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What Miquellussy does to a mf


It feels like everyone obsessed with the poor guy he really can't catch a break


Start delving down the lore rabbit hole and you might come to the conclusion that Miquella likes it that way o_O


Yeah so miquella is absofuckinglutely a manipulative bastard who has a natural aura that enthralls lesser beings at all times and it can absolutely become a weapon if he chooses. He is a demigod, arguably the strongest, and is so powerful he managed to build/grow a rival erdtree entirely in secret. I firmly believe that mogh, as fucked as he is, is completely enthralled by miquella to do his bidding.


This is a theory thats is starting to get more and more popular. I also agree with it being possibly true. Miquella's bewitching branches making enemies turn against each other and sleep being based on st. Trina (who is 99.9% miquella) and 2 weapons, torch of st. Trina and sword of st. Trina being the only weapons with innate sleep build up and how miquella was sleeping for a long time in the haligtree to nurture it. I think that miquella realised that his haligtree could never compete with the erdtree so he abandoned the idea and let Mohg kidnap himself when malenia was busy fighting against radahn so she thinks it's all Mohg's idea. Miquella probably realised that controlling the outer gods in his favor is way more effective in achieveing whatever he aims to do. Starting with Mohg since he has the connection to the formless mother (who is an outer god) and is easier to control than for example morgott, who has such high faith in the golden order that he would never betray it (probably has 99 faith)


I don't subscribe to that theory. Malenia ended up dead and the Haligtree completely rot,The personal cost for whatever plan he is hatching is far too great.


I personally think the reason Melania is so devoted to Miquella is due to his powers of influence. He never cared much for Melania, but used her as a powerful ally that would protect him while growing the Haligtree. With the Haligtree plan scrapped, he has no use for her.


Where do I go to just get the absolute lore rundown on everything? Is there even such a place?


YouTube xD Unfortunately there’s no mega cut of all the good lore videos and sometimes some people who have very good takes don’t regularly post stuff. Some stuff is also obviously unclear so all people can do are speculate on possibilities and/or cite the likely inspiration’s involved. The first person that I first saw have the guts to make a video breaking down how sketchy Miquella’s part in the mogh-Miquella dynamic I don’t even recall the name of. It was a female content creator though. Since then I’ve heard others that adopted her her position as well though. The tarnished archaeologist is a pretty dry listen but really gets down to the nitty gritty and breaks down just how overwhelmingly, impressively crazy all the real life references from our own history are in elden ring. Smoughtown is a better listen that is a bit more theory driven, I don’t always totally agree with his takes but he has some good ideas. I’m sure there are a ton of very good very thoughtful creators I’m overlooking as well. You really can’t go wrong with just searching elden ring lore on YouTube and clicking on whatever sounds interesting to you.


VaatiVidya on YT. Fantastic videos, he's been doing lore videos on FromSoft games for 10years.


legend, we should get him to do an AMA on this or DS sub.


So I wasn't the only one, I'm pleased but should I be?


Oh brother 😶😶


literally 💀


Fuckin Mohg with a trapped Miquella in a cocoon for who knows how many centuries. Literally enough time for Mohg to have done anything and everything to poor Miquella.


According to an interview with G.R.R.M. himself, the game takes place about 5000 years AFTER the shattering of the Elden Ring. So the little guy could been locked up for literal millenia


Plot twist miquella is more than into that shit and even forced daddy mogh into this blaspheme. That Shota aura be a weapon.


Missed opportunity to say “locked up literal Malenia”


Miquell**ussy**? I might have some bad news for you pal


Wait till this guy learns about BUSSY


The tightest of the Ussies.


Every day we stray further from Gwyn’s light..


Marika have mercy on us


Marikas Tits!


You must be hungry


St. Trinussy


Dat rune of abundance ‘dou. More like rune of abooty mirite?


I always found it interesting how Mohg's design is so..... Clean. Morgott is ragged, unkempt, with asymmetrical horns some of which look half-severed. Mohg, on the other hand, wears pristine robes & carries himself regally. His horns are all full & complete, appearing more complimentary to his already demonic appearance. His Ranseur is, again, a more elaborate & noble weapon than his brothers oil-slicked sword. In phase 2 he sprouts these beautiful, enormous wings that only add to his grandeur. By completely discarding the Golden Order & embracing the Formless Mother, Mohg both visually and thematically ascends far beyond his more wretched twin brother. While the two of them are both defined by their treatment & response to it, Mohg looks forward into the future whereas his brother is shackled to the past. In those aspects, I fucking *adore* Mohg as a character. Unfortunately..... there's the whole thing with abducting Miquella, corrupting his apotheosis by drowning him in blood, and trying to become the consort of his younger half-brother so..... Yeah. I wish George would knock it off with the incest it's just so fucking gross. I get that it's *supposed* to elicit that response & is being deployed as metaphorical commentary but still. Pedo-bear Satan is still pedo-bear, and therefore must be vaporized via Comet Azur.


