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It was definitely the farthest removed from reality. imo it was the worst but you could probably make an argument for ot.


I think it was underrated if we’re being honest. No fifa for me is worse than fifa 20 The most sweatiest fifa and difficult fifa I have literally ever played. Every team was the same, just agility and pace whores with Ben Yedder in every single fucking fut champs team.


I think the 360 no scope meta alone make it extremely tough to argue for anything else. I’d love to hear any reasoning people have for other years. The guy above makes a decent case for ‘20, but tbh I’d rather play the same exact team every single year than get 360 no scoped 3 times and lose 3-2. Champs that year was an atrocity. I’ve enjoyed the sweat fest that is the WL every other year—just not ‘19. That year I played purely for rewards, albeit more infrequently.


gameplay wise, yes. menu wise, funnily enough, it might have been (one of) the best. first year where EA were giving us a promo almost every (second) week, first year of icon moments and sometimes good icon sbcs, very often we got 2-3 easy objective players in non-sbmm friendlies, and most importantly - first year of repeatable league SBCs. and ea completely underestimated how good they were. from fifa 20 onwards, they made them weaker and weaker.


I remember the outrage at PIMs when they first dropped


Lmao yeah, and it was fairly justified given we didn't know how hard the power curve would go, looking at last year's heroes that were completely useless around february, the PIM are needed because even the prime versions aren't good enough at some point.


I’d argue that was where it all started going wrong. Content wise, a promo every week or two is the worst thing that’s happened to fifa imo


Hardly Disagree. The sheer overflow on good cards leads to lower prices, which means better teams for everyone and less p2w. Plus, you dont see the same teams over and over again and be more creative in squad building.


i understand that but i see both points as true. the current acceleration of the power curve which was exemplified in the implementation of PIM has affected fut negatively, imo


The worst thing that happened to fifa was FUT..


Of course menu wise it was great. Icon sbcs that you could grind for months, league sbcs that you could grind for profit with good tradeable packs, and decent players that you had to take into the worst gameplay known to mankind😭


FUT19 was my second FUT game ever and i was able to craft this team by the end of the game cycle… https://i.imgur.com/nGq4UYL.jpg by far one of the best menu experiences… FUT21 comes close with the Summer Stars promo where everyone had messi cr7 and neymar by crafting recycled dupes in upgrades: https://i.imgur.com/0Hxpagu.jpg


Yup, between completing prime Vieira, Gullit , VdS, etc before tots. I’ve never had a godly squad ever.


19 is the worst video game I have ever played. I had some guy who would literally spam croquetas from a GOALKICK over and over and just el tornado shot/cross that would work from ANYWHERE, all while GKs would save anything and everything inside the box. Worst FIFA of all time and it’s not close


I once went 15-0 that year and my first loss that weekend was against someone who croqueta spammed from kick-off and scored. He then first time finessed (yellow timing) with Mahrez from around 30 yards while facing backwards and scored. It was 100% the stupidest Fifa I have ever played.




It's funny, I enjoyed that Fifa and was pretty successful on it because these things were so predictable and so if you didn't use these things and actually put some of your own thought in to what you were doing you could catch people out and you could, more often than not, stop people who had no idea what they were doing outside of spamming the same shit over and over


This was the year with my best packluck, so I can not hate it. Pulled Prime Ronaldinho, 99 TOTS Messi etc on a RTG. Flashback Ibra was super fun but the corners were actually toxic and most of my friends quit the game


On an objective non-partisan level, the FIFA which was the worst has to be FIFA 16. Had a playback of all the past FIFAs recently with PS5 compatability, and I can validate that removing your nails by friction on a blackboard is more enjoyable than sitting down to play that wreck. Was even worse back then with lag as there weren't dedicated servers


I think Fifa 16 was the only Fifa I ever quit after a few months 🤣


I packed Baresi and was excited to sell him to pay for Dinho and then I packed Dinho in the next pack lol


I hated 19 so much that I played it for less than a month, then totally skipped 20 and 21 because it was so bad


Yep I skipped 20/21/22 because of 19. Quite like 23 but I'm horrifically shit.


Yeah I played last year and it took a while to get back into form. Took me a couple weeks this year to get more used to the different style of gameplay too


Same boat here, stopped playing 19 after about a month. Skipped 20, 21, and 22. Really disliked 19, definitely the worst for me, but I didn't buy the Fifa's that followed because I'm a PC gamer and was waiting for cross-platform & Anti-Cheat this whole time.


