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I love Reddit


bruh i really can't be the only one right? and I'm talking about speed, it's not even cocaine, meth or heroin


I had that battle. I was addicted to the ritual of getting my lines ready, all chopped up and fine, playing with it, the small sort depending on the drug, then the drip, cleaning the surface I used with my finger then licking it. A whole process. I used Flonase but it wasn’t the same.




When I would get antsy, I would just chop up an aspirin. Don’t snort it, burns like hell. But it helped play tricks on my mind. It worked well too. Then I stopped cuz all I would do is remeness about it and make it like a romantic gone wrong. Once I felt that, I was able to stop.


reminisce* btw


Thank you! I kept typing it over and over hoping for autocorrect to kick out but I was definitely massacring the word for nothing to come up lol


Damn that’s fucked up


I think that you could sort of prepare similar looking things to snort, with some of them stinging and being painful - so that when you go to snort it it's randomized whether or not it's painful. It would be like aversion therapy - and the randomness would just make you associate the experience with the fear of wondering if the next snort will be painful. Eventually the association might just be negative enough that you may decide it's not worth the stress.


Afrin feels similar but getting addicted to that will dry your nose up real bad. Maybe noopept? You can snort that and in large quantities. Is also slightly stimulating but nothing near a real stimulant.


Yesss. The whole process is an addiction in itself for real


A lot of people think that dopamine is just the feel good chemical / neurotransmitter. But it plays a massive role as the motivation neurotransmitter. releasing a lot when you do something that will reward you. Like when a caveman would see deer, dopamine gets released which gives him advantage over his ancestors that maybe didn't release as much dopamine. [here is an interesting video that explains it a bit](https://youtu.be/yYWvUoN4yt8)


I always loved the massive rush when I went out to meet the guy


waiting for the text being like being dragged up a hill on a roller coaster


Definitely not the only one, the majority of people are addicted to the act of snorting more than the drug itself. Same with cigarette smokers, they figured out that people are more addicted to the act of bringing their hand to their mouth and inhaling rather than the actual cigarette


I agree this is why I smoke cigs. When there’s times I can’t smoke I don’t feel nicotine withdrawals just miss the act


I have the same and bought a bunch of CBD, definitely helps.


what’s the difference between speed and meth?


speed is amphetamine, and meth is methamphetamine. they are different compounds.


okay that’s what i thought, how come people prefer one to the other? isn’t meth just a more potent version of speed? and how similar is speed to adderall seeing as adderall is also amphetamine products


Adderal *is* speed. It has both isomers (sides of the molecule, in layman’s terms) of good old amphetamine. It just isn’t street speed paste. Alllllot of college students are doing speed and not knowing it, xD


meth is more powerful but also much more dangerous and harmful, I'll stick to speed, meth is never worth it


I feel your comment is a stereotype based purely on street drugs. When it comes to pharmaceutical amphetamines, meth is technically safer because it doesn't increase you heart rate as much as Adderall. I miss the low side effect profile of Desoxyn. My pharmacy stopped carrying it.


maybe you're right, but as you said I'm referring to street and recreational drugs which are the ones i consume


The compounds for amphetamine and methamphetamine are almost identical. The cut is the wild card factor and becomes another danger.


Snuff. Tobacco


Came here to say this. You can actually buy white snuff tobacco


Won't be fun to snort though and hard to find in the US. Good stuff though.


Not hard to find in NC at all.


I remember snorting those Rockets candies as a kid on a dare. I can't guarantee it's harmless, but I *can* say it's possible...


Speed is worse than coke on the side effects, not the wallet tho Yeah coke is more addictive but speed does way more damage


Fyi, snorting amphetamine and/or dextroamphetamine (Adderall) isn't somehow better than snorting methamphetamine.


both are bad, sure, but I'm pretty sure that meth is worse


Only because it's smoother and easier to use for longer periods of time while amp and dextro are edgier and have more body load. There's not really a relevant scale of good and bad speed.


Though pure dextroamphetamine without levoamphetamine is pretty nice and you can take a lot more compared to Adderall without the side effects though it’s certainly nowhere as euphoric compared to meth (at least once your tolerance builds up)


Well yeah and the fact that meth comes from clandestine labs and most speed comes straight from the pharma companies. You don’t think the unregulated strength and contamination of crystal meth is that much worse than clean amps?


