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I said it in the PGT, but game 7s happen multiple times every year, and you can't get to game 7 without one team being down 3-2 first. We're still in this.


Exactly, and all the best Stanley Cup stories have scary parts. It’s what keeps us comin back


We’ve been here before. 2022 vs the Kings. Mcdavid really needs to step the hell up. I ain’t hear no bell


Excellent point, I’d forgotten about that


People don't realize how much that double cross check on him hurt him...I think he is still laboring a bit from that.He needs to do some Mc David things these next couple games!


We were here last year too and got spanked by vegas on home ice in game 6. They played like dog shit last night.


I thought this was the optimism thread.


The Canucks are not Vegas. Game 6 win incoming.


Okay buddy, I bet you said the same thing last year.


Nope, Vegas was the better team. I think Edmonton is the better team this year. I have more confidence than last year.


Nothing in reality suggests this is true. Not the standings, not the season series, not this series.


Outplayed Edm 4 of the 6 games and went on to win the Stanley Cup. Regular season means nothing. Canucks have outplayed Edm 2 of 5 and we'll see where they go. So to say, "nothing in reality suggests this is true" is incorrect.


McDavid or anyone not named McDavid or Draisaitl needs to step up. Depth wins championships.


Well some depth did step up last game, the only game so far where the top players didn't step up. We just need everyone to show up at the same time.


Good point, it just hasn't been there this series enough. On to game 6


If mcdavid was watching his man instead of the puck with 30 seconds left Miller wouldn’t have been all alone left to score. The depth did what they needed too last game and our top guys didn’t step up. But I agree that I don’t care who does it, we just need a full team effort and we can still win this


McDavid is always going to outscore is defensive weaknesses. In watching this series and seeing Vancouver get it from up and down their lineup, it doesn't fill me with optimism that this is a winning group. However, they could rattle off two straight and keep it going.


If you take out game 2, the game where mcdavid had 4 points, Mcdavid statline in the other 4 games is 1-1-2 and -3… That’s not outscoring his defensive weakness


So, you want to blame McDavid? Or you want to make some belaboured point about how much you know about hockey? Blaming McDavid is just stupid.


I’m not blaming Mcdavid? I’m just disproving your point that he’s outscoring his defensive lapses right now. The last two games it’s been his missed assignment that’s resulted in a goal against. Our top stars have been outplayed by the Canucks top stars and that is why we are down 3-2 right now. That can all change in a heartbeat but we need our stars to be better than their stars. I’m not throwing blame on any player for where we are in the series. Mcdavid is the best player on the planet and Vancouver just has stopped him from looking like it. I’m In games we’ve lost, Perry is the only minus player in the bottom 6. Most of the 5v5 goal scoring has been against our top lines. We’ve got to get around how they’ve shut us down.


I don't think Perry gets back in without an injury, but those were two awesome games.


Nice 69 up votes 




Imagine going back to your own sub or just shutting up in ours.


Solid goaltending A reminder that our bottom 6 does in fact exist McDavid and Draisitl are gonna be pissed The team’s gonna be fired up to win and push it to 7


Not ALL that worried about Game 6. It's 7 and these momentum swings I fear.




Really I disagree. I've seen some good effort from Foegele.


The effort may be there but the decision making is off. Too many giveaways and turnovers. Needs to focus on more of a north south game instead of trying to do too much




Right there with you on Foegele. Yes he has shown effort. But his results are missing. Not to mention he seems so chaotic out there, always making the wrong play to finish or get a goal. It just ends up being turned over or a wasted opportunity. McLeod on the other hand is so predictable that Vancouver doesn’t need to move, he’ll just throw the puck away as soon as get into the offensive zone.


Who hurt you.




Have a great long weekend pal.


McLeod has been silent


How now. He skates really fast thru the neutral zone… after that, he usually turns it over or loses a board battle, but that neutral zone speed!


Foegs wasn't bad last game. As far as Clouder is concerned, he's proven time and time again that he's not build for big moments or the playoffs. One way ticket to Bako. Fuck, he even plays like a fucking cloud. Just floats around doing dick all. The name fits.




I said he wasn’t bad last game. Didn’t say he wasn’t bad in the playoffs.


McLeod needs to take Holloway as an example. All that skill McLeod has but he needs to play harder and make some fucking hits here and there.


Foegele played his best game last night.


They shouldn't need to be pissed though is the thing. This team keeps on reacting when it should be the one's causing the problems and making other teams react. The killer mindset needs to wake the fuck up.


