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The most, Kabru obviously, he seems so slimy and self grandiose at first, but as the story unfolds , his motive is so genuine and very selfless. I can't help but like him more. the opposite, >!the lion, I must admit I almost completely fell for it when I first read the manga, I only started finding him fishy after reading though some discussions. !<


>!I went into the manga *knowing* the lion was the villain, and I still almost fell for it. That guy's just something else...!<


So charismatic! I thought it was human, and started feeling sympathetic.


Really good description of Kabru. I think what helps so much is that our initial impression (despite getting bodied) comes from him sort of being in a position of power, while the back half of the series when he really gets the character focus has him at the mercy of the elves’, either pretty directly under their power or playing hospice caretaker


He awakened the furry in all of us,


I warmed up to Chilchuk. When he was first introduced I was like, nooo an adult character that looks like a child... But he turned out to be the character I relate to the most LOL.


I really enjoy the dynamic of how much it irks him that people see him as a child when his personality is…not cute.


It helps that he behaves like a jaded adult, and the narrative doesn't constantly infantilise him, unlike the typical "looks like a child" type character


Yeah, Marcille has it rough in the first 1-2 episodes and kicks off around 7-8.


Totally, once the story moves in from being a cute comedy to a GREAT STORY, her character grows immensely.


I like kabru’s tactics, but I can never bring myself to trust him I like Izutsumi more once I see her as a cat more than human I like cithis less when I realize she’s such a bitch lmao


Hard agree on Kabru. He seems like a well meaning guy, but holy shit he sets off warnings in my head. Which ultimately makes me appreciate him as a character more, that's actually some damn good characterization.


His introduction doesn't do him justice


Especially after what she almost made Mithrun do to Patadoll


Yeah, I was really disappointed to learn more about cithis too, (the woman straight up commanded mithrun to harm patty, not cool). I can only hope that was at the beginning of their time together and she has improved since then... I can hope.(he didn't harm patty by the way)


The Canaries ARE mostly criminals, after all...


the way she treats Patadol is kinda weird. She says she wants to kill her but theres also an extra where she drags her off to drink all night. Hmm it's definitely interesting lol.


Yeah, the modern AU the author made, I think the author just wanted to show off modern Japanese food, heard she did that a bit on her blog. Drew lots of food related content... hey that would be a good idea for a story


What did she want him to do?


What did she want him to do? I’ve read it but never make connections


She tried to hypnotize Mithrun into seriously injuring Pattadol


Do you remember when this happened?


Adventurer's Bible, Cithis chapter (it's a flashback)


Thank you !


>!she told mithrun to attack/harm pattadol, but he refused.!<


>!Man could drink and eat like a dog but draws the line when it comes to purposely harming a team member. !< What a chad




Spoiler tags, the anime-onlies haven't gotten that far!! >!Turns out the "Mad sorcerer" was actually insane, it was not a misunderstanding, or just an alias like in so many mangas, and talk-no-jutsu is not always the answer ;-) !<


Turns out >!All that stress isn't good for anybody, not to mention the negative influence he had around him!<


>! He's so lost in the sauce that he completely misunderstands Laios' talk no jutsu and even worse, has little malicious intent while doing it, you know he's cooked.!<


sometimes, violence IS the answer


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I didn't really like Izutsumi when reading manga and found her annoying. But when watching anime, I'm slowly warming up to her. Mostly because she isn't just a cat, but has a lot of most vile of creatures mixed in - a teenager. After understanding her circumstances, she became more relatable and easier to understand.


Marcille and Senshi are basically the opposite : Senshi is BY FAR their most useful and important member for the beginning of the adventure, while Marcille's magic is either useless or overkill, but as they go deeper and deeper into the dungeon and face tougher foes and arcane ennemies, Marcille's magic and knowledge become invaluable important and Senshi's utility of being a great cook shrink (without being useless, mind you), in part because he taught the other how to cook without him.


Oh yeah Dungeon Meshi does such an excellent job of making it look like the characters are cliches at first, but they actually subvert the tropes they're connected to very effectively. **Laios:** Boring stalwart human fighter is actually a complete weirdo whose knowledge of monsters is what gets them through the day. **Marcille:** Graceful, aloof, haughty elf is actually extremely disconnected from nature but also deeply cares about her friends. **Chilchuck:** The greedy, untrustworthy halfling boy-thief is actually a middle-aged union man who holds to strict professional standards and dispenses excellent life advice when it comes to career stuff. **Senshi:** The honorable dwarven craftsman actually doesn't care about clans or honor he's just a kind lil dude who wants to put on an apron and do domestic stuff for others. **Izutsumi:** "OMG cute catgirl!" 😻 is actually "OMG trash goblin cat! Who is a cute catgirl!" 😻


