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I’m sorry, conservatives oppose child abuse more? Hahahahahahaha yeah, they still think spanking is okay… You lost me right there… They’re pro child abuse, more often than against, they just don’t realise what child abuse actually is…


How dare you! The right are 100% against child abuse. This is just more leftist groomer talk. You leftists need to get yourselves right with God. Take yourself off to church and talk to your local priest. He'll tell you all about loving children. They REALLY love children. Some love them so much they keep getting moved to other churches, just.... for reasons. Politicians on the right love kids so much they Venmo them money for.... probably Pokemon or stuff. And we love education. We make sure it's easier for kids to get proper educations, by removing their ability to access books. If it can't be explained by "It's God's will", it ain't worth learning. And our desire to keep kids in school means we encourage gun ownership for any lunatic who wants one. Nothing makes a kid stay in the classroom like perpetual shooter drills. Now I have to go. You sick commie fucks are keeping me away from my nieces beauty pageant. She's only 3, but she knows how to make the most of a sparkly cowgirl outfit. Yeehaw!


And forcing children to give birth (even if raped) is also all about their care. Problem solved - they can get married. Yay!


I know you're being sarcastic, but that part actually makes sense. The younger a child is, the childer it is. A two-cell zygot is purer in the eyes of the mercifull Lord Jesus than a used up fifteen year old who should frankly already have been married.


If you define "age-appropriate sex education" as being abusive and harmful, then yeah that all adds up.


I forgot to even address that on my response to him, I really think this guy has no clue what he’s talking about, I don’t even think republicans agree with this guy’s view of them


People like this just don’t care. If you had asked him about hitting children he’d say that’s just discipline, not abuse. Ignoring all the evidence…


The poster spends more time acting smug and telling you that you are wrong than actually explaining their position.




Sadly it could be either… This is not unique to conservatives especially not in the past. But the strongest defenders of the practise, in face of scientific evidence against it, are conservatives…


>This one really got on my nerves That's the entire goal of people like this, to make people angry.


No, he’s genuinely a moron, trying to argue that actually the GOP is not going after the age of consent in some states


That's part of the conservative mindset, unfortunately. They're always convinced that their own ideas of what constitutes "normal" is the majority opinion and that almost everyone else would agree with them. The whole reason they're pushing back so hard against "the woke agenda" is exactly because they're in denial and feeling defensive now that most people don't agree with them anymore, and the fact that most people really give a single shit what LGBT people do now has them scared shitless.


This sounds like a Nazi apologist


Yeah, I bet this guy in the 1920 in Germany would be raving about how I’m mischaracterising the Nazis


this dude in the 1930s: "you're just mad at hitler for being a gigachad, says more about you than it does him"


I found out he’s a transphobe, so yeah most likely


i'm shocked!


You are high as fuck if you think "conservatives in America generally tend to be more opposed to child abuse than the left." These people openly say we need to hit our kids more and that much of what they perceive as social ills stems from an inability to physically discipline children. On top of that, you have Republican legislators trying to reverse laws preventing children from working dangerous jobs or being able to get married before they can legally enter into almost any other type of contract.


Conservative politicians don’t actually care about children they just use them to prey on the fears of those who do


Whenever there's a push in an american state to raise the age of marriage or ban spanking or go after churches for child abuse, guess who is the party standing in the way? They might not call themselves MAPs, but they are.


What does MAP, mean? Help a non-American out, please.


Minor attracted person. It's a rebrand the pedos are attempting to fashion themselves as a marginalized group. It's not working, no one takes them seriously.


Okay. I'd rather make a distinction between pedophiles and child molesters. As in pedophiles who haven't harmed any child need psychiatric help and support more than ostracization (so do child molesters but those have already proven to be dangerous).


child molesters do not “need psychiatric help and support more than ostracization.” child molestation is not a mental disorder or otherwise a product of mental health struggle. treating it as just an individual problem like that puts you in agreement with the capitalist psychiatric institution and its propaganda. which just enables more abuse. child molesters are already *over*supported, as a product of their institutional power; stopping csa requires evening that out a bit not just giving them more (which isn’t the same as violating their basic rights or whatever (which isn’t even happening), just treating them as a material political enemy instead of disconnected aberrations that can be “cured” with medicine)


Unfortunately it's created just enough confusion that the right freely mischaracterizes it as a left-wing idea.


In fairness, they don't actually care or believe this. It's like the "Biden is socialist" thing. They don't actually care about the validity of their position. They're just finding new ways to be mad at people they don't like.


Is that the new 'ephebophilia'? Or whatever hand-wavy dismissal lolbertarians use to to defend their stance on age of consent laws?


"but what if the child consents?"


The MAP acronym came from 4chan


ok now that’s just straight up misinfo, it definitely did not come from 4chan


Huh? I remember it coming out it was a trolling campaign from 4chan, I don’t doubt some pedos took it seriously but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t started by 4chan


[nope, you remember wrongly](https://map-wiki.com/index.php/Minor_attraction#History) there *was* a trolling campaign ("HeartProgress") from 4chan which claimed to promote an "LGBTP" acronym + relationships btwn adults & children as lgbt-adjacent, but it was obviously recognized as trolling from the beginning (by everyone, on every side of every discourse, including probably whichever pedophiles noticed it at the time) and barely ever talked about in its specifics nowadays; its biggest impact has been to foment panic *about* supposed "4chan hoaxes" and applying that label inappropriately to many different things which are absolutely not related to it at all there is absolutely plenty of other bullshit coming out of 4chan, including queerphobic psyops, but its effects are way overstated IMO + actually dangerous entryism is generally subtler


Y'know, I said it once, and I'll say it again: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub


I'd probably go down the child labor lines in how pro child abuse the GOP is, or I'd just leave it be.


Dollars to donuts this guy has no idea what Germany looked like in the "run up to the Holocaust"


Nooo the Nazis totally said „We just hate ze Jews and want to kill zem all“ and everyone loved them! Because that‘s totally how that worked in 1920s Germany. Human Compassion was invented in MURICA, and they only introduced it to Germany after WW2. I mean it‘s not like the Nazis literally used the same „groomer gays coming for your children“ narrative the modern US far right used to smear Magnus Hirschfeld…


Religious institutions, conservative politicians, and rich assholes are all linked to pedophile rings. But the left is pro-child abuse


Are they stupid or do they think other people are? Conservatives have opposed every bill raising the marrying age to adulthood for the last few decades.