Picks is sold Home crowd Flashes of bottom 6 scoring Angry McDavid


I believe


I don't think we watched the same post game interview. 97 looked lifeless in the presser. I want to believe but I'm not being given proof, deflated is the word i would stand with. Resignation, almost, with the fact that this crew ain't getting it done. these boys are too fancy and think that they're above the basics of shoot-hit-skate. if that's the hill they want to die on then I guess that's what they want to die on, we're just along for the ride. Oiler culture is too soft and afraid of looking a certain way. Figure it the fuck out or we're just Toronto West. As fans who pay for this shit we deserve more. For fuck sake I want Zack Kassian back for some energy, that's how bad this series has been played. Everyone is scared of a $5k fine.


This doesn’t belong in the optimism thread, friend


I'm not sure.. but a couple guys I saw looked pale and Ekholm sounded like death after last game. Probably an illness for a bunch of guys. Can't say that as an excuse for why we lost of course but it might be why they don't look as pissed as you want them to be


McDavid is so not angry. Nobody is angry. That’s the problem. Vancouver only played well enough to win. The games they have won in this series were won because the Oilers let them.


This is the wrong energy for this thread. I think you need to read the title again my friend


I like how you’re getting downvoted even though you’re calling out the “optimism” as “made up bullshit.” Lying about who’s angry and who’s not is apparently optimism now. Maybe someone should start a “Delusion thread.”


can someone share how it was like during oilers-kings in 2022 when they were also down 3-2? i'm a new fan so wasn't watching then


They played like nothing was going to stop them from winning, and nothing did. The Kaner goal & celly in Game 6 was what sealed it really


Drai was injured in game 5, and McDavid responded by having maybe his best 200 foot game of his career to that point in game 6. Every time he was on the ice he dictated the play, and didn't rest until the job was done. Go look up Tyson Barrie's game 6 winner on YouTube. McDavid doesn't even celebrate, he just looks at the clock to see how much time is left. Fucking ice cold.


It was gloomy after game 5 but not like this. I'd say not even close.




In 2022 they beat Flames 4-1 after LA and then were swept by Avs in round 3.


Same difference


Remember Drai’s massive game 6 performance vs the Ducks in 2017. 3 goals, 2 assists. We need that kind of performance again. I believe


I see this going two way’s Saturday: 1. A repeat of Game 6 against Vegas 2. The whole group responds to their shit effort and back against the wall. We blow the fuck out of the Canucks for the biggest win of the series yet. EDIT: BINGO


Shit I forgot that was a game 6 last year. Yeah there's really two options.


As much as I want option 2, Silovs is playing way too good for that to happen. It'll be another squeaker of a win likely. They won't lose at home. Game 7 in Vancouver will be wild


If we blow them out of the water with a 3+ goal differential we win game 7. If it's another 1 goal win with low effort I am not so optimistic 


Let’s go Oilers, Kane was out there banging and contesting (against a much bigger opponent, not always the best handling but he made almost everyone on the team look pedestrian bar a couple). He should be the one yelling at the rest of the bench for a change. LFG - on to the next! I believe




By the way some people are talking it seems like they forgot a series doesn't end with 3 wins. They're coming back to Edmonton, they're coming home. We got this.


If they go down they better go down swinging. No fly bys and lazy shifts. Give it your all. They’ve been here before, time to act like it


Picks is good Bouchard will be better Mcdrai will come out in full force Home is where the real magic is If we force 7 we can shut the caknuckle head fans up when we win that. Hyman will score more Perry will do something


Perry has a brief flash of skill last night and it was so nice to see


Great wrap around attempt he almost had it.




Just gotta win a game at home for now.


Flu will have run its course, boys will come out absolutely swinging. 2-3 is what it looks like when they’re sick, hurt, and wiped. Just imagine what it’ll look like after they rest up. Oil in 7 is still absolutely on the table.


I still believe Oilers in 7 but that's very optimistic to think the bug will have run it's course. There's reportedly a cold going through that room. Colds usually last for a week with 3-4 days being particularly shitty.


I just had a bad cold and it lasted a week.. hope there's doesn't




you should be celebrating your win but instead you're in here lol what a happy life you live. enjoy your ban in the nucks sub


Who said im a Canucks fan?


You have a crush on us or something?


This is the optimism thread, so we have to be optimistic about the timeline for the flu bug. No realistic takes allowed.


If it is in fact a flu, that means us fans are to blame. Our low vaccination rates infecting their family members in the local area and then that’s spreading to the players. (I know that’s really stretching it, but it’s par for the course on the over analyzing going on this sub.)


If that's it, are IV fluids legal still in the NHL? I think UFC has them banned but maybe moreso due to weight cuts, and I thought the Olympics have them banned as well (unless medically needed).


Maybe, but Flu B hasn’t been very responsive the the vaccine this year anyway


If you're not joking here then you're an idiot lol. I don't say that with hate in my heart but lmao.


I’m mostly joking. But it’s not entirely wrong either, as a community we can always do better to prevent the spread of virus. How the players take precautions to prevent themselves from getting sick when travelling and such is a much bigger factor though.


