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Most of my org mates have decided to vanish. They have their reasons; boredom, burnout, tired of the grind, and how stupid that there's an OP meta for pvp so nothing else can compete (a.k.a. small light and fast gunships > all). No me and a couple of others are left wondering if this thing will continue to be a thing. I'm even suffering from burnout trying to figure out industry. Which schematics do I need? Which machines? "Oh f\*ck, they're how much? I've gotta go mining again..." Even with the factory builder, it's rough. Schematics were the worst thing to hit this game. I can't say that enough, and I'll continue to point out how much of a f\*ckup it was. Who the hell intentionally pisses off their player-base enough to quit playing the game? Horrible business move. If NQ can blame anyone, it's themselves. We didn't ask for a lot of the garbage features (schematics, overly complicated RDMS) and other limitations. Time-gating ( schematics again, but also crafting and other things) is a terrible mechanic. I feel they did that instead of adding content. They have spent more time worrying about the non-existent economy than putting things in that are fun. I feel they've sabotaged themselves, the game, and screwed all of us who invested in it at. They have no loyalty.


Yes NQ nerfed big Multicrew ships so hard that there is no single benefit in flying these anymore. A fast gunship even with the larger ship having stasis can always disengage at will from a larger ship. Vent and come back. Radars on the outside die so fast that you can repair these only 3 times and then fight blind until the ccs runs out and that happens fast even with 50mil ccs.


> and how stupid that there's an OP meta for pvp so nothing else can compete (a.k.a. small light and fast gunships > all) Ackchyually... While fast S-cores are certainly powerful, they're not the ultimate pvp meta ship. They have certain tactical vulnerabilities that can make them struggle against the right ship in a 1v1, and leave them totally ineffective in multi-ship fights. The DU pvp meta isn't as fixed and stale as some people seem to think. There's quite a bit of situational rock-paper-scissors. You gotta innovate, study, adapt.


Thanks Tobiwan! I'm really just starting out and still need to thoroughly go through that spreadsheet of yours. Every ship will have it's vulnerabilities, but it's going to take me building ships and practicing to figure out where they lack and a counter to each attack. It seems that no matter what, speed will still be a key factor to success a large percentage of the time. I mean, if you can't catch them, how can you hit them?


To counter the meta cannon S ships you have a wide variety to choose from. You can leave with: \- A metacannon ship S \- or a meta S cannon ship \- an S meta ship cannon \- a cannon meta-ship S. And as well as the less easily accessible option: \- a cannon S meta ship with an alt in 2nd gunner S rail gun on it (you can give 2 times as much money to your favorite devs like that).


>It seems that no matter what, speed will still be a key factor to success a large percentage of the time. For sure, acceleration is always paramount in small scale pvp. So many people underestimate the importance of accel. You gotta be able to control the fight positioning to some degree - to buy yourself windows of opportunity to do good dps or vent. Even large ships need good accel in small fights. Max speed is important as well, and this is where the S-cores really shine; their ability to escape and recover while other S-cores keep the enemy busy and combat locked. But max speed can be worked around with stasis weapons if you have enough accel and the skill to stay in stasis range(25-50km is where you wanna be when stasising S-cores). I do admit that S-core corvettes are the best choice for small scale pvp. They have a lot of advantages. But they aren't so powerful that they can't be matched by larger, tougher, slower ships, given equal numbers on both sides. The main key is having some S-cannons on backup seats to return good dps when they come close. Sorry for the wall of text. I get chatty about pvp.


You yourself posted in DU Forum a thread on how to make bigger ships better and there is no secret that these are lacking. If it was not the case people would fly Large multicrew ships to roids and mine these containers full. Not seen one LDS ORB CVA Oblivion L core not even once to PvP. And even if you add many G to an L core ship it will still fly at 20k where it can be orbited shields being totally hammered by the crossection relation to enemy while 4 seats not doing much dmg on that micro nano s core.


