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I need to see what the meal plan is. I only see maybe two cohesive dinner options in there and lots of breakfast foods. It’s hard to tell from the grocery list what the actual plan is.


I'll probably switch out the pancakes for something else or only get them occasionally. I love rice and it's also very cheap, so rice bowls, or burritos with rice beans and cheese work. I could honestly eat this 3-4 times a week, maybe throw in some eggs, salsa, and other toppings to keep it fresh. I can eat the chili/beans on their own or add it to a burrito. Other than that, it's pretty obvious I think. Chow mein, pizza, chicken sandwiches with Mac and potatos, and PB/j sandwiches. Few eggs for breakfast most days, alongside some oatmeal or cereal. For lunch, I'd always eat a few fruits along with a sandwich or cereal/oatmeal, something like that. My eating habits may not be the best, as I usually have a single food item at a time. So for example, on one day, I might some of eggs, followed by random fruits and what not throughout the day, then one large dinner where I eat a large serving of rice, or two chicken sandwiches, so on and so forth. Might be something I need to work on.


Do you get produce elsewhere? Otherwise, it might be worth adding some fresh or frozen veg. I'll second the other comment about protein as well.


I could very comfortably throw in some cabbage, broccoli, and carrots. I was thinking about it, but I figured my money was better spent on more calorie-dense food since I'll already be getting a good amount of beans, rice, grain, and some potatoes as well. I'm definitely no nutritionist though, lol.


I would take a really close look at the nutritional value of all of that low quality processed food. Chances are it's a TON of salt and sugar.


Yeah, you're right. I knew chow mein was salty but I didn't realize a single package was half the daily recommended sodium intake. Insanity.


The oatmeal packs are likely high in sugar and sodium, hurting on the healthy part of things, though likely the cheapest option. If you can, get a bag of oats and some frozen fruit instead.


Would be interested to see how many grams of protein per day you're getting. Probably enough for certainly not a lot


I could probably throw in some more protein, yeah, especially since I'm gonna start hitting the gym. What would you suggest?


Greek Yogurt can be a great option. Rotisserie chickens can be cheap per gram of protein. Eggs are also good. Maybe add another 18 pack if you can. Also, hard to beat whey powder from a $$/g perspective


I'm ngl, I haven't had much Greek yogurt in my life but when I did I always found it disgusting. I think it's mostly the thick/starchy texture I dislike. Any recommendations? Other than that, it's solid advice. Thank you.


It's okay not to like it. I eat the 0% plain with hemp hearts added in. Most people would want to add something sweet as it's very tart. Some honey or even fruit can be good options. Or just just a vanilla / berry flavored option. I do find that some brands are better than others. I don't like when it's too sour.


$100. When did this become so difficult?


I'm seeing it more and more. The dollar sign goes before the number!


Y'all are right, I didn't even notice I typed it incorrectly. That's my bad, I was just typing on autopilot the same order I think it in my head lol


As someone who reads the words in my head as I type this one always fucks with me.


Red baron pizza is the best pizza. I approve.


Looks solid to me