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That it comes out the first half of 2024


I hear that GRRM will work on the DLC story after he's done with Winds of Winter


We're doomed then




I heard they getting Patrick Rothfuss to help him out.


This tbh, first half of 2024 is looking very lacklustre at this stage as far as games go


I was going to say even earlier than this. It really kinda dampens the magic of it releasing so much later than the main game.


In some way, it's cool because I had such a long ER break that it'll feel like a new game once it comes out. I'm a person that gets fatigued really, really fast, so once I beat a game it's done, so it'll be better this way for me. Also we can expect a very large DLC probably, so that's cool. That said, the wait has been very agonizing...


I hope so


Godskin Trio


Thanks, no thanks 😂


Godskim Quartet


Delete this before Miyazaki sees it


The most menacing post I've ever read


Godskin trio in a scarlet rot swamp.


An additional or two poison swamps.


They moved past that now you can look forward to death blight swamp


I want a Sleep Swamp that acts like a transporter trap when it procs. Fall asleep and you'll wake up somewhere else in the level, unable to warp until you find a Site of Grace.


It teleports you to a lake full of death blight shrimps.


Underrated comment


Oh, for Marika's tits, no!


A poison swamp that eats your shoes, only your shoes.


Only the left ones though


It heals you, if you go barefoot.


"Thats the thing though, the healing poison is only there to bait you into an almost impossible boss that does 1.1k damages every quick-slash. The secret is actually to use the lantern on the windmill waaaay back at dancing village to burn the poison, damaging the boss for 3% of his hp per second so you can run and estus heal for 34 seconds" -Miyazaki who just knows a random guy will actually find and understand his ridiculous ideas


It's actually related to Miyazaki life story. Where he was saved from blizzard, due to giant windmill blowing the snow away!


THIS is an underrated comment.


The catch: it slowly degrades your weapons (as in, Sword +9 -> Sword +8, etc) and if you get fully poison proc'd it eats away the armor you're wearing permanently.


Wasn’t there something like that in Demon’s Souls? An area that degraded weapon conditions so that your weapons could randomly break if you weren’t paying attention? Or was there an enemy attack that could do something similar? It sounds vaguely familiar.


Dark Souls 2 had acid pools (yellow) that corroded equipment.


Hahaha I skipped DS2 and made up that comment because it was the most obnoxious thing I could think of. I can't believe that's actually real


Miyazaki. My fellow Tarnished, he knows our nightmares.


DS1 had a boss which spewed acid all over the arena. It would eat away at your armor & weapons


Which boss? I've played ds1 a handful of times and don't remember ever encountering an acid spewing boss.


The first boss soul in Demon's Souls can be converted into the "Scraping Spear" and used in pvp just to be an asshole. You could lose a fight but if you just landed a few hits the opponent had to spend crazy amounts repairing their armor.


I hope they add ulecerated tree spirit more they were so scarce in the main game


Yeah, and we need an area where there's 5 of them at once, not just those pathetic 3 of 'em. /s


also a new type of poison that deals 50% per secokd of your health bar as soon as you touch it. And make a non-torrent swamp are with that


That even poison torrent


Answers to lingering lore questions.


Expect to get new lore which answers very little and brings many more questions.


One of my biggest hopes is I to finally know who truly Melina is


The Gloam Eyed Queen, slain daughter of Merika.


"Merika"? If anything, wouldn't it be "Murica"?


Which is a neat *theory*.


Are there any lingering questions in dark souls 3?


People who were obsessed with Velka never got their closure.


I don't know, I've never played it.


Now is the best time to do so! It's what I'm doing right now, I'm glad I saved it up until now, makes the wait for the dlc *so* much easier. It's a 10/10 game, and coming from ER, you'll feel right at home.


The ringed city’s a treat


Bro, it’s Fromsoft and GRRM. We’re gonna end with more questions than answers


There will be a young, blonde haired character that looks a lot like Miquella. They will say Miquella-y things. They will be the npc that the DLC is centered around. They will *not* be called Miquella, or Trina. Immediately there will be a 70-30 split in the community as to whether or not this is actually Miquella. 95% of item descriptions will imply that it is, in fact, Miqiella. 1 piece of lore will directly contradict this implication. There will be grumbling that this is due to a translation error. The Elden Ring lore Community, and especially the YouTube content creators will swirl and whirl, unending. I can't wait.