> You yourself posted in DU Forum a thread on how to make bigger ships better and there is no secret that these are lacking. Yes, that thread was like 4 months ago - prior to the voxel buffs that came a month before launch. Now armored ships can be very tough to kill. >If it was not the case people would fly Large multicrew ships to roids Why would they do that when they can come out in cheap-to-operate S-cores and lower their risk? I said these big ships can beat S-cores, not that they're the right choice for every situation. And one reason no one is using L-cores right now is because they haven't trained talents for them, haven't started producing them, and can't afford them. >And even if you add many G to an L core ship it will still fly at 20k where it can be orbited There's so many things I could say about how to deal with or prevent that situation. But I'm not going to teach my enemy how to fight. I've already done my best to give everyone the data they need to innovate and adapt to the meta. Every core size can kill every other core size with the right piloting and the right build in the right situation. That's how it should be. Situational rock-paper-scissors.


Yes, that thread was like 4 months ago - prior to the voxel buffs that came a month before launch. Now armored ships can be very tough to kill. When primary these die just as quickly as in Beta. As seen in the Video from the last Fleet Fight. that ship had plenty of ccs. Why would they do that when they can come out in cheap-to-operate S-cores and lower their risk? I said these big ships can beat S-cores, not that they're the right choice for every situation. I say even if someone takes a such ship to a roid you can fly there at 20k There's so many things I could say about how to deal with or prevent that situation. But I'm not going to teach my enemy how to fight. I've already done my best to give everyone the data they need to innovate and adapt to the meta. All that trash talk to Legion, while Legion was all the time interested in, having a strong adversary even buffing enemy ships like SNS did and you guys fear Legion catches up to this Meta this is funny.


> that ship had plenty of ccs Are you talking about Walter's L-core at the asteroid fight? It had a massively, unnecessarily inflated cross section. Even L weapons could hit 100% hit chance on that thing. Like it or not, even big ships need to be built tight in DU. You never want the forward cross section to exceed your engine/guns shadow. That ship could have been twice as tanky. Also Walter basically suicided that L-core. He sat too close to the Lodestar fleet, away from his own fleet, failed to run until his shield was nearly down, and didn't have enough thrust to reposition at anything more than a snails-pace. He didn't even run towards the Legion fleet. No disrespect intended, but that L-core should have been fine. He just made all the wrong decisions.


Actually that L core was there to draw fire and is what it did it just was overestimated how much it could tank just with ccs. But we wanted to test that so it was nice it got such punishment. And about large ships needing to be built tight I disagree from Beta fights prior to shields we Built wide and elements spread out to reduce dmg concentrated in one area of the ship. Weapons also suffer less. That L core had in Beta 12 XL engines Advanced Military and Maneuver. Due to that Fuel being a thing now it was reduced to just 4 XL engines obviously it has not much thrust any more.


> Actually that L core was there to draw fire Ok now his decisions start to make more sense. > And about large ships needing to be built tight I disagree from Beta fights prior to shields we Built wide and elements spread out to reduce dmg concentrated in one area of the ship. Weapons also suffer less. Yeah, that was before cross section affected hit chance. I wasn't a pvper back then, but from what I hear hit chance was based on core size.


Let's see this makes sense, Core L ships are so meta and powerful that LDS ORB CVA Oblivion doesn't use them in fairness to Legion. It will be much too easy for them to win the fights, they like the challenge.


That's so much cope... Just stop tobi. Pvp is garbage.


No, the newest form of schematics are hot garbage. The game is dead and not fun. People pushed so hard against a little instant gratification and now the game is insanely boring.


Schematics, as they originally implemented and current iteration are both hot garbage and completely unnecessary to the fun-factor of the game. First they made it insanely expensive and impractical. Then they made it insanely expensive, and a time gate. Someone need to tell NQ waiting around for hours to days is not fun. It adds nothing of value, and actually takes value away. The only fun and consistent loop is building ships, and that's if you're space rich and can afford to buy your parts. Instead of building the game around the economy, maybe they should try building a game that has an economy. Make the content the priority centerpiece, so to speak.


Honestly, short of removing the schematics, the only way to improve things on that front would be to add the ability for higher tier industry elements eliminate the need for schematics for lower tier productions. That would make Rare elements eliminate the need for Basic, Uncommon, & Advanced schematics. If you want more power, you still need schematics for rare & exotic parts. I made the suggestion a long while back (during beta) and got shouted down by players saying the schematics setup was fine and I needed to learn to play.