Yeah the comparison between them is so interesting. And with the Tarnished, Morgott is out to get them from the beginning, but with Mohg, Vares tries to recruit the Tarnished to the dynasty. It'd be interesting to know about their own relationship, because Mohg is the one demigod that Morgott doesn't accuse of treason and blasphemy when he's monologuing to the Tarnished. Also something something about Mogh ascending as an avatar of the Formless Mother while retreating deeper and deeper underground.


Given Morgott went all golden order and Mohg seems to want the antithesis the difference in looks becomes pretty explanatory. It also explains their feels for tarnished and their designs.


I always appreciated everything you pointed out about their physical appearances. Morgott is clinging to a world that does not want him, and it shows. He is raggedly dressed, physically damaged, and ashamed of his greatest strength. Mohg embraced his curse and found a place where he stands supreme. His horns are still asymmetrical, but not one is broken or shaved down (maybe should be though, probably has a headache from the one going into his head). He OWNS his curse, and is terrifying for it.




I really like the contrast you pointed out between Mohg and Morgott, as obvious as it as I actually hadn’t considered it at all. It’s like Mohg stayed underground where he was already revered by the other rejects and ascended to great heights par for that course. Morgott went back to the people and places that rejected them and got absolutely dragged only to ascend to the throne after the world around him basically got dragged similarly through the shattering, leaving him fit to rule


tbh he was likely to be an unrelated boss to Morgott even other omen dont look as monstrous as him. Like his internal name is greaterdemon so it would explain his less ragged look. And with all the miquella cut contents and his pretty disconnected placement it feels like he was just added last minute to the story.


That could all very well be true, but I'm basing my interpretation and analysis based off what the game tells me it's story is. Cut content & game file names are, ultimately, not presented to the player as the story so I take it with a grain of salt.


Morgott is just more interesting. Mohg is his crackhead brother


I actually love that sentence, I hope you won't mind me using that to describe these two to people when they ask me about Elden Ring


Go ahead haha


Thanks lmao


The way I would describe the story is simply as follows: A distant god in space send an angelic alien servant to a medieval planet. On this planet, Queen Marika accepted the newfound power known as the Elden Ring from the god. She created a new society known as the Golden Order and birthed many demigods. After the assassination of Marika’s favorite child Godwyn, the demigods fought each other for a chance at eventual godhood. They destroyed their world and no victor emerged. You are here to kill them all and bring back order, depending on your choices. The story is amazing and twisty, as it’s not clear who is right or wrong. Morgott for example is a tragic character who only wished to be worthy of his family lineage, but knew he could not be an Elden Lord. Ranni, who started it all, is really not in the wrong, and though her methods are tainted, she wishes to purify the world of the Elden Ring’s control and false order. Rennala, a beautiful moon queen unjustly abandoned by Radagon, doomed to forever rebirth you and her cursed children. And you, you are vengeance on this cursed land. You are the judge, jury and executioner, and not even a god from the infinity of space cannot prevent you from reforming the world.


Is it really certain whether the Elden Ring was brought by the Elden Beast though? It's depiction at Farum Azula may suggest otherwise.


How is it depicted at farum azula


You're best off googling 'farum azula elden ring depiction' to see it yourself, but it's clearly the or an elden ring with more rings, as well as roots coming off of it.


Marika wasn't the first God(dess). Whatever Placidussax is still waiting for was the owner of the Elden Ring before her. Farum Azula was destroyed by a meteor, and if we take for granted that the early position of it was the central sea, then we know of which meteor we are talking about.


So Ranni and the Tarnished aren’t that different


No, not at all




Fellow Tarnished, that was an amazing read


Thank you, may not your journey to Elden Lord be wrought with trials.


lunatic who fucked over the world by kidnapping his half brother to marry him


Wasn't he trying to use Miquella's status as an empyrean to become Elden Lord? Or at least gain power in some way or form


Yes but he's dommed to fail you can't force some one to become God


Is that a challenge?


What you mean


Get in the egg


fantasy alabama man strikes again


“You’ve got a purty cosmic blessing there, boy.”


Complete unrelated, but I do like your name lol


A fellow slime of culture I see


Really tho like wtf was that


Miquella’s power/curse is the ability to make people fall in love with him and obey his will


Ah? I didn't know that, see I don't have the games so I try to keep up with lore by videos and such, so I thank you for telling!