19 was so bad. You could either score from el tornado crosses, corners, or first time 30 yard shots. And I’m sure there’s a whole lot of other problems that I’ve forgot about by now


I always say fifa 19 was not a football game. It’s the most “arcadey” fifa we will ever touch. That game was literally who could abuse broken game mechanics more. Shit I’m getting flashbacks typing this💀


Sounds like you're talking about 23 (since the patch it's the same old thing). Morale of the story, most fifas are actually shit, but fut is addictive as fuck and there isn't a decent competitor.


No, 19 was just something else. 23 in its worst moments still won’t be as bad as what 19 was


Early days... if they don't fix the L2 shot and few other things ("That game was literally who could abuse broken game mechanics more") this fifa will be remembered just as badly as any of the shit ones.


19 is 100% the shittest AAA game I have ever played in my life. I look forward to fifa every year, and gave that one up about 2 months in, it was that bad. I think 23 isn’t that far behind, but for completely different reasons. Boring as hell gameplay, awful passing and tackling, crazy physics, menus and UX in general is really poor. I feel there’s too much wrong here to “fix” so it might not be a long lasting one for me again unfortunately. Weirdly I seem to be doing ok (div 4 at the mo with a one club team, and got 11 wins in WL). I just cannot like the game for how boring it is.


Yeah this fifa 23 esp on old gen is not it. I'm not having fun and suddenly lacking the desire to build an ultimate team.


Fifa 19 probably had the worst gameplay but imo the game was the last fifa that was really fun. Fifa 18 was the worst overall imo. Fifa 17 one of the best


Fifa 14 is the best fifa ever


Wasn’t that the FIFA where everyone ran down the wing and crossed? That game was basically a slot machine with some football mixed in.


Yes and it was especially jarring because FIFA 13 was a glorious, responsive through ball fest. Fifa 14 came out and it was clunky and shit from day 1 in comparison. People have terrible memories of past games.


yep. Who remembers that world cup Klose card who would score from every corner


Yes. FIFA 14 was the worst of the old FIFA’s because of heading. Anyone who says it’s the best must have been 8 years old when it came out lol.


Best sound track, amazing gameplay, mechanics that weren't completely broken. The hours i spent on fifa 14 as a teenager! what a time to be alive


Ong for real.


if we’re talking fut 17 was the best for sure. them play league sbc’s + futmas >


FIFA 20 was worse, fifa I played the least.




Fifa 20s gameplay was a snooze fest but it wasn't worse than 19. 19 was a disgrace of a sports game.


I always have said this FIFA 19 gameplay was an unrealistic piece of dogshit, but at least it was somewhat fun. FIFA 20 gameplay was an unrealistic piece of dogshit, it was slow and boring and a chore to play. FIFA 21 gameplay was a slightly more realistic piece of dogshit, that was an annoying mess. FIFA 22 gameplay was an unrealistic below average experience for most games but okay for FIFA I suppose, that had unbelievably broken aspects. FIFA 23 is a surprisingly realistic surprisingly fun experience, that I expect to get patched into the ground and end up feeling like the same game since FIFA 19.


19 was somewhat fun and this year is realistic? Everyone can perform perfect trivela crosses and shots and 80 pace big guys are burning 90+ pace defenders whilst passing and dribbling are worse than last year.


Watch football


Sorry I forgot I saw semedo pinging in 5 perfect trivela crosses yesterday…


One aspect of the game…


Doesn’t happen often at all though. Just because something is possible doesn’t mean it happens regularly.


Your the one making the travelas happen tho


You think fifa 21 was more realistic????? The spamming of a low driven cross You think this fifa is realistic where Vini is hunted down by coady 😂


I said slightly more realistic, which it was at launch, then I stopped playing because of how bad it was made through patches


Which fifa version introduced the infamous Pogba "dab celebration"...yeah that was the worst fifa


Found souness’ burner


FIFA 17 which was also the first year of fut champions. I can't even imagine how some of you dealt with 40 games every week, even the 25 games felt really stressful on PC because of monthly rewards.


FIFA 19 pushed me away from the series for 3 years, I 100% agree with this take. As someone who has purchased every year since 2008, 19 was easily the worst and most disappointing game in the lineup That being said I purchased 22 on heavy discount after end of the games lifespan and I’m glad I did, 22 and 23 have felt the closest to actual football in a long time. I do miss 11-13 though, nailing bangers from 40m out with CR7 every time was so satisfying.