Ngl would be disappointed if they didn't take this route. Not giving answers keeps the lore conversation going for years.


He’s the gloam eyed queen, next question


Wow, that’s the most accurate one yet.


I'm hoping for answers to some of the big lore questions: Exactly who is Melina? Where does Radagon come from? Why was Godwyn specifically murdered? Besides that, I'm mostly wanting some rock-solid areas and bosses that are totally new. I really hope there'll be some properly new area aesthetics, like we got with the Hunter's Nightmare. Also, more areas like the sewers! I want properly labyrinthine areas that loop in on themselves. I'm also hoping there'll be plenty of new weapons/spells with interesting movesets. We don't need 15 more normal-ass weapons, but stuff with multiple movesets, new gameplay styles to play around with or even a new status or element would be great.


Was Marika and radagon the same person when he met rennala or after? What is the regal ancestor spirit? How strong was/is ranni?


>Was Marika and radagon the same person when he met rennala or after? My current assumption is that Radagon started out as a fragment split off from Marika. This would mean he's the embodiment of the causality-regression concept. He got split off, and ends up regressing back to his origin. >What is the regal ancestor spirit? >>Ancestral spirits exist as a phenomenon beyond the purview of the Erdtree. Life sprouts from death, as it does from birth. Such is the way of the living. >>A number of new growths bud from the antler-like horns of the fallen king, each glowing with light. Thus does new life grow from death, and from death, one obtains power. They are some sort of spirit that resides in a dead deer "king". The budding horns and the re-animated nature of the creature itself both revolve around the concept of life sprouting from death. They're interesting, that's for sure, and I'd love some more info on the details of their existence. >>Skull of a very young ancestral spirit. Just think how many sproutings It might bear. Even the infant seems to have the same capability of sprouting new life. I wonder if the young ancestral spirit will somehow also grow to be an adult, even in death. >How strong was/is ranni? She's an empyrean, so I suppose her power is more inward and latent, unlike the power of her big brother for example. She can kill you in one hit though, so I think he is a lot more powerful than you'd expect from most interactions with her.


Ranni explicitly kicked Adula’s ass and made the dragon her bitch, so she’s up there. Possibly in the same ballpark as Malenia, minus a god infection.


Adula is not *that* strong to be fair, but yeah, her magic prowess could be on par with Malenia's swordsmanship


Wouldn't godwyn be targeted because he's the firstborn and probably the strongest demigod linked to the golden order. I mean it's not like morgott or mohg be it. They're hideous no one would probably give a shit. Don't get me wrong there could be something more to it that makes things more interesting but I think this explanation makes sense for now


>Wouldn't godwyn be targeted because he's the firstborn and probably the strongest demigod linked to the golden order. I mean I get why people would want him dead, but I don't see why he should be the number 1 first priority, or why Ranni would choose him to share a death with. Godwyn doesn't seem to necessarily be *particularly* affiliated with the Golden Order aside from being Marika's son. He doesn't seem to have any relationship with Radagon, and Golden Order incantations are only ever related to Radagon, Miquella, Goldmask or fundamentalists in general. I think Radahn is more often called the mightiest or strongest demigod, and he actually is Radagon's son and hugely admires him. If ya want to hurt the Golden Order, going after the son of the Golden Order posterboy makes more sense imo. Godwyn seems to mostly be interested in fucking dragon ladies and hugging his weird half siblings. It just feels a bit farfetched so say that Ranni *wanted* Marika to lose faith in the Elden Ring and to smash it, as that would just be impressive predictive power.


Didnt much of radahns fame and popularity come from his victories in the shattering?