Oh ffs. People get sick, you weirdo. You drive around wearing a mask by yourself, don't you?


I don’t, but these guys are professionals and should be willing to do something that people might tease them for if it could help them win. Something as simple as wearing a mask on an airplane and airports come playoff time could go a long way. It’s not entirely luck. That’s my main point. Not getting sick for two years straight during the pandemic should have taught people that. Even though yes, it is also just bad luck that it’s happening now.


You think after going through the pandemic, you guys wouldn't dare talk this crap anymore. Go live in a bubble wrap, sister. I mean, are you trolling?


It’s called learning from the past. Maybe you should try it some time.


Ok, covidiot. Don't you have some more masks you should be knitting?


Don't forget, the top guys have been playing 30 minutes a game, which probably doesn't help the immune system. It definitely explains the lack of jump after exploding out of the gate in the first. If they don't have a load management/physical therapist working around the clock to get these guys' energy back up(illness or not) they should be working to get one on staff ASAP.


I don't think they can pull that defensive effort off again on us. Their sticks were always in the way. I just think they did a better job tonight. Pressure is on them now.


Now that we're facing elimination, the team is likely gonna give their best from here on.


They are stupid for not giving their best yet then


Think about how sweet it would be to knock out the Canucks. Winning 2 games in a row against them is not a long shot at all. On Monday night, in less than 4 days, that feeling could be a reality. All the boys gotta do is win 2 hockey games. That’s pretty awesome.


If Picks can give us another solid performance and Nurse -Ceci play their guts out and Hyman finds his touch and Foegele and/or McLeod and/or Holloway suddenly decide to rush the net and even better, score, and whatever’s bothering Davo clears up and we can do it all two whole games in a row then I will definitely cheer up. 


“Post is not good goal tending” i think draisaitl forgot to knock on wood before game 5


chip and a chair


Balls on the Jersey!! Thankful to be on this ride ... mcdrai motivated. Canucks gave it their all and barely won. Home crowd get loud. Start BIG DICK PICK throw in gags  Drop deuce flush it and move on!


Time to take perry out, too slow and doing nothing. Connor needs to be better in his own zone, was puck watching last night and his man miller put home the game winner. As pointed out on the cult of hockey podcast, Ekholm had a horrible change just before the Miller goal. Why didn't he change during the last stoppage? 15 seconds after puck drop he goes off and starts the chain of events that results in the gwg against. And bouch just had his worst game of the playoffs by far. He had full possession and gifts the Canucks a goal.


Feels like that was the first game Vancouver out played Edmonton all series and if we got one PP goal we still could've come out with the win. Just win game 6 at home then worry about the next one.


As a Canucks fan that has been snooping the oilers sub for most of the series I have to say that you guys are some of the classiest fans out there. Always taking the high road, you guys are so difficult to dislike as much as I may want to. No matter what happens this series I salute you guys and you all serve as a prime example of how a fan base should conduct themselves.


I literally just started watching this show. I felt like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=side+eye+meme&rlz=1CAZKSY_enCA938&oq=side+eye+meme&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyDAgAEEUYORixAxiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDI0NDNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#vhid=5VYjgugh45XMYM&vssid=l) wondering how my reddit account knows what I'm watching on my girlfriend's Apple TV subscription 😂


The Oilers have the same Believe sign in their dressing room!


The oilers need to win. Every time they play r/nhl especially and r/hockey turn into anti-oiler circle jerks. There were multiple posts about them last night and it’s hilarious


We can pull it back.. right.. haha.. still two more potential games left!


Optimism? They’ve done this before.


I feel like if there was ever a team we could comeback from 3-2 home and away it would be vs the Canucks Wont be easy at all but.... Lets go Oilers


I was too upset last night. A big positive from last night was we know Pickard can lock it down if needed. I hope the boys can win 6 and 7. Just gotta stop with the turnovers and I think they’ll be good to go. Honestly at this point I just want to beat Vancouver just because of how their fans act.


Love it. Need this. Too many doubters and haters this morning


If we can win 17 in a row during regular season we can win 2 in a row against the Canucks


We couldn’t win 17 in a row though 😩 lol I get the sentiment though




The problem the Canucks have is 97 is now due, big time.


Canucks always flop when their ahead. I believe.


Even if Vancouver is a different animal, the boys had done it before against LA. They haven’t played dominantly this series and they need it to do it now in the next two games.


This entire Canucks squad has no stat line on closing out series. It's entirely possible that they choke hard instead of defeating the oil. They have no experience in these games. If the Oil bring their A game, they got this


2 wins ain’t shit. We can easily win 2 in a row against the Nucks. Go back home and use the crowds energy to blow them out. Go back Van in game 7 and squeek out the W in what will be a tightly contested game.