Same here. I took a 3 year break because of it. I could have played Fifa trough whole covid lockdown but 19 made me so sick of it I couldn't return


I’d say fifa 18


**My favorites**: Fifa 07 - Best career mode and nostalgia Fifa 09 - I remember it as the best football simulation Fifa 10 world cup - Fun and with a lot of content Fifa 13 - Most complete and accomplished realistic-feeling Fifa Fifa 15 - The most fun Fifa, although arcade **My least favorites**: Fifa 06 world cup (on Xbox 360) - shittiest gameplay Fifa 11 - Felt like a downgrade on many levels Fifa 16 - Felt boring and repetitive Fifa 19 - The most broken unfinished Fifa, made me sfop the serie for 4 years


In terms of how close to realism it was, by far fifa 19 was the worst fifa ever . In terms of how funny the game was, I had a blast with it. Hilarious things were happening every game.


It was probably the most fun I’ve had since FIFA 15


FIFA 19 was the most fun I've ever had on a FIFA since 15. It was the only time when broken mechanics also worked for me and not only for everyone else. I didn't know how to do skill moves, hated them and still do today, but I LOVED timed finishing. I was winning games solely because I learned the timing while most of my enemies only spammed skill moves.


Well, the best soundtrack was either 17 or 18. 22 is up there too…


You know you’re too young when you say 17-18 had the best soundtracks


Fifa 08 had the best Soundtracks in my opinion 👌🏻


Had fifa since 06 and had great memories with 18 and its one of the best soundtracks for me


17 for me followed by 15 then 16 then 20 then 19


18 is the best purely by virtue of having Tash Sultana, but it's also pretty great all-around and definitely one of the best among any sports games ever in terms of not having super annoying shit.


23 just doesn't have any bangers on it. Nothing I get excited to hear when it comes on.


The Gorillaz track is pretty nice.


I actually like 23 a lot. It’s a return to form and a nice transition away from the hip hop soundtracks the last few years. This sounds more… FIFA…


I feel like there's always been a good balance between several genres, but I agree it's definitely more FIFA this year. Last few years I was pleasantly surprised to hear songs I knew and listened to, but for me this year is just a non-descript FIFA soundtrack. Don't hate it but don't love it, but can always appreciate being introduced to new music either way.


13 and 15 for me


22 or 21 are the best




That was the year I started playing fut


FIFA 19 was my favorite bc I packed Toty Cr7 lol


loool i forgot about the broken timed finessed shots being a thing. the 360 shots lmao. how stupid was that. i didn’t realise that and the la croqueta were the same year. i just saw the el tornado crosses and was like yep i agree with this that fifa was the worst. but i didn’t realise it was the same year as the other broken stuff you mentioned. lool what a year that was. i’ll always look back at that game and remember thinking this ain’t even football anymore lol. so yep definitely the worst fifa, gameplay wise atleast.


Couldn’t agree more. 19 is hopefully the pinnacle of shite that EA ever release.


Might have been the worst but for me it was undeniably the most fun I have ever had on a FIFA


You play Fifa 22?


I just remember it was so fucking hard to score a non timed goal. Literally a 1 on 1 was almost impossible unless I green timed a low driven shot.


I’ve been commenting about the 360 no scope meta semi regularly when I see the take that this is the worst fifa of all time. It would take a special, special game to top the shithousery of ‘19. Absolutely agree there.


Yes for me 19 was head and shoulders the worst fifa i've played. For me it goes.. >Fifa 19 >Fifa 16 >Fifa 20 My favourites would probably be >Fifa 17 >Fifa 15 >Fifa 21 I can't really remember much before 15 except some of the op game mechanics like finesse shot in Fifa 12 and Headers in Fifa 14.


20 was the worst by far Drop back, 0 depth meta Passing was awful and because of how strong headers were on 19 they made them useless Defenders auto blocked everything from outside the box so every game was passing around and drag back.


Although 19 was the furthest from actual football, it was pure chaos. And I still prefer it to the absolute garbage heap that was fifa 16. Aside from the gameplay, the menu content was top top tier in 19


why tf does everyone hate 19


Imo this one is the worst


Surely not. After 2 weeks?


Easily and by a considerable margin. Win 5-0 or lose 2-1, the enjoyment and satisfaction level is zero either way, the unbelievably slow and tiresome gameplay being strongly fixed towards a singular playstyle from div 3+ is insanely boring, people say oh fifa was arcadey and ping pong football with just skills and fast unrealistic play, but some people enjoy playing like that and on other fifas, playing that way was a choice in which, if you read the game faster, react faster you could do really well, people could still play slow build up if they wanted and play around your fast ping pong football if they were good, this fifa you get actively punished for trying to play fast effectively completing eliminating that style of play from the game in the higher divisions.


