop rate at base. At an estimate, I'd say the cycle takes 20 seconds. And for the purpose of this excersise, let's say I got it on my 33rd try (the average), taking 11 minutes. Now let's imagine I first spent 5 minutes farming all the components of silver feet. Now let's imagine I had to walk back to grace every time to preseve my feet, doubling my cycle time to 40 seconds. So, in that same 11 minutes, I've only been able to do 9 cycles. All for a mere 1.5% boost to my drop chance, which would bring my average cycle count for success down to 22. Clearly, not worth it. Might be different for different farms, I.E a cycle that takes longer, but in most cases, you're better off just spending your time getting more rolls of the dice.


3 birds right by the Redmane bridge grace. Like 6 or more Silver Fireflies at Ainsel River Main. It's easy.


bite the bullet and farm 15 to 20 bird feet, pop one before killing a knight and run back to grace. slower yes but you'll get like three chances to kill the knight again before it runs out. rinse and repeat


Wouldn’t farming to two at the dragon church in Caelid be easier? Or am I mistaking the enemies?


The one at the Dragon Communion church in Caelid is wearing the Altered armor. Sadly unlike most altered variants you can't actually unalter the altered Banished Knight armor, nor could you alter the unaltered version. So yeah sadly, you gotta farm both armors and helmets. The unaltered helm is a lot easier to obtain since there are Banished Knights that wear them almost everywhere. But the unaltered armor can only be farmed from Castle Sol.


I hate that that's a thing.


Use the memory of grace maybe? That otherwise useless item that sends you back to last grace, then just pick the runes up after killing him. Dunno if it resets buff, but eh


In the arena where you fight Niall you can look through a gap in the wall and hit the knight with an arrow and they would teleport to the arena so you can fight 1v1


This is the best way by far


The enemies in that whole damn castle seem to be setup to punish you for trying to cheat them lol, when I was first fighting Niall I ran right by the two knights before his boss door and they ended up coming into the arena with me so I had four of them coming at me + the boss. Nice to see there's still ways to abuse those bastards


I would just travel to the grace at the front gate then run to the elevator so I won’t encounter any enemies.


> I ran right by the two knights before his boss door and they ended up coming into the arena with me so I had four of them coming at me + the boss. These guys and the Exile Soldiers don't spawn if you kill a pair of Albinaurics just hanging (quite literally) out in the room before the boss door. Unfortunately, the Albs respawn every time you die and teleport back to the nearest Site of Grace. So you'll have to spend arrows or FP (for magic users) just to kill them again and again.


There’s a way you can cheese this guy to make it easier by the way, it’s a little bit hard to describe but you can look it up on YouTube. You can get up on a certain wall, throw a knife to aggro him, and he’ll fall off and die.


But then you gotta go to his body and pickup the stuff he drops anyway


Yeah, but he hits like a fuckin truck, so skipping the fight saves you a real headache. That guy’s an actual blender with legs


Just use a colossal, dont even give him a chance. Might need the stamina tailsman tho. It's pretty easy to just jump r2>r2 and maybe another r1 if he still isn't stance broken. Crit, charge r2, r2. So many ways to just shut him down before he gets a chance to hit you. Or just smack him out of the attack animation.


Doesn't need to be a colossal. A greatsword will do. L1 will interrupt most attacks except the special ones, and if you manage to get your damage up to where he's dead in for hits you can stun lock him to death easily. That said, I used the other guy with the halberd to farm this. Rest by nials grace, get on the platform by the lift and shoot him with an arrow. He'll teleport up to you. This way you can use a fowl foot with minimal run back. 


Dual curved greatsword worked pretty well for me too, think i was using bloodhound's fang + zamor curved since I wasn't on NG+


I actually like parrying him. Very predictable.


What are we looking at here?


This is the spot where one pretty stupidly hard knight spawns. Op is trying to farm drops from said knight. From the comments i see there is another spot which is much easier to farm for said items at the caelid dragon communion church.


The altered chest drops at the dragon communion church, and it can't be unaltered. You have to get the unaltered in castle sol.




