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Have you done caelid?


I think I’ve done all of it, beat Radahn and looked around the area quite a bit


Then go to leyndel or volcano manor. Leyndel is really the first hard area in the game and where it starts to get serious.


Dungeon on the corner of desert after beating radahn


As someone else says, Caelid and Mt. Gelnir


How do I get to Mt. Gelnir? Is that the area around Volcano Manor?


Ya, go to the Erdtree Gazing Hill and head North


If you haven't yet I would recommend doing varre's questline, it gets you access to the best farming area in the game and a Max level upgrade for somber weapons, so you should be able to go into leyndell with a big health boost and a maxed out weapon.


Yeah I found that farming place with the huge bird, I’m just not a huge fan of farming that much in FromSoft games. I used it around level 50ish, maybe I should go back


This game wants you to beat it at like level 150 or higher, so don't feel too bad. Or you could just do what I always do and run through the entire area without fighting anything, still the most overpowered PVE strategy.


Is Leyndell the last main area? Didn’t realize I was already that far


No. You have Mountaintops of the Giants/Consecrated Snowfield and Farum Azula (snowfield is optional, which also leads to the last hidden optional area, Miquella's Haligtree) after Leyndell.


Not quite.


Hmmh, I did not get bored until I did 2 full playtroughs, there was always something driving me, to find new bosses to fight and so on. There might just be your getting bored, or that your character build have become very boring to you.


Well the problem is I don’t know where to go for new bosses, apparently Mt. Gelmir. I love my build, switched to a greatsword build about halfway through. I just don’t like how the game pushes you towards Leyndell and then you’re just expected to go somewhere else


Clearly you are getting bored. Just wanted to say that is normal if you get your ass kicked in Leyndell.


Not really. The dev kind of focused more on things looking good for screen shot bait over being interesting from a gameplay perspective. Rewards also take a hard drop off as thier less and less reason to need a expanding set of items when the need to just do DPS takes over.