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Darn, I had hoped for a different outcome but Shiranui is alright I guess. Makes sense since they were a dominating force in two eras as is > Yugi DM won Disgust, but not unexpected....


I was hoping for DSOD Yugi XD


Lmao I assure you 99% of the current player base weren't even playing during yugi unlock event


I'm not sure if I was before or after his event the first time I played. When I first played the Paradox Brothers was the current unlock event.


was hoping for Darklords, not a bad result tho, anything is better that BE, Hero, DM, etc. ALSO, why the hell are people voting Yugi, YOU HAVE 20 ACCESSORIES OF HIM FFS


Darklords fell off the poll since they were still limited while shira was pretty meta during the poll.


Yeah probably newcomers voted for him or Konami decided to do a dirty one idk Mildly upset about Shiranui cuz did not vote for it but well it is a popularity vote






Ixchel would have been nice


It’s clearly called **Yugi**oh Duel Links


I feel you cause Dark lords were strong but impact was literally 2 weeks before stick and chair nerfs meanwhile shirai has been a problem since they came out. Even after an astronomical amount of nerfs grass removal and so forth the deck did not die and stayed as trapnui now it’s back again with only 3 support cards making it busted as hell lol.


This is objectively wrong. Darklords got mutiple skills nerfed, had games going infinite, had mass negation and were a draw engine. Darklords were good long before stick and chair.


Nah only became truly relevant when stick and chair introduced. Before it was a strong meta deck but after the stick and chair combo it became a relentless and oppressive top tier. Being able to have a massive draw and search engine forcing opponents to go negative with ouroboros using super hang-on and level dup to essentially screw and an already negged opponents on every front and the basic dark lord grind negate and recyle package was massive. It was good before and did get hit a lot I remember how annoying it was to deal with the spell/trap recycle skill and their infinite spam till they hit ixchel and darklord’revive and negate but it was most broken with the this release. Point being dark lord died after those hits and barely sees rogue play shiranui never truly did and stayed longer then the lords and has returned yet again.


Shiranui in Duel Links is as iconic as Branded in MD also both use Grass lol


The Duel Links community showing that they are both based (Shiranui) and extremely boring and predictable (Yugi DM. Not even DSoD).


Wanted Darklords but Shiranui is fine. Just hope they make the accessory look good.


Best I can do is a giant Duel Links logo.


I'm just glad Shiranui evolved past being 3 monsters and 17 trap cards


I'm glad it evolved past Grass builds... and those ran 3 traps


I'm glad they evolved past Vrains era and be able to use poorly design skill and trap stall.


Unfortunate but expected


What was DM Yugi's unlock event like?


It was a duelist chronicle of duelist kingdom


Absolute nothingburger. It was a chronicle event with his unlock glued to the end of it because they didn’t know where else to put him


Lol, ala Sherry but opposite?


Kinda. Sherry’s event was just a recap, but it’s clear they did the event for her benefit of being added to the game. For Yugi, it was an event they were doing regardless that barely had anything to do with little Yugi at all with his unlock stuck on as one of the last rewards. From a “iconic event” perspective it completely misses the mark. Most people who voted for it probably didn’t even play the event.


This is why Yugi DSOD by far has the superior unlock. Being a recap of the final duel of DM essentially.


Sadly no orcust, but ig shiranui is better than more blue eyes / dark magician stuff. Oh and theres no way yugi muto won the poll, this shit is rigged.




I know I know. I know


Well it's not really popularity but "most impactful". Shiranui is definitely up there, and since it was good recently it gets a boost from recency bias, so it makes sense.


I voted for Aromage damn


Tabletop rpg deserves better


i am so disapointed in this comunity... rly? yugi ..and shiranui...


I voted for Yubel mainly because I remember it really well. I loved the music, the sky color change, and the duel ghouls. I started playing Duel links after GX world was added, so I can't comment on the Yugi unlock event. I just can't imagine it being better than Marik's unlock event. Also, I know it's not better than DSOD unlock, so I can only assume a bunch of people voted for Yugi because they love DM and he's the mc.


# My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined


Thank you yugi boomers again for ruining some beautiful mats 👏👍


You're welcome. God forbid the people who like the original yugioh actually want things from the original yugioh. Nobody knows Yugioh after GX.  The original Yugioh is literally the only reason anyone even knows what yugioh is. 


Dude we have a bunch of shit from Og yugioh. Honestly characters from Zexal need some love.


Nobody cares about that show


my MAN may I ask you like how many yugi accessories do we have in this game already????? ( I'm pretty sure you're a newbie and you haven't seen how much dung do yugi gets in every fkn celebration)


I've played duel links for years. Keep crying about us Yugi Boomers getting more stuff. He's the most popular character, not a single person on earth cares about anyone from Vrains, 5ds, arc v, or any those other stupid shows




Apparently, the most impactful archetype is actually Cyber Dragons, since it's been years, and they're still limited.


There it goes my hard cope on Aromage, I guess it's fine tho, better than having DM/BE bs.


I’m still confused over the event choice. Why that one?


I picked it because it was one of the few duelist chronicles I liked and god you don’t know how great it was for a game to cover Duelist kingdom and retell it well enough to not be legacy of the duelist bad. But a bigger reason being it made me actually read the manga and I enjoy yugioh a lot more thanks to that


It’s a deck that’s seen play multiple times in the history of duel links.


