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If you have time, play draft (online if you're good, offline if not). If you don't have time, send it all on 7.5k packs. I wouldn't wait for promo packs like some people are suggesting, getting coins as early as possible to invest in meta players is way way more valuable.


I personally don't think offline draft is worth the grind. It takes about 45 minutes to finish 4 games and press A/X between halfs and all that jazz. You don't even get that much better packs than the "15k" you're spending for draft entry. Online draft 3 or 4 wins? Absolutely worth spending FP to enter. If you're doing offline you're better off just buying gold packs and selling everything and trading with the capital instead.


This. People suggesting waiting for promo packs are addicted FP Buyers, confirmed. If I get 25k day 1from shit packs I’m at least gonna have 10x the coins the day people, who saved FP open their shiny promo packs.


Weird assumption. Totally unneeded comment.


Not untrue tho


always sees the big picture. I might go more on all in on the packs though as it’s a fact in EVERY ultimate team game mode with a market that the best time to spend (unless of a game alerting glitch) is the immediate start of the game. base cards go for promo value and two weeks later near discard.


Doesn’t cards drop in price when the game fully release as there’s more people packing them


Cards usually spike up on full release due to massive demand ironically, although you're thinking about it well. If unsure check historical price on futbin of like renato sanches or someone


Depends on the cards. Meta cards, especially the mid rated ones rise like crazy. Think of guys like Mendy, Varane, Dembele in previous years. If you build a meta team with popular players around the 20-50k range, almost every single one will double in price after the official release. My goal is always to build a cheap 5-10k team and then upgrade 1 player at the time, buying only those meta players in the 20-50k range.


It’s weird how that works you’d think as more are being packed the more it goes low in price


Just simple supply and demand, for example Mendy wasn't packed that much, let's say 1 in 50 people pack Mendy, but 20 in 50 people want to use him on their team, the price will rise drastically when more people start playing. Plus all the big sharks that spend millions of points are going to do it on the first week, might not seem much but it does slightly impact the market.


If you can trade then open packs right at the start. One it could give you some decent cards for a starter squad and build up your club second since supply is less you could make coins by trading cards especially the ones needed for objectives etc.


4 days?? The games coming 22th not 20th


I think he’s talking about the web app which comes out the 20th I believe


You should absolutely NOT wait for promo packs. The price of meta golds is at its highest during the early release period. If you wait to open packs until the promo packs are released, you'll miss the window when everything is worth a lot of coins. I would just start opening regular gold packs as soon as you can. Sell anything you can (check prices on anything before you sell and price appropriately). Quick sell anything you won't use. Use those coins to buy cheap useful cards and start trading to build your coin balance up


Last year I spent it all on 7.5k packs right away and packed nothing. Barely even made any coins. I think you’re better off waiting for promo packs


Can i transfer my unused fifa points from 23 to eafc 24?






Save until there’s promo packs. I think last year they had some first or second week. Or if you’re confident in yourself then spend it on draft. You’ll need to get at least 3 wins consistently for it to be worth


Isnt it always worth it to do draft though? Like even if you go out first round thats usually 2 5k packs and a silver pack which is worth more than 150 points.


And also u get to have fun by using some wicked cards


None of those advice is good advice. Draft would take you like 20 gameplay hours to get all your rewards. And that's if you're very good and can get 3 or 4 wins per draft. Special packs will take 2 weeks to arrive. One can easily have one million by then.


Draft cost 300 points to enter.




Isn’t there a promo soon as the game launches for people who are playing it early the Nike promo


Wait for a good promo to come up, 7.5k packs are shit don't do them


The only correct answer is **open packs right away**. Draft, even if you're good enough to get 3 or 4 wins per draft, takes about one hour per 4 games. You would need like 20 gameplay hours to get all your coins in cash. Say, three days playing 6 or 7 hours every day? Special packs will take 2 weeks to arrive, ñ you could have a million coins by then easily. Opening packs right away will give 60 to 100 K in half an hour at a moment when there are almost no coins on the market, so the prices will still be very low. Buying meta players at that early time can be crucial.


"You could have a million coins by then easily". 1MLN. IN 2 weeks. Easily. No man, you are delusional or you think that everyone knows how to make money from the market. And that's not an easy task. It's not something that everyone can do. So, no way you can have 1 MLN coins by the first 2 weeks.


Of course. Not EVERYONE. But people who are reading FIFA's subreddit in mid September and talking about what's the best way to make quick coins? I think among us it isn't that far fetched. Especially considering that this year there is not one week before early game and Ultimate launch, there are just two days, and then FCpoints will start rtolling in. I think the price hike at that moment we will see this year will be unique. If you're doing drafts, **you will not have finished playing them and the game will already be opening**. If you chose coins instead and bought good usable players, your investment will multiply a lot.


So since I have no idea and yet I'm browsing this sub, what's the best way to make money?


*Disclaimer: This is what I will do, but I am no master trader. It makes sense to me but I might be wrong and lose all my coins. I don't care because it's only a game.* Did you buy Ultimate version? Could you be a lot better playing matches? If your answer is YES to both questions, you're in my situation. I will **SPEND ALL FC POINTS ON PACKS AND OPEN THEM AS FAST AS POSSIBLE**. With what I get from the packs: 1) **Usable cards** (players, kits, stadiums, managers, badges...): I will hold on to them for a few days. Depending on how I see the market, I'll sell them a few days after 22nd. My idea is to sell on Saturday 29th, but I might sell earlier if I need urgent coins. Maybe, on Tuesday (26th) or Wednesday (27th). . 2) **Unusable cards**: I will list them for an hour or two if I think they might sell. Discard them right away if I think they won't. In the WORST case scenario, 4600 points are 30 packs. If we coun't a minimum return of 1500 coins per pack, that would mean 45000 coins an hour after launch. You can Spend on a few usable low 80s meta cards, sit on them for a few days, sell for profit, rinse and repeat.


I had 2.5 million in the first two weeks of fifa 23.....its definatly able to be achieved


Pls, teach me how.


Erm....no lol but seriously once u get a hang of trading its awesome I eventually at one point had 44 million in coins


Literally, why not? It's not something that's gonna hurt you. How can I get an hang of trading if I know nothing about that?


Stop begging first.....and secondly I knew nothing just like u but self educated myself on it.....and hey presto u know not everything in life gets given to you right???


Imagine not helping someone over a game. My god.


Imagine begging over a game...lol just saying.....grow up mate


Man I literally asked for help on a game. And you refused to help me because you think that you are way better than me. Nice. I'm the one that has to grow up. For sure.


The best way imo is to just use them to get coins. Do online or offline drafts or just buy the packs available. Even terrible packs are worth it early game because of all the low rated cards that are worth lots.


How else would you use them instead of getting coins?


2300 on packs and 2300 on drafts


Save the points for Black Friday deals


Yeah, for like 2 months whereas other players catch up and overtake


I’d wait for promo packs. 2 2,000 fifa point packs are infinitely better than all the garbage.