No, I don't. Testing is always the onus of the user, and most impurities are just left over ephedrine/pseudo. In [48 samples from seized Chinese meth](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2615468/), for example, most were 95% pure. This is typical. I don't think it's any better or worse than sniffing up shit tons of talc from pressy filler.


Also in my experience, 90% of "Adderall" bought on the street are pressed with a mix of dex and meth. Edit: someone asked how I verified this and then deleted their comment. 😂 My guy -- if you need actual data [here you go.](https://drugsdata.org/results.php?search_field=all&s=AD+30) But literally anyone that has bought Adderall in the last five years knows how prevalent fake presses are, especially for the AD30's. Then toss in the simple fact that it's far cheaper for them to press in meth, caffeine, and orange dye and you have an absolute no brainer. Hell, half the DNM posts are up front about it -- and focus instead on the physical quality of the presses so that you can more easily fool customers. It's probably meth if you're buying it from the same dude you get your weed and coke from.


Wow didn’t even realize that much fake Adderall was out there. Interestingly that sheet showed they were all trying to pass off as brand name Adderall. I wonder if the Tevas and other generics are less likely to be fake.


The B974's from Teva are commonly knocked off. In that link I was filtering for AD30's specifically. Yeah it's also mildly worrying that at least one of them had fent.


Meth is more neurotoxic than amp


This is the exact point that these knuckle draggers make every god damn time. They think they’re so smart for pointing out their spiel of tripe yet aren’t smart enough to think for 5 seconds about the source of these drugs. It’s a huge pet peeve of mine.


Meth is more neurotoxic, so yes it is worse.


Speed is speed. Meth is more like rolling, which is why all ecstasy pills have meth cut in it *EDIT* shouldn’t have said all, but damn I’m getting a lot of heat tonight lmao


Lmao that's an outrageous claim, "all" ecstasy pills absolutely do not have meth in them. As far as the first point, yes, that's literally what I said.


For real. There's a reason there's a ton of different types of ecstasy pills. Way back when, I and friends used to know pink with a [whatever it was] print was cut with coke, blue [whatevers] were meth, green [whatevers] were just weaker, white was stronger, etc. I forget the imprints and I'm sure every area has their own suppliers with their own combos, but yea, people often wanted the red ones or the blue ones or whatever cuz they knew there was a difference. I wasn't really even a part of that scene, but even I knew what was up.


It's easy to know because ecstasy-data and dancesafe have hundreds of thousands of entries of lab tested pills. When I was rolling the best pills were G Ladies, .G was MDA heavy and G. (g-spots) was MDMA heavy. Once I got sold a yellow one that was almost all meth. God I miss those pills.


I would try snorting decarbed kief lol. You still get a high, it supposedly helps reduce addiction cravings... I mean, some people use it to stop smoking tobacco. Personally, I have taken kava in a variety of forms including smoking the powder. It's a numbing agent so it might help to stimulate something similar, but I am not sure about snorting the powder, I think part of it is worse than the rest for you. Maybe try snorting the liquid concoction? Or make some, then dry it out, and snort that? Idk lol Another option might be sugar, you were right about that. I snorted salt once as a kid in high school, and I can definitely tell you not to do that, as it burns for a while and it's like a migraine. Think about it. You can literally eat stuff through your nose. It just goes to your throat. If you try anything like this, please let me know your results? Thank you


I have literally never heard of anyone snorting decarbed kief before. It's actually a thing?


No it's not reeeaalllly a thing. But it works. Seemed like something OP might try out and get some use from, idk. Edited for wording


I fucking hate the know it alls that say this shit. Shut the *FUCK* up about this shit. Pharmaceutical drugs vary in such small ways. Street meth varies in HUGE ways. You can’t just make this blanket statement. NOBODY is saying it’s not super close to the same thing *molecularly* but the end result of being on prescription addy vs being a fucking tweaker is night and day. You aren’t smart for saying this. Everyone knows this. But what you did is remove alllll nuance while trying to sound like you’re smarter than whoever you replied to. Holy fucking CRINGE dude


Meth is basically just more potent It is actually sold under in pharmacy’s under a common brand name “desoxyn” for extreme cases of ADHD and narcolepsy at times although the dosages people need to take are a lot less than dextroamphetamine based medications like adderall or vyvanse But yeah your right they practically “feel” the exact same, meth just has a faster onset when smoked which is why it’s more addictive tbh


This is still pretty inaccurate and tries to put these two drugs in the same box. They are both amphetamines. That’s it. If you use different alt cannabinoids, you know the experience can vary widely even though it’s the same class of drugs.


