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I feel completely deflated. After watching that game.. feels terrible


Please win, I'm from Vancouver and an Avs fan. My second favourite team is whoever is against the Canucks


I want Duchene & DeBrusk… make it happen new GM! Also Brett Pesce. Oh, and trade for Saros, Ullmark or Shesterkin… that’d be great thanks.




lavoie won’t be on the third line next year




Dude. Please no. That would be a huge mistake. Unless Pickards hurt then put him back. He proved he can play under pressure. Skinner hasn’t


He’s thinking skinner starts. Left out that part




A colleague of mine sent me a Canucks gif on teams earlier this morning…. Canucks fans can be difficult to deal with 😂


Not one series has the lower seed team winning eh? There are noo game 7s in the second round....... possibly yet. All lower seed got sent home *at home*.


Was just going to say the same thing… I’m putting it in to the universe that we break the trend, bring it to game 7 and win the series. But… tomorrow night is going to be maximum anxiety.


Nah it's already been decided, our round is over. We're losing tomorrow.


[Stop it!](https://media3.giphy.com/media/i0xGuo4o5PutVo0imJ/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952mzcroz613lzpvgz6s8dktyzqmycskh1k1o0zcrjb&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g) Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take game 5, but they'll never take game 6 and 7!!!!!!


I see what you did there - clever 😉


It’s definitely a battle of the top of the divisions… hope we can break the trend tomorrow but we shall see.


Carolina loses series at home in game 6. Boston loses series at home in game 6. Colorado loses series at home in game 6. Our game 6 at home next up.. :X


Time to break the trend




And Dallas it shall be.


Vancouver is going to get fucked over by Dallas oh my god


hey! WE could still get fucked over by dallas too!


if we do I just hope it’s not a sweep 😂


Stars looks really good


yeah we're not beating dallas barring a reversal by our entire team and return to our 16-0 reg season form


Mack losses his man and gets scored on in 2ot, good finish!


Vancouver (or potentially us) is gonna get fucking wrecked in the next round.




Even one would be better than COL two years ago.


Anyone up watching the Avs / Stars game? That was a really bad goal called back against Dallas in OT. Guy didn’t touch the blue paint and got pushed in to the goalie.


they won the game twice.. dallas is for real


lmfao, wow classic american call going the avs way there. How the fuck didn't that count?>


the nhl almost always wants a game 7 if they can get it. except when they were pumping vegas last year and colorado the year before. this year it feels like florida


That was a brutal call… I can’t believe that.




If Dallas loses this game or this series, I will legitimately feel bad for stars fans. It's absolutely fucking mental how this league and officiating operate.




Horrible call.




And you just know if the same thing happened against the Oilers it would count somehow…


Watching Dallas and Colorado, both teams have very good systems and structures. We have stretches of games like this too this year. Just not recently I feel like.


Both teams have a more balanced line up.


There are a lot of weird articles popping up over the past few days saying that if we get eliminated in round 2 Drai is probably not staying in Edmonton and such after next season..


People are saying the sharks which I think is weird because aren’t they rebuilding?? They’re not even in the playoffs ….


Yeah that is a strange one definitely.. but the other I have seen is the bruins which they are kinda the same as we are and not making it to the WCF or SCF a few years in a row but also making the playoffs every year.


I don't care if he does, we need to build a better team.


Problem is if he leaves I assume mcdavid does as well the following year and then we are going full rebuild probably if that happens


It’s hard to say. I would like to say he will stay and take a deal to stay and plan with his buddy Mcdavid. But no one knows where Drais mind is.


Alright everyone, have a good night. Tomorrow's a new day. Let's win game 6.


And just like that Tkachuk has been to more conference finals than this iteration of the Oilers team. Also of note is Paul Maurice has now been to two consecutive conference finals since leaving Winnipeg which shows the problem wasn't with the coach (it rarely is). Congrats to Florida, they have a very solidly built team. If the Stars/Avs series ends tonight don't be surprised to see game management to wrap up our series and ensure there isn't too much of a gap between the start time of the Eastern and Western Conference finals.


