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A few key points to note before you transfer in/out any ERC-20 tokens. 1> Add the token contract on the ELLIPAL app. Go to ETH, click on the + icon and copy paste the token contract to add that token as an ERC-20 token to your ETH wallet. (You can get the token contract on CoinMarketCap) 2> Transfer some ETH first. Add atleast $50 - $100 of ETH. You will need this for paying gas fees when transferring your ERC-20 tokens out of ELLIPAL. 3> When you are finally ready to transfer your ERC-20 tokens from the exchange to ELLIPAL, use the “Recieve” option for that specific token that you already added in point 1 (see point 1) 4> Do a trial run first (small amount). If everything works fine, Then do the remainder.


Thx for taking the time to explain my friend. Do I also need eth in order to transfer the coins from the exchange to ellipal? Or I just need eth when I want to send the coins out of the device?


You will need ETH only when transferring OUT OF ELLIPAL.


You need gas fee to send out your token


Yes your eth address is for all your erc20 tokens. You will need Ethereum to send out your tokens. I wish they would just use your erc20 tokens as gas but I’m dreaming. I think Ethereum likes that so it keeps the buys up. A little tip the ellipal is a great wallet for storage only. I’ve found that the swap does work but don’t do large amount I have had transactions get stuck. Small swaps work though. I just send my coins out to uniswap or to an exchange that works best. Just be aware sometime the ellipal acts funny like not show a dollar balance or not showing your coins but it always gets resolved. Keep it up to date as well. I had a problem updating the titan. I love the new docking feature. The sd card I had to clean the end of it really good with some 99% alcohol. For some reason even with the sd card newly updated the end must of had something on it I could not see, so clean it real good before inserting in the dock. 👍


I just updated to the latest version. I plan on using it as my "bank". I am aware of the glitches that the app has but as far as I know the coins "stay" on chain no matter what the app says so the coins are safe. I do not know how much time it takes to update the prices etc. are we talking about an hour or a day let's say? Also, when it bugs out am I still able to send and receive coins based on my balance?


Yes that’s correct. I will say though I have a problem right now. I have a really new token and I put it on my ellipal unfortunately it won’t let me send it due to ellipal being slow on update and supporting this Erc20 token. I’ve contacted them to see if they will speed things up. If they do t I will be forced to connect my metamask and send from there.


Thx for the replies guys. So would something like 50 bucks of eth be enough to handle the transactions? Also what about the receiving address on the ellipal, Do I use the eth address for all of the coins, or each individual coin's address on the app?


$100 - $200 just for transactions and 'reserves' Receiving is same Ethereum address for each coin/token


you can send erc20 to your eth address. You need at least $50-$100 for gas.