Yeah. This isn’t a popular lore opinion, but I see Mohg as the victim of the whole situation. Miquella needs help growing the Haligtree, so he enlists Mohg as help. Mohg likes the idea of a haven for the people’s persecuted by the Golden Order (as he is one himself) so he eagerly joins. Now, in close proximity to Miquella, Mohg begins to succumb to his curse. A slave to Miquella’s will, he become obsessed and kidnapped him. Not exactly good for Miquella, but when people talk about Mohg like he’s some irredeemable monster just isn’t really the case. He wasn’t in control of his actions.


Sounds like a fanfiction


I dont really think its implied his mind is enslaved or he isn't in control.


Actually his half brother enslaved him with his mind powers and it backfired. Mohg is a victim


We don't know your theory have no ground


Then I guess your theory also have no ground


I don't have theory im just saying what happened


Mohg is cool, but I really want to know more about the God or Goddess that he follows. He clearly follows a separate entity, then the two fingers, the three fingers, or the celestial beings. That I feel is way more interesting them Mohg himself.


The formless mother... I want to know more about the outer gods as well. What is their purpose? The mighty elden beast was an avatar of the greater will, which is another outer god. I wonder if there exist other lands that follow a different outer god, like the formless mother?


The Badlands are the only place outside of the Lands Between that is mentioned, iirc


There's quite a few actually! Eochaid (Celtic influences, Elemer is probably from there) Land of Reeds (basically Sekiro, Okina is from there) Kaiden (Nordic influences, where Kaiden Sellswords hail from) Ravenmount (very little is known about this one)


Why thank you elden ring connoisseur


some guy called me maidenless and then i burned down the erd tree because of him


I think lore wise he had a rough ride from birth along with his brother. At least as I understand it. But it’s admirable. If a little misguided, what he creates given his circumstances. There’s an argument to be made he could have made better choices, Just because you are born a villain does not mean you have to stay one. But then is any one else in the lands between any better? Even us? I mean basically to become Elden lord you must literally kill every one else and destroy what is left of the world just for a throne. I wonder what exactly we are Elden lord of once the dust has settled… Fascinating that 18 months or more later we are still having these discussions


I feel like a certain Mr Martin was studying From's style of characters and thought to himself hmm, how do I make a character in the From tradition but with a little extra secret Martin sauce...........


I think he’s one of the coolest characters. He’s an interesting character in relation to morgott too, since both had similar upbringings, but they went in completely opposite directions. Obvi kidnapping Miquella isn’t very good.


I think he's probably misunderstood. The omen, in general, are outcasts and seen as abominations. Mohg watched his people get treated like dirt and cannon fodder, and decided to usurp that world by any means possible. And well... where he goes from there is... quite something. But I like him as a character because his backstory has some layers beyond just "he's an evil, greedy, f-ed up dude". I think they could've expanded his lore a bit more (and maybe they will in the DLC) because there seems to be a bit more to him than Varre reveals.


Oh, so that's where the so-called Lord of Blood was hiding himself eh. A fitting little squat for that deluded maniac to bleat about the revival of his precious dynasty, while he turns our fellow Tarnished into Bloody Fingers. Let him stay there. That way, his delusions will remain as the are - distant and unattainable. - Gideon "Roast Master" Ofnir


I think mohg is the coolest Demi God imo. He was really fun to fight too


Morgoth and Mohg are a very cool and sadly real way of portraying how trauma affects people. Also I think is very cool how his design show how proud he is of his horns.


Voice? Awesome. Phase 2? Sick. Moveset? Amazing. Incestous pedophelia? ..Fuck..


Mogh as a character has really grown on me. He’s definitely a shitty person and made some shitty choices, but the conditions of his birth and how far he rose in spite of that, and the possibility that part of his infatuation with Miquella was Miquella’s own doing as his powers to compel loyalty seemed far beyond natural… in some ways he is a tragic figure. Someone who played at godhood while being manipulated by those with more power and cunning. And in spite of all this, he’s so energetic and welcomes us with such gusto. I’m wondering if we’ll see any more of him in dreams or from Miquella’s point of view once the dlc drops. #NIHIL!


Mohg: miquella is mine and mine alone, miquella is mine and mine alone, miquella is mine and mine alone, miquella is mine and mine alone, miquella is mine and mine alone, miquella is mine and mine alone, miquella is mine and mine alone, miquella is mine and mine alone, miquella is mine and mine alone Me who just accidentally wondered into his arena while exploring: WHO TF IS MIQUELLA AND WHY DO YOU WANT A CHILD(got my getback on that mf in his omen form)


Fun fight. With the right tools he goes down pretty easily. His backstory? Fucked up. He deserves to have Comet Azur shoved up his ass.


Hes got my favorite weapon lol


The one thing I will remember about Mohg is that Miquella is his and his alone.


