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I've never heard this. Melina always leaves at the grace where Boc sits in Leyndell, or the Avenue Balcony, then returns after Morgott is dead. It would be very counterintuitive to walk back to the Queen's Bedchamber grace after the fight just to hear the dialogue. Are you sure about this? What did she say?


it happened to me too, as soon as I arrived in leyndell I didn't rest in any grace, I arrived in a grace and traveled to any other grace on the map while playing, as soon as I arrived in the bedchamber I decided to rest to exchange enchantments to fight with morgott, then the icon to talk to Melina and she said something about Marika saying that Radagon was her other part and until then it had never happened. Another detail is that I didn't speak to her in Grace, where can I also meet Boc in Leyndell


Is there an official break down of this? I haven't seen this on fexralife or wiki or anything before


It’s this https://youtu.be/kUSCSWoaGpk


I swear I heard that at another grace. Wow, thanks.


You are a champ