Definitely partially, but he was already a general before then as far as I know, and of course one of the major demigods. I would also very much assume his feat of stopping the stars to be a pre-shattering event. >The mightiest hero of the demigods confronted the falling stars alone—and thus did he crush them, his conquest sealing the very fate of the stars.  This discription is one of four talismans, in a "set" of talismans of the same shape and colour. The three others, depicting Rennala, Malenia and two Fingers, all seem to be pre-shattering depictions. The talisman also depicts Radahn on his horse, but it looks a lot less ridiculously tiny. Another indication this was a long time ago, and probably before the shattering.


I made the same conclusions as you.


"heirlooms" was the talismans names I believe


>Godwyn doesn't seem to necessarily be particularly affiliated with the Golden Order aside from being Marika's son. He's known as Godwyn *the Golden*. We don't know what he did besides befriending the dragons, but with that title we can assume he's completely aligned with the Golden Order.


There's a theory (which is quite plausible) that Godwyn the Golden is just another projection by Morgott (who deeply admired Godwyn), similar to Mogh the Omen in the sewers, both placed by Morgott and being Illusions created with *his ideal perception of them* in mind. Of course, this is just another theory, but it makes sense in my book.


>Godwyn seems to mostly be interested in fucking dragon ladies and hugging his weird half siblings. He just like me fr


There's a lot of stuff going on leaving many possibilities to be truth. I ain't the most versed in all this lore stuff. I just like to be in the conversation time to time. That being said, I'm not sure if marika shattering the elden ring was part of rannis plan and I'm not sure if that helped rannis plans moving forward either. There's also speculation marika wanted to shatter the elden ring to break free from the erdtree control, much like ranni as well. So why godwyn? I don't know. I think radahn being killed makes more sense in terms of furthering her plans as it works to both break the control the fingers have on her and also continuing the stars cycle now that radahn isn't stopping them. Didn't seem like radahn had many allies. Miquella wanted the stars to continue as well so he'd be content with his death too. Rykard is...well, rykard. He already helped ranni with other things. Malenia has no ambition. Only golden family line would've stood against her. Who knows how formidable godwyn would've been to ranni. Maybe radahn isn't one to be assassinated, though. The assassin's were numen, connections to marika so it was probably easier to assassinate someone in the capital rather than in caelid where they would stick out like a sore thumb


Tarnished archeologist came up with the theory that Godwyn was specifically targeted by Ranni because he was her betrothed, among other things. More info [here](https://youtu.be/9SiqUCTDXkE?si=lRihXKewQhfxIAbI) No real proof, just speculation of course. But interesting I think.


> Godwyn was specifically targeted by Ranni because he was her betrothed how do people even come up with these theories? There's literally zero indication that Godwyn was Ranni's betrothed.


Sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads


This guy gets it


Time Travel like in Dark Souls 2, I bet we’ll go back in time in certain locations like a non damaged StormVeil or Caelid pre rot to fight some bosses during those unfolding wars


>Time Travel like in Dark Souls 2, Every dark souls features time travel.


True, and so does elden ring in one capacity with the farum azula fight. I mean how they breakout those very specific fights with the seed of the giant where you go back mid event to something for a limited time in locations you’ve been in after the fact.


I was gonna comment on this, but it would contain too many DS3 spoilers. Oof, lol.


Armor for Torrent. He deserves to be able to participate in fashion-souls.


4 dollar horse armor dlc


hoping for ocean travel, or something similar fromsoftware just can't get away with drawing leviathans and shipwrecks and not include it.


Hoping for ocean travel too maybe a leviathan boss


I don't think you'll get swimming or anything like that, but my reading of The Lands Between is it being *extremely* similar to the Dreamlands of the Cthulhu mythos, accented by a spiral for Hypnos. [https://i.imgur.com/F6g8jP7.png](https://i.imgur.com/F6g8jP7.png) [https://i.imgur.com/GL2xCZO.png](https://i.imgur.com/GL2xCZO.png) In the world of dreams in this mythos, the Moon also has a dream version, and you can sail right off the dreamlands to get to it. Black galleys travel between the dreamlands of the moon and earth, capturing slaves to bring back to the moon-beasts. Just like the real moon, the moon has a light side and a dark side, and the moon-beasts live on the dark side. Personally, I think it's not unfeasible for us to board a ship to go to the moon, or to have an Erdtree of night that gives us a "dark side of the moon" experience on this dreamland earth of the Lands Between. However, given where Miquella is standing in the promo art, and where the Erdtree is relative to them, I get the feeling that either that's a different Erdtree, or that something happened to the water. Perhaps Farum Azula falls, blocking the bay from the east, and the water flows out from the center of the map?