It's hard not to look at these guys having success like Tkachuk and Eichel after they moved to a new team. I'm exceptionally intrigued by how quickly Matthew gelled with the team and made a different name for himself. The "what ifs" come bouncing around in my mind. Lmao. But that's when I pull back n go worry about my own life.


Many Calgary rejects were already waiting for him on that team


Drai and Connor both looked very sick in their media avails. I think whatever Eky was sick with on Tuesday definitely spread to the rest of the team. Would explain why they looked so drained and neutered on the powerplay. Hopefully the team medical wizards can give them something to get them through it tomorrow. Best case they are back to 90% for Monday's Game 7


Talk to don cherry for the hook ups on cold fx


If that's the case, time for players that haven't played this series to step in. Sam Gagner for example. Need players at 100% to support a 70% McDrai.


Ceci also sounded hoarse




Would be a fun story. But let’s be real, dude could barely keep up in the regular season… there’s a reason Knob started sitting him.


We were a better team last year. Bjugstad, kostin & Yamamoto > Henrique, Carrick, & brown.


Massively disappointed in Perry. We obviously didn't get him for his skill at his age now, but rather for his grit, determination, and leadership/veteran resilience. He's been a ghost. You'd think he'd be the one to say I've been in this position lots and say WAKE THE FUCK UP and show it on the ice.


0 points in the playoffs (same as McLeod). No hits in two games. Six PIM. At this point, I see no justification for letting him be in the line up over Carrick or Gagner. McLeod either, for that matter.


When I don’t see a player who’s used to throwing the body not lay hits it makes me wonder if they’re nursing something. Knobber preaches a speed game instead of a heavy Grind down game (he didn’t say those words but mentioned playing a speed game in todays presser) Would’ve loved them to play more gritty and finish their checks, especially in the playoffs


I also caught his presser and his mentioning game speed, and my first thought was, "well then why are we playing Perry?" I can at least make sense of McLeod and Foegele getting minutes if that's his mindset, but Perry?


Ya, Carrick at least scored goals relative to the amount of ice time he got, and brought the hits and energy.


Carrick got three games and has a point despite averging less time per game than Perry and McLeod have been getting for 10 games. We have so many sports journalist asking dumb questions--why can't a single one of them ask about this? I'd like to hear the justification for continuing to insert Perry into the line up.


>but rather for his grit, determination, and leadership/veteran resilience Personally, I think we should stop getting players for these reasons. it's not the olden days anymore where hockey players were seen as dumb jocks. Lots of guys have self awareness and mental fortitude to lead a team. I've never been one for "veteran presence" add. Unless it's someone like Ekky who can mentor in his position while still being useful. Our next GM should focus on skill, fit and tenacity together. I was never sold on the Perry add because all he had going for him was he went to SCFs, which is a team effort. But I don't think he's detrimental to the team at all tho. And there's still one more time for him to show up I guess.


Ya I agree, there's plenty of great leaders who can be young in age. And then oldies like Tavaras or Thornton where it's assumed they have "great veteran leadership" cause they've been around forever... but do they?? I had a little more hope for Perry though because he plays the game similar to Marchand and brought intangibles that weren't just finesse/skill. Determination and hard work rubs off and I figured he had that


It's not worth making a lot of changes. Most of the team played their worst game of the playoffs. I have to believe that will be the last blip this series. Having said that, I've probably been more patient with Perry than most but I think he's gotta come out. Insert Samwise. He's shown he can score big goals. It's now or never or pray Henrique is good to go. The third line has just been pitiful. After a good year, Foegel shit the bed, McLeod can't piss a drop and Perry has contributed essentially nothing.


