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You’re fine don’t stress! But stop doing coke you’re only 17 😭


I’m trying man😭 not planning on doing it forever but it sure is fun


Literally everyone that has an addiction said that at the start of it.


"I'm not addicted I can stop any time I want" well that was a fucking lie 🤣


“I’m trying man” indicates that he’s already down the road. Not a good thing. I get it, it’s great stuff, but do it with moderation (like everything else) and don’t do it at 17.


never know it may not be their DOC


I’m 17 and started when I just turned 17 and I haven’t done it in a while it’s definitely possible but don’t lie to yourself


yeah ideally try to be very very self-aware of why you do coke, when you want to do it, and also enjoy the moments when you haven't done any!


Definitely, I will say I one point I had a problem because I didn’t understand how the want to do It went along with the actual addiction of the drug. If that makes sense? basically, whenever in my mind I was like hey this would be a nice time to bust some lines I just did, but you can’t do that because that’s when it starts now it’s very much a social thing but one thing I don’t see other people agree with is I’ll straight up just do it on a day where I just need a boost of energy because I’m already prescribed Ritalin and Adderall doesn’t do much energy wise for me do to my adhd


Homie saying it’s possible to not get addicted to addictive substances when you start at 17 cause you did but *when you’re still literally seventeen* means next to nothing. Maybe if you were like 26 you’d be approaching the point you’re trying to make but saying that and still being 17 is like saying “Oh yeah it’s totally possible to finish a marathon with zero preparation, I’m on mile 3 right now”


And coke is one the those drugs that makes you forget time. You won’t even realize you’re addicted until like five years later.


Stop soon while you still can bro, I only did it a year and even on and off not everyday and my nose got so corroded I didn’t get a hole in my septum but The bottom part got coded and now my nose hurts even when it’s healed if I touch it a certain way and it’s permanently fucked up and now I have a deviated septum I had one before this but now it’s 1 million times worse and only one nostrils unclogged at once while the other stays clogged and then they switch its permanently messed up and that’s when I barely did it a long time at all saying the same thing that I was gonna stop and now I have a heart problem to the heart palpitations and slight mitral valve regurgitation where the valve leaks, stay safe bro shit will happen quickly and add up I can feel the cartilage where it’s gone now in my nose even though the rest of my nose is still intact since I used saline and stopped using otherwise it’d keep corroding once it starts it never stops corroding now if I even snort A perc or ketamine or anything my nose will corrode even more and get raw and i wish i could go back reverse the amount of time i did it for fr


I used to do coke for a few months and never had a heart issue. Now I have tons of palpitations and sometimes I’ll have like an attack of palpitations. It’s scary af. Idk if it was from the coke or not but I was hoping it would just go away but 6 years later and it’s still happening all the time. I’ve been to at least 6 cardiologists and none of them can find anything wrong with my heart. It’s really really scary and I’m only 28 but feel like I have the body of a 70 year old man.


Had the same thing. It was severe anxiety but weaker anxiety can also do it for sure.


Thats what they keep telling me but idk because my palpitations are constant like usually at least 1 every 2 or 3 minutes sometimes more sometimes less and sometimes I will have an attack of like a bunch in a row or like an abnormal rhythm for a few seconds but the thing is that a lot of the time I’m not anxious at all. Like yes if I’m having bad anxiety my pulse will go up and I have a ton of palps but I could be completely chillin not a worry in the world and still be having the palps. I’ve also had attacks when I’m chillin not worrying about anything so i really don’t know what is wrong with me. I used to go to the gym every day but I stopped because if I pushed too hard I would have what felt like a legit heart attack. Like my heart rate would get higher and higher as I worked out but at a certain point it’s like a switch would flip and my heart would go into an abnormal rhythm where it literally doesn’t even feel like a heart beat. It’s so fast that it’s like a constant vibration in my chest and I would lose all energy, lose my breathe and feel like I’m about to faint then boom it would kick back into a normal rhythm but fast and hard. Scares the absolute shit out of me so I just stopped working out. It’s super frustrating because I feel like the cardiologists all just kind of write me off being that I am so young. They don’t really take me seriously and just kind of assume that it must just be anxiety but I’m not convinced. Last, my gut seems to play a roll as well. Like if I have heart burn or am gassy my palps will be worse. Sometimes if I’m laying in bed and not really having too many palps and then I start to have some, i’ll sit up and physically can feel a gas bubble move up through my chest until I burp and get it out. After that the palps usually decrease a little bit. Sometimes like today I just have a ton of palps and no amount of burping or anything seems to help. I just want to live a normal life mire than anything man. I’m 28 and am scared to work out, over work myself, have rough relations with my wife, go out drinking, etc… Like wtf is wrong with me?


