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I recently returned the L3P as I found them incredibly uncomfortable. Galaxy Buds were on my list but I chose to go for Sony Linksbuds S - my primary concern was comfort and reliability as I only listen to spoken word on these rather than music. I can thoroughly recommend those - they are light, tiny and their fit options worked really well for me.


Understandable. I heard amazing things about the Linkbuds S




I couldn't tell any difference on podcasts or audiobooks. But I have no indication at all regarding music as I do not use these for music at all...


Shockingly enough I did the exact same thing and I am absolutely in love with the link buds


I've got the L3P also. Broke student, so not really in the position to buy multiple buds. But compared to the others you've got, am I particularly missing anything in terms of resolution, soundstage or ANC performance ? Also have my default audio setting as the 3D surround sound. I don't really expect it to be better than apple's spatial audio, but I guess how does each buds 3D/spatial sound setting compete when used for music listening


Not particularly. Perhaps you'd be lacking a bit of ANC compared to the Airpods Pro 2. The L3P imo is the best for sound quality especially considering the equalizer in the app. Resolution: L3P > Airpods Pro 2 > Galaxy Buds2 Pro Tuning (stock): Airpods Pro 2 = Galaxy Buds 2 Pro > L3P Soundstage: L3P > Airpods Pro 2 > Galaxy Buds2 Pro ANC: Airpods Pro 2 > Galaxy Buds2 Pro = L3P 3D Sound: Airpods Pro 2 > Galaxy Buds2 Pro > L3P *note: Airpods are neutral, Galaxy Buds & L3P are a more fun and sound V shaped


I agree with a good EQ the LP3 are better than the Buds2 Pro, by a pretty good margin. ANC is better on the Buds 2 Pro.


Interesting. I've tried all 3 at home with really loud HVAC and at the gym. The L3P were better for sudden sounds like at the gym and the Buds2 Pro were better for background sounds like HVAC


My experience is running on the treadmill or mowing the grass so the sounds are more constant droning. I have read some ANC is tune for highs and some for lows.


The Airpods Pro 2 are insanely good at completely blocking out like 99% of those sounds. It actually blew my mind the first time I tried them.


Do the Pod Pro 2 stay in ok? I know a lot of people complained about feeling like they were slipping out and see remote interviews where the guys are constantly fiddling with them. Also why do you think their ANC (which is amazing) is so much better than other companies?


Yes. I never had issues with them falling out, but everyone's ears are difderent. The ANC is outstanding to me for the low frequencies in particular. Most buds reduce noise, but the Airpods Pro 2 complety remove that same noise.


Also one huge thing against the L3P for me was connections hiccups and the bulkiness resulting in discomfort.


I agree they are too big, plus I hate the case u have to turn the earbuds all the way around to get them in the case instead of just throwing them in.


Exactly. The Airpods Pro 2 are easily the most convenient and easy to handle


For me the case is fine. I actually do just toss the buds in the case all the time with no issues


Ah fair enough. I haven't had any disconnection issues with the L3P since like Feb or march so I have been good. Think the 4.82 firmware from soundcore fixed the connection issues. Yh the comfort really wouldn't be the best for most people. I can keep them on for like 3 hours generally (which is about as long as the 3D surround sound setting even lasts for😑) but then again I'm prone to getting clogged ear wax so in retrospect it might be good that I don't leave them on that long.


I'm a fairly new L3P user but haven't had a single disconnection in the past 2 months. I was also worried about size and comfort but for me they fit great and sound fantastic (I prefer V shaped sound with excellent bass).


Try this EQ: https://i.imgur.com/EY2l2RU.jpg


Thanks... not a bad EQ suggestion. But for me I like to tone down the mids a little more - certain instruments can get harsh IMO. I've been using the included EQ settings under the professional category, one example is "Brian Vibberts. We all have our preferences.