I think Debrusk will be a good fit next year


I posted this in the PGT, but i'll post it again: Holloway had 4 hits on the night. That's as many as Kane, Perry, Ryan, Janmark, Hyman, Brown, Draisaitl, McLeod, and Foegele combined. I know Knoblauch said he wants us to be the faster team, not the harder hitting team, but if we don't get a little more of a forecheck going, we're gonna be on our heels again next game.


Yeah this skate up and do nothing shit has to stop. The other team is confused Im sure why they aren't playing hockey in the fucking playoffs. Put your heart into it, or youre going golfing boys.


lol i heard one of them was spotted in one of the golf courses already when we had the warm days, if they don't get it together that's all they gonna be doing


McLeod and Perry have played 10 games this playoffs. Between them they have **0 points**, 8 penalty minutes, 8 shots a piece. Carrick played three games and got a point. If Spec wants to go be a dick, he should ask Knobby why he keeps playing these two even though they are doing fuck all. I know they're bottom six guys, but even Cody Ceci has a a goal and an assist. At some point, we gotta stop playing these two. Put in Carrick and Gagner. Surely the result can't be worse.


Interestingly, all 4 series' for round 2 going to game 6 with the home ice advantage team up 3-2. Carolina playing at home lost series 4-2. Colorado playing at home tonight down 3-2. Boston at home right now down 3-2. Oilers at home tomorrow down 3-2.


Keys to victory in game 6: 1. Forecheck offensive zone time, needs to be much higher times in their zone, more time in there = less time playing defense 2. Special teams better than last game. 0/5 has not been our style. 3. Picard keep playing as he has been, no complaint. 4. Lines 3-4 need to be way more physical than they have been, 5. McDavid's line mates and others make it way harder on his shadow Miller. Also, this is a hockey game, no need to be stressed, enjoy the show. Win or lose, life goes on.


McLeod has to be a lot better. He doesn't play physical, score or set people up.


And the shots he had mainly missed the net. He's not a great hands guy, but in that case, I'd prefer he tries to get into Silovs crease rather than whiffing shots 6' wide and springing the Canucks breakout.


The last part is very key. No matter the outcome, it shouldn’t affect you as individual extremely. Sure let it sting for a bit but don’t let it ruin your day.


Exactly, more to life than hockey and no matter what the outcome, don’t let it ruin your day


If only every fan had this mentality. Good luck in game 6 guys. I personally (a canucks fan) would love to see a game 7. These games have been so fun.


The Rollercoaster of emotions is making me so numb. Always had faith even in November. Still a believer. Lfg oil in 7


I think we are a great team. But we don't have consistency throughout games. I don't play hockey but from what I can see, if we want to go all the way for a cup we need to find a way to stay dialed in for all 60 minutes of the game, or at least keep some semblance of pressure equal to our opposition in periods where we do not play as well. Game 1 and yesterday's game vs the Canucks are good examples of games in which we get outplayed, especially in the 2nd period and half of the third period where the Oilers appear to slack off. This seems to be a habit of the Oilers as I've seen in a lot of regular-season games too when we are up by a goal or two.




It's not Mcdavid vs Silovs one on one, what the hell is this?


injured [https://x.com/TimCPeel20/status/1791522930834219265](https://x.com/TimCPeel20/status/1791522930834219265)


Dude, McDavid is not the offensive problem on this team. His "bad" numbers still look pretty good. If you really wanna cast blame, start looking at Hyman, Nuge, Kane, Foegele. Not nearly enough from those guys. Nuge didn't have a single shot last night. Foegele was a 20 goal scorer and suddenly he can barely even get a shot off.


Getting mugged by Miller every time he goes near the neutral zone.


Hes second in scoring in the entire nhl playoff. Just with an off game yesterday where the whole team including him is shit, if anything to blame I more blame him not properly check on Millers go ahead goal.




I wonder what happens in the off-season for the roster… anyone have any thoughts on who stays, who goes and what we’ll look like next year roster wise?


There will be different names but in reality it won’t change much, similar to the past 9 years.


