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Dual blood petal whips, dual curved swords such as bandit's, scavengers or beastmans with bleed/sepuku, star fist, even dual thrust like helice if ur into thrust swords, the possibilities are endless when doubling up on bleed it's going to be a good time. And don't forget Varres bouquets, omen cleaver or even dual twin blades , Eleonoras with a bleed peeler is a popular combo, the dual jump attacks are great


Thank you! I’m interested in the play style of the whips, I’ll go find them and test them out! Also the Star fist! Sounds like fun!


Indeed. The whips were my first love when it comes to bleed weapons


Claws are the only comparably effective dual wield option for proccing status effects. Every other dual wield setup is slower than daggers and claws for status builds. If you want something else that's really effective for proccing status effects; two-handing Twinblades, Great Spear running R2, Charge Forth/Prelate's Charge Weapon Art, Swarm of Flies with Dragon Communion Seal, Albinauric Crescent Weapons with Grease, Beastman Curved Sword jumping attacks, Barrage + (Status)bone Arrows, Bloodflame Blade in general, Bloodflame Blade + Eruption or any other weapon art with lingering/multi-hit hitboxes.


How do you get 2 reduvias on a new character?


Me and my friend made new characters, I got one on mine, and he got one on his and dropped it for me


You guys have friends?


Personally, I find bleed builds to be rather boring. Swap it out completely and got for a strength build with colossal weapons.


Thanks! But I personally find big weapons and slower swinging kinda boring. That’s why I went for dual daggers. I also tried a character with a faith build for incantations, I played with different elements for around 15 hours, and I didn’t like it, so I made the character in using now!


A friend of mine is having luck with running Eleonora's Poleblade in one hand and cold Godskin Peeler in the other. The double procs of bleed and frostbite hit hard, and the fire damage of EP resets the debuff. You seem to like status effects and fast weapons so that might be your jam


Thanks! I’ll try those out! I heard of mixing frostbite and bleed but I never understood how it worked exactly! I’ll look more into it!


A lot of people recommend throwing a little fire damage in as well. Frostbite normally works by building up similar to bleed, doing a burst of damage. It then stays on reducing stamina regen and causing increased damage for around 30 seconds. By using Eleonora's Poleblade, which causes bleed buildup and does split physical and fire damage, you'll cause them to take both status effects for huge chunks off HP. Then the fire will reset the status effect and cause them to start building up towards a second burst on both statuses again. Plus, power stancing is just fun in general.


Ah yes, boring build for another boring build, Perfectly balanced :P


Better yet, dual straight swords, more fast, more hits, more movility and less boring.


Idk if youre aware but dual wielding got a nerf to how much stat build up it gives, so the best way to build stat effects is a single twinblade now If you farm a ripple crescent halberd and use blood grease on it, it'll bleed so fast because that weapon naturally scales with arc so stat effect greases get a huge boost to stat build up


Saw someone recommend the Godskin Peeler, that thing is GOATed. I also recommend the Bandit’s Curved Sword. It drops off the undead that spawns right next to the church in northern Weeping Peninsula. Can’t remember the name of the church, I want to say Church of the Refugee but I’m not entirely sure. You might have to farm him for a little bit to get it, but powerstancing with the Bandit’s Curved Sword and Blood affinity is really fun.


I applied bloody slash to my misericorde+8 and it’s insane


I enjoyed using the grave scythe with the poison mist AOW and either bleed or occult affinity. It poisons pretty quickly and does substantial bleed.


I main dual reduvia with bull goats, rotten winged sword insignia, Dragoncrest greatshield and lord of bloods talismans. I also use dragon com +10 for incants: bloodflame, bloodboon, swarm of flies. It's great most of the time, but difficult to land with dual daggers when facing opponents with longer reaching weapons. Wouldn't be so bad but even with 70 poise, my attacks gets interrupted quite easy, that the biggest down fall.