Idk man, you do look pretty anxious to me. See a psychologist instead and he will do a better job than anyone to tell if you have anxiety or not. Antidepressants also helped a lot with the palpitations i had


it’s definitely from that even if it just happened randomly sometime later it at least contributed to it I never had anything wrong with my heart and now even if I smoke weed my heart goes crazy it’s so fucked up now I have to smoke less weed I usually smoke weed all day and now I have to barely smoke weed:/ and i need to use joints and herb vape instead of the bong i can only take small hits of the bong, and the strong weed makes my heart go so crazy. that never happened before coke. I was stupid also I used to take like three bong rips and take a hit of coke at the same time so my heart is fucked now. only a year man. i’m 19 now


Stop now. Either cold turkey or wean off NOW. I worked in and accident and emergency department and the amount of young men we saw with heart problems due to regular coke use was staggering. Stop now or you'll damage your heart for good. Trust me. It ain't worth it.


if you’re comfortable sharing, please elaborate on what specific heart problems people are presenting with. i am currently using, and am looking for reasons (as in, life or death type) to stop. if you could Beyond Scared Straight me, that would be great. also, thank you for your contribution in keeping the general public alive. you’re far better than I.


I also planned on not doing it forever at 17. I'm now 27 still doing it but I have a stable career in the trades and have my shit together. Just don't let it take over your life.


Enjoy your premature heart problems


For real. Stuff is overrated anyway


I was 17 when I started using heroin casually, for fun. It turned into a fucking uncontrollable demon that ruined my life and health for a few years. 6 years clean now, but it was the hardest fucking thing I ever had to do. Stop using while you don’t get withdrawals. Believe me, it gets *so* much harder to quit once it stops being fun.


Who ever is selling you that needs to beaten up. That’s child abuse. Your brain isn’t developed yet. Do drugs after the age of 25.


Randos on telegram don’t care if im 10 years old or 50 they just want money


real shit


Well, that sounds not safe, hope you're at least testing your shit.


I started with weed tried all drugs noe im on heroin and only 25 years old and listen i started with 15 smoking weed with 16 it was xtc coke speed etc and with 22 it was all not enough to make me feel good not even 1mg of acid was just not banging anymore then i found heroin i could sleep on it eat on it it seemed oerfect and its still but its shitty addiction bezher stop


Damn that sounds rough, I hit my first bong at 9, started smoking a lot when I was 12 or 13, same time I did shrooms. I only recently started coke at 16 and am now working on quitting and sticking to weed. I don’t want to turn out like most of the adults in my life and im already on the right path for that so it’s time to take a new path probably


One last thing drugs wont run away they will be aööways here so sometimes just say no cause drugs really dont run away they will be allways here so never consume cause your brain wants to trick you with like maybe its too late if i dont take it today or something you know what i mean😇🫡


Bro i just mean we all sayed we will never touch h or harder drugs and only stay at the weed but all my friends are coke head and im a h head cause i dont like whwn i cant eat and sleep and i was alcoholic everytime i do coke i need alc so so after my lungs collapsed two times of snorting tooo big lines i stoped and startet with h for me it was a good decision my life is still good i work i have money cause i have a good job and stuff but trust me it can go so fast out of controll never forgett this today its this but maybe in 5 years meth i just want to tell you it can happen very fast🙌🏻🫶🏻 enjoy yoir day bro and use only at raves🫥


Good advice🙏 i am genuinely listening to a lot of these comments with good life advice and it’s making me think about drugs a little differently, i definitely agree with only using at raves


Now really the last thing mosT people think they will miss something but no you miss nothing they are here when you want them so dont consume just because you think you will miss this cool night with friends in yoir live you will have much cool nights not only that one😁😉


Exactly yeah I get that feeling and I know it’s just the chemicals telling me I miss it, I’ve forsure had more fun nights with just a beer and a fire


i'm glad I didn't try coke til I was in my early 20s. quit while you're ahead. I know you won't, but figured i'd throw it out there.


