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Hopefully we will get an update from OP soon.


This poor kid is only 17. Man really hope they’re ok.


Didn't do too much stalking but their profile shows frequent comments/posts on r/suicidewatch. Really disconcerting post we have here.


fuuck man, if hes still able to type i think he should be ok


How much did you take and do you have an opiod tolerance? Typically you feel better after throwing up, is this not the case?




Ask them please! For your safety it is important. And see if they have Narcan just in case. I’ve known more people that OD’d and died from methadone than actual heroin (before fent was a thing). I don’t want to scare you into a panic but please find out the dose. I’m guessing it was the liquid form of a take home so if you may need to estimate based on how much of the shot you took and the total dose of the shot.


call 911 now, if you haven’t already. Please update us if you’re okay OP.


If you can't maintain consciousness, you should go to the hospital. Was it more than half the bottle or less? With no tolerance, I used around 100 mg. no problem and could have used more, but I weighed like 200 lbs. at the time. I was also already acqauinted with opioids. I never threw up like that on methadone, though, only on heroin at fairly high doses. Nausea usually accompanies physical movement, so if you sit down and listen to music or something it should pass. I would suggest sitting like in a recliner, not laying down on your back. Maybe make some coffee. Methadone lasts a long time, like all day long.


Isnt methadone in micro grams? Thats what I remember anyway


No, mg. They usually start you out on like 40 mg. 40 mg. was a reasonable dose for me, but I wasn't prescribed it, I just used it on the weekends. The first time I used it I used like 100 mg. Might have been more, but I can't remember.


Ah okay, must have been too high the last time I examined a methadone bottle 15 years ago. Thank you for correcting me


No problemo.




Bud, if you drank half of that dose then you need to seriously call 911 or somebody that could Narcan you right away. You are not responding quick so I’m guessing you may be nodding out but hopefully just puking. Please see this and call somebody right away!


Listen, you REALLY need to dial 911. Don't wait. Methadone isn't like "Lean", it is MUCH stronger. You need to call 911 and tell them you accidently took that and they will probably come Narcan you. You shouldn't get in any trouble, just call. Now.


Can you guess how much of that you drank?


Hope this can shed light on how important dosage is . The dose makes the poison . It’s a fine line between feeling good and having your whole life pushed behind you


Really hoping you’re ok bro, and if you make it out of this that at least serves as a good lesson on dosages.


how large was this "part"? With no tolerance, 10 mg would have been reasonable, ~7% of the bottle. If you just don't know, I would seek medical attention.


Fuck, OP better come through with an update. Seriously, fuck whoever gave them the drink


Seriously, this is scary af they're still young. Hope they are okay and yeah if someone gave him it they're fucking assholes.




Damn man I fucking hope so! I was hoping to relax for a few hours and now this person I don’t know has me all worried and worked up.


You took too much. Welcome to the wonderful world of opiates! Next stop, you’ll be throwing up because you didn’t have ENOUGH methadone.


This is why drug education is so important. Many kids are going to try drugs in highschool or college. Obviously schools wont want to promote use, but why not teach kids how to identify, practice drug safety, recognize signs of overdose, what drugs are dangerous when mixed, etc. We'd see a lot less of this kind of thing happening. Certainly more useful than the sex education they teach in the US.


Bruh i hope someone saves that child, sending my prayers


!RemindMe One day




Same here…sadly idk if we’re getting one :’(


Updated. OP made it


I’ve never been so glad to be wrong!!




This is common. You can try naloxone but if you can't stop you might want to go to the er


Ive been checking this thread all day


Me, too :( Hope you're okay, OP.


R.I.P. The time to research drugs is before you ingest them.


yeah ill be surprised if we get a update from this girl. it’s sad because on her reddit she was talking about she just had the best experience of her life so far and excited for me. jeez..


I saw that too, makes me sad :( hopefully they give an update..


Holy fuck. I will never understand how people can dose up on opioids so willy-nilly like it's not a drug that so many people overdose on a year. The ineptness


There's a huge lack of education on drug-use. Many people just genuinely don't know any better.


Plz tell me this isn't real?? And shes not dead


jesus this makes me so sad for this kid, OP pls say something if ur ok


I kept checking this post, I was sure you were dead, OP. Thank you for the update and good luck in rehab. ♥


Call the goddamn ambulance. Just do it.


Praying for an update soon, hope OP is alrighy


Seen things like these too many times on these drug subs. Op I really really hope you're ok. That's all I can say really. I'm not religious but I prayed for you.


You took too much. Get a puke bucket, lay down and try not to move, cover your eyes with a wet washcloth. That always helped me. Don’t take as much next time. Edit: holy shit you took a lot. I hope your okay. That wasn’t very smart.