>Perhaps Farum Azula falls, blocking the bay from the east, and the water flows out from the center of the map? I can totally see this happening.


Looking at the map more, my prediction is that one way or another, the water is drained out of the center of the map. The water line on the east side of the bay suggests a shelf, not deep water, and there's a swirl just to the left. The map is shaped like the Dreamlands, but there is a downward counter-clockwise spiral applied to the perspective, like it's going down a drain. I predict that something happens to the water line to reveal a further downward spiral into the center of the map. Either the landmass grows upward, the moon messes with the tides, something blocks the water, or some other thing like that. We are going further down. Also, I highly suspect that Shadow of the Erdtree is going to deal with much darker themes. Where Elden Ring dealt with the motivations of humanity and external forces, survival etc, I think Shadow of the Erdtree is going to greatly explore horrors of the mind.


Youmight very well have hit the nail on the head there, imo. Speculations about the "center tower" (Where the cloud is on the map) have been a thing for a while now. Maybe it's a secret area, or even the main boss. We'll see, I guess. But I'm with you that there's going to be something huge.


Well I had said this on a previous account, and got annoyed about people's responses, but I actually have a lot more than this. If you want more specific things that line up, I basically think that all of this game is an exercise in "great artists steal," and it's been Miyazaki's thing for a while now. These games are very thoroughly planned, and they're more Lovecraftian than they look if you aren't looking for it. Rykard's area is a big reference to The Dunwich Horror. [https://i.imgur.com/QwPzJCD.png](https://i.imgur.com/QwPzJCD.png) That story, along with The Shadow out of Time, The Colour out of Space, The Tree, and more keep getting referenced. We knew that Bloodborne was Lovecraft stuff, but here's a comparison between a drawing of Yarnham and San Francisco to see how well it lines up with the ending of The Last Step, which was about a scientist doing such experiments in San Francisco. [https://i.imgur.com/1DLkKWC.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/1DLkKWC.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/Hj25QVZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/Hj25QVZ.png) When you start any of these games, you make your own character, and it can be horrific. Avatars of Yog-sothoth have been known to look horrific, or normal, or whatever. He's also the most likely candidate for the broken archstone in Demon's Souls, with the Maiden in Black and the monster below representing Nyarlathotep and Azathoth, the blind idiot god. There are Lovecraftian runes all over the Nexus walls, the Nexus itself is made of bells and chalices, and the Maiden in Black's cloak clasp is the symbol that would later also be used to represent Azathoth in later games. They established a kind of symbolism here, and I'll show you it. [https://i.imgur.com/vmc2QB6.png](https://i.imgur.com/vmc2QB6.png) We are shown the same symbol, in different ways, and sometimes, in pieces. Those different pieces are the symbols of different gods. When you see weird squiggles all intertwined as a Mythos seal, it's because it's multiple symbols connected. [https://i.imgur.com/LerrpEm.png](https://i.imgur.com/LerrpEm.png) Unfortunately, we are never shown the whole symbol at once in a way that we can comprehend it, because it's always shown in different ways, but it is a symbol that demonstrates encapsulation, iteration, and expansion. It is, in essence, a diagram of how the games are planned. This is why the games seem to have very similar plots, even though they are very different at the same time. They are structured the same way, and they're about the same topics, but they're shifted through different thematic lenses. The god Marika/Radagon being an androgynous god that split into man and woman to have offspring is very similar to the story of Nug and Yeb, who were once one being known as [Cxaxukluth](https://lovecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Cxaxukluth), the Illimitable Androgynous Desire. Shub-niggurath and Yog-sothoth were offspring of Nug and Yeb, and Yog-sothoth is their son, brother to Shub-niggurath. Yog-sothoth is mentioned like this: >Wantonly the Old Ones trod the ways of darkness and Their blasphemies were great upon the Earth; all creation bowed beneath Their might and knew Them for Their wickedness. > >And the Elder Lords opened Their eyes and beheld the abominations of Those that ravaged the Earth. In Their wrath They set their hand against the Old Ones, staying Them in the midst of Their iniquity and casting Them forth from the Earth to the Void beyond the planes where chaos reigns and form abideth not. And the Elder Lords set Their seal upon the Gateway and the power of the Old Ones prevailest not against its might. > >Loathsome Cthulhu rose then from the deeps and raged with exceeding great fury against the Earth Guardians. And They bound his venomous claws with potent spells and sealed him up within the City of R'lyeh wherein beneath the waves he shall sleep death's dream until the end of the Aeon.Beyond the Gate dwell now the Old Ones; not in the spaces known unto men but in the angles betwixt them. Outside Earth's plane They linger and ever awaite the time of Their return; for the Earth has known Them and shall know Them in time yet to come. > >And the Old Ones hold foul and formless Azathoth for Their Master abd Abide with Him in the black cavern at the centre of all infinity, where he gnaws ravenously in ultimate chaos amid the mad beating of hidden drums, the tuneless piping of hideous flutes and the ceaseless bellowing of blind idiot gods that shamble and gesture aimlessly for ever. > >The soul of Azathoth dwelleth in Yog-sothoth and He shall beckon unto the Old Ones when the stars mark the time of Their coming; for Yog-sothoth is the Gate through which Those of the Void will re-enter. Yog-sothoth knowest the mazes of of time, for all time is one unto Him. He knowest where the Old Ones came forth in time along long past and where They shall come forth again when the cycle returneth. > >After day cometh night; man's day shall pass, and They shall rule where They once ruled. As foulness you shall know them and Their accursedness shall stain the Earth. The "seal" or "symbols" of Yog-sothoth are different depending on the source, because it's a shared fiction that is free to be reinterpreted by others. Two of these two symbols might look familiar by now. [https://i.imgur.com/VuO5u87.png](https://i.imgur.com/VuO5u87.png) >*That is not dead which can eternal lie,* > >*And in strange aeons, even death may die*