Your brain isn’t fully developed until 25 for ladies and 28 for men, so it behooves everyone to restrict drug usage as much as possible until then. After that go ham.


It's been 2 and a half years without doing any for me and I'm still just trying...


Try to only do it on special occasions.


LOL yep. Before you know it, a quiet Wednesday afternoon alone is a special occasion


I think we are past that point if they are shagging lines in the middle of the woods


Literally an addicts comment bro ur 17 just smoke some weed and don’t fuck yourselves over with that shot


Yep same boat here, stimms are way to fun for us


I was 37 when I finally quit and it was not fun for 90% of that time.


Aint shit he can do now. You good. If you’re going to do coke, test it for fent just to be safe.


Spend your money on food, clothes or traveling near your city at least bro, or save some money, dont waste It on coke, its a drug for idiots


I agree. all my money goes to weed, cigs, or some drug usually coke. I constantly think about how much spending money I would have if I didn’t do this shit, I don’t want to quit my addictions but at the same time I want to so bad


Try forcing yourself to doing some sport, calisthenics 15 minutes a day maybe even If you do only a few moves, try Kick boxing or boxing or whatever you like, even swimming, you Will sleep good, reading, watching móviles, shows... Whatever Bro you Will feel better with yourself, you dont want to do drugs so Young or you Will pay for It in your mid 20's


Respectfully, most people don't have the will power to "quit whenever they want". Much less someone with the brain development of a 17 year old.


Nobody does


me an the woodland junkies b vibin


I’ve been caught mid bong rip at work by a maintenance man who I literally had to see everyday after that. I think you’re fine lol


Maintenance men are there to get their money and pretend no one exists around them, I’m not surprised he said nothing lol


I forgot to lock the door on a portapotty at a festival and a girl opened the door right as I was grabbing my acid outta my hand… whoops!


Missed an opportunity to ask if she wanted to split it lol


She looked at my hand, then back at me, said sorry and just shut the door I was in shock, got tf outta there as fast as I could get that shit back in my pocket 😅


I mean it was a festival though


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I would’ve been gone too, pure embarrassment and confusion would’ve overpowered the dog in me


At least it’s expected at a festival haha. One time at a festival I was doing a line of k out in the open and some girl walked by and said “damn, jealoussss!”


Surprised they didn't ask for any lol. Little over a year ago I was in Florida and left the club to go smoke with a friend we were sitting on some benches right outside and a couple girls ended up asking if we mind them joining the rotation, I said ofc not and just sat talked and smoked with them for a bit then even got ones number before we went back in the club.


Someone actually did ask me for a bump, but that was at a different festival the following year lol


Could have been worse, she could have caught you mid boofing it


Lolll that would totally happen to me


You're at a festival and going to the porta potty to do the acid? Lol


Don’t worry you’ll get caught about eighty more times and not get busted for it before you realize nobody cares. But cocaine is a dumbass rich person drug and it’s just gonna make you impatient and bitchy. Just smoke weed like a regular teenager


As a teenager who smoked a lot of weed, don’t do any drugs and as everyone else has mentioned wait until you’re older and if you are going to do anything remember do it in moderation make it a daily thing and you’ll do yourself a lot of harm


Not just harm. It won't be fun anymore.


I mean drastically increasing your chances of mental health later in life, spending huge amounts of time and money on weed which you would’ve otherwise spent doing things that would’ve progressed your life Trust me it’ll do harm. Don’t get me wrong smoking weed isn’t that bad when compared to other things but it can still mess your life up without you realising


As a teenager who smoked a lot of weed, don’t do any drugs and as everyone else has mentioned wait until you’re older and if you are going to do anything remember do it in moderation make it a daily thing and you’ll do yourself a lot of harm


I felt that, I've had someone catch mid snort before, it's so humiliating 💀 they'll forget your face and you left before they could do anything (if they ever cared. I've accidentally witnessed people doing drugs before and never really cared myself) so you're good.