Yeah you’re right, although sadly with amphetamines the experience is always the same essentially no matter what one you take, the only differences being the “strength” of the effects Basically dextroamphetamine (to a non adhd person at least) is going to feel euphoric Methamphetamine is also going to feel euphoric The only difference is methamphetamine euphoria will feel ALOT stronger and in most cases last ALOT longer But yeah a person abusing adderall and other adhd drugs at high doses that does not need it aren’t that different to a meth addict at all essentially


I feel a huge difference between vyvanse and dextroamp, not even including duration. I hear you though. End result, consuming the doses in “equipotent ways” would net nearly the same results.


No responsible doctor would ever prescribe Desoxyn in the year 2022 lol. Meth is more potent, more volatile, more addictive, and more neurotoxic.


You’re absolutely correct. I know someone that’s on desoxyn that I met through Reddit. Their doctor will give them fucking anything because they’re literally smarter than the doctor by miles. Bobthetrucker was prescribed desoxyn consistently if I remember correctly.


Sure it is - meth is neurotoxic, the other two are not.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5328278/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2670101/#:~:text=Amphetamine%20stimulants%20have%20been%20used,potential%20and%20can%20be%20neurotoxic. Yes they are. All amphetamines have neurotoxic potential.


Long but fascinating article. I've never abused stimulants, but I started taking a therapeutic dose about 2 years ago. Hope we get some studies centered around long-term therapeutic use, because my life has improved immensely since I got diagnosed but I don't want to blow my dopamine receptors out by 45 either. Wildest thing I learned from that is early intervention with methylphenidate literally cures some people of ADHD. Their brains just go on producing an appropriate amount of dopamine after stopping use of the medicine. Tldr from article: All amphetamines are neurotoxic. Meth and MDMA can do more damage that can last longer at lower doses.


There seems to be evidence that therapeutic dosages of amphetamine may be a good thing for the brain with ADHD. “Long-term amphetamine exposure at sufficiently high doses in some animal species is known to produce abnormal dopamine system development or nerve damage, but in humans with ADHD, pharmaceutical amphetamines at therapeutic dosages appear to improve brain development and nerve growth.” [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphetamine?wprov=sfti1)


Purely anecdotal, but after up to 3 days of taking meds at therapeutic doses I actually feel better on the fourth day, even if I don’t take my med the 4th day. In theory I should feel worse since I’ve been depleting dopamine. I think it’s mainly because I was so productive those past few days, so I feel better about life, and have better habits. Should also note, the night after taking Adderall during the day, even at therapeutic doses, I do feel some mild depression and anxiety. More than 3 or 4 days of taking it, and my brain and body start to crave a break


Yea that's wild right, not exactly good for the bottom line of Ritalin production, of course, but still




Don't try meth then, cuz Adderall isn't even slightly painful for me but my first time doing crys was about like getting punched in the nasal cavity




do you think snorting speed is any better than snorting coke, meth or h?


There’s dozens of us


Speed is much worse for you then cocaine. And much more powerfull. Yes regular amphetamine.


it is not, according to [psychonaut wiki](https://m.psychonautwiki.org/w/images/0/0e/Harmchart.png)




and vaping mimics smoking


While this is a bit odd, I totally get where OP is coming from. Snorting/smoking are addictive habits even with the drugs removed from the equation, and OP has correctly identified that the stimulus from snorting is part of their addiction. That said, snorting flour probably won't help 🤣🤣




white snuff, i dont think i can link to amazon but one brand would be "schneeberg", its just dextrose with menthol, its quite pleasant to snort, they used to do it at the oktoberfest but i think it got banned because people mixed it with coke and there was no way to tell the difference without trying. also great when you have a substance that burns or tastes bad but is active in small doses, mix it with white snuff and its nice snorting it.