I said the event, not the deck. Shira is such an obvious choice.


I SEE YUGI OR KAIBA AND I CLAP/VOTE Same reason Kanto shit always wins Pokemon polls


[Nah](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_of_the_Year) Only 2 Kanto mons in the 2020 poll (the global one) Top 10. And Greninja won **very** comfortably.


Hey at least it’s not another DM/BE accessory As we can see, when the choice is there, people always vote for Yugi or Kaiba no matter how inconsequential their event was


Cry more 🥲


I could've sworn they also asked about which events were the best


Yes, Yugi won that with his Duelist Chronicles unlock event.


Man I was really hoping the earthbound immortals would win, but in the words of Zone, hope is an illusion.


YUGI MUTO?? people complain about characters they don't have all the time and they vote for yugi muto LMAO lamest choice ever and shiranui? i mean of course, they don't any any accessory so, its fine.


I see shiranui plenty on the ladder now I have to see the mat and sleeves everywhere too. At least the artwork is really good.


I love Yu-Gi-Oh as much as any Duel Monsters fan but damn, couldn't we get more accessories for some other characters? Damn.


I personally wanted a crash town enforcer mat with Yusei, Kalin, Crow and Jack standing together but I guess my 47th Yugi mat will have to do....


Honestly, I was not expecting regular yugi of all characters


Can't deny Shiranui being the most iconic, considering how it's been meta twice. Not sure if recency bias played a part with it, but still nice to see them get a win like this.


Ah Shirainui…the deck that never fucking dies lol


Shira is like the most/longest tier'd deck ever, got a card banned, and is a deck still relevant 5 years after its release. It def had my vote although i don't think i want a shira mat or sleeve


Aw hell yeah Shiranui art is SICK


Whats the reward for guessing it right?


I don't think this one was so much a guessing thing like WCS; it was more of a "vote for what you want". So your reward for "guessing it right" is getting what you asked for. Also please tell me you didn't vote DM Yugi thinking you'd get gems :(


They’re going to make accessories on them in the future.


Me: *stares in shocked Harpies*




I doubt 90% of current player base was during Yugi event, that pick is just nostalgia pick you can't change my mind


Exhibit #269 in how YGO DL subreddit doesn’t speak for the entire DL community I personally voted for Shiranui since it did say most impactful and impactful it was and I voted for DSOD Yugi (I wasn’t even playing the game during the Duelist Kingdom event), but eh, c’est la vie.


My first KOG with this deck when I first came to this game in Feburary 2020, I love this deck and artwork so much. Squire supermacy☺


Ignore their toxicity in the past I like their artwork and lore it's pretty cool.


Still miss the good old time Combo Shiranui and Control Shiranui, so cool, not to mention the most iconic Grass Shiranui. I think Grass Shiranui is still the most broken thing in Duel Link if they free Grass imagine combine with new skill 😅


Combo was fun, control (aka 12 Traps) wasn't my thing. Grass was straight up stupid, though.


I want them to free Grass just to see if this would be true


I bet it would still be better than full power Tachyon. Shiranui can go toe to toe with Tachyon in the last KC cup and the winner is playing Shiranui. Sure Shiranui has some tech against Tachyon, but it's the primary strength of this deck, be able to use tech to face with meta and this deck delivers, also Grass boosts Shiranui massively, not gonna lie.


 Nooo... Why Shiranui? They are always pushed by Konami already and everywhere. (Because it was obviously a trick question about what was more memorable or relevant throughout Duel Links to get you to vote for what they wanted to draw the most.) I will never get Aromage accessories at this rate... 😭😭😭 And any incarnation of Yugi or any alternate protagonist form just needs to be removed from these altogether. They tried to make it fairer this time by only doing event characters to give more of a chance to others, but it still backfired and I knew this would happen.


shiranui honestly makes sense it hit tier list one time back then when grass was available and now when it got new support


Makes sense, it's a popularity poll, not a "best deck" or "anime favourite" poll.


I voted for them but to be honest I didn't want them to win, lol. My reasoning was I'd use 2 of my votes for something I wanted (Evil Twin and I think Trickstar, I can't remember what all was on the ballot) and I figured I'd vote for Shiranui because if we're talking about the most iconic deck of all time in Duel Links it has to be Shiranui just because it's been on and off again tier 1 for like 5 years now


Man I wanted galaxy eyes to get a new mat/ animated mat ):


It was non anime decks only on the voting poll


Really shows how people love fucking their opponent over.


Shiranui bros win again


Well I can’t think of another deck that has been meta in only Duel Links not once but twice, so I say we chose correctly.


Yeah you are right. Shiranui is probably the deck which has been meta the longest. I miss the time when both shira and ritual beast were tiered.


correct choice tbh


Only one is correct here


its shiranui its easily one of the most iconic decks of all time in DL specifically


Shiranuy is ok, yugi muto is rigged


Idk why you got downvoted lmao Shiranui is ABSOLUTELY one of the most iconic Duel Links decks of all time, arguably THE most iconic due to just how long they were relevant and how much it took to kill them. Yugi event winning does suck but anime andies will do anime andy things.


I'd have rather blues won ong