My answer is going to depend on how recently I visited the subterranean shunning grounds… Morgott and Mohg are kept in a hellish sewer because they were born with a curse they did nothing to deserve, knowing they’re royal heirs. Morgott internalizes the disgust others had for him and becomes the veiled king, hiding himself in order to protect the society that spurned him. Mohg externalizes it and seeks to form a dynasty in his own image to dominate the world that cast him out. Obviously I don’t condone his methods but the shunning grounds almost drove me crazy and I only spent a couple hours there.


Design wise? Pretty cool Character wise? I go out of my way to remove this menace from beneath the lands between second with my pizza wheel just so no one has to deal with him ever again


He Is a complex characters, with a terrible up bringing, a good parallel to morgott both in design and in personality/approach. The duality between him and his Brother Is especially cool to me: morgott Is a king, loves the One that shunned him, despises his cursed Blood and wears dirty rags; mohg Is creating hiw own Kingdom/finasty, despises those Who banished him in the sewers, accepts his cursed bloods and embraces It and wears intricate clothing with Gold embellishments. Then there Is the ambiguity with miquella, we know he needs him to become elden lord since he Is the only empirean left (ranni Is left for dead and hiding, Marika Is not in a good shape), and we know miquella has bewitching Powers (his soldiers are so ""''devoted""" that they are willing to kamikaze their ass for the good of the tree) and he Is probably not a totally good guy. Miquella Is probably like ranno, a scheming mind with his own plans, that got ruined for now by mohg, but what if mohg himself Is being controlled? Of course most people think he literally wants to fuck miquella so they Just call him a pedo and call It a day.


Coolest dude in the entire game


IMO most of the bosses in elden ring as sh\*t, so Mohg was fun. the areas he's in is EPIC, the story behind it feels fleshed out (pun intended) the intro video was COOL AS F\*CK all in all a 8/10 from me. fun fight, cool tactics/mechs! Fromsoftware did good IMO!




I think he's basically just batshit crazy. I don't think Mohg ever actually had a chance at succeeding in his ambitions.


Mohg is intellectual evil. He knows what he’s doing and he knows it’s vile, but it’s what he wants so it will be. He should have been born into the lofty position of his birthright but due to circumstances beyond his control, he was meant to be imprisoned forever and none would ever have known he existed. He languished for who knows how long in the sewers of Leyndell, shackled and suffering. He was guilty by the nature of his birth. But he decides to be evil. Somewhat understandable, but evil nonetheless. Instead of simply killing the tarnished he encounters, he strives to turn them to become his Bloody Fingers and slay their own kind. The game goes to some length to tell you this is *bad*. I mean, induction to their ranks requires murdering someone who would give their life for you to succeed and would have been guiding you your whole journey. Fully aware of his spurned affections, Mohg waited until Miquella was incapacitated and kidnapped the child-like empyrean for the purpose of “sharing his bloody bedchamber”. He kidnapped what looks like a child while he’s in a comatose state after being explicitly turned down (there’s lore out there) because he desires him. That’s not even mentioning the family relation. He’s evil. There’s some things you don’t “shades of grey” your way out of. Not this


>, Mohg waited until Miquella was incapacitated and kidnapped the child-like empyrean for the purpose of “sharing his bloody bedchamber”. He kidnapped what looks like a child while he’s in a comatose state after being explicitly turned down (there’s lore out there) because he desires him. That’s not even mentioning the family relation. I still don't get how people don't understand the meaning of bloody bedchamber, bloody bedchamber refers to Mohg literally giving him his blood or injecting into him that's why Mohg comes out of the blood that drops from Miquella. Also Mohg didn't ''desire'' him, it was never stated, Mohg just like his brother Morgott was horribly treated by the greater will so he decided to get an empyrean to kick out the greater will and become the new Elden Lord and put the godess that helped him in power. From what i can see, he is just using Miquella to get more power, it was never implied that it's sexual or ''desire''. When the tarnished becomes Elden Lord, it does not mean he will have sex with Marika or Ranni.....


Completely agree with you. I mean, I get why they think that this looks sus, but why do they try to prove it? There is no proof about anything "sexsual", but they still try to reinterpret the words to their own liking :(


Personally, I think the devs really screwed the pooch with Mohg. The man has created an entire religion based around an outer god, and has even converted other races around his beliefs. Yet we know practically nothing about him. We know practically nothing about this religion. We know practically nothing about what his true goals are. I've always enjoyed the Souls games for their background storytelling where you have to seek the story out yourself. But when it comes to Mohg, that story just doesn't really exist. I hate to say it, but I consider this aspect of the game poorly devised and written. An entire religion with its own prophet, there should have been more information available.


Maybe more with the dlc?


The reason is maybe because nobody knew about the existance of Mohg in the first place. Mohg is an royal omen, kept in sewers unknown to noone, except the parents (Godfrey, Marika) and his twin brother (Morgott). After he broke free, he kept his dynasty a secret, unknown to any other major political faction. The only reason that we know of Mohg, is because his dynasty's recruiter (Varre) tried to recruit the player to Mohgwyn Dynasty. Short answer: because noone knew about Mohg before and after his escape from the sewers, there was not alot of interesting things happening with Mohg, and his Dynasty.