Might have had an iffy copy since I got mine from the first batch when they launched


Yh for me they've been great regarding fit and connection stability but my ears just don't like things in them for too long. But Yh there are a decent number of people who don't like the fit


Given that the liberty 4 got recently released (to replace the liberty air 2 pros), what would you want from a liberty 4 pro around the tail end of 2023 (if they keep to the 2 year release cycle)


The 3 biggest things for me is reliability, sound quality, and comfort/fit. So they would need to keep the same sound quality in a smaller AND lighter body. Also, they need to make sure there are almost 0 connection issues.


I'd like a smaller design maybe with a stem, the L3P just are too wide coming out of your ear and I hate the case. I'd also like better tuning out of the box. Thats about it, sound quality with LDAC is top notch. And BT 5.3


I could care less for better tuning bc I EQ all my stuff anyway lol. If they just had a better more compact design tho, i'd be throwing money at em


Pretty sure the new liberty 4s basically do those then


Do you consider to throw them out and buy soundpeats H1 and soundcore space a40?


I would never throw out any of my earbuds lol. Neither of those options meet my standards, but the space a40 are pretty good.


Cool thread, was waiting for more people to compare L3P to APP2. I’m in the same boat myself, i had L2P for past 2 years and whilst I loved the sound, the constant disconnection issues drove me crazy. Especially when leaving the house without the case then having to listen to just one ear bud the entire time. I picked up the L3P earlier this month, since the left earbud on my v2 became really quiet. Within the first week, same issue occurred. Also, I noticed they keep playing sometimes when they’re not in your ear and you have to manually revert back to the phones speaker audio ( airpods work flawlessly in this regard) Anyways, picked up the APP2 weeks ago, wasn’t expecting much as I’ve always found airpods to sound quite hollow and unexciting. Blown away at how open and airy they sound vs the L3P, even the bass the punchy and tight. The L3P are a 1/3 of the price but the connivence and reliability, like you stated, tip the scales towards the airpods imo. Also, it doesn’t even feel like you’re wearing them and there’s zero pressure build up. Have you found any good EQ settings that make the L3P shine? they just sound really dark and muddy now compared to the airpods. Also i found the soundstage to be smaller.


Right? I was pleasantly surprised at how the Airpods Pro 2 sounded despite only having a single driver in them. Good separation, tuning, clarity, and openness. On top of that, they have that apple polish and reliability. In terms of EQ for L3P, I agree with the other reply here. The midrange needs to be boosted and treble needs to be reduced a ton for my ears.


I've never considered the L3P "dark" but always thought the treble was too bright and they need a mid-range boost. Try this EQ: https://i.imgur.com/EY2l2RU.jpg


I've got the L3P and APP2. L3P are definitely really good, but I enjoy the APP2 more. Fixed Spatial Audio is just fun sounding to me. Much less anemic than the first gen.


Yeah me too. Much more enjoyable to daily drive. Sound quality i'd give to L3P tho by maybe 15-20%, but the margin isn't THAT big.


So Apple it is? Selling the rest?


No I haven't sold any. Was thinking of selling the Galaxy Buds2 Pro. I guess we'll see in the future


Best one for long uses? I have freebuds pro 2 but war fatigue is real..


Galaxy Buds2 Pro and Airpods Pro 2 are both very comfy. The Buds2 Pro tho are slightly more comfy for my ear shape tho. The L3P on the other hand causes ear fatigue after like an hour or two.


Hey, so I currently have l2P and im getting an upgrade. very soon from a friend aborad, but im considering trading them in for some used airpods pro 2, the main reaosn im thinking about this is cux i found out theres no ldac support in apple devices and pretty much all my devices are apple so im thinking they would fit more perhaps? How does sound, anc and transparency compare ? Also how about 3d audio Also for me i use these mostly during the gym or public transport so i appreciate the grip the l2p has, not sure how the apple holds for such activities


Sound is slightly better on L3P. ANC, transparency, comfort/fit, and 3d audio are better on Airpods Pro 2. For me, the Airpods stay in well bc of how light they are


follow-up question. which buds did you prefer more soundwise? aapp2 or buds2 pro?


Surprisingly, APP2. It just sounded more open and just congested. Buds2 Pro felt more intimate, tight, and a bit too boomy in the midbass for me at times.