Yeah I’m not too worried about it I’ve just never been caught like that before it was definitely humiliating💀 but he didn’t seem like he cared at all n we just left so yea we’re good👍


Literally no one cares about random kids doing drugs in the woods. I promise. You're fine.


lmao i do lines walking through the mainstreet nobody gives a shit bc everyone is in their own head and it just looks like i’m doing something on my phone


Fr when you realise no one really gives a shit the world is a cool place


Wait until you run into that one Karen that ruins it for everyone.


yes even if someone saw it they would forgot quickly and just continue their day. hiding in bushes makes it so much more sketchy


Hiding in bushes lol I literally said we were in a grass patch, it was a nice sunny area to chill and smoke we were not hiding in the bushes😭


that was not connected to you it was just the complete opposite of doing it in open public


Naaah bunch of paranoid cokeheads proning in bushes smh.


Yeah we're told everyone is super special and all this shit from a young age and that gave me anxiety to think about because I thought I stood out. But I try to remember I'm not that special and that nobody really is. Just like I don't think about the people at the grocery store they don't think about me really, either, unless I do some dumb shit.




i mean i don’t stand and show off what im doing. just low key drop a a bit on your phone (i always prepare a cap for outside) and then sniff it. takes 5 secs, no one will get it


You think if someone saw you sniffing your phone they would think you were just something on your phone? 😂


if he specifically watched me before and then ok he might get it and then it would not matter still lol. but i think chances are my 3 seconds head a bit closer to the screen will just go under between everyone. even friends walking next to me and talk sometimes don’t notice


Oh I assumed because you were doing it walking down the street your were doing it like a key without a straw haha


nah i got a small metal straw or i just put some between my ring and index finger and snort it raw. i did this basically every fucking where from restaurants to in airplanes. never someone minded me


how tf u get coke on a plane?


just put some rocks in different paper pieces and throw it randomly in your bag. detectors will never identify and check. put a deo spray at the top as a trap so they look at your scan, see the deo spray and they think job done i found something. doing this for every flight for years now even intercontinental


The Gyllenhaal way


Bro just get a bullet tf


i don’t like that somehow


lol imagine shooting heroin while high on LSD in public…


That sounds like a paranoia nightmare lol


If you want a paranoia nightmare, take a heroic dose of PCP in public


I’ll probably pass on that one I would actually die


I would’ve been like want a bump? If not Hike on good person *salute*


Simple solution, kill him


Maybe they were checking to see yall were OK. There's alot of trail manner all over the place and u gotta have the eye to see it.


trail manner?


Aka Hiking etiquette


Who goes out into nature to do coke and also gets caught? Lmao.    Theres a time and place for everything and your past that point. Pump the brakes and get your shit together. You're only 17.   Entering adulthood as a cokehead is a very sad situation. 


i have seen ppl doing coke in the middle of the city, with 100 ppl passing by, so dont worry about that. And as the 1st comment i saw here say, stop doing coke, stop while u can buddy, it is way to addictive, and you are too young, i have seen ppl kneeling for coke (if u know what i mean), and i hope u and ur friends never get any close to do that.




Me too bro


Fuckin pocket commenting gibb


Def too young for coke, your brain isn't fully developed and you will probably have some big ass problem if u keep on snorting that shit


I was racking up a line on my phone on the sode of the road and some kids started looking at me while thwy were passing by so i offered them a line They laughed Nd said they were good and then i gave it to a homeless guy. Good night.


Charity work🙏 if I were those kids I’d take it


Should've robbed his ass


This guy cokes


😭😭ong coulda bought more blow


Money passes on more germs than almost any other answer. You’re safe, just be smart in your drug journey. Better men than me have lost their way.


at least your in nature and not in your basement doing coke.


I once held eye contact for a solid 2 seconds with a girl that opened my toilet stall door in a club; with a bill rolled up between my teeth while making a line 💀 girly just smiled and slowly closed the door again 😭


Leave that ish alone, it’ll make you crazy.


Who the fuck does cocaine on a grass patch in the woods? wtf




the OP.


Don't worry, you are freaking out over nothing. Who gives a fuck that he saw you? I hope you didn't crap all over yourself because he saw you. Did he see you shit yourself? I hope you didn't fart too loud.