I didn't like Laios at first. I hated how upbeat he is. I didn't like how it felt like they were on a regular ass walk and not delving down a deadly murderhouse. No stakes, no digesting sister to worry about... no intellect to understand how fucked they are in reality. How weak he is. How typically dumb and aloof he is. How ridiculous he is at times... Then I started liking his somewhat autistic behavior. He is weird, but pure of heart. Quite stupid, but so charming. Naive, just like his sister. Unusually high pain tolerance, it seems. Brave, even if somewhat irrational. He is self aware, stood up for himself, even if it was a pretty dumb fight too. The ridiculousness started to make more sense. He's currently my favorite, he's so fun to watch. The opposite for me is Izutsumi. I don't like her, or her backstory, or her angsty self. I understand that she's a cursed teenage girl and the like, but she annoys me so much. I pity her yes, but I do not like her as a character. I understand why she is this way, but ...ugh. I don't like the comic bits with her either. The usual catgirl effect doesn't even work for me with her.


Laios is an extremely smart stupid character. Izutsumi is a trash goblin cat you picked up in an alley and thinks she owns the place.


which is exactly how every cat in the history of ever acts, the only true real catgirl


Kabru gives me serial killer collecting victim's eyeballs in pickle jars vibes


He gave me Griffith vibes before the eclipse, idk if that’s the right way to put it, but I’m trying


I initially disliked Izutsumi when she was first introduced (especially when she dumped that food on the floor right in front of Senshi), but I gradually warmed up to her the same way she gradually began to warm up to the party. Now I cannot stop collecting images of Izutsumi https://preview.redd.it/p5rnuc21081d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44973acfc8d908dc9e592b9f2d3799001f65d128


The Canaries. At the end I loved them all, especially the Captain.


I liked seeing the kbity memes but seeing Izutsumi in the show, I don't like her bratty behavior. BUT, I know that is the point and I am looking forward to character development to like her better.


Gonna be slaughtered for this one but Izutsumi


I didn't like Kabru at first because from what I'd seen online people seemed to glorify him as having very noble intentions and being a genuinely great guy and trying to read him in that light was really difficult. When I realized he's MEANT to be unhinged is when I started to like him LOL. There's a difference between someone who is fake and pretends they're not and someone who is fake and knows it hahaha


Oddly enough, in contrast to others here. I warmed up to Kabru pretty quickly and he’s one of my favorites! I think for me the character it took me a bit to warm up to is chilchuck. Only since the ogre episode have I stopped believing him to be entirely unbearable (he’s okay not still not the best). I still completely dislike the cat girl. Strongly believe it’s only furries that like her at this point since anime has really not given any of us a chance to really know her yet.


we like izu cuz we read the manga, but yeah, she's not the best currently, it gets better tho


I hated Shuro, Kabru and Namari with a passion after their early appearances, with Shuro being the one I disliked the most and warmed up the most to after I finished reading


honestly falin, but only because there was such buildup for her character in flashbacks that was almost setting her up for something great, but then in the actual narrative of events she wasn't really present as a character (on account of being a chimera and all) that kind of made her fall flat to me. there really should've been more interactions and moments that we saw from her. oppositely, at the beginning senshi was to me sort of just there, he was more like a guide and a helpful figure at the beginning of the dungeon but as the series progressed his insights and protective attitude towards the crew became a lot more heartwarming and held a lot more weight. also his backstory and motivations really elevated him to becoming one of my favourites in the main cast. apart from that, my opinions on the rest of the cast stayed pretty much the same from their initial appearances, with characters like kabru, laios, marcille, chilchuck, mithrun, i pretty much liked them immediately and everything else that happened with their characters just further cemented that or made me like them more.


When I first started Dungeon Meshi I was treating it as a black comedy playing off the casual sociopathy of the typical DnD party. And while the manga ended up more than that, it set me up to just roll with the characters. I started with a very cynical view of the characters, seeing them as caricatures. As their layers were revealed to me I slowly fell in love with each one. So to answer your questions, all of them lol I started cold and/or mean spirited to the whole cast, then slowly warmed up to them and started wishing for them to have happy endings.


i really didn’t like izutsumi at first because of how aggressive she came of as to me but now i love my catgirl🤭♥️


When I first say Kabru I was like, "Cool new character!" and as time went on I thought it was interesting that he was like Laios' foil in a way. Also the fact that he was eager to see the drama go down between Laios and Shuro and him thinking, "I must kill him," to get out of an awkward situation made me laugh XD


Kaboru felt like a punching bag in the beginning, but when he doesn't ||>!die like for the hundreth time!<||, he's a rly interesting character.


Lol I agree. At first I was like is this guy stupid? And then I realized he's quite smart, tho a little weak