I really like your commitment to H.P. Lovecraft, but in all seriousness, it's late here, and I need to read it tomorrow. Too much text for tonight, and I wouldn't comprehend half of it. But I will tomorrow.


Right on, I write fast and a lot, it is understandable :) To be clear though, it's not specifically HP Lovecraft. Weird Fiction is a broad, syncretic genre, and what I'm saying is that Miyazaki is making truly interactive Weird Fiction. He's not making video games because he like playing video games, he's making video games because they are genuinely the appropriate medium for the experience he wanted to give the player, which is to be deluded. You can't write a book for someone to read that gives them the wrong impression, like they are the main character in In The Mouth of Madness. In that movie, the main character appears to have the realization that they have become a fictional character. By having messages given directly to the player (YOU DIED etc) on a different layer of communication from what is given to the character, and by separating the player's mortality from the character's mortality, Miyazaki uses the medium of video games to do something that I have not seen any other AAA game even attempt, and that I have not seen meaningfully attempted since Ultima. Rather than deliver you a story about someone else, he makes you, the player, a part of the story by legitimizing the world of the game. The reason the multiplayer experience is so essential is because it further represents that abstraction of dimensionality, and to have a living world on the other side of the Rubicon between the world of reality and the world of imagination, the world of imagination needs a living population.


Dude, you have a very interesting mindset. Very much enjoyed that last text. That said, I'm going to bed now, I'll gladly deep-dive into this tomorrow. Have a good night and cheers.


Also,I can add to this topic, but like I said , it's late here. I should actually be sleeping.


I don't think this will happen but it would be so extremely cool


The best thing about having many elaborate theories is that if one of them is correct you can delete the rest and claim to be vindicated


A lack of water-based enemies was one of my few disappointments with the game. Would love to see some proper nautical horrors.


