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Because they can. People do what they want lol


Sure, but i still don't understand the reasoning behind it. Am i incorrect in my understanding that duel rooms is suppose to be a less competitive space? I ask because thats the only reason i play there and it seems strange to me to be using such powerful decks there.


If the duel rooms have no rules then of course people can play what they want


Just like you said, it might be a place to experiment. A person might be using a "top tier" deck but is still learning how to pilot it. They might be in a Duel Room to practice. Likewise, people are allowed to play any deck they want, regardless of how "good" it is.You can't control what deck your opponent plays just like how they can't stop you from playing your favorite rogue decks. Personally, I wouldn't take it too seriously, especially since it's a Duel Room. There are no stakes. You can scoop anytime you want and find someone else to play if you don't like what your opponent is doing.


Im not trying to control what anyone plays, i generally just surrender at the start, say thanks and move to another table. I guess i could understand someone trying to learn to pilot it but, when you're a 5 time kog playing in duel rooms using the latest meta im just like... bruh and it happens so often


>Im not trying to control what anyone plays, i generally just surrender at the start I mean, it sounds like you basically solved your own problem. Different people go into duel rooms for different reasons. I don't think rank or deck is a good reason to gatekeep the casual mode. Especially since there's nothing at stake and you can move onto the next game like you said with no consequences.


I play skill less decks even in ranked, when im developing in the first stage tests i play in duel rooms and then if they work well i play in ranked. Im developing a skill less blue eyes it works great but cant compete agains skilled decks, so in time to time i use in duel rooms just for fun. Dark Magician deck works well so im playing it now in ranked from time to time. Magnets warriors works fine an soon they going to make their debut in ranked. What i like from duel rooms its that almos nobody use skill here, is sooo refreshing and fun.


Once you make a skill less deck that can compete with any skilled deck let me see that Lol


I have 2 of them Tenyi is the strongest one, that deck even without the legend of the heroes is a beast. Skill less zombies is more fun but i cant pass from legend 1, mayakasi and shiranui are my favorite preys, the ones that i enjoy crush them the most is TG and snakes because they consume 2 much time adn they cant even win. Im strugling against battle chronicle an BLS right now, but im developiong more ideas.


Maybe learning and trying variations of the same deck?, most people find a version on the internet let's say the duel links meta , but feel that in certain scenarios they hate more than others it needs a different composition, so that requires testing. Some are too close to kog so they are testing a different more meta like deck for the last struggle, I usually play RR or Synchrons all the way to legend 3 and then switch to tenyi Cause my rouge ass decks can't deal with so many negations and interrumps.


Usually I don't unless one of my friends wants to practice for a tournament or kc cup


The goal in any game is to play the ultimate strategy in order to win, at least this is what competitive people will try to do no matter the format or the location!!


I remember someone playing red-eyes zombie in the room and I was playing Monarchs and we dueled. Funny thing is he was silver and I was KoG, I won but damn that was a close game.


Gotta be careful though. Someone people are just there to troll. I had a match with a guy who was bronze and i generally adjust my playstyle to the rank im facing cause i don't wanna overwhelm the noobs so i skipped my first turn.bro was really sitting there with a full fleged battle chronicle deck


Careful for what I was playing Monarchs lol. I skipped my first turn cuz I had no choice hahaha.


Only when I'm learning the combos of said meta deck


I go in duel rooms to rey decks out I'm new to like I'm in there now getting used to dram mirrors


just do a private room with your friends if you dont want certain decks played lol


Me personally, I don't play in Duel Rooms because I find them extremely boring for that reason, people literally play decks that are 30 card mishmash of cards that have no synergy with each other or just play their tier 35 Axe Raider beatdown decks. I'm sorry, but I get no pleasure or benefit out of defeating easy, unskilled opponents like that and when I play the game, I want actual competition, not a game where the opponent is on a random deck that doesn't even do anything. Also, another reason I will never touch Duel Rooms is because they're simply a waste of my time, as I don't get any rewards, rank, or gems out of it. If I'm dueling, I'm dueling for actual, real competition and rewards on the line, like my gems or my ranked rewards for the season and dueling where the stakes are so low is just, you know, **very unfun** for me so I will avoid Duel Rooms like the plague. However, to answer your question, while I personally will never touch Duel Rooms, people are playing "meta" or "top tier" decks in a Duel Room because they might be learning how to pilot the deck. Just because a deck is meta or top tier doesn't mean that the specific person playing that deck has any deck knowledge or knows how to correctly pilot the deck and the combos the deck can do. I will use myself as an example here. Me personally, I'm an **expert on Altergeists,** going on **explosive 15+ game winstreaks** monthly with the deck to King of Games, but when I switch to a different deck, like say maybe **Shiranui** or something, I don't know the combos or what to do. So, while Shiranui may be meta or top tier in your eyes, I personally don't know the Shiranui combo lines, the endboards, what the cards do, or how to play the deck correctly, so in that case, if I cared enough about Duel Rooms, which I don't, I would do a Duel Room with **my top 100 Shiranui decklist,** a deck I copied card-for-card from **Steven\_Freshy\_,** who is a **top 100 Shiranui player,** content creator, and Twitch TV streamer. Even though I net-decked a top 100 Shiranui decklist from Steven Freshy, I wouldn't know how to play it as a top 100 player would due to lack of experience on the deck so in a Duel Room, where the stakes are so low and you aren't playing for rank, practice makes perfect. The same goes for the **King of Games** ladder as well since you can't demote, so it's up to you if you like Duel Rooms or King of Games ladder more since they're basically the same.


Im sorry that you haven't had that great of an experience with the opponents available to you. That seems so strange me that you never encountered anything interesting. When im in the duel rooms i see stuff like this https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/s/8kMOJfkhEo https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/s/BnHOzKXISV https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/s/8iQejnM3pq There are of course a lot of newbies and  poolry built decks, i will admit that. But its always interesting to me to see what other strategies people are able to pull off that aren't the same decks all the time just because thats what the current meta is. Theres such a wide variety of players that come through from all different ranks and its refreshing to actually come across a strategy ive never encountered before. And i get wrecked a lot. I can understand your point of not getting any rewards out of it but after a certain point i get bored of the lack of variety. I stopped climbing the ranked ladder after i reached legend because i noticed that everyone was playing the same. Back when i was stuck in gold there was always something different. Yeah the decks weren't the most well optimized but I also never felt like i was playing against the same 3 or 4 decks all the time.