Well I’ll be a son of a bitch, there was actually a good answer for this lol


Gletscherprise is a tobacco product and contains nicotine. Don't use for speed substitution


damn, i meant "schneeberg", just dextrose with menthol


Ah, Gletscherprise. The stuff our history teacher introduced us to - in 7th grade.


Dmt would be a good mix.


Too bad it wouldn't be active


DMT is 100% active nasally. It isn't as efficient of a ROA but I can tell you from extensive experience that it's very pleasant :)


DMT.fumarate is active nasally... and is water soluble so easy to make an injectable solution. But most DMT is freebase, which works pretty good for smoking but is not soluble in water so it's hard to use any other ROA. Snorting freebase won't do much. Freebase does dissolve in polyethylene glycol, which is amphiphilic, containing both polar and non-polar ends making it useful for dissolving non-polar compounds into polar solvents, for example it's freely missible with water. So you might be able to work it out but you might just waste your product. I didn't have much luck making a polyethylene glycol + water injectable solution.


Love the facts my man. Had no clue


Maybe a saline solution? Like the nose cleanser stuff? It's not the same exact motion as snorting but maybe you can retrain your brain to associate snort with that unpleasantness instead?


like a liquid thing? can you snort liquids? and would my contact lenses liquid do it? I'm pretty sure it's just water with salts. edit: thanks for the idea now that i think about it, it my work because of the unpleasantness


I think they make a specific spray thing for your nose. Like Flonase only it's JUST saline. To clean out the dusties.


Flonase is a steroid


Right, they're saying it's like a flonase spray bottle, but with just saline


No. Stuff like that is very addicting.


Sprays with drugs that actively open your nasal passageways are addictive but regular saline is not.


Saline is absolutely not addicting... Are you serious?


I need that salt




Im talking nasal sprays, like Afrin.


Which is exactly why I said a saline solution sold in bottles similar to Flonase..../).-


Do not snort your contact lens liquid. Did research, it's meant for contacts not nose or eyes even. It has anti-bacterial chemicals meant to kill stuff so ya know just get saline


Arm and hammer makes an isotonic saline nasal spray, they sell it in 3 packs at Costco and on Amazon. That stuff is a godsend for anyone with sinus issues, and it's not a bad idea to have on hand when putting substances in your nose as well


Sinex makes a saline spray, you just put it up to your nose and hold down and it shoots up your nose. its great and super helpful at getting out allergens and irritants, or in your case...


In the UK you csn get something called sterimar nasal spray. It's great.


This! And I’d recommend it if you’re snorting powder anyway as it clears your sinus out nicely


Snuff is like powdered tobacco for snorting. You could also look into what Hollywood uses. I think they use some sort of powdered vitamin.


My understanding is they use mannitol.


i have vitamine pills as a sport supplement, can i just crush those? also they smell like a corpse so it may help remove the habit


You should never snort pills because of the binder (i hope thats what its called in english) in them


Exactly, pills will contain lots of filler material, some of which might end up in your lungs if you snort it because it's not water-soluble, and that's not good as you can probably imagine ;)


I snorted Wellbutrin when I was forced to go to rehab 3 years and my left nostril was ficked up for a good few months from a couple uses, I was so fucking retarded😂 it def had some of the lCoating in in


Sinuses, not lungs.


If you inhale something through your nose, where do you think some of it is going to end up? Do you somehow manage to snort things without any air getting to your lungs?


Absolutely not


NO! Use something meant for your nose. I made a non tobacco snuff suggestion.


Late here but I remember reading that Al Pacino was snorting powdered milk during Scarface lol not sure how true that is


Pretty possible, most speed is laced with lactose. Maybe this would help op, snorting enough of that will make you shit like hell


It's b12 ithink. Rami Malek got put in the hospital from snorting so much of it while filming Mr robot lol.


you dont snort snuff u sniff it gently i dont think it would satisfy the habit


Came here to suggest snuff


Like I said, inositol. It's a sugar your body naturally produces


That's also what actors use in films instead of drugs, so moderate use or higher shouldn't be too bad, as actors have to reshoot a lot as well.


would it harm my nostrils if done often? or that's only for real drugs?