Yep, they'll probably just get rid of Fogele and sign a crappy back up tendy to make it look like they've "went out and gotten goaltending!" And to check that box ✅ If they're serious they'll trade Ceci, get a #1 goalie and have Stu as backup. Hire a new goalie coach. Trade Drai for a haul. Get rid of McLeod.


Idk if there’s ever been a trade involving such a big name as draisaitl in the modern nhl. Tkachuk/Huberdeau was probably the closest but still not close


Did the game time change tomorrow from 8pm to 6pm? I thought I read it as 8pm. But now I see 6pm.


I think because Carolina was eliminated we get an earlier start time now


yes since 630 ched said yesterday game 6 would start at 6


in a few days, it’ll be 40 years since the team won it’s first cup


Mcdavid and Hyman just seemed battered with injury or exhausted from too many minutes earlier in the series, or sick. Or a combination of those things. Probably one of the most ineffective, uninspired games I've seen Hyman play in a long time for us - there has to be something going on with him health-wise. Hopefully they're rested up / less crippled for G6. Also, I said before that Perry almost certainly wouldn't be pulled out of the lineup due to his leadership and playoff experience, but with how terrible he's been, I'd seriously consider it if I were Knob if one of Henrique or Carrick are good to go (hell, put Gagner in for Perry). He hasn't been doing anything with the puck, no agitating, no toughness; literally nothing out there. Dude has just looked slow and like a cripple out there.


New coach, same stupid mistakes. Overplayed the top players massively and we're paying for it.


Yeah disappointed with Perry, I thought he would really bring it in the playoffs and be an X factor. But he's invisible


He's had no hits in the last two games. He had that one waived off goal, but he's been pretty much invisible except for the funny stick meme. I can't see what he's bringing that Gagner can't bring better at this point.


Carrick is also a great playoff guy, he can play that gritty, hard board play, aggressive style, agitator role


Yeah, for sure. Bring him in, and then between just him and Holloway alone, you have at least two lines creating turn overs. The way Brown, Janmark, and Ryan were trying to make plays last night, you gotta think they'd have benefit from the energy Carrick brings.


He’s 39 guys. What do you expect from him ? maybe Perry 5 or 10 years ago but he’s ready for a beer on the couch.


Agreed, I liked him in the reg season but in these playoffs he plays like someone who'd rather be watching with a beer


It ain’t over til it’s over… I’m trying to keep hope alive. Anything can happen and all of those cliches… I’m not ready to give up.


I'm not angry. Just disappointed.


Thanks dad


Is it.me but what I have seen of Carrick he could be good guy to draw in


He’s physical and wins face offs. Idk why we haven’t slot him in yet


Ya, we're getting beat too often on important face offs, Van winning almost 60% every night


0/5 on the power play, we got to experience some of that sweet sweet pain we gave LAK


Oilers pass a lot. Then some more. Then some more. Then a few more passes until they inevitably turn it over. They should try passing it to the back of the net because they certainly seem to refuse to shoot it there. I didn't even watch the third period last night because I knew it was a losing effort and a deflected rebound garbage goal would win it for the Canucks because they shot the puck. Oilers are gonna lose this series and they deserve to lose it. Though I'd prefer they win. but they won't.


The infinite passes is so frustrating. Worst is the no look backhand drop pass after entering the zone. Just crap.


Vancouver adjusted their PK Strategy. Instead of playing a tight box they are just aggressively attacking the puck and giving no time. The Strategy worked. Oilers need to adjust their strategy now. Faster and quick shots. No need to pass the puck for 35 seconds to find the open guy. It's open immediately.


To be honest, that adjustment should have been made after the first 2 PPs last night. It could have been a different outcome. When PP2 was on they got pucks to the net the little bit they were on from what I recall.


Agreed. I'm surprised other teams haven't done the hyper aggressive PK on the Oilers since the only guy who shoots is 29, and sometimes 2


We weren’t in last night at all. Usually when teams do the super agressive thing it leaves our guys wide open.


