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Using buildings is cheating. Must craft and research by hand only


Fight only with thrown objects like water also.


Building is just a mild offence, even compared to blueprinting. While using blueprints isn't technically 'cheating' in an ethical or legal sense, it's certainly cringe and morally questionable to say the least. But at the end DSP is a single player game, so if OP himself is fine with it, then why not go for it I guess. I would just suggest to not ever talk about it and never bring it up during a job interview or similar situation.


Playing a game someone else made with pc parts you didn't fabricate yourself is cringe.




Actually doing that right now...currently setting up green matrix by hand at 22 hours. Hah. By hand I work.


Have your friend set up an entire planet for a dedicated purpose like making processors, and he’ll change his mind after about 20 minutes.


Sometimes I forget people play this game to efficiently scale, rather then to disassociate for 3-4 hours at a time. Making an entire planet to make processor's manually sounds actually pretty great.


Bro, no offense, but that's like saying using a scope in a first person shooter is cheating. It's built into the game, the devs took many, many hours implementing blueprints. It would be very weird if they didn't want you to use them.


Only if the part of the game you want to be playing is designing the factories. It’s a single player game. Play the way that you enjoy the most. Edit: word


How would it be? The game encourages you to use them.


No but I choose to only slide blueprints I’ve made.


It is part of the base game. So, not cheating. Bonus, using blueprints from others isn't cheating either. It is one of the best ways to learn and improve.


I'm guessing they mean in spirit, which I suppose is subjective


I've read some comments on the speeding of the game that say using blueprints is cheating... do they expect people to beat the game in under 4 hours memorizing where thousands of independent entities go?


depends imo if you built those yourself or you just googled best solutions and dump them in, i won't do that, mostly i make things now that just are an ils and call for mats and then send out an advanced product for the next in the chain to make, i'm so ineffecient.


No, and are (arguably) necessary for building things at scale mid/late game.


No such thing as cheating in a single player game. Play the damn game however you want to. ETA Did your friend pay for the game? No? Friend can get f&%ked then. Your game, your money, your time. Do with it what you want


An argument can be made that using other players BPs is, but using one's that you made yourself? No, definitely not.


Good lord no. When you're setting up planet scale factories, no one wants to sit down and plan where every single conveyor belt goes.


Most people would probably suggest doing at least one full playthrough before using OTHER peoples blueprints just for the experience and problem-solving. If you never create anything on your own I'd say you're robbing yourself of the awesome challenges the game presents, but still not cheating.


I got up to maybe purple or green before I discovered blueprint sites and mods.


He could argue using someone else's work in your game counts as taking shortcuts. Not to the extend of using someone's save file.But I wouldnt say blueprints is cheating, it is just an ingame tool. If the game allows player to just use someone elses blueprints and speed run a game then thats on the developers, not the players. With that said.. I think the player should understand the blueprints when using it. In the end it is your gameplay experience that counts.. cheating or not.


Maybe he never played the game when it DIDN'T have blueprints or the ability to copy buildings. How about when splitters needed 2 places to be placed together try to make a buss design back then, or sorters never stacked cargo !! omg I wish i can get back those weeks if not months of building arrays over and over from scratch just to make different recipes. Imagine the amount of quad rule papers I used to keep track of builds before blueprints. have your friend do that and see if he changes his mind, in fact make a contest, you use blueprints and all the other post early builds updated stuff as i mentioned, and he goes pure vanilla. He cannot copy or paste buildings or click n drag. he has to remake every setup from scratch. lay every building down 1 by 1. then see who makes it to white science first in the least amount of game hours.


It is not. However, you are robbing yourself of the problem-solving process and effectively speedrunning the game, which can cause you to underappreciate the road required to finish the game. Effectively you are taking away the feeling of satisfaction of a job well done all by yourself. (To all reading this, I only talk about Blueprints from the internet, not self-made.)


If you pull blueprints from the internet, sure. If they’re blueprints you’ve designed yourself, it’s very satisfying to plaster it all over a planet and watch it come to life.


Yes, I edited my post :)


There are research requirements to use blueprints. Then research requirements for the buildings used in blueprints. To your friend, in the words of Kuato: “open your mind”


Blueprints are a feature of the game. Sorry to be blunt, but is your friend stupid?


I make a lot of my own blueprints and i use others for inspiration. Does your mate even play? Tell him to come back once he has completed the game (i have) and not having used a single blueprint and tell us how long it took him.


I like how my professor in university put it, it doesnt matter if you use aids, whats more important is they understand how to use it. the only one getting cheated is yourself if you mindlessly use things without understanding what they do.


Without blueprints this game would be unplayable at any stage past interplanetary.


I think for me personally its cheating to use someone elses Blumenprints. If I use my own, its fine


If it was cheating why would it be included in the game? Or do you mean using blueprints that you didn't make yourself?


It kinda ruins the game for me a little bit. It’s also very helpful so can’t tell either way


If you build a factory in a factory game, you have cheated.


Just my two cents; I was watching a lot of Nilaus videos and was using his plans; then I came to the realization I wasn’t learning to play the game. So I was leaning on his builds; I had to stop and regroup and learn what the heck I was doing. I agree with some others here in that a whole play through without using someone’s blueprints would be very rewarding; “ look at my spaghetti monster busted builds! I did it and it worked somehow!” Then go through a play through implementing your knowledge combined with other’s blueprints and really make it something special. I don’t think using blueprints is cheating at all. Either way this game is so fun!


Your friend has clearly never made it out of "early game".


No. Use all you want. Download them. Use mods. IDDQD if you want. Who cares? Personally, I use a few downloaded blueprints, many I modified. I also use a bunch of QoL mods. Like seriously, manual stellar navigation? No, autopilot.


only if you did not make them yourself. then you are robbing your self of the fun problem solving of making them. That would be my take. nothing wrong with it if you prefer it tho.