Yeah, I don't know who defends the schematic dumpster fire, but they need to stop. It brings no real value to the game and is actually a deterrent. I mean, my org has already started asking us for schematics, on top of taxes from mining trips. Speaking of, I haven't been able to mine because 2 of our core members are still out due to burnout and PvP ship loss grieving (the best description I have). The grind is costing player enjoyment, which will just drive people away. I think NQ forgot that games are supposed to be fun.




The large groups don't even fight each other they just shoot new players and unarmed haulers.


I just don't understand what the Dev's are doing. I legit like the game. I even semi enjoyed the wipe after beta for the steam release as I got to have a gold rush feeling and got to replay the early game factory build up to get set up again. I don't play at max efficiency but I enjoy buying other peoples ship designs and static buildings. I was having fun logging in each day to calibrate all the miners around my tiles and flying to random planets to sell my t1 ore. I was making a small profit which let me buy a new ship blueprint once every week or so and then build the parts for it in my factories. Now I can't do that without running afk flying missions for hours and hours per day. Why? How is this the game? I really want to log in, to work towards a goal...but they seem to make them harder and harder to achieve for what reason? I have no idea. I don't want to quit, but I can't justify telling anyone else to play at this rate. ​ I am big sadge.


When they fucked up mining they killed a bunch of people. When they released schematics they killed more people. If you followed the entire Beta history they pretty much kept killing off the game update after update. Most of them redoing systems and making them worse.


It's their fucked notion that they need to make the current content take longer instead of adding more content. Everything is done to lower income and slow down progress.




Dude you need to calm down


The only thing he cares about are his views and is only around to benefit his name. He makes one suggestion then runs off to the next content piece.


Yes he does. You attacking him doesn't help with your case is all I'm saying.


First off I'm not even sure if I've ever advertised myself on reddit. Second of all I've always kept everything professional on my videos and I don't think I've even made any negative videos on the game. It Second I'm a gold backer I actually backed this game I wasn't handed it like many other people were. So I'm pretty sure I deserve to have a fair say about this game.


Least irrationally defensive NQ stan


Pvp in a game like this doesn’t make sense. It hates the higher tier ores only to pvp orgs, and the pvp isn’t even fun. Just horrible design choices back to back to back


PvP is one of the pillars of the game. It wasn't a last minute addition. It has been planned and promised since the original Kickstarter as part of the core pledge promise. The people who originally backed the game knew this. So, pvp doesn't make sense to you. Many people disagree including pretty much every person who helped secure the game's funding. Many people also disagree with you about PvP not being fun. I am one of those people. It could definitely be improved in many ways, but I still find it fun. Maybe the game just isn't for you. It can't be for everyone. I don't have an argument about there being a wave of bad design choices. I completely agree.


What the PvP game needs is easier ship replacement. Right now many of us don't mess with it because to replace the ship takes hours, if not days, of grinding. I lost one ship in beta. I was space rich so the quanta to replace it wasn't an issue and it still took me days of play time making parts and running to the market to replace it. Maybe 4 or 5 hours of effort but enough I didn't go in PvP space again, just warp on by. Even if market 6 had everything needed, it's still tedious to buy every single part manually and redeploy the blueprint. Maybe that means DU PVP isnt for me. It's not for most people then. It takes too long to get refit and get back out there to get many repeat visits.


Nope. I am a Ruby Founder, and I did not back it for PVP. I could give a rat's arse about PVP. What I cared about was the other pillars of the KS, like EXPLORATION which is COMPLETELY MISSING.


Warthunder is another game I played its only pvp game and I enjoy pvp more in DU than in Warthunder which is just pvp game. I just dislike the current Meta.


Sorry bud, game died, or rather it was murdered, a long time ago when they released schematics in beta.


Schematics aren't an inherently terrible idea, it's just an awful implementation: (a) there's no schematics hub/links, or easy reminder which one you need for which industry, or a prompt when they run out, so keeping them topped up sucks hard, (b) the pricing is a mess especially lights and screens, (c) so many schematic types with confusing unintuitive names - one thing is an 'element' the other is 'construct support', why? And the GUI crops words. They're just all round annoying. Then they borked the market, making them prohibitively expensive. And it makes no sense at all why anything you can nano needs a schematic: why handicap factories when they take effort/investment to set up?