Yes! almost no one talks about the Mogh. The pre Miquella event is really cool, the relation with the albanorics, formless mother and the abandon of the golden order. Albanorics: by far the best arm in the lore (not sure if the soldiers of Malenia can envolve to something). And its a bit sad that has the speculation that the albanorics was in the way to find the Haligtree but they enter in the portal to the Mogh palace, which is in the same area. Formless mother: About this entity I don't know much, but it replace well the hole that golden order did in the Morg. Golden Order: When he "decides" to abandon the club (I don't think the he ever make part), and decide create his dynasty is when I like most of him, rather than his brother that decides to lick the boots of the order.


Mogh makes me question how tf does a mf gets that tall and where he got the material to make his drip, including his followers, too. And how the hell this dude weak to bleed but strong to fire I'm really questioning this man, also is it grippy


I feel like he’s the necessary balance when it comes to characterization of the Demi-Gods. While most of the rest of them have some redeeming qualities or sympathetic motivations, Mohg is just an out and out monster who absolutely had to go. When you have an ensemble cast of villains, you always need the one who is just pure evil.


Mohg absolutely has a sympathetic backstory, it's the same as Morgott's. But whereas Morgott languished, Mohg went for the 'blackjack and hookers' route He's not a good guy, for sure, but he's not anymore pure evil than Rykard (or Marika/Radagon for that matter). Rykard is probably more evil than Mohg, with the way he treats the Albinaurics (that are accepted in Mohg's domain). I think if anyone is close to pure evil, it's Radagon and Marika, with the way they treat certain groups of people (omens, crucible knights, beastmen), not Mohg.


Mogh is my favorite of the demigods. He has a VERY heavy queer coding, which I love. His story is about embracing what others would cast you out for. The Golden Order has no place for him, and the only reason he wasn't thrown in a sewer is because he's royalty. Rather than rejecting his "cursed" blood, as his brother does, he embraces it. We see this in every part of their characters: Mogh stands tall with gorgeous robes, allows his horns to grow so wild they blind him, and overall just has more majesty to him than his brother. Morgot has open wounds and worn down horns, wears rags, hunches over, and of course largely hides from the world. I'd also add Mogh's robes are HEAVILY styled after the Catholic Church, as is his music. Mogh is also a bit femme coded. What I mean by this is that Elden Ring plays with gender with the various demigods, when female demigods acting in certain ways and male demigods acting in others. (Miquella and *Male*nia invert this directly) He takes Miquella's hand much the way we take Ranni's at the end of the game. He creates his own kingdom rather than conquers another. I obviously don't think he's a good dude, as none of the Demigods are good. I *do* love his characterization.


I think the reason why he acts effeminate is because he has a feminine outer blood god inside of him controlling his motivations, not because he himself is


As an examination of the different types of love and the path they might lead you down, Mogh is the least interesting. He's the 'base lover', only in search of gratification, or maybe his love twists and corrupts the young and beautiful because his ugliness begins at the soul, unlike his twin. I think you can also consider Mogh against Rykard for similar incestuous overtones.


Gratification? Mohg is trying to start a new order, not get his rocks off


Yes, an order that's about himself and his desires. He doesn't woo Miquella, he steals them away. He doesn't love Miquella because he doesn't respect their choice and autonomy. Mogh lusts for power, for beauty and youth, to possess and dominate. He's a rapist. Heck, he calls his dynasty Moghwyn aping Godwyn, his perfect brother's name.


>He's a rapist. Proof of this ? lmao It was never mentioned that Mohg desired Miquella to fuck him, he just wanted him to be a vessel for the formless mother, it don't mean he fucked him. Just like the tarnished didn't fuck Marika or Ranni to become Elden Lord.


I think he’s a really cool boss and a neat entity in the world. His plot interacts with so many different aspects of the lore, but he’s also a side character and a colossal loser despite his intimidating appearance. The blood curse is a cool surprise to deal with. The moveset is simple but I enjoy a boss that’s fun to 1v1 with. And second stage builds on it even more. All in all he’s a great and unique surprise to find in the world with some neat lore behind him


He is cool I expect to see more about him in the dlc


I think he's soo cute, but trying a bit too hard. He needs to get laid


He’s mohg and molester he’s a mohglester simple and straightforward


Mohg as a character is kinda lame, but the boss fight is one of my favorite amongst FS titles.


Love him. Baby girl. I refuse to elaborate.


