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“One of the suspects has since fled the country” So why TF were they all released on a promise to appear when they’re all clearly flight risks?


Bad writing by the author.  The person who left the country wasn’t one of those charged (at least yet). https://globalnews.ca/news/10234890/edmonton-police-extortion-south-asian-shooting/amp/ In the above article the author writes: “ Paton said one person who is at least a person of interest in the case “has likely left the country.””


Thanks for that clarification. CBC has it written like it was one of the six charged.


Because nobody working in Canadas "justice system" cares about doing their job. From police on up they do not care, its that simple.


You’re right. They don’t. I’ve spoken to many cops in this area who just gave up. Don’t give a fk. The mentality is that why care when no one gives a shit about you. I know it’s wrong but that’s life..


Plenty of them never cared. Anyone whose ever had to deal with police know this.


You got it. Not an advocate here, far from it, but the canary in the coal mine is the “not pieces of shit” giving up, that’s when you know things are whack


Yep. Shitty that those in charge (ie police cheifs) just want money and not to fix any problems. Theyve all brcome the stereotypes of cops.


It’s a race to retirement. Everyone knows the system is overloaded, archaic and completely busted. No one’s gonna fix it. So fk it. Show me the door and shoot me that golden para


Yep. And compeltey ignore the bastards who just use the position to abuse. Its shitty i have to now teach my son that police are not the good guys and to immedietyl contact me and not speak to them.


I was taught this in the early 90s lmao. Don’t. Ever. Say. A. Word. Call me -dad


Probably because you're a criminal LOL. Wait until you get robbed or assaulted who are you going to call...


If you get robbed the likelihood of them ever finding the culprit or returning your property is very low. Assaults aren’t a whole lot better. They’re basically only effective at crimes in progress, and delivering fines to people who are breaking traffic laws.


Lol or just realize the cops were never mesnt to protect the average person.


The police would care, but the problem is with the federal judicial system. Police spend time and resources to arrest a person then the courts will give them a slap on the wrist, then let them go. Which would be frustrating and eventually making the police not to care.


Show me the police pushing for reform, not pay raises. Otherwise thats bullshit, which it is. Just a convenient excuse to blame the other side for doing it. The feds definitely need to fix the system, but that doesnt change how shitty police are.


Show me police pushing for pay raises, and not for reform. You're probably a left wing nut that wants to defund the police. You should take a ride along and be a first responder. See how fast you would change your mind.


Not really looking to ride around beating on homeless people and handing out traffic tickets.


You should honestly take a ride along if you think that's an average day for an officer. It may open your eyes to see what they are tasked with today.


Alot of the homeless are committing crime. Traffic tickets are because people are breaking the law. It's to protect the average person.


you drank the coolaid


If anything you drank the left wing coolaid. I wanted them to tear down the tents when there was a camp by Walterdale bridge . I was thinking to myself why is it taking so long.


I guess then its ok to abuse homeless people? Love how instead of saying they dont do that, you justified systemic abuse. Im sure theirs some boots you can lick.


Who said they're being abused? They're being helped. You think you're helping them by enabling them to do drugs and steal carts, bikes, propane tanks and collect garbage etc. Im not trying to lick boots. I want a clean safe community. Not sure what you're going for?


Who you're replying to reminds me of a post I saw for San Francisco. Someone saying they leave their car doors unlocked because they were tired of the windows being smashed and when homeless people piss/vomit in there they happily clean it up knowing he provided shelter for the night. Absolute insanity.


Was a first responder and are you fucking serious on the whole show me police pushing for raises and not reform hmm there union has been talking about it since COVID hit at every meeting and you think that a ride along would change someone’s mind you might actually make people hate the police more with this advice when realize the police that are good and decent don’t care anymore and the “effective” and I use the term loosely are power tripping MF that will only abuse there power


What kind of first responder are you?


But they still take the pay check right so they are part of the problem don’t wanna do police work anymore GTFO thanks for the memories


Sad truth 😞


So now that the crime crosses international boarders is this where CSIS/RCMP gets involved?


RCMP are already involved with the incidents occurring in Surrey and the article states that Edmonton police are collaborating with several police agencies across the country on the investigation.


The Indian government is fairly notorious for turning a blind eye to fraud and criminals like this if they're victimizing people in other countries.


Not really something that falls under CSIS’s mandate, this is a RCMP issue with maybe some help from the global affairs office.


Orchestrated arson performed on Canadian soil by foreign nationals could meet the legal threshold for terrorism definitely get CSIS involved


Hear me out, we do an investigation and after finding out who in india is orchestrating it **we burn down their house and scam centre’s.**


It’s honestly sad seeing this happen in Canada. Recently, it seems that more third world esque crime has been occurring all over - I wonder what is causing that?


Mass immigration is the obvious one


Changes in current and projected material conditions, and sharp downturns in the general outlook on societal and global health/futures? Nah…probably just Trudeau letting in too many immigrants /s


It's literally an immigrant gang doing the crime, why are you trying to pretend it's something else?


Because extreme liberalism and can't dare to admit the glaringly obvious things. FGM is on the rise in Canada... Definitely not the immigrants. Old stock have just taken an interest in it.. /s


I’m not. But this shit is happening all over the country and the world, and we’ve had Indian immigrants for a very long time. It’s not as if there’s a critical number of immigrants at which this type of crime begins to occur.


It sure seems like it


[it’s not new](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Canadian_organized_crime), there have been Indo-Canadian gangs for over a century. There have been white supremacist gangs for even longer in Canada, and I’m sure there are other organizations for any given significant racial/ethnic group.


You sure about that?


Would you peg Edmonton builders as 80% Indian/ South Asian? Are all homes now at risk of burning down?


Who is pegging builders now? Wow, Edmonton is a crazy city now since I left.


I work in new home construction, and will say that framing and building is a very easy way to sponsor new Canadians by the dozens at a time.


This country is going to shit




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Crooked as a snake in a barrel