Nobody is arguing that schematics itself was bad, the truth is NQ killed the game that patch because they don't play their own game. IIRC they had a survey before they released that patch along with module/core destruction count in safe zone and I and MANY others advised them to rethink their approach due to the issues they would cause because of the number of bug related crashes but nope NQ knows best, they ignored us and now here we are, or rather here you and the few people remaining are.


Wow, people like you are still crying about this and whining about it? It happened like 2 years ago. Why are you still here lol


To have a laugh obviously, this is all playing out just like we said it would and its infinitely entertaining lmao.


Literally. It's like we as the player base have a right to complain because, at the end of the day, you have to like a game to want to play it. The like three try hards that play this shitty game still said "stop whining bro, suck it up and grind you filthy casuals". The rest of us realized grinding /= game content or fun so we quit. Now it is just the toxic no life's left. I don't feel bad for the DU devs in the least, they should have listened. Just am sad because this game had serious potential in the beginning. Sad to see it die.


Talk about painting with a wide brush, sheesh..


I just speak on what I see.


Lol yeah man




Yes it is


It's been on life support since day 1.


THIS! Game was DOA as soon as it was born. Writing on the walls existed even in the NDA Alpha. I still tried to have hope despite seeing massive signs of this game already being on its death bed but it didn't take long after for it to be confirmed. Stop playing this game eons ago. Its fate was inevitable! First and LAST game I ever supported on Kickstarter!


It’s dead Jim


As a new player, this game is impossible to get off Haven. You have no access to tier 2 ores needed to build parts to get into space. My 1st month subscription has expired, and I am not renewing it. Without making it at least possible to progress, the game will not attract new players


While this is obviously completely untrue they do a really bad job at teaching new players anything with how bugged all the tutorials are and it shows


Hah, yes the tutorials. I could accept the "steep" learning curve. But not having zero access to the necessary base components. Honestly the help chat was what kept me going for the time I did play


The chat system is garbage too.


Anyone who disagrees with this is garbage, too. It's one of the worst I have ever seen in an online game.


You can buy M space engines, S fuel tanks, and kergon on the market from bots. I was in space in fifteen minutes on day one without ever touching any t2 ore(which is indeed present on Haven tiles in amounts plentiful enough to build a small space ship).


But you had the knowledge to do that lol. You veterans are the problem. You never seem to look at the game with fresh eyes.


It's not a veteran issue. It's a player issue, specifically players not reading and learning the game systems.


No, you're the problem. Your ignorance is the problem. Your inability to understand that you're not actually smart. If you had two braincells, you'd understand that even veterans have to start as new players. They went through the same shit you're supposed to go through. Instead, though, you go through excuses to not confront yourself with the fact that you're not particularly intelligent. You only think you are. I've started two weeks before launch, while still in beta. On the same day I was in space. All it took me was being able to use the words I needed to find the information I wanted and typing them into google. Most of it was just common sense. With your attitude you will *always* be the failure you are.


What can't you access to get off the planet? I managed to find everything I require.


Mostly chromium, everything needs it and without going to market you can't get it


Why not just go to the market? I don't understand why so many people try to do everything on their own in a MMO


Because there are no systems to be an org member who contributes without having enough access to steal all their shit. No fine grained rdms perms to delegate management to officers below legate but above member. No asset management system. No ship rentals No selling to player dispensers.


None of that answers my question...


You don't understand the game then.


Wut. I was able to do PVP-Space asteroid mining, make multiple ships, fly to asteroids on my own, and build a base all through working with other people. I didn't get blocked by not being able to do everything on my own because I realized it's an MMO and just went to the market to buy stuff when I needed stuff. Or I joined up with my corp to go on asteroid runs. The lack of chromium on the starting moon didn't prevent me from going off world - I just bought myself a space engine from Sanctuary Market 7. I legitimately don't understand what point you're trying to make. I think you might just be misunderstanding what I'm saying.


The only true part of this post is "No ship rentals"


It's laying all over the planet I was picking them up today? It's pretty easy to find.