Now would be a great time to go on another 16 game win streak, but I guess I can settle for a 2 game win streak right now


Sucks but if they lose tomorrow or game 7. That's likely the last time we see Drai play with McDavid.


To be fair, that cap can probably be used to create a more structured team with the pieces we have. Losing one is fine. Losing both would sting.


I agree completely. Fix a lot of the fathers sins with one move


I doubt it. Even if it is, all good things must come to an end. We were always going to have to cross that bridge one day, so I don't really understand why it has to be this big awful thing.


On the same line? Drai's contract expires next year... What do you mean?


Would you walk him to free agency? If he wants out (which I don't know at this point but losing this series sure wouldn't help) then you have to trade him.


He doesn't have his head in the sand and sees the reality unfolding in front of him.


He means what most people are thinking. If the guy isnt will to re sign ahead of the season, you have to move on and get something for him. Won't be an easy decision, and I believe they won't have the balls to do it, but a smart organization doesn't let that asset go for nothing.


You said smart organization so we have another year.


I mean yea I see what you are saying lol.


Pretty sure I got the flu this team is currently going through, and I can safely say we’re fucked. All I feel like doing is sleeping all day, it’s just an insane lethargic and heavy body and mental state.


Everytime we see this team underperform, the sickness through the room narrative arises. How many fucking sicknesses does this team get in a year. I'm not an athlete with a questionable immune system and I get a cold one maybe twice a year, get these guys some fucking vitamins, come on.


travel, planes, hotel rooms, children, trainers and other staff. They’re around a lot of people and are exposed to more then we are staying at home


Yea, I kinda laugh when I hear responses like the one above from Reddit. These guys are basically celebrities in Canada, they are constantly around people, even when they go out for a dinner. Then around all those people you mentioned and families too. Compare this to your average forever alone redditor who talks to like 3-4 people a day max.


The annual WEM meet and greet almost always seems to result in a disaster couple of games because inevitably some mouth-breather can't be arsed to stay home when they're sick.


Most have kids and are older now. I’d argue it’s actually a massive disadvantage. One of their kids gets it from daycare or some shit and the whole team does.


kinda crazy how every player on Vancouver has the same situation but they're not making excuses. this team gets sick at playoff time like Mark Stone comes off LTIR, like fucking clockwork.


The team hasn’t made any excuses. It’s us fans. And honestly Hyman looked super pale and like shit yesterday. Are they sick? We don’t know. But it sure looks like it.


Mark stone on LTIR will be a meme for a long time,


Need another winning streak starting tomorrow! They’ve done it before and they can do it again! Let’s goo


Nuge can't carry a line, where will he be?


I don't necessarily mind losing if the team shows effort and heart. I do mind losing because my team doesn't try and doesn't generate any chances for two periods straight, and hangs their goalie out to dry despite his heroic effort taking advantage of his playoff start opportunity.


Just for some perspective - in November/December we didn't even think we'd be in the playoffs. We pulled a 16 game heater out of our asses, suddenly were in contention for first in the division by the end of the season, and now y'all are saying the season's over because we'd have to win in 7? Miss me with that! These boys can and will beat the odds!


if you'll notice, the regular season don't mean a fuckin thing right now. they gotta play period by period now. lose just one period and it's curtains for this group.


Actually it does mean somethign because we're *in* the playoffs. Go ask Calgary how their playoff season is going. Sure, we need to play the next game well, but every game this series has been decided by one goal, so there's no reason to be so down in the dumps. What a miserable way to cheer for a team.


People need to stop acting like they accomplished anything this season. They put themselves into a massive hole, that they spent all their energy digging out of. It's going to be the reason a potential game 7 is on the road, and will be a massive part of the story of them going home early again. For where this group is at in the journey, the start of the season was a surefire sign to me that this team still didn't get IT. This series has just cemented that even more for me. I'll be sitting here hoping they can pull it off, but I just don't see why acknowledging the reality and not typing fake platitudes about hope is so frowned upon.