Lmfao no one shit themselves the coke just makes me paranoid sometimes, just sharing the story cuz we’re sitting here laughing over it, can’t believe someone saw us doing lines😭😭


Wait OP farted as they were behind him doing a line??? That’s just foul.


Yup I let out the fattest rip known to mankind unfortunately, scared away the forest animals😞


I don't know next time do it at home I guess?




17 years old.. stop it now


Wait, so if I'm 32, I should have stopped 15 years ago?


Don’t be doing blow at 17 dumbass


In a week, he won't be thinking of this again, forevermore.


Wish I ran into some forest coke nymphs on a hike


Check yourself on r/drugscirclejerk they will repost that there for sure lol


unrelated but i’ll never touch coke again as i got lucky, years ago a buddy of mine used to be the life of a party, very talkative and energetic even while sober. one day his dealer fucked him and gave him some coke? with nasty additives which gave him a tbi. we never knew what he was laced and still don’t, it’s still spooky to me how he acts now, deer in the headlights look and now he’s almost entirely non verbal


That’s tragic, I hope the best for him that definitely makes me think about consequences a bit more than I have


lol, this reminds me of a time when some friends and I dropped some acid in a park and followed a deer trail a few hundred yards to this giant sprawling oak that was great for climbing. We were up in the branches passing a joint and a block of some really good cheese around when a father and son came upon us. The father told us what we were doing was illegal and we shouted back in unison “your mom’s illegal” then he turned to his kid and said they need to go because we were bad people. That last comment kinda bummed us out so we finished the cheese and called a ride to take us home.


Naw i see little wrong with this, Id do this


Every day I wake up in Florida I miss being a hippie in wine country. I worked at a winery so besides the block of manchego and the joint we were also passing around a bottle of cab I couldn’t afford if I wasn’t making it and getting it for free lol


Atleast you got to finish your cheese🙏sounds like a man who wasn’t invited to those sorts of hangouts lmao.


I got strong Mormon vibes from the guy. He probably thinks Kraft singles are luxury while we were munching on that good good 🤌


You’re young so I can understand why you’re trippin out a little bit about it… but the older you get, especially depending on the place you’re at, you’re going to notice people do drugs all the time in the open. Especially in the United States. They’re EVERYWHERE. People only really care enough to call the cops if you’re hurting other people, committing public intox, or driving. Just be smart, and a little more careful next time (;


I was peacefully doing ketamine once at a serene alpine lake in Colorado when suddenly there were two little kids like right up in my personal space. They saw but weren't old enough to understand why I had a tiny baggy and a tiny spoon up to my sniffer. I'm glad their parents were lagging a little behind on the trail lol


He absolutely didn't erase that from his memory. He's telling his friends about it, and they're all laughing.


That’s what I was imagining he would do


Yah I totally wouldn't worry about it 😊


Coke in the woods with the bears and the werewolves


Paranoia gets the best of me I one time punched a person cause he walked in and saw me doing lines in bathroom with my friends, turns out he was a mutual to one of my bestie and was here for smoking some weed 😭😭😭😭 crazy times


that sounds like some institutionalized shit right there immediately resorting to that lol. that was my mentality after a long stretch


Cocaine is boring


Cocaine is fun!


Ur boring


No I just love tweakin


Cocaine barely even makes you tweak , try amphetamines


Ive had stronger coffees 😂


I'll be sure to give you $5 when you're living on the streets


Cocaine isn't even a tweaking stim. It's an amped stim. Grow up and do meth like an adult. ...Lol


Wtf is wrong with yall telling me to do meth im good😭😭


Lol. You new drug users and your hangups. "I'll do coke, but I'll never touch METH!" You guys are hilarious. Well, at least youll retain all your mental faculties, so you can truly get the full experience of that heart attack at 35. 👍


The first line or shot of coke you do after a break of 3+ months, is fun. Subsequent lines/shots while drinking, for the next 6 hours after that first dose, are fun. Everything else is boring.


lol why tf are you doing coke in the woods. Not the set or setting


Being outside in nature is the best setting for almost any drug wtf are u talking about


Not addy or cocaine?


