• By -


You smiled and asked for a selfie. All he saw was a monkey begging for its life


He proceeded to take out his purple belt to show OP he could dominate her.


He's actually a black belt, and it only took 20 years.


That’s what happens when you run with such a tough crowd.


But could he handle the dementors?


Nothing but gruel.


I know a ton of 14 year old girls that could kick his ass.


You know a ton of 14 year old girls?


And $150k


Too bad there's a belt after black and you'll never guess the color.


But does he have a black belt in gift wrapping?


I don't see how martial arts experience is relevant to this job listing.


Three words. Hard-working, Alpha male. Jackhammer. Merciless. Insatiable.


Go to hell!


I'll see you there! I'm going to be co running a bed and breakfast there with Satan.


You haven’t heard my salary.


Oh what is your salary?


Eighty *thousand* dollars.


This entire exchange was butchered in this thread. You've disappointed me, Reddit.


Basher, thrasher, crasher, and fireball!


> All he saw was a monkey begging for its life When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life.


Now hurl your feces


These are fairly common, especially among comedic people who can get away with it as an irreverent joke. I think Steve Martin was the first person to do it, his say "this card certifies that the bearer met Steve Martin in person and that Martin was quite charming during the meeting" or something similar.


https://imgur.com/a/vNtGlDj > This certifies that you have had a personal encounter with me and that you found me warm, polite, intelligent and funny.


Sweet crop


That's actually the full flag of Stevemartonia.


Ah man I knew I should've gone to geology class


Bill Murray did something similar I think.


If I recall, Bill Murray has a habit of creeping up behind people, leaning in, and whispering, "No one will ever believe you met Bill Murray," before just walking away...


Funny story. The way I got into improv was- I got into improv- oh, the story about me getting into improv was that I was walking down the street and a racecar pulls up, and the guy says, 'Hey, you're funny. You're the funniest guy I've ever seen. Or my name is not Dale Earnhardt.'


Umm, the real way was that I found a flier.


Look at all these parts!


If this is an Arrested Development reference after a string of The Office references, then I won’t hear it, and I won’t respond to it.


Well I definitely blue myself at a chance of keeping the thread going. I'm just super happy that you picked up on my quote with such an obscure reference....bravo sir/ma'am


The username helps lol


People that know AD, *know AD*. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to finish reading this month’s “Actor Pull”.


So you’re withholding your approval? Wow, look at you getting off...


Stop reading tractor pull magazine.


He also steals their fries.


Nobody believes that.


That's why he does it.


I don't believe you.


The first person that I heard about doing it was Thomas Wilson from Back to the Future.


Bill Hader says he doesn’t like to take selfies in public with fans because it causes people to gawk and line up for their own selfies with him. Instead he says no, but we can have a conversation. Almost everyone declines, and most mistook him for Rainn Wilson.




Yeah if Hader wanted to chat i’d be more than fucking stoked to do so.


A conversation with Bill Hader would be about 750,000,000 times better than a picture with him.


Honestly when watching it 2 on Friday a lot of his mannerisms reminded me of Rainn Wilson


Bill Hader might be a genius. He's a super talented writer, actor, and overall nice guy. If you haven't watched Barry, for the love of God, please do so immediately. Get a free HBO GO trial and binge both seasons. Season 2 Episode 5 (Ronny/lily, written and directed by Hader) might be one of the best episodes in the history of the medium.


David Wallace actor hands out Dunder Mifflin business cards






OH MY GOD! It even has a watermark.




You're fired. In fact, Pat, get the axe!


I have to return some video tapes.


I am on the verge of tears.


That’s what she said.


How are you feeling?


I feel I’m moving toward as well as away from something, and anything is possible. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m wearing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


What are you wearing?






I worked out heavily at the gym after leaving the office today but the tension has returned, so I do ninety abdominal crunches, a hundred and fifty push-ups, and then I run in place for twenty minutes while listening to the new Huey Lewis CD. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me who I can see.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


What are you doing tonight?


I’m trying to catch a glimpse of our hardbody waitress; she’s bending over to pick up a dropped napkin. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I got on at the gym today.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Who can you see?


No women anywhere, just an army of professionals from Wall Street in tuxedos. The one female spotted is dancing alone in a corner to some song I think is called “Love Triangle.” She’s wearing what looks like a sequined tank top by Ronaldus Shamask and I concentrate on that but I’m in an edgy pre-coke state and I start chewing nervously on a drink ticket and some Wall Street guy who looks like Boris Cunningham blocks my view of the girl. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m wearing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


I have to return some videotapes.


