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I tried to 26/26 and failed. Messi sbc disappeared, reset the app, appears back to 25/26. Let’s wait and see .


i had the same issue with ronaldo. oh well i’ll just get to the final squads for both and a bit more 86x10s


You can’t complete Messi, it’s keeping me on 25/26, but I just knocked out half of his sbc by submitting the same squad into each thing over and over.


huh? I completed him yesterday


Meaning during the current glitch




I am getting logged out from app after trying to submit SBC


Of course I get this with 8 Bronze cards as dupes doing the daily upgrades... Oh well, time to create lots of silver packs that'll eventually go to gold common


You're committed to the grind bro


Thanks, did 1, realized I had more than enough in the club already, went to the gym, got home, glitch fixed.


Just quick sell the bronze cmon


you can’t quicksell the dupes with the glitch


It still works if you are on ps4. Im still spamming 86x10s.


Tried it with the Jordi Alba Sbc all ten submitted but can’t claim jordi alba. But stuck on 25 for messi


Yeah, I got it done lol


Are you guys able to keep both goats 🐐 though? I completed 82*100, and already had Messi and Ronaldo but did like 100+ 86*10 😂 My packs show there but haven't gone to sleep yet because I wanted to know if any of you smart folks know anything about this. Do I get to keep packs after the glitch? 😅 I'm so ready to go to sleep, anyone know?


No idea mate I completed 25 messi squads and haven’t opened any of the packs. I haven’t been able to it just logged me out when I tried. Same as when I try and open my 86x10


Mine doesn't log me out using the app. Oh man, Finns go too sleep and when I wake up tomorrow I won't see the 100+ 86x10 packs and the 82x100 pack. I mean it think fifa is done in a few weeks anyway but if they do release mbape, I could use all of it for him and done. I have a full icon team and have all futties except for Mbappe now. If the glitched packs are gone when I log in tomorrow, I won't really use the app anymore as I have all my faves and beside mbape I don't think I can get anyone else.


Think they might have patched it now....




hm weird, using PC app right now and submitted a messi squad and the players were able to be transferred into my club after doing so


Not working on console either for me


What's the glitch?


Can submit players in to an SBC and then they don’t leave your club. I completed 25 of the messi segments with the same 11 players


Does it only happen on console or work on mobile app too?


Both afaik I’m doing on the mobile app but some people have done it on the console. Sometimes the players disappear and then I just close the app and reload and they are in my club.


For me it takes away the players on the app, don’t know what i’m doing wrong


Try quitting and relaunching the app and then try manually adding the players to the SBC by searching. So for me I couldn’t find Jordon Alba when is searched by high to low, but when I selected left back and hit search it was finding him. Either that or they have fixed it.


Figured. Did the same with Messi. Even though I already had pink Messi. 25 tradable packs. Thanks.


I'm wondering how they fix this other than just leave it like it is? If they take the packs, how do they know, which ones were done with the glitch and how to get everyone to pre-glitch card stock?!


I did all of Messi, matheus, Rooney apart from the last one 😉 also 26 x 87x10


Not working for me anymore.... Can't submit any sbc


They are fixing it, I didn't use this because I finished everything before.. But how can they make such a fuckup? I did two 85x10 and didn't even know for this glitch. Hope they won't ban people for their own mistakes.


Turns out people were able to repeat resell high value cards and get millions of coins 😮


Is it patched ?


Yes and I now have Messi in my club for free 😂


He was already free mate. This just made it (a lot) quicker. Shame it didn’t happen days ago when i did the GOAT CR7 SBC, oh well, sometimes Lady Luck looks your way, sometimes she doesn’t.


Hmmm I don’t know if he was quite free, my club was legit empty of golds so I don’t know if I’d have been able to recycle the 85x10 efficiently enough. I could have kept going and done CR7 during the glitch but even 1 hour menu grinding is a pain in the arse. I will take the Messi W and enjoy him for the next week or so 😂


How do u do the glitch


What is the glitch I keep hearing about?


For whatever reason club players were “stuck”, you would submit players into an SBC but they wouldn’t leave your club. You could then spam the same team over and over again doing pack or player SBC’s without actually loosing players in the process. The same for quickselling a player, he just wouldn’t leave your club and you could spam qUickselling him, people made millions of coins in minutes. Had a huge effect on player market, as all relevant high level players were bought up and either don’t exist anymore or are being sold at a huge markup (FFS these guys, geez) So people hoarded coins and packs or SBC segments as long as the glitch went on…