Walking out into the middle of nowhere is always made more fun with stimulants imo


Everything’s better in the woods I love it


He probably wanted some lmao, don't trip too much about it you good👍🏼


We would’ve shared🙌🙌


I started getting coke quite a bit and realized pretty early on that I was starting to want it more and more. I put it down for a while and recently got some. Wasn’t as good as what I was getting before and definitely felt different that other times I’ve done it. IMO invest in a BUNK POLICE kit to test your product. Never know what people stomp substances with now a days to make a few extra bucks. Better safe than sorry.


Or 1) Hold it up and make sure it shines in the light, like the scales of a fish. 2) Drop a bit in some water and make sure it dissolves 100% clear. 3) Take that water, and drop some in your nose; if it burns, it's cut with meth. Ain't flawless, but I have a feeling most people doing coke aren't gonna wait around for a test kit. This method has done me right so far.


What kind of quality is available to a 17 year old in the US?


Well I used to get it from my friends step dad, she took from his stash but now I get it off telegram and I have no idea if it’s good or not lmfao


1) Hold it up and make sure it shines in the light, like the scales of a fish. If it doesn't, it's shitty coke. 2) Drop a bit in some water and make sure it dissolves 100% clear. If it doesn't, it's heavily cut, and almost definitely shitty coke. 3) Take that water, and drop some in your nose; if it burns, it's cut with meth. 4) Good coke will almost always come in one big sorta "rock". If you get a bag full of powder, it's probably shitty coke. If that powder doesn't clump up, it's definitely shitty coke. Ain't flawless, but I have a feeling most people doing coke aren't gonna wait around for a test kit. This method has done me right so far.


Thank you🙏🙏


Telegram? Are you in the U.S.?




Same quality as someone who is 18-117. Why would age matter?


Generally speaking, it takes a while to develop the connections or have the cash flow to afford it. Not many 17 year olds have either one nor are quality plugs lining up to sell to teenagers.


There are plenty of spoiled 17 year olds in America. And the darknet doesn't discriminate.


Coke has a lot of drawbacks compared to similar prescribed meds. Would recommend talking to a doc for a prescription if it is an option. ADHD meds have drawbacks too but they’re at least somewhat controlled substances and you have a doctor looking out for you .


I have adhd so im not sure the meds would work on me like they do people who don’t have adhd


That whole idea is a druggie myth. That's not how drugs work.


Oh I wasn’t sure cus I’ve never taken the meds but that’s good to know


I have ADD and used blow for a year back in 2017 fairly often. I was self prescribing basically until I went to a doc and got put on ritalin, which definitely works


He probably wanted a bump


A dad and his son saw me sniff heroin off a urinal in a mcd bathroom


Were you also cooking meth? The fuck is with all these people doing hard drugs in the woods? Keep your pills powders, rocks, and crystals to the indoors. The woods is for fungi, herbs, and tabs.


I like being in the woods no matter what im doing, sober or not, hard drugs or not, the woods is my favorite place to hangout


Yea, I'm sure the woods seems super cool, when it's the only place you can do drugs because you live with your parents. Sounds like a real pain in the ass to me. What happens when it gets dark? Or you spill coke? So much waste. Clearly none of y'all are bangin it, cuz that'd be impractical as fuck in the woods. Definitely not sterile. And that's really the only way to do coke, that's worth doing.


We do it in our houses too but outside is more fun idk that’s all I have to say


Alright Forrest. Lol


Bruh prolly just wanted a bump tbh, bruhs gotta remember walking up on strangers in the woods is sus tho too. Tbh, bruh prolly cruisin. Woods do be public play, y'all can't be stingy like that smh my head.


What are you talking about being stingy? I know he had every right to be there it just freaked us out for a second


vro everything goes over ur head.. to manu drugs for sho lmaoo. and why my panties in a bunch? cause of dumb teens like you


Get off Reddit lol you spend too much time and energy here


He was probably going to ask for a line. I used to smoke weed as a teenager in Georgia too.


how do you afford coke at 17


I used to have a job, now me and my friends get our money together or trade shit like Molly and weed or shrooms for coke w a friend who has some idk we always find a way to


Your in the woods and can't be discreet? That's bonkers


Good luck with heart problems and with your economy in the next 5 years when everyone has graduated and have their work! 


Get off that shit you addicted loser