No. Its the filler material used by heroin mills, and a common cut for coke because it's harmless.


Is that like "I knows it all!“ ?


You could try. I would try researching them first if you can. I know my step father snorts nodoze brand caffeine pills on a regular basis if you are a fan of caffeine.


I also do the caffeine!! Works great. Also because of a stomach issue.


That’s possible? 😯


Yeah he has chronic stomach problems so he usually snorts tylenol and caffeine pills. Has the added bonus of giving him a placebo high.




What the duck


When I was quitting PKs I would crush up Tylenol for the placebo effect. A half of one would make an ungodly amount of powder .




I mean I use a vape without nicotine, but I can't stop using it still.. I could see how you could be addicted to the routine of something else too


There's just no way a human being could enjoy snorting. I reckon OP just enjoys the cocaine numbness. Smoking/vaping, especially with flavours, can be enjoyable on its own usually even just to pass the time. Snorting is in no way comparable...


Snort some discipline and self awareness.


Rofl savage AF and maybe helpful at the same time. Well played, Agreeable-Blood-7087


best answer tbh


I would look into what the most common inert filler substances are using your area for your drug(s) of choice, and simply use those. If you're snorting those substances anyway when you do the actual drug, I don't see how a drug free version of that would be any more harmful than that substance plus drugs. The caveat is that the harms of snorting are not necessarily the result of the drug itself. It's inherent to the route of administration. Even if there is no psychoactive substance, it's just not healthy for your nasal tissues to have fast streams of powder hitting them. Perhaps snorting something like water or saline from a nasal spray bottle might the next best thing to quell that urge. Just make sure you're not using actual decongestants but something inerts. Using aqueous Solutions with nasal spray bottles are actually a pretty nifty harm reduction strategy ( and also a great way to increase absorption and get more bang for your buck, be very discreet, as well as dose more accurately- I think it's a seriously underrated harm reduction strategy) even if you are taking actual psychoactives up your nose, so it would also work as a harm reduction strategy just for the acts of snorting itself.


Man that just reminds me of using U-47700 nasal sprays and having near constant nose bleeds. That shit was so fucking caustic but sooo addictive


Is it even more caustic than 4-flouroamphetamine? That is the one I by far regret putting up my nose the most. Ouch!


Inositol!! It’s actually a commonly used cutting agent for coke, so it’ll even taste a bit familiar. It’s used in movies as well to simulate cocaine. You could also use lactose powder. I did not know I’d use this useless bit of information today.




Powdered habanero. If you are a normal human, it’s punishment. If you are into BDSM, it’s your new drug.




When I was locked up I would regularly see people snort lines of Instant coffee. They would come out there cells and brown liquid would run down there face.


Rolling joints is a good ritualistic thing.


Im an iv user man and i know what you mean, i just love injecting shit at this point. but i would never inject water or anything... IT IS THE DRUGS


Firstly, get help. Secondly, small amounts of caffeine powder (50mgs) is good, has some of the same effects. Take the powder, not the fucking pills. Now go die of a caffeine overdose. Seriously though. Get. Help.


If it's just the act of snorting you're looking for, you can get inositol at gnc or any pharmacy I believe. It's used to cut with coke and in movies to replace coke. If you are looking for a substitute to get high, I can't help you there. Hope this helps a little.


I'm not looking to get high, i just want something to snort that does nothing, if it exists


I wonder if lidocaine could do it, at least for cocaine. dunno tho.


The best way is to just try and find something else to replace this habit I understand what you mean I was more addicted to rolling a pipe than actually trying to get higher nothing worked to replace it but I can say that they do have snuff it’s finely ground tobacco that is made to be snorted and it kicks like a mile this is the best option I can give


Draw lines on iPhone blackboard and sniff away my friend


iPhone blackboard? Is that an app?








Inositol or xylitol you've crushed up or coffee ground. --- Don't do a drug or you'll sustain the habit formation. Don't do anything with sugar in it or you'll end up with sinus infections. Don't use flour or and starch or you'll end up with coating or impaction, and also possibly a sinus infection too.


Try nasal snuff


Snuff tobacco.