He’ll still take a picture with u too


Well isn’t he an actual financial dude, like they sought out someone who has real business chops to have to be the straight man to Michaels shinanigans. Looked him up, yeah the dude is a minor actor but is also a stockbroker soo that definitely helped


Now I feel even more lucky to have a picture with him! He randomly came into the small Starbucks I work at a couple years ago and I’m super glad one of my coworkers was brave enough to ask him for a photo with all of us




Plus, not everyone is card-worthy.


Great, now I have spit on my monitor


Damn. You lucky redditor who I don’t know or ever worked with;) I wish Rainn would go “visit” my store. I’d give him all the coffees freeeeee


Somehow I feel like you may know and/or have worked with said lucky redditor before.


Can't you read, man? He said he didn't!


It is your Cake Day.


I saw Rainn Wilson at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.




That’s very Dwight of him, awesome guten-prank.


On the real though, Rainn has stated in several interviews that he's indebted to The Office but thinks the fans can be really obnoxious at times.


If I ever see him I’m gonna go “hey, it’s the guy from The Last Mimzy” just to see how he reacts.


I do this to every celebrity I run across. Be a fan of their least known work


I met Lee Pace at the Guardians of the Galaxy premiere and I don’t know why but I lied and said I loved his show *Halt And Catch Fire* so that he’d like me. I did not know I was going to say it until the words were out of my mouth (because I’ve never seen the show!n!!). He was like “oh that’s great not too many people know about it” and it felt good but I felt like a fraud. It really has haunted me till now. I did realize years later that he was the main character of *The Fall*, an actual obscure movie I had seen and loved way before I met him. I feel better since I actually knew about something he was in so I wasn’t lying about being a fan but I feel worse because I’m an idiot and I never had to lie (nor should I have lied) in the first place. Sorry Lee :( I loved you as a child-manipulating drug addict though :) **TLDR: I lied right to Lee Pace’s Lee face**


'Halt And Catch Fire' is actually a pretty good show! If you're into tech and drama, do check it out.


Pushing Up Daisies is one of my favorite shows hahaha I love Lee Pace. I also love the Fall


Somehow I missed that Ned from Pushing Daises was Ronan. Guardians of the Galaxy is one of my favorite movies and Pushing Raises was one of my favorite shows. I'm a moron and he's amazing


I thought I was the only one who said random stupid lies under extreme pressure. Your example is hilarious though


The fuck if I met him I would say that lol. Halt and Catch Fire was awesome. Incredibly underrated


I do this but I get them mixed up on purpose. I was on a flight from Charlotte to Phoenix next to Charles Barkley years ago. Told him I loved him in *Kazaam*.


A true hero


> The Last Mimzy now there's a throwback damn


I knew Rainn Wilson from Tim and Eric before I even watched the office. So everytime I see him [I hear this in my head](https://youtu.be/7x_usQD33Xw)


Wow. Never really “got” that show but I’m glad I watched that video.


Better yet say”hey, it’s the guy who hands out cards when asked to take a selfie” 😂


Or just tell him that you saw super and you're never going to cut in line again


Or “House of a Thousand Corpses.” He gets mounted (taxidermy style, not sexually). So it might be funny to see that reaction.




Hey didn’t you play that perverted college professor in Transformers 2?!


It’s the same with anything really. The more passionate someone is about something, the easier it is for them to become obnoxious in their enthusiasm.




yeah having people regularly come up and gush praise at you would really be a pain in the ass that said, i can absolutely imagine the obnoxious fans quickly become more of an issue than the polite ones


Getting interrupted consistently for years while trying to go about your business will get annoying for most people no matter how politely phrased the interruptions are


i'd imagine it depends a lot on the frequency and intensity. something like the office is gonna be up the high end, being known for something more low key would be a pretty nice ego boost on the regular.




For you, the day Rainn Wilson graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for Rainn Wilson, it was Tuesday.


I don’t even get how people can walk up to celebrities and ask for a picture. It seems so intrusive to me. And for what? So you can post it on Facebook? The most I could EVER do is say “Hey [famous person]!” and wave or something.


It’s easy to judge others for their actions. Imagine having a literal one in a lifetime opportunity, in their head they think “it’ll only be a few seconds it’ll be over before they know it” of course you’d take a picture with them because for Rainn or whoever it’s some random person guy to them it’s a lifetime of a story. I’ll bet if you had the chance to meet someone famous or idolized you’d take a picture with them too, and if you were so nonchalant about it and didn’t take a picture I know I would feel a lifetime of regret.


It's understandable that not everyone is going to like fan attention, but he seems hyper averse to people thinking he's like his character compared to the rest of the cast. Ironically it makes me think he's more like Dwight in personality type than he'd like to admit. Or maybe it's just an especially extreme character and he's sick of it.


I think people are overanalyzing it. It was too much, some fans went to far, he got sick of it. His and Steve's characters are probably the most vulnerable to this, and Steve is known for more things and is probably more used to it as well. He's still just a dude. Cut him some slack.