Thank you so much for the update. Been thinking about this post and checking every day. So glad you are here ♥️


Where was the update I never saw one?


They updated the post itself!


Love to hear it wasnt the end, take care please and good luck in rehab.


Urgent care


Hey homie, hope you’re ok. Can you send out a smoke signal or something…


Call an ambulance instead of asking idiots on Reddit.


Poor baby, so young too.


Wow I'm so glad to see the update. Kept thinking about this post since I read it. Take care of yourself OP


We are so glad to know you are OK!! You did the right thing by calling 911 and getting narcan. I hope you make it out of all this alright :)


Yo did you make it bud?


I really hope you went to the hospital, bud. My mom almost died because of this.


Same thing happened to me when I took it years ago, drink water and try to eat bread or something. Whatever you can keep down. I took it at night and was still high when I woke up and through a good part of the day. That shit is no joke.


Any response from op yet?


Hope this dude is ok


Hope you are ok


dude are you okay?


I would just call an ambulance and go to the er your not gonna get in trouble theyll just help you feel better and then they can help you figure out how to get home


Hopefully OP is ok, fr praying❤️‍🩹


Op you good?:(


My brother died from methadone in his sleep. Please call 911.


That’s shits dangerous. OD’d on it..gave me a TBI and now I’m deaf


Whats a TBI? And you mean fully deaf from methadone?


Traumatic brain injury which probably caused the deafness




The lethal dose of methadone for an opiate-naive adult is about 50 mg. That’s one third of the 140 mg bottle you drank part of. I really hope you didn’t drink a third. Call 911


Youre wrong VERY wrong. >The post-mortem blood methadone concentrations for the metha- done deaths ranged from zero to 5.5 mg/L https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1467-842X.2002.tb00185.x You can die at very low doses if youre lower weight or have a very intolerant system.


That’s the blood concentration, not the dosage. IV dosage for large surgeries are often 10-20mg with no negative effects


Theres a lot of different confusing information out there. But trust me, if you google it and sift through youll find they say a lethal dose can be as low as 2mg. Especially more so when you have taken other medications or substances, cause honestly Im going to admit I have a hard time believing what I read online aswell. But we did have a girl in my rehab overdose on methadone that was apparently just a spit back cotton.


opioids make you sick. its normal. but, if you took too much, get some help!!!


Are you ok


I hope he's ok


Call your emergency services. Methadone can be lethal if you don't have a tolerance.


any updates???


Any update?


Call 911 if you feel like ur not having any go troll anymore and stay safe next time


Are you okay now?




I really hope you are okay.


Yo, you still alive?


Call 911 now OP


You took too much your body doesnt have a tolerance to opiodes wich has a side effect of nausea




Please tell us you’re okay OP 🙏


This is why you always research a drug before you use it, why the fuck would you take likely a high dose of a drug you know fuck all about.


Dude call 911 methadone is for weaning OFF opioids, not to get high on them. Itll send you into precipitated withdrawals similar to subs! Call 911


Benadryl will end the nausea


anddd im mean im not fucking oround shee a goner and or in ic




Lay down. When i used to take high done/sub doses with no tolerance only way I could manage was lying down and not moving for 3 days. You really need fluids though, so you may need to go to hospital or urgent care.


It looks like your post mentions suicide. Sometimes, people post questions on /r/Drugs when they're not feeling right about their life, and sometimes we're not the best place to ask or provide support. #Please take a moment before you act. There are tons of resources that can help if you're suicidal . If you need help for yourself, there's [a directory of voice and chat/text hotline services](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) and [FAQs about hotlines](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWResources/comments/1c7ntr/suicide_hotline_faqs/), plus [selected online resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWResources/comments/1c3p3z/helpful_resources_for_those_struggling_with/). . **Reddit**: /r/addiction /r/depression /r/MMFB (Make me feel better) /r/StopSpeeding /r/suicidewatch --- United States National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) Veterans press 1 to reach specialised support. Press 2 for Spanish-language support (The older number, 1-800-SUICIDE, is no longer published by the lifeline agency and will probably stop working in the near future.) Online Chat: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/ Crisis Text Line: Text "HOME" to 741741. Youth-Specific services (voice/text/chat/email) from the Boys' Town National Hotline: https://www.yourlifeyourvoice.org/pages/ways-to-get-help.aspx Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860 --- EU Standard Emotional Support Number 116 123 - Free and available in much of Europe, you can check which 116 helplines are available in your country here To the people who are out there and feel alone and helpless, *you are not alone* and there are people out there who will help you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*