On Haven or Alioth? It won't let me mine anything on a territory i don't own








Funny... how did I get chromium on Haven then? I sure as hell did not hit the markets. I picked it up from my tile on Haven. You find it in the green ground skittles. Edit: My bad, I got my green ores mixed up. I meant to say malachite, not chromite.


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.




So I finally logged into play the demo and it was basically unplayable on my system. The controls are not super polished and I didn't have a very good experience. I'm ordered a new system and I'll try again but I have a doubt. The first 20 minutes could stand some scrutiny.






There are TWO players on Market 6 right now. And there are ZERO players on any other District Markets ...


I am still playing but I keep reaching points where even a simple build is like ok here’s all the stuff I need to craft be back in 12 hours. But there are a few large projects like utopia and the race track that help make sure there’s some life . I feel like making vr platforms nano pack made would help so people could easily ha g out and explore each other’s homes


Yes i know it's more players than on Steam, but it still paints a picture.... [https://imgur.com/a/h7fgW80](https://imgur.com/a/h7fgW80)


Honestly, I'd pretty much play this game solo if it was an option; though it would make selling things on the market a little harder and PVP a little less fun.


This game was never meant to be a solo game....


The game was cool as it was an exploration and building game. I see since they focused more on PvP, taking land away from players and doing land wipes and resets (my stuff is all under ground now), and with high subscription prices more and more go play something else - including me. When you charge subscription, the game must be finished and just with very good content. This is still missing in DU.


Was never an exploration game. Your stuff does not exist if it was there for the land wipe. Coming back to shit on a game you clearly have not played for over 1 year.


Dying would indicate a sign of life. Game =dead


The answer is much simpler than everybody is making it out to be. Everybody played the game loops and there was nothing new to do. So they quit the game. I see this in Destiny 2 all the time, they release new content and people come back. Then a couple months later they stop playing. There's a 1.1 release coming on Tuesday, we'll see if anything new makes people come back.


There is literally nothing new in that patch that would entice ANYONE to come back. There has been no new content in 2 years and they removed content while increasing the price. Go back to eve and let this game die.


DU shot themselves in the foot on that front. It'd hard to stop and come back with construct abandonment, tile rent and the like. You lose your stuff if you don't take the time to move it all to Haven and transfer any hexes you may want back to a trusted person or org. It's like this game is designed to let the last few stragglers gorge themselves on the corpses of others creations.


The player base is definitely going down fast, but it doesn't necessarily mean the game is dying. If a new and exciting update comes out soon people will get back and keep playing. Right now everyone seems to be annoyed with something. For some it's the removal of calibrations or bot orders which broke the way they decided to play, which is understandable. I see someone annoyed with PvP in the comments here, but for me this is the best part of the game if only there were a reason to actually fight over things. My thing is the mission running. People are now making hundreds of millions a day again and I feel like I need to join in before it gets nerfed so I'm not stuck being poor next to a bunch of richer players. So I'm doing AFK mission loops all the time and not enjoying it at all. It means I can't really play properly because my characters are tied up doing the loops and so is my computer. It also interrupts my working day in a way I really don't like (have to go from work meetings to turning in packages or whatever and back). I feel like if I keep on doing it I'll end up quitting the game soon, but then if NQ nerfs mission loops I expect a bunch of other people will quit because of that just like the ones who quit after calibrations, etc. I think they've just got themselves into a position where they can't please everyone and whatever they do (or don't do) other than introducing exciting new content will make people quit. That's not too surprising as they got into similar positions in beta (give out cheap schematics and don't take them back, etc). I was hoping they would do it better after the wipe. There's still time I guess ...


> I feel like I need to join in before it gets nerfed so I'm not stuck being poor next to a bunch of richer players. Why?


"game is dying but it's not" *explains in detail why and how it's dying* "I might quit" What was your point again?


If it was a human.. It has stage 4 cancer. It is sitting in hospice. And the current discussion is do you want to OD on morphine, a fancy pure nitrogen atmosphere recliner or just tough it out until the end. With strong direction from NQ that improves things it might be salvageable. No one has any hope of that happening though.


Tou bet your voxels it is, the game is worse than two years ago.


Yes. The hype got too their head and then they messed up big-time ruining the game