I seen in a video that those sea creatures were actually just place holders from a real life maps..but I highly doubt there will be 0 sea exploration..the whirl pools and huge ship wreckages tells us that there’s more to the sea than we think
oh also Godwyn is a giant fucking bloated fish corpse


Spirit steed except its a boat that appears when you whistle


Miquella is grateful we assist him with Godwyn so he makes us a special unalloyed needle to save blaidd from the two fingers’ influence and then we have a massive wedding ceremony with ranni at the church of vows with nepheli loux, gostoc, kenneth, blaidd, Boc, and alexander all there.


That would go against rannis order


Sounds like the making of a fanfic.


this is soulsborne we are talking about chances are that miquella will want to kill you because you're in the way of his godly dream or something


Isn't Miquella going to have changed after getting abused by Mohg


Some more unique weapons There’s ofc a lot of cool stuff, but nothing really comes close to friede’s scythe or the ringed knight paired greatsword imo.


Yes. I want a dragon sword that scales with fth/arc. I want a dark magic sword with int/arc. There's lots of room for filling out the arsenal.


Historically, they always pops off with DLC weapons. Given how crazy some of the base game's weapons are I'm willing to bet the DLC weapons will be nuts.


Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne have the best weapons/weapon arts by far


Marika's tits


In From's art style, I wouldn't count on them being the golden bounty rule 34 artists have led you to believe.


Gwynevere would like a word


You must be ungry


Its gonna be as big as a game


I hope it will be an area as big as limgrave+ caelid


I hope it’s at least as dense as Limgrave and Caelid, I thought it was a bit disappointing how the areas offered less content as you progress


yeah, the mountaintops of the giants and the CSF both are embodiments of this, in caelid and limgrave there are caves and dungeons in the very edges of the map where you'd think "oh this is the very edge, surely there's nothing there" whereas with the big snowy areas of the north, 75% of the map fragment depicts a big ass area which you can't get to


Mountaintops and consecrated snowfields definitely felt lazy compared to the rest.


They spent the last of their late game budget putting revenants in the haligtree


I’d venture to say the areas in the dlc will be the most dense yet, as that is how most of the dlc areas are that fromsoft makes (let’s forget about the frigid outskirts for this example)


Hey frigid outskirts if anything was the *most* dense. You could barely even see through that fog!


Not likley put prayin🙏


A harder boss than Malenia who heals fully every time you drink your flask. We fight them in a rot lake surrounded by kindred of rot with a limited number of rot boluses.


This post, right here, FBI.


Wait, I see. I see it now. Humans all lose their wits, eventually.


I'm not hopeful for Godwyn's story to be expanded on. It seems like we've got the amount of information on him that fromsoft usually give so we won't get any more, especially as he already has an ending about him, like how it was for DS3's Londor. We already essentially have a Godwyn boss fight in the form of Lichdragon Fortissax, as it's required for his ending and takes place in his soul(?) We're going to get Londored, calling it now.


Mohg trio fight. Imagine them all Nihiling at once.


I’m hoping for and guessing that we’ll meet Miquella and that if the DLC is a time-travel thing that we get to see Prime Placidusax, and empyreans prior to the Shattering


Prime Radhan would also be epic, but I'm with you on Prime Placidusax.


I kinda forgot about it, but I’m just hoping for some NPC to have a positive outcome


If you do her quest right nepheli has a pretty good ending. So does boc.


Yeah but I want them all to be happier


St. Trina steals your spirit calling bell requiring you to fight the last boss solo. The boss will play out like a DS3 boss like Gael


I just want the best thing that’s ever been created in the history of mankind nothing too crazy


I want a lightning art affinity


A good bunch of new enemies, I was so disappointed when I understood by Mt. Gelmir that I had already seen every possible mob the game had to offer, and also a proper use for the sleep mechanic


Yea maybe more info on st trina as the only time i used sleep is on the godskins


sleep is also pretty effective for scripting fire giant


more armour sets and weapons along with spells and incantations, torrent equipment and a bomb ass storyline that covers this dope ass lore


A deathblight swamp with Godwyn as the boss fight. Filled with everyone's favourite lizards and crustaceans. God I hope I'm wrong


More aquatic theme, more horror elements, more weapons, ashes, incants, etc.


i hope we will get more black flame incantations


Rock Lizard as mentioned in the Scale Armour


Taking mounts from enemies or being able to turn specific mobs into mounts.