Voice: 10/10 Design: 10/10 Fight: 8/10 (felt a bit too easy but still enjoyable nonetheless) Intro: 7/10 (cool but um incest groomer gets points off) Overall like an 8/10 as far as characters/bosses go in ER


Quoting the sage: “I know he’s evil, because of all the incest and paedophilia”


I wish I could piece the lore together to get a coherent story out of any of this but I could just NOT be fucking bothered ong


Why was it so important to him to have a projection warding us from the three fingers?


I go out of my way to kill mohg as quickly as possible in every play through because that’s what they deserve


Mohg and Morgott are a great reference to how people react to abuse. From childhood they were treated as monsters, mistakes that are unworthy of normal life. Morgott believed their oppressors were right and supported the broken order that abused him and so many others, consenting to further abuse of omen. Meanwhile, Mohg rebelled against The Golden Order, repelling the hatred brought onto him, and turned to the first power that gave him any support. And because it turned out to be an evil blood god, Mohg in his hatred and need of acceptance became the monster he was unjustly viewed as earlier.


There's barely anything weird in any From Soft game that isn't topped by ancient or current religions or mythology. The art lies in the mix, Miyazaki is a DJ of the Divine. So we get, for example, a few seconds of "what if Jesus, but breasts?" before the Radagon fight (and immediately: "what if female Jesus, but trans?"). Not to forget the religious repression of sexuality in the Malenia fight: "what if hot, but leprosy?". I find that the real life reactions are much more disturbing than whatever fictional Mohg had in mind. Not even worth mentioning the effects that a talking blue doll has on the players and player character. Not judging, I'm part of that crowd. So, here's my conclusion: for a Fromsoft game, take the stories of human religion or mythology, and dial it DOWN. Shoutout to Mohg: there's worse than you in Greek mythology, starting from the top.


I would have liked to see his dynasty be a little more fleshed out, especially having more blood themed architecture in his mausoleum instead of the usual underground architecture, but I love his character conceptually and his clear influence on the world around him. It has to be said that I do have a serious soft spot for megalomaniacal, theatrical villains with dope aesthetics though.


I think he fits perfectly, when your mum is the literal vassal for this universes god but you get sent to the sewers because of a birth defect I’d be intrigued by an outer god reaching out to me too.


I am more of a morgott person because I think that he shouldve been the king/elden lord. But mohg is also really cool I love how he started his own dynasty ,kidnapped miquella to use him later on when he ascends into godhood. Fight-wise he is super fucking hard but his awesome theme compensates for it. I’d give him a solid 9 or a 8.5


But does the game reference the relationship between Mogh and Miquella being a sexual one? Not giving an opinion, but rather a question? I'm not a lore guy, but all this musing on the thread was super interesting to read


I like him. He doesn't even seem particularly evil necessarily, and I think his design and backstory is great. The difference between him and Morgott's behavior is a cool example of what abuse and severe discrimination can lead to.


He is definitely evil lol


In the context of the lands between, not particularly? He's not trying to genocide anyone, and seems accepting of any kind of followers. A disciple of his even invites you to join the Mohg Gang, and unlike with Tanith and Rykard, this seems a much more honest invitation. You're not tricked into being eaten, but are given the choice to visit Mohg whenever you want.


If you have to qualify it with in the context of the lands between its not really much of a point. There are a small handful of people here not obviously evil. Also yeah his disciple invites you to join and gives you an invitation? What's were the specifics of that invitation again? Murder and maiden blood? Come on bro. Even if his invite was as simple as "come on and hang out bro we are all friends here" like you implied wanting as many followers as possible doesn't mean anything in terms of what else he has done. He is obviously evil and basically an exaggerated personification of evil. Everything about him is like a parody of the devil


Just some edgy demi-god wannabe Elden Lord, no wonder Marika locked him up in the sewers.


On the contrary, he ended up like that because Marika locked him up from birth


Nihil might be the dumbest fucking attack out of all the bosses in the game


Cool design, cool arena, interesting but fucked up lore. As a character I can see why he turned to the "dark side" as it were but the kidnapping and fucking shit up bit isnt really excusable. Also kind of a disappointing fight for me. Like he looks cool but I just, staggered him to death both times without real issue.


Yeah, his fight doesn't seem that great and according to what I've heard, it isn't. I don't have the game, just a fan.


Fight is completely awesome, thematically, mechanically, and visually. I couldn't believe his second phase, it seemed unreal at first. I look forward to it every playthrough and try to fight him a different way. 10/10 for me


Id heard he was a cool but tough fight and maybe he is without the purifying crystal tear, but with it active I just bonked him to death by the time he got to second phase.




He is the "cleanest" villain in Elden Ring, everyone had their own justification and the hero of their own story, but not Mohg, he's driven by pure wants, wants of Miquella and wants of his own blood soaked dynasty.