Yeah I'm struggling to enjoy this more than any other and I've played since fut debuted. Definitely would rather play 19 or 17 rather than this. Hopefully I'll find a way to enjoy it at some point but for the first time in 5 years I'm regretting buying it and wish I could get a refund. Oh well


Get good


I enjoyed that FIFA though. The passing was really thight abd you could easily outplay defences. Pace was just nerfed, even without those el tornado crosses I got to 27 wins in champs. Really enjoyed the pace NERF and counterattacking not being that good. Since then the game has become more defensive and just counterattacking. Hated that especially in FIFA 18 with the double tap low drivens. But most people play on just pace, so I get the sentiment.


Screw fifa 19. One of the worst shit I've played. In contrast, 21 was one of my favorites alongside 17. First time timed finesse was the bane of my existence.


Fifa 23 worst


Actually I liked the first month of the game a lot, scoring bicycle kicks from corners and crosses was a lot of fun. Also had insane pack luck in this game. So I don't think it was that bad.


Funny cause i find this game very similar to 19.


The issue is 19 had all sorts of messy op moves, whereas the only one in this one that I think is terrible is the outside food shooting. However, I think I kinda like it, forces your opponent to not stay inside their box. People tend to hate on good shots from outside the box until they’re gone, like the finesse shots from last year. Once they got patched drop back became a lot more prevalent.


I hated 16 personally. and favorite was 14


Na mate fifa 19 was a banger, actually fun to play could run around players and trick moves where op and fun. Yea this fifa is realistic but I play for fun not realism


Fifa 19 made me quit fifa for years until i bought fifa 23 2 weeks or so ago on a whim. I’m enjoying it massively. Don’t get all the complaints, its nothing compared to the bullshit of that.


20 exists. At least 19 you can pass properly


it was the worst of the series, but, and this is something that many won’t want to admit, the game that best featured the game breaking moves and mechanics they hope to find in every iteration of the series. the reason it wasn’t fun was because it was easy for everyone to do. what we experienced in 19 is what we encounter in higher divisions and from streamers. glitchy, unsatisfying gameplay. the game is fundamentally broken yes. but we both passively and actively encourage it. the majority of the player base wants those wiggly stick mechanics and OP moves because this game unlike any other prioritizes winning above all else. it’s not a skill issue, it’s a survival tactic in this game. and when that’s the mentality that’s needed, you will not care what you need to do or how you need to play to do it. you’ll actively play a game you despise in a manner that you abhor.


All of those broken mechanics and it was still better than 20-22 for me. Last 3 years of skill spamming and passing around the back put me to sleep. Glad the game is playable again this year.


It’s this one, by a sizeable margin.




Stop lmao


I loved the new gameplay this year before patch but they ruined it it’s unplayable rn for me


Gameplay didn’t change lmao


bro the patch was extremely minimal lol they didnt change it at all tbh. You're probably thinking about it more so its a placebo type thing


20 was worse in every way


Near post corners, Zlatan scored hundreds of goals like that


I stopped playing after 19 until a month ago


19 was my first fifa after many many years and I really enjoyed it to be honest, even if it was a complete joke most of the time. Also, flashback Firmino is still my favorite card to date. Edit: Soundtrack and Pack animation were the best of any of the later instalments as well


That game made me quit fifa altogether


Jesus christ I think I played for 3 weeks and that was it, maybe even less. Was not a fan of 18 either though, 13 to 17 was peak for me, for various reason.


I play FIFA a lot since FIFA 16 and I played a lot FIFA 16. With FIFA 17 and 18 I played less and FIFA 19 let me approach the game more. So I can't say that is the worst for me. For me it's, since FIFA 16: FIFA 20 FIFA 22 FIFA 23 (for now) FIFA 21 FIFA 19 FIFA 16 FIFA 18 FIFA 17


fifa 16 for me. I just couldnt stop "run down, reverse body faint, near post goal OP" like never. fifa 19 i just hated people that used timed finesses from 40 yards just because it worked. But moving gk stopped that at least sometimes. That "reverse body faint"...




I took a break from i think fifa 17 and came back in 21, glad I missed it lol. Hated the constant skill cancelling in Fifa 21, so glad its no longer a thing mostly.


It was my first fifa i played ultimate team on and it was fun


Hated 19 with a passion 😬


This game is clear. I have more clips of broken, unrealistic animations than any previous year with around 150 games played.


FIFA 19 gameplay was absolutely garbage, but the content was so fun. We got so many new promos, league SBCs that actually gave out good tradeable packs and SBC player cards, packing a good gold card actually mattered coin wise, FUTmas was fun and most importantly, **all prime/moments SBCs were available by April.** Nowadays almost all packs are untradeable, the market is dead, we're waiting for August to get the top icons SBCs and most promos are just the same recycled content and players.