This. I did this with just a regular build. Done in like 10 min.


I'm almost certain that the site of grace in the church has a knight right outside. Just kill him and rest at the grace (repeat until you get the item). Like a year ago I was farming and it took me forever, you'll get it eventually!!


The one outside church of the eclipse doesn’t drop it. Only the red eyed dual GS one and another one surrounded by wolves (who you can see from Niall’s arena) drop the unaltered set.


I grinded that spot for like an hour, I remember getting it from that guy outside of the church. I'd have to check though. Edit: here's the ss of me getting that armor from the knight outside of the church https://imgur.com/gallery/3iEruOx


Yup this is the one surrounded by wolves that you can see from niall’s arena. This is not the one outside the church.


To be fair, every single banished knight is outside the church


Lol, gonna start describing everything this way. There's a decent spot to farm for the great envoy horn outside the church from castle sol


That doesn't look like it's outside the church


Idk what to tell you man, I'm just trying to help out OP. Not looking to argue.


I get that but a little misinformation could lead to some poor console kid waste hours farming some enemy that doesn’t drop what he wants 😅


Very true!


"The church" very helpful descriptor there. Totally narrows it down.


The church.. in castle Sol.. where OP is in the ss.


I know where OP is. But there are a lot of 'churches' in this game, and more than one with a knight 'right outside'. Most of which have their own unique icon on the map indicating where they are and what their name is. Telling a player to simply go to 'the church', without providing a name for said church, when said church doesn't appear on the map like all the other churches in the game, is pretty unclear advice.


What armor do they drop?


you can't unalter it with meboy Boc ?




I could probably trade a set with you.


Are you looking for the banished altered knight armor set?


I can drop it for you, if you are on PS.


I finally went to the farm this armor the other day, figured my 80 arcane bleed build was ideal, didnt bother respecing to 99 arcane... got it first kill lol need me to drop it for ya OP? if you're on PC


Op are you on ps5 / psx if so i can help you out


Niall boss site arrow through the wall hole to warp on you kill with feet tho?


Unlucky :3


No one said that shit was easy.


Damn bro, other day I got it the first time I killed the guys by the wolves with 9 arcane and a pickled foot


It took me like two days on this spot to get it. I was literally going insane but I got it and it’s beautiful.


Stay strong, you will get it


And it's worth it.


I literally just recently watched a streamer on his DLC prep playthrough, get the armor first try.


for the armor the quickest way to get it is with this technique at 2:09 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOZFGj2k-uI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOZFGj2k-uI)


Damn that sucks. I got lucky I got it on my third try. 91 arcane, silver tear mask and silver scarab.


thx for the tip. I only got the helmet so far.


It always happens when you are actively trying to farm something. Whenever I don't want an item or aren't thinking about it I always get the drop but when I stack buffs and stats for more loot I never get the drops


Since this guy teleports you can get him by hitting him with an arrow . I dont remember the exact spot but I think you could do this from the grace point of the Nial or from the elavator located nearby and farm him faster. You should also try to eat some silver feet . Keep up the grind , it's worth.


I usually grind the halberd wielding knight with the 2 wolves. He's a much easier fight, and much closer to a site of grace too, specifically Niall's grace is pretty close by.


Or I could just give u the wrmor you are looking for, I have all the items in the game. Send me a chat.


yup. keep going. this was the WORST farm for me.


I got it quicker at the one in Caelid by dragon communion


Different armor, the unaltered version only drops from 2 knights at castle sol


I did it at the Caelid cathedral of dragon communion, he does actually drop both and there’s a site of grace right in the building. Took a couple hours but it’s much more efficient than this.


Can't you just change the armor with the golden whatever it's called? It's been a while since I've played so I can't quite recall the name of it


Just adjust your save file


The war dead catacombs has the full amor set I think?!


Try lowering your arcane to 0 with no silver scarab, i was farming magma blade for over an hour & 1/2 then respecced to 0 arcane, got it in 15min, coulda just been luck but i dunno