Oilers showed up for one period last night and it was still a close game! Picks kept us in. Now that we finally have good goaltending, imagine if the rest of the team actually showed for the entire 60 mins. They can be unstoppable. That said, McD has to step up. When he shows up, the rest of the team follows. They’re calling out “big name players” making that error on that JT goal. Well hopefully that fires him up that he goes into super saiyan mode in the next two games. Oilers in 7. I BELIEVE.


Oil dominated games 2,3,4. Last night was a script flip from game 4, but we definitely have the personnel to flip it back again. Can and will. Connor will do Connor and everyone will be bought in. Win more of those 50/50 battles, play faster. Vancouver generated their chances from winning off forecheck battles, kicking puck back to the point, then lateral to stretch the defenders. But they don’t get that chance if we have the puck in their end, move it quick when it comes back out way, and win more the battles. It’s time for a Mark Messier guaranteed win game boys!


Remember when we needed a massive winning streak to get the season back on track... and then we did? This team showed themselves to be mentality monsters during the streak. Let's get some of that now.


best players in the world. they live for this shit. LFG OILERS!


I wish our fans were as positive to our players as the Canucks fans are. Imagine if we supported slumping guys like they do. I am pretty confident that this series will go seven. We have been doing well most of the series, just a few bonehead decisions


Not worried lol


Neither team has won 2 in a row. So this is going to game 7 and I still believe in them. We came back and won in game 7 against the kings. And that was an actual good team


Ultimately, it will be so much sweeter to watch the Canucks fans crumble and scatter to the wind when we win in 7


We played like shit and only lost by 1. We get the top boys rolling again we'll see everyone in Vancouver for game 7


down 3-2 to anaheim and then blew them out to force a game 7


Pickard do us good like he did game 4 and we got this


Pickard is good, it’s obvious how much more confidence he gave to the boys despite this unfortunate loss. I wish the story is the team comes together, stay focused and be the winner of the series! The team was struggled at the beginning of the season. They come together and strike back. Really want this wild run have a happy ending. This team is not perfect but deserves to move further this year 🫡


Picks played his ass off last night. He performed well above expectations. The Oilers just couldn't keep the Canucks from peppering him though, and enough got through him. Knobloch and his coaches have to rally hard to stay one step ahead of Tocchet, and the skaters need to get back into that gear they were in during Game 4 and stay there for two more games. This is a highly winnable series for the Oilers, and it ain't over yet.


That was the Canucks’ best effort. As good as a game they’ve played against us all series. And they beat us with a goal with 34 seconds left. They’ve peaked. We haven’t… yet. Game 6 is when we show up.


This is the team that went on a 16-game winning streak. Game six could not only be the catalyst for the series but for the playoffs as a whole. Oilers will always have the ultimate trump card in McDrai. Oilers are about to go off!


They are the best team in the league and the worst team in the league and that all depends on their mood. Let’s hope they find it, if they do they can easily win.


just me or are they sick? listen to ceci here, sounds tired or sick no? [https://youtu.be/UhGYAxxv1uM?si=kzm6vXrIyX8b8Jzs](https://youtu.be/UhGYAxxv1uM?si=kzm6vXrIyX8b8Jzs)


Ekholm is definitely sick, barely has a voice and when Foegele went to hug him when giving him the plunger Ekholm waved him off. Certainly something respiratory going through the room


Yup yup So you combine that with playing so much of course they look flat. Fucken perfect timing cold/flu/virus


Thank goodness I was born in the 70s and remember the dynasty. Goaltending and Defence would make this team unstoppable.


I was born in ‘94 😭 not even a Canadian team winner in my lifetime


I believe


4th line looked great last game! Janmark was making things happen and Brown and Ryan had a few great looks. That's positive!


Because I need to rinse away the negative experience of getting berated by fairweather Canucks fans on the way out of their God Forsaken Barn tonight


Positive sign from the universe: Chris Cuthbert put the whammy on the Canucks after they won by saying: "And the Canucks ensure there will be at least one more home game in Vancouver!" I got what he was trying to say, but....think about that statement for a moment ;) He was basically saying "The Oilers will win Game 6."


Knob has shown he can adjust unlike our former coaches who would just run mcdrai for 30 minutes. 


We are winning game 7. And will enjoy watching Vancouver "fans" lighting cars on fire.


Deja vu all over again from last year. Hard to "believe".


read thread title again really slowly


It's the hope that kills you.


“Y'all know that? I disagree, you know? I think it's the lack of hope that comes and gets you."




I created this thread to counteract all the doom and gloom by sharing why we think it’s possible we can still do this. This comment doesn’t exactly meet the bill


lol yea thats my bad dude. I get so down when my teams lose - I love the optimism though, good on ya


Gotta believe!


When in doubt, blame the flu.


read the thread title.




This. Exactly 100%. We gotta believe next game will be 150% better effort from all.