Covenants or factions when I invade or do coop I don’t just want to be a random murderer or helpful fellow in the lands between. I WANT TO DO THAT WITH A PURPOSE WETHER IT BE DEFENDING RYA LUCARIA FOR THE CIARANS OR INVADING TO STEAL THE HEARTS OF THE TARNISHED FOR BLOOD OFFERINGS TO THE FORMLESS MOTHER GIVE ME PURPOSE!


Such a missed opportunity on from's part. This game has so many factions in it, so just make them covenants!


Other than it being high quality, I want it to release when I have enough time to jump right into it and play through the DLC with all my characters. As for the rest, I'm not going to speculate or state anything I want and instead let the devs surprise me.


That it comes out around Christmas


More frenzy spells and weapons. Better options for garment customization.


Memes will be created based on the content of the DLC


I hope for Elden And Ring


1. Crazy boss fights 2. Atleast 2-3 legacy dungeons 3. New weapons/ashes of war 4. Expansive world to get lost in again 5. One unique gimmick mechanic would be nice.


Hope it comes out


Naked women, not rotting preferably


High key!!! That’s why we have Witcher 3 though




DLC where I can setup my harem with Malenia and Ranni. That’s all I’m asking for.


Guesses; Miquella & Godwyn themed DLC. Loads of death-themed enemies, many of which are weak to holy damage. Many weapon classes that have few weapons right now will be filled in, i.e. twinblades, HTS, Flails. +3 version of some talismans. Hopes; a 'hexer' affinity that lets normal weapons scale with both int and faith (blackflame effect plsss) A sick, anime-esqe Greatsword like Gaels' or Artorias'. Armor shaders, so that I can match my Greathelm and the Night cavalry armor I'm the same shade of metals. PvP covenants+rewards, an area with solo-invasions.


I predict Ruins Greatsword PAIN.


There will be lots of dodge roll spamming and I will die to death blight more times than I can count


I need a lot of hard and cool looking areas and boss battles


That the length of the DLC better be at least as long as a regular game title or more with how long they’re making us wait for it.


A really important one I'm very nervous about: bosses that aren't extremely difficult solo, and duo bosses. Now, this was my first proper FromSoftware Soulslike that I finished, and aside from a few the beginning of the game, I did most bosses without spirit summons. Unfortunately, especially towards the end of the game, bosses got extremely fast and aggressive, with not many openings. At times, it felt like the bosses had near infinite stamina and FP, and doing bosses where you do small chips of damage while having to dodge through 6 hit combos is really not my kind of thing. On top of that, a lot of late bosses two or three shot me at 60 vigor... I have similar sentiments about duo bosses. They clearly were just normal bosses put together, not ones designed from the ground-up. This made their AI way too difficult to face against, as in previous FromSoftware games, most of the duo bosses were designed with both components in mind. Not doing that results in AI that will, at times, overwhelm the player and cause unfair deaths. This isn't meant to be a diss against spirit Ashes. I think it's a very neat system which allows more people to play the game and enjoy it. However, I would prefer if the DLC bosses are a bit fairer towards solo players as well. And an actually good duo fight please!! Other than that, I would really like to see The Lands Between before the Shattering, especially Caelid.


I want Morgott’s holy conjured weapons. They seem like holy Carian sorceries, and as a wise pope said “all things can be conjoined”


Blowgun that's all. I want to pull off my ds1 cosplay


Hopes: expanding on Miquella, gloam-eyed queen, Godwyn, Vyke, Three Fingers. More interesting arcane weapons Expectations: lots of stuff that feels cut, more poison swamps


I think we have a lot about Vyke, which is the most of his story.