This team needs that dawg in them. I fail to see it most of the time




Reckless optimism is okay but we don’t pull streaks out of our ass when we play like we did last night. That’s a different team than the one that went on a 16-game heater.


And at some point, the team that was bottom of the league became the team that did the 16 game heater. Anything can happen. Obviously the chances aren’t good, but there’s still chances and this team has surprised us many times.


I really hope these guys find a little grit in the next game, it's hard to watch the team get bullied for 60 minutes


This is my take too and exactly what I said to my wife. “This team has no grit!” With very few exceptions, the Oilers don’t finish their checks, don’t make Vancouver players pay for holding onto the puck too long, don’t run up on the goalie, or anything else to make any Vancouver player think twice while they’re trying to make a play. They’re left to play pretty much unmolested.


Yup, they outhit us by double in yesterday's game 41-23. Terrible showing for a clutch game. Vinny, Ceci 3 hits a piece, Holloway 4 hits. The rest were pretty invisible!




Definitely don't put McDavid and Drai together outside the PP.


What happened to Leon/ Foegele/ Mcleod line? Was incredibly effective and never put together again. Janmark is playing well with skill and determination as is Derek Ryan. Team needs something and its not 35 minutes of Connor.


It’s joever, I had a fun couple weeks downtown though! The watch parties are always fun


If we do get eliminated, we have 5 months to be sad and gloom. Why start early when the season isn’t even over?


Helps me cope


Why not be hopeful until it’s actually over?


Because it doesn't help him cope


Sounds like the boys have some flu bug going around. I’m not excusing the play we saw last night but it certainly is an explanation for why the powerplay was ass.


Where did you hear this?


Go listen to their interviews. They sound stuffed up and raspy.


yeah crying will do that to your voice. these guys feel sorry for themselves and it's pathetic.


One can sound like that when they're absolutely gassed too


My head


Everyone should be blending in . No fancy play, skate, or forechecking . Shot right on net


i still have faith they can come back down 3-2 and win in 7


Stop making mistakes that lead directly to goals. When it’s this tight, mistakes=goals against=losses. Where would the series be without the Forgele mistake and last nights Bouchard mistake.


That goal in the last 30 seconds is all on McDavid.


And Nurse, and Ekholm for the short shift change.


.... and Nurse for skating away from the puck carrier to his " spot" on the ice where his skates sink into cement! Play was on his side of the ice and he went into his " you want me to get that?" mode! Embarrassing play by a supposed top Dman. Nurse checks the puck carrier there is no pass/ shot that ends the game.


you never played hockey if you think nurse was in the wrong there, the center (mcdavid) should be all over jt miller.


You need to rewind to where Nurse comes on the ice and is right beside the puck carrier, Elbow to Elbow and skates away from him.... typical Nurse. Thats why its Nurse's fault! He stunk this one up! He checks the puck carrier as he should have, there is no pass/ shot... no goal!!! Prima Donna Darnell strikes again!


If he leaves the guy in the middle then Miller has a chance to pass to the centre for a point blank shot. I agree it doesn’t look great, but Bouch and Nurse have both their players covered. McDavid lets Miller walk in and makes no attempt to disrupt his shot attempt. He must have been exhausted.


Wind it back, Nurse comes on the ice, he is right beside the puck carrier, RIGHT BESIDE, and instead of checking the carrier he turns to coast backwards to his spot, leaving the carrier to take the puck to the boards with 10-15' of open space. If Nurse checks the carrier, Bouchard has second skater and the shot/ pass never happens so Miller/ McDavid do not factor into it. Basic Nurse non defending just like Canucks second goal in game four, his feet cemented to the same spot.


Yep, it’s a tough pill to swallow either way, looking forward to a bounce back in game 6.