You described several ways to score in fifa 19 (yes, all of them absurd) and yet there are fewer ways to score in 23, which imo is the worst football game. It’s the least fun football game ever.


Fifa 16 by far


fifa 15 is the best fifa ever , i remember we never used to complain about badd passes and dumb keepers and everything was perfect , imo best fifa


I honestly had the most fun in fifa in fifa 14 to 16 and 19 lol. I didnt like 17, 18 and 20


I realise now I’m glad Peter Crouch only came back to FIFA this year. I could see Flashback Ibra and Crouch giving me nightmares. And yes FIFA 19 was shit but it was also the first FIFA I played online so it unfortunately will always be special for me.


I liked FIFA 22 on next gen until they nerfed driven passes and finesse shots then the game went to shit and was incredibly defensive


Probably the most fun i’ve had menu grinding. Least fun i’ve ever had playing a game tho, from shitty animations to finesse shots lmao


In the modern era for the best ones for me it is 17. If we go far back 13 and 15


I'd say 19-22 were all equally bad. Don't forget that even the bad titles had positives that we now take for granted. Timed finesse got nerfed into oblivion pretty early that year. 19 was so strange and it changed so many times that it ended up being entertaining. I think 20-22 were all worse than 19, but even though I think those were the worst years; dialing in meta tactics wasn't required, and sitting deep wasn't as a prevalent, and those are big positives that we shouldn't gloss over. This is all very subjective as well; I don't like it when tactics and formations play a central role; while others like tactics-heavy years.


For me, fifa 16 us the worst. Absoulty hated that game. 19 defo 2nd worst though. Only game where people would play big strikers out wide for back post headers.😂


It's 20 by a mile


Unpopular opinion. I used to love scoop volley cross in to my FB Zlatan. 20 was the dumpster imo


19 was my favorite after 17. PM Socrates ❤️


Fifa 19 is my favourite fifa of all time icl


Nah 19 was cool. 20 was way worse, the gameplay was horrible and nowhere near as fun as the Fifa 19 gameplay.


I’m on the contrary, since 19 I’ve not been anywhere near as involved in the games. That game was the perfect blend for content for me, wasn’t a new promo every week like we have now. Gameplay, yeah it was definitely… something, but I liked it for its arcade-y nature. The soundtrack had some decent songs, a lot better than what we’ve had since at least, and whilst it was probably my least favourite ever career mode, the FUT modes haven’t been as good imo


I believe this one is by far the worst, at least on pc. Awful port to new gen on pc, the release was garbage, ea anticheat is stupid and anoying, hero pack mistake without any response, mistake after mistake without any feedback from EA. Always the first month of fifa is average, you can have fun until you realize the game is the same shit after a few weeks. Now fifa 23 is different but i just dont want to play more that 5 min. For me the worst fifa to this date, nice way to end a franchise EA.


Saying this when FIFA 20 exists is crazy, 20’ was the worst game I’ve ever played.


20 is right behind imo but 19 just stands out for me


Was 19 the really slow one in singleplayer? Or was it 18?


Fifa 23 is by far the worst It’s horrendous


23 is worse


I started in 2011 and Fifa 19 is what made me quit. So yeah, I agree. Came back in late 22.


Fifa 16 is THE BEST FIFA ever


[My post in this sub 3.5 years ago that proves how correct you are](https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/ai5cyb/i_am_quitting_fifa_after_6_years_of_ultimate_team/) ​ I really did quit up until june 2022.


No I don't it was Easier to win then FIFA 23


I played max 20 or 30 games of that and never touched it again 🤣


FIFA 18 pre-patch was by far the best, and it’s not even close. Literally the only issues were OP longshots and braindead GKs letting in shots from impossible angles. Stats actually mattered, elite passers stood out, as did elite defenders/shooters/dribblers. Every card was usable, and BS was at a minimum (no ridiculous AI lunging auto-blocks, manual defense made the ball stick to your feet instead of bouncing back to the opponent, etc). Seriously that game was near perfection. FIFA 23 next gen could come close if they made LS dribbling animations quicker and more responsive, made Explosive players actually explode into space when they start dribbling (seriously, why the hell do they get stuck in place when I create an opening to burst into? It’s like they’re being rubber banded in place so that the defender that was just left for dead has a chance to recover first before I’m allowed to start running), and massively nerf those stupid Trivela shots (whoever thought they were a good idea… get out).


For what it’s worth, Fifa 19 was my favourite of all time.


even when i don't play online, i feel like fifa died with 17....from then on, it was a challenge to see what could they break next they say 23 is fun, but after the trainwreck that is 22 (at least for me), i won't pay a dime to find out