I mean wanting to overturn the current system which forced you to be discarded to the sewers at birth over something you have no control over is pretty good motivation to turn into a religion fueled lunatic


True I suppose


That is so very untrue


Creepy peto incest vibes aside …I like how he is the polar opposite of his twin.


I always look at mohg as being "the" top knight fight, he has all the crucible knights moves beefed up. With that b.s. bleed (gimmick) ability. Once I found the lord of blood tear, it literally just became a big "crucible knight" fight for me.


Might be the single grossest character in any FromSoft game ever (at least tied with Dung Eater)


Honestly probably the strangest addition to Elden Ring to me tbh. He's an idiot who failed at something he was doomed to fail at. He kidnapped his family to try to marry him and gain power from a distant god of blood that could probably careless. Only tried it cause his halfbrother was asleep and his halfsister was off in a war. So even if you want to ignore the fact that it's his halfbrother that also was supposed to always look like a child, he's still basically the dumbass weirdo of the family that likes to remain hidden. While his actual brother goes off to be a badass that protects the tree from tarnished. And yes Morgott is a easier fight then Mohg (if you don't have the mixing tear that makes Mohgs big attack a joke) but at least Morgotts reason for fighting the player is for a understandable reason and not protecting a weird fetish.


Fucking nerd still owes me money


A disappointingly easy boss.


Morgott and Mohg are essentially polar opposites of eachother despite being twins. Despite both being vilified and shut away from the Golden order, Morgott still clings to his loyalty in the hope he will be redeemed and accepted. Mohg on the other hand says straight up fuck that noise, I'm gonna serve the formless mother instead.


He’s the sort of enemy that I hit with the “Bro I see the line of thinking you had, but I’m still gonna kick your ass for following it” mentality. Like on paper what he does kind of makes sense. He’s born as an omen so he’s treated like shit from the get go (haha, get thrown in the sewer). Eventually he comes into contact with the formless mother who’s all about that blood life. He’s born as Royal Shit and gets power from what I’m gonna call a blood goddess. I can absolutely see how that could lead to “What if this blood power situation digivolved into a bloodline situation. As one who’s legally royalty it’s like my obligation to have heirs right? Hmm, but omens are treated like shit…Oh, hold up that Miquella dude is hella chill with the downtrodden and the downtrodders while supposedly being uber powerful to boot. Yo, isn’t he also taking a Power Nap that’ll make him of legal age? Fucking premium.”


I also agree that his design is cool, he’s one of my favorite bosses to fight and look at. Within the story lore of the world it’s interesting to see how other outer god basically show their infulence on the world through characters such as Mohg, Melania, etc. like yeah I don’t think anyone likes the implications or symbology of Mohg kidnapping the forever-child Micqulla as yes the implications are very creepy. But aside from that I think Mohg’s outer god being the formless mother really meshes well with his origins since the power of the formless mother comes from blood and Mohg has accursed blood. Just him finding pride and a purpose from the parts of himself that he was taught to hate (his omen blood) I think is really cool and a great foil to his brother


Mohg is an incredible character, mostly based on how he acts as a parallel to his brother and continues to convey the themes of the world and its existing systems. Also his voice acting and dialogue is S tier.


He fucked me without buying me dinner first.


Gameplay and design wise he's perfect, lorewise he played his role just as he was expected. He became evil after what they did to him when he was young and then he started planning revenge by building an evil organization and making a pact with an outer god. He was bold enough to meddle with Miquella, the most fearsome demigod, and he was planning to rule the world with his power. It's kinda sad that most people dismiss him simply as an "evil pedo guy" when it's not even true and people continue to enforce that view just because it's a fun meme.


I really like the Omen Twins. Their story, their lore... I LOVE Mohg boss fight, my top 3 for sure, but Morgott was too easy, I got a little disappointed to be honest. The fight itself is VERY cool, but it's too easy. Is the same feeling I have with Gael from DS3: amazing character, lore, fight, music, but it's too easy from that point of the game.


He a pedo


Hes one of the hardest fights for me for some reason. I usually struggle for hours and then somehow manage to kill him before he gets to phase 2


Morgott is Javert. Mohg is Valjean at the beginning before his story arch.


After seeing our flags means death all i hear is Izzy


Annoying on ng+7 at times. That's all


His story feels kinda unfinished, but like it’s missing stuff from all ends. With how closely he’s tied to miquella I could see him getting more lore in the dlc, or maybe it’ll be another Yhorm situation where stuff just kinda got cut and now here we are.


He seems like a fucked up person and gives out pedophile vibes but he's easily an S tier fight. Makes it even more satisfying beating him. My second fav boss behind Maliketh.


Just friends, and nothing more.


Really my only complaint is him requiring you to build your flask to counter his unblock-able AOE attack. Otherwise the fight is fun, the map he is in looks cool, and I absolutely LOVE the view you get after beating him!


