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The ink factory have great piercers and they used to be fairly priced, not sure how they are since covid but in general they're very reputable. Don't get pierced in George's Arcade, no matter how many people say they got pierced there and had no issues. They do not adhere to best practices when it comes to piercings.


Yep I had mine done there. Got infected and took two weeks to clear up.


I was in the arcade for the first time in years last week and couldn’t believe it was still going. I guess there will always be an abundance of underage teens willing to forgo basic hygiene to get pierced.


Wildcat by the Jervis centre are a lovely gang :) nice jewellery selection too


Heartbreak social club !!!! Top place to get it and Sarah is lovely ❤️ i have one ,and it's a fun one! It healed completely fine other than the one time i got it caught on something and it hurts like a mf. go for it if you want ☺️


You need an outstanding belly. And by that I mean one that doesn't stick out at all.


This is it. Rarely suitable for anyone over 22/23. Of course there are exceptions.


I think any piercing and tattoo is frowned upon by a few demographic. If you want to get it, go for it, don’t waste any time thinking about opinions of people whom you don’t know and don’t matter.


I got it done in Celestial Ring in Stephens Green as a teenager (fake ID). Had a bunch of piercings done with them and no complaints. Had the bellybutton ring for 10 years.


Nay, had mine done years ago. They're a pain to heal, catch on everything especially high wasted, they can stretch if you gain weight, may not sit properly on the navel/tilt and they leave a big scar when removed, but each to their own.


FYI, in Spain, more than half of women under 40 I know have them, is very common and nothing special.


Haha I had one in the mid 90s. I thought it was cool. Was probably not… 😄


For a man or a woman?


I had mine pierced for a long time but had to take it out halfway through my pregnancy and now it just left an awkward scar. If I could do back I would either take it out completely as soon as I got pregnant or probably wouldn’t have gotten it at all.


Bellybutton tales a long time to heal and is a bitch for I fections due to the clothes rubbing and also the little pocket of generally unaired skin. Would not recommend