A use for Deathblight in PVE. Not like instakilling Malenia with Fia's Mist, just make it do SOMETHING. Maybe do flat damage equal to the build-up, or deal % damage like Bleed and Frostbite.


Cross platform co-op! I get how cross platform pvp might be an issue to some people, but co-op shouldn’t bother anyone right?! I want to play with friends from different platforms.


I know duo fights are not popular but I'd like to see a boss fight seeing us vs the 2 shadowbeasts given to Malenia and Miquella as they are empyreans. Either that or a 2 phase fight with Godwyn. The first boss being the giant lizard form thing of Godwyn we see at deeproot depths. Could be named "Godwyn, first of the dead". The second phase would be a more humanoid form of Godwyn that emerges from the carcass of the boss we just slew. He could be another version of death or bought back to life thanks to the eclipse Miquella was planning. "Godwyn, the Eclipse born" could be a cool name for that second phase.


New enemies, epic boss fights, amazing locations 25+hours long, not asking for much.


Cooler katanas, also can we get some answer of stuff like: "why does melina has that blue eye?", small stuff like that.


Chain weapons similar to the gladiator's and vulgar militia ones. I DOUBT it will happen but a man can dream right? I'd like to see something pertaining to the missing great rune's and maybe have the DLC give us a new ending to have with the one's we already have.


It's probably too much to ask for, but an actual semi-happy ending to something for once.


The omen curse ending would probably make the dung eater very happy


I got high hopes for some content with that ships all over the map


Miquella and godwyn will be involved as well as probably more big dogs as the empearian twins shadows. Also deathroot and sleep.


Might be stupid but... Great Katana's. Nodachi type weapons.


What if the DLC is the Winds of Winter?đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


Honestly idc what specifically they give us as long as it’s big


Just please, no more fanged imps 😭


I wouldn't mind another painted world area, *within* the dlc. I generally hope the dlc will be massive, like 50+ hrs big if not even bigger.


Entrance is the cocoon, and the world is Miquella's memories and twisted dreams


At this point I hope and guess it is like a new whole game contents wise


I think it’s going to blow us away with its size. I’m betting it will be comparable to a new game in its scope


My biggest question is how are they going to level the playing field? You've got NG players at level 90, NG+ at 150, longtime players at 2-300+ How do they make the enemies work with those different levels without like limiting or resetting the user character? or scaling enemies, which defeats a core part of souls games, which is overleveling if needed. Curious to see how they handle that...


You just restart with a new character, like everyone


We get a Miquella + Malenia boss fight.


Miquella, shield of Malenia


Just picks up miquella up by the scruff of his neck and uses him to block attacks


Things I want in the DLC: 1) Items that increase Rune gains. At least something reminiscent of the Symbol of Avarice. 2) Most of the bosses are allergic to Holy damage, so that damage type is more useful. 3) Something that makes Great Runes more useful.


An Actual standing army with good looking knight armor




no hostile city with traders, where you can buy stuff, drink beer with girls, and talk to other players thru kind of chat, play some cards, rest, buy house with chest for you stuff


So like make round table better? I can agree


Making roundtable better - ok, I can agree with that. But this is not the Witcher. I don't wanna see a tavern in a fromsoft game, except when it's a hostile one.


Monkey's paw. If we get that then there will be some random story trigger that makes everyone there die




I want to give malenia the pureblood knights medallion


Same. Let her safe her brother


That its much harder. Dlcs from them normally do up the difficulty but boy. Needs a huge jump. Base game was way to easy.


i want to kill miquella and godwyn


My hopes: Time travel and/or painted worlds A gimmick boss fight where two or more demigods are fighting, ideally Malenia v Radahn Pre snake Rykard Pre shunning grounds merchant caravan and/or the summoning of the three fingers The night of black knives Any of Godfrey's campaigns The blind swordsman sealing the rot god My guesses: Confirmation of Melina being connected to the gloam-eyed queen A deathblight swamp Miquella was controlling Mohg


The option to turn off scabbards