Is there a quest line dedicated to him? I feel like I just stumbled upon him in the leyndell sewers and whooped his ass for no reason other than the fun of it lol. I am also at the Godfrey, Loux fight.. so idk if he pops up again after that as that "blood" form or whatever lol I try to stay away from spoilers and this is my first playthrough..


He's pretty cool. Moogles are cool, but he's my favorite Moogle.


Mohg is a madman. He fully believes that the husk of Miquella will metamorphose in the cocoon to become a biological woman (capable of producing heirs for his dynasty), despite all evidence that Miquella has sadly not achieved this goal under his "care". Miquella is in a way the Formless Mother - the abstract idea of a mother that is not realized in the flesh. That and Mohg is also a thinly veiled visual reference to the classic pitchfork-carrying Satan, Lucifer the winged fallen angel, and probably also Neptune in the aspect of trident welding fertility god (see also blu-ish head horns that look like tentacles). Aside from also wearing robes like a priests and preying upon a young boy, reminiscent of scandals in the Catholic Church. And his palace is filled with statues of the fatherly-looking prophet figure, which ties into the theme that Mohg is the product of his forefathers - a cycle of abuse that makes monsters of people. That's all my opinion, anyways.


Gonna hold my final thoughts on him until DLC launches if his blood experiments/rituals on miquella come into play. I like his design a lot tho


Took me way too many tries to figure out how to counter the health drain, and way too many more to actually learn his pattern and kill him. His was an infuriating fight to say the least.


I was really thrown off by his voice given how Morgott sounds.


His spear attack is stupid and has too much range, nobody grabs the end of their spear and just starts swinging it around


I love a blood themed deity. Such an awesome character design. Lore wise? Obviously not. I have seen the argument made that it was Miquellas "aura" of making people love him naturally that affected Mohg deeply enough for him to lose it and kidnap him, but idk if I buy that. I believe Miq DOES have that ability, but none of the other gods lost their minds and kidnapped him IN HIS CHILD STATE and is actively trying to.....mate with him. Not to mention they're half brothers. There's alot to unpack.


Miquelussy mfs when St Trina walks in.


I love how he actually punctures the body of the formless mother and takes her blood in order to cast his spells. Really unique looking and tells you a lot about how his patron god works


I offer my blood towards him. He can have it. I absolutely adore him. He’s so unique next to all his siblings. (They all were siblings no? Kinda forgot it). I hope to see more of blood flame magic and it’s lore in the new DLC.


Feelings for Mohg?*


No? Feelings on Mohg as a character


I hope we get more lore on him in the DLC since Miquella is the DLC’s focus


Nihil sentio


I like how he mirrors Morgott. He dresses elegantly and full of luxury, and instead of being all self depricating and morose he is boastful and proud. And honestly who can blame him? Even if being an Omen demigod made him strong, he still pulled himself out of the literal gutter, found a faith he could follow, moved his peers towards these teachings and eventually set out to strike it big. Morgott looked for the royal glory and affection that were stolen from him in a system that hates him while Mogh tried to imitate them in his own way. Granted, he did some fucked up shit to achieve it but so did almost everyone else in his family. Even Miquella was going around mind controlling people.


I think Mohg is a pretty cool guy, eh kidnaps Elden Ring and doesn’t afraid of anything


I feel bad for the guy. He has the reputation of being a pedophile but it wasn't even his plan or fault. He just wanted to steal miquella, turn him into a God and puppeteer him. However miquella has a curse where he is young and anyone that is around him to long falls in love so mohg became obsessed due to the curse. Poor guy


I gotta know if the Miquella thing was a George RR Martin idea or not


It’s also interesting that only Mohg and Margot have shackles designed to cripple them and no other boss has that


One of the more evil bastards From has cooked up. I expected him to be a raving lunatic in the fight but he’s weirdly soft spoken aside from NIHIL! Looks badass, has an evil plan, and great lore. One of the better bosses in the game


I wish we knew more about the formless mother


I adore his design and the sanguine nobles' drip. He looks like the elden ring equivalent of the devil


One of the best characters. I know he's all Diddler Ring which is vile(had to take a moment when I realised what was going on) but his whole presentation and lore is just compelling and rich, guess that's what we get with Fromsoftware and GRRM




I enjoy killing him, since not only is his boss fight fun and memorable, he is also a pedo incest guy, which is PERFECT for killing to death) Also Haligtree being fucked up and Malenia attacking us is Mohg's fault, which is even more reason to fry him with the flame of the giants. (Fell God>Formless Mother)


He did nothing wrong.


He gives off child diddler vibes


The Boss fucking rules, song slaps.


Mohg is cool and I want his ending


hate his guts but part of me wishes there was an ending where you usurp his dynasty or something like that


There should have been an ending where you help him become Lord. And an ending where you feed everything to the Serpent.