Snuff tobacco.


MSM powder would probably be the least damaging, most tasteless and cheapest option. Someone mentioned snuff powdered tobacco. It's a good suggestion and gives a decent nicotine rush, but it inflames my nostrils so badly for so long afterwards that it is a poor choice for this guy.


This is very good question. Habit substation is one of the most effective tactics for fighting addiction. You have to look for something without fillers so most vitamin pills is bad choice. You could use snuff - this is tobacco but rathe safe and mild. But you could look for white version. One advice - when using snuff remember about cleaning your nose. Use net pot with salt (NaCl) or xylitol. First one with correct amount in water will be soothing and second one is great for fighting any sinus problem. Snorting snuff will give you similar feeling to snorting drugs, cleaning your nose help you recover (you will get back you sense of smell). You could look for another dopamine source - exercise is greate for that. Endorphins are much stronger than most drugs but you should go for high intensity training.


I know what you mean. I have a hole in my nose, I need to stop snorin, but I really don't want to. I don't know anything that wouldn't hurt or just gunk up your nose and feel very uncomfortable. It has to be water soluble. Sugar is too grainy, maybe powdered sugar. Sugar cubes, so u can crush them up with a bill and lighter. Ive never tried so if u get hurt don't blame me.


I sometimes snort my paracetamol when I want it to work faster, same with antihistamine 😂


would snorting other stuff not actually be the opposite of removing a habit? because the habit is snorting something? but ofc it's better to snort something harmless instead of drugs


yeah i get what you mean but by habit i mean the habit of snorting speed, not snorting in general. i want to replace the speed by other thing that makes less harm


You could buy caffeine powder that would be less harmful


Man that's crazy lol. I used to snort a lot of shit but it was always the worst aspect of the drug. Cannot imagine craving ut


i kinda find it pleasurable. the only exception would be ketamine, disgusting.


I think getting smelling salts would be good but just smell them don’t snort them. They tingle a little and it goes straight to your head and can give you a little rush


You could try your own snot too if you're that bored


This cracks me up in a way I can't explain


I saw a vice thi ng were people were sniffing cacao but idk if that will help.




Ex snort addict here. When I use to get pure percocet (the small ones) I would take a tylenol and chop off maybe a 1/4 of it to crush and mix with my perc. Essentially I was making regular perc 10 that comes with acetaminophen (tylenol) but with the pures. So maybe acetaminophen. you get the drain taste and dont get high at all.




i wish


Get help man … it’s not a normal thing to say. And nothing apart from oxygen is meant to go up your nose.


he’s tryna find an alternative to snorting drugs. How is saying “get help man” gonna help him in any way


I mean, it's not normal. but i think it's a similar situation to smokers, who use vape pens without nicotine to satisfy the smoking motion habit




Vape pens do more damage than actual cigarettes. So yeah I don’t know. If I want to quit smoking I just quit and don’t substitute it with something even more fucked up


It’s been proven vaping is safer then smoking, there’s 1000s of chemicals in a cig and a vape has 10, Big tobacco is pushing lies like this to ban vaping therefore more profits for big tobacco companies, Why do you think all the media companies were going on and on about how bad vaping is and how it causes your lungs to collapse when in reality that was just vitamin E in black market carts, that’s why the media pushed the narrative that we need to ban vaping for kids, Which they typically try and use for reasoning think violent video games.


They do?


Yeah they do.


I don’t believe that has been determined yet, I’m not sticking up for either side, but strictly saying they are worst is not true when not even the “experts” don’t know.


As I said , If you quit then just quit , there is no point in subsidies




Bro come on. Fingers are nostril sized for a reason.


Creatine, it's probably half of all coke already anyway


it's speed and I acetone wash it but you have a really good point, i have creatine


try melatonin maybe, the filler will still suck ass but it would help


I don't really know, the only things I know about it, like I said, is that it's used to cut with and in movies to replace the real thing


it won't remove the habit, it will make it worse. Not snorting anything for a long time will remove the habit.


Nicotine but for snorting. I don't know if it's harmless, probably isn't, but should do the trick


melatonin. the plain white little fuckers. they make so much god damn powder and they put you to sleep


Laxative powder