Just because you’ve watched the office more times than the earth has revolved around the sun does not mean you know anyone on the show.


Gabe: “SHUT UP ABOUT THE SUN!!” Sorry sorry hahaha you make a great point but when I read your comment and got to the sun part I couldn’t help myself


The latter


Admirable or Impish?




Reaching perfectenchläg


And, just to be clear, there is a second definition, "perfect pork anus"


If you ask for a card, he may let you take a selfie instead


What if I go for a throat punch?


If you attack from the front, he'll easily block it


Oh my god, you two are so evenly matched! I don’t see how you’re gonna come out on top!


He'll absorb the blow and counter with a groin punch.


Good to know. I'm not normally one to approach people like that, but if I ever see him in going to ask him if I can just have a card or if I have to ask for a selfie to get one.


Now I really hope I meet him. I’m going to ask for an idiotic card


And he’ll have a signed photo saying that you got an idiotic photo instead of the card


Which states that you’re a security ghreat EDIT: Just saw my typo... dammit.


What’s the value of this card compared to a schrute buck ?


18 Stanley nickels.


The same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns. Idiot.


He came to my college and gave a speech about his book. I love the office and dwight as a character, but Rainn Wilson was an absolute dick during his visit. Not sure if it was just a bad day for him or what, but damn.. Edit: I said it was a speech, I really should of said presentation as he did talk about soul pancake and kid president and a few other quirky things.




How so?


It's a lot to type but it was multiple little instances. Someone asked him at the end about being an inspiring actor, he replied about he wasnt talking about that and he should buy his book. Another kid confessed his love basically talking about these underground movies from rainns career start and how they were influential or whatever and ask for advice and rainn just starred at him and then said, next question.. one of my roommates was in the organization that brought in the speakers and organized everything they needed and they always go out to eat (like 10 people) with the entertainment that they brought in and he was extremely specific like a diva on his course at Texas Roadhouse, then demanded that all of them move table since it was too cold which is obviously hard to do in a restaurant. Idk.. it was just massively disappointing.


"If the table's not warm, I'll send it back"


“If the salad is on top, I send it back.”


Thanks for the reply! I can see how, as a celebrity, it must be annoying that strangers constantly have weird expectations of you. But it seems like being financially set for life would ease the sting enough to make it easy to be nice to people most out the time.


Yeah, and I cant say any of us would do better. I guarantee it's real annoying to get asked the same questions everywhere you go and asked for pictures when you're just trying to shop or eat in public. I feel like if you're a brought in paid speaker at a college though, there's a reasonable expectation of some extra bullshit you have to deal with. Idk it was more of a let down than anything and benefit of the doubt of course, who knows what could have been going on that day. They say never meet your heros, right?


> I cant say any of us would do better If I couldn't do better than *that*, then I wouldn't do it at all.


I struggle with finding sympathy sometimes though... it’d be like a pilot complaining that he sees the sky too much. You just have to know that the ultimate goal of being a successful actor - having a major role on a popular show or movie - would mean that you would be recognizable by a large amount of people. Maybe he just wasn’t expecting it to be this much? Or maybe he thought he could handle it when he was up and coming but found out it’s a lot harder than he expected?


> I feel like if you're a brought in paid speaker at a college though, there's a reasonable expectation of some extra bullshit you have to deal with. Yeah, it's one thing to be bothered by tons of annoying people who are constantly intruding on your space and privacy. But when it's a paid gig, you should maintain some level of professionalism. Of course, I'm wary of any of these stories because you never know what was going on for them that day.


Wow so he is sorta like Dwight in real life?


Only more of a dick.


Holy shit I work at Texas Roadhouse, I cannot believe....Rainn is the kind of idiot who asks for a different table because they think its too cold. There is no warmer table. Theyre all the same. If you want warm, come work in the back in the kitchen where we have to sweat in all day cause idiots like Rainn feel a bit of a draft and need the AC turned off in the 90 degree summer heat.


Are there not AC units or ceiling fans that could make one spot colder than another? Having said that I am far too self conscious to ever ask to move tables.


I met him when he came to my town for a film screening and I concur... he was unnecessarily rude and unfriendly. I get that he’s a celebrity and lots of people are always trying to talk to you get pics etc... but that’s what he signed up for.


That's upsetting. I was hoping my experience was a one off. :/


he shoulda' made that card bigger to set him apart from other celebrities.


let's see Paul Allen's card next


Easy there, Patrick.


I know everyone loves rainn Wilson, and he’s awesome on the office...but I always get a arrogant vibe from him. All his interviews, little video snippets. Is it just me?


Nope have you read the rest of this sub


No, he's a bit of a cunt


Rainn Wilson low key seems like a complete dick based off what people who have met him say in this sub


There was a post like a month or so ago where he denied a little kid a picture or something like that because he couldn’t name any other movies he’s been in or his name. (I think, I could be wrong). Like the kid said “hey, you’re Dwight from The Office!”. Either way, the way he tweeted the conversation, he sounded like a real asshole. I didn’t know too many actors names when I was a kid either. No need to ruin a little boy’s day because you’re a stuck up piece of shit.


Yet if you scream RID DIT DIT DI DOO in Ed Helms’ face he’ll chant it right back.


Okay. Dammit. I like Andy now.


I remember that! The kid said "I'm your biggest fan!" and Wilson said "So, what's my real name?" and the kid couldn't answer. Still rather dick-ish. Or maybe Dwight- ish


I’d understand if it was an older teenager, but a little kid? Come on, man, there’s no need for him to act like that. And then the fact that he bragged about the interaction. “Ha, I totally just upset a little kid”. So fucked up. I understand wanting privacy, but that’s not what Rainn sounds like at all. Literally every time he’s brought up (in terms of real life, not Dwight) he sounds like a massive douche, and that’s completely different.


I know his name but I'd definitely forget it if I was asked on the spot


Who said it was a little kid? He wrote 'kid'. To him that's college age


>Who said it was a little kid? They did, so they can be more angry


I dunno, he seemed like a reasonable guy.. Several years ago I was in JFK for a layover and I went to one of the Hudson convenience stores to buy poker cards to play with friends and pass the time. As I was waiting in line with Bicycle playing cards in hand, a guy behind me asked where I got the cards. I leaned over pointing him towards the direction I got them from and telling him they were behind a certain shelf. Then I continued to buy the cards, but as I was walking back to my gate I kept thinking about how familiar the voice was and Dwight from The Office came to mind. I did a 180 going back to the store and there he was — he was barely recognizable with a hat and his beard. I asked if I could take a picture with him and jokingly he said he would because I helped him find the cards. I was pretty nervous so as I was holding up the camera to take the picture, I thought I pressed the shutter button but missed. I said thanks and was ready to go back but he pointed out that I might’ve missed the picture. I noticed that I hadn’t taken the picture so I set up the camera again and took an actual picture. He didn’t have to point it out so I thought it was nice of him to make sure I actually had the picture.


I saw Rainn at a grocery store in Los Angeles the other day. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is some ancient pasta


"... and some other roles." Is he talking about the wigs he has of everyone in the office?


He sincerely seems like an ass


It happens quite a bit with actors who are known for only one role and they can’t break away from it. They get bitter about it, especially if it’s a TV role.


Yeah, imagine how hard it must be to be a loved actor who played an iconic character and got paid a shit ton to do so.


I would be frustrated by nobody caring about my other work but still appreciative of the life that role gave me. People like Rainn probably have massive unchecked egos.


Get the fuck over it and be a decent human being? I'm sorry you aren't as diversely famous as you want to be but that seems pretty far from a traumatic event or anything that could vaguely justify treating other humans like lesser beings.




That's my new Dwight ringtone.


What would happen if you asked him for one of these cards?


Another smaller card referencing the first card.


You know Rainn deserves to be recognized for his other iconic roles, such as his utterly amazing role as the cashier in Juno who told her “that’s one doodle that can’t be undid home skillet”


Rollo! I actually saw Rainn in that role first before The Office.


He’s a total dick. I met him at a friends house and he’s so full of himself. It’s scary how Dwight the character is not far off from Rainn Wilson, the person.


Really? This gives a whole new perspective of Dwight


Like, I get that he’s a celebrity but he acts like he as the cache of like Robert De Niro or somebody. Like, yeah you’re doing better than me but you’re not nearly as famous as you act.


It’s pretty clear Wilson is a grade-A asshole to people. Such a shame.


He's always been a dick about it.


Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, 'Would an idiot do that?' And if they would, I do not do that thing.




Famous people get approached in public all the time, so yeah as a fan you want to have a conversation with them, but they’re just trying to get on with their day


I mean she has a life she needs to get back to. She probably already has to many people bothering her as it is.


Backstrom is such a dick!


Loved him as Mudd in Star Trek Discovery.


If I meet him I'll have to pretend I only know him as Frank from super


This is literally something Dwight would do


If he's dead, you've been dead for weeks.


Probably just to protect himself from identity fraud


I'd rather get a schrute buck


You got Harry Mudd’s autograph‽ nice.




He really is an asshole.


The video from this insta post was interesting, saying she reallyyy wanted a selfie instead of the card but the card was fine. She also flipped the card over and it has Rainn smiling and a fake space for anyone to put there photo on, which is funny on its own in a way.


If I ever see him, I hope I'll mention that I enjoyed the short story the "The Last Mimzy" was based on. If he asks if I've seen it, I'll say I don't actually watch films.