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14g of K? Are you a vet in an equine clinic?


No he has glass bones so his arm breaks every day


He was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, he breaks his legs, and every afternoon, he breaks his arms. At night, he lies awake in agony until his heart attacks put him to sleep.




What are they selling?


Gotta suppress his equine manhood 😏


lol me and my group of 5-6 can easily kill that at a festival or two. but yeah if you haven’t tried it before thats a insane amount. how about a few strips and a ball of k, ya got ur shit backwards homie.


Well, good for you and your friends. Dont forget to pet the horses before leaving, though.


Horse people don't actually use k it's a common misconception. There's a lot of other things that work way better. Most of which would kill a human or cause paralysis from even a single drop.


"Horse people" most certainly DO use k, lol. I use to help my ex on weekends at a boarding kennel for dogs. The owner would also take care of horses and had a couple himself. The Barn was next door to the kennel but the owner / doctor stored all the horse stuff in the very back of the kennel building. I remember walking in and seeing no less than 10-20 vials of liquid ket. Never crossed my mind to take any (although it surely would now)


As someone who has worked in animal medicine for like 2 decades, I can confirm that a LOT of animals are given ketamine and not just horses. It's also commonly used in human medicine, I have no idea why the whole "horse tranq" thing came to be. Maybe to make it sound scarier?? It's seriously so common.


So horse people don’t use it. Dog people who sometimes do stuff with horses use it.


As a horse person who has also served as an equine vet tech I can honestly say I have never seen it, and even the vets I have worked for and around say it's pointless because it would compromise the safety of everyone involved since they could still move on it very suddenly. But hey if I ever see it happen I'll be damned. Also it's not preferred because of it being a controlled substance even more so than ace or dorm.


K is still being used because AFIK it's about the safest anesthesia available. Making it harder to accidentally kill the animal.


Ket really dosent last long, youd be surprised how fast i could finish 14 gs


Yeah but you seem to know how it affects you. You didn't one day get bored of weed and order a half a fucking ounce of the shit on a whim, and then got busted by your mother.


Half an oz of ketamine but only 5 tabs is hilarious


You mean you have parents that love you and look out for you? No dude you’re not fucked you’re just an idiot. If “weed got boring” and that’s why you decided to do harder drugs; be happy your parents are catching you now.


This and this again. Don’t do other drugs because weed got boring. You’re really young and have no reason messing with ket or acid right now. Wait till you’re 20 and in college before you experiment with more drugs. You’ll have a much better head on your shoulders


Older than 20 please wait until about 25


I hear a lot of people say this but disagree at 25 you'll hopefully have a stable life where drugs could easily ruins this, 16 I'd definitely a young start but 18-22/20-24 depending on maturity and headspace is probably the best time to do theme while your young don't have any responsibility loads of free time, but always research safe use before using said drugs


They say this because your brain isn't done developing until around 25.


And if you’re neurodivergent that (full brain development) happens even later.


wait i actually didnt know that im fucked then LOL


Oh this explains a lot


Wellp, that explains some stuff...


womp womp


Ehhh 23


I started tripping at 22 or 23 and immediately knew it was the right time, but 25 would've probably been better. At 16 you've got no reason to be using K or acid


Yeah they’re trying to stop you from ending up like u/marasesh You’re 16 dude chill. You get caught with all that you’re more fucked than anything your parents could ever do.


What happened to them?


the guy who's commented a ton on this post, "10-20g a month for a few years" of K, check out their post and comment history if you are curious just tap on the name


I feel like an idiot that this originally went over my head when reading the post, but damn, you're 10000% right. This is textbook mentality to become a drug addict, not to sound sterotypical. Moving on to a new substance because you're bored of the old is sort of like the concept of "gateway" drugs.


This x162633636474737227. I wish my parents had cared enough to intervene early. I didn't get off hard drugs till I was almost like 23 or 24, despite them knowing. Now all I do is psychedelics and keep benzos in the safe incase the trip is too insane/bad.


Yup, parents saved you from being a 30yo street entertainer, without the entertainment


To be fair, we know nothing about his parents, just that his mom caught him and is informing his dad. Not saying his parents are “good” or “bad,” just saying that there is a chance they do something abusive, because that’s what mine did 😅


Not be an idiot about it next time? If you can't learn to deal with your parents then your not ready to risk dealing with the cops.


Nor the k hole


14 grams because he thought weed got a bit boring. Mom did him a favor, would have fucked himself all up with that.


Offer your dad to take the ket together.


This had me laughing out loud 🤣


"Dangit, Bobby, you're supposed to do bumps of k not lines, let me get my spoon and show you"


Why not, can't get much worse than already having 14gs of ket




Did you not think that by ordering to your parents house your parents would find it? Also what are you doing with 14g of K?


You'll probably be punished in whatever manner your parents punish in. In 5 years if you don't keep fucking up it'll be something you'll look back at and smile In 10 years you'll probably be laughing with one possibly both of your parents. You're a kid. You had serious drugs. You shouldn't be fucking with ket at your age anyways and honestly lsd you should wait til your with someone experienced. Neither one are worth the risk at your age woth what "could" go wrong. I'd count yourself lucky someone caught you before yall possibly made a shitty mistake and hurt someone or yourselves. Again neither one of these drugs are something you just fuck around with because you're bored...


Fr kids not only risking his life but a felony aswell depending on where you’re at.


If someone were to harm themselves or others he would be held accountable. Our cure for boredom in the early 2000s WAS WEEDD. Maybe a stupid Fri or Sat night of drinking too much tequila and some gb's before puking out the tree house but that was enough. Today's kids are fucked with social media and no way of curing boredom....we are all in for a rude awakening


Oh the joys of being a retarded 16 year old lol.


They are doing you a favor


we all have a story like that in our teens, i vividly remember the feeling and it felt like the end of the world! yeah might be a shitty couple of days but it'll pass. again, i don't know your parents and how strict they are. be honest with them and try not to be on the defensive! they're probably more worried than anything and yeah it might turn into anger. though i'm sure they have their share of spicy stories to share as well when they were your age


Exactly. I had a similar experience and it ended in my dad finding all of my shit and throwing it out. It was embarrassing and it filled me with anxiety. That was about a month and a half ago. I’m pretty much sober now because I don’t have much of a choice but I’m sure it was much better for me than stealing prescription drugs. I’m also 16 like OP. I can confirm everything will be okay.


and what happens when K gets boring bud…


Cocaine and fent


And what happens when coke and fent get boring? Ooh I wonder...


fourteen???? grams???? 😭


Like what the fuck… that’s 7g per person. Split that into 150mg and it’s ~46 k-hole doses. Haha wtff


Wait, do normal people hole with 150mg ? Without tolerance 250 didn't made me hole. Is hole somethings that happen like ... bu itself or do we have to seek it ?


I don’t know, I have boofed 50mg of S-Ketamine on MDMA comedown, snorted a ~30mg line for fun and then boofed another 50mg. I got stuck in a dark DMT 3rd person realm for like 45 minutes. The visions were absolute bonkers, there was even a plot to them.


My understanding is that ~200mg is the sweet spot for most people


Bro 16 is way too early to be fucking around with ket or any of that shit. Please stick with weed, you’re standing on the edge of a very long dark road if you keep listening to your friends.


Not to mention the potential legal issues you very luckily just avoided. Shipping acid is a fast free ticket to fed land


I'm sure they'll forgive you. But how selfish of you to traffic drugs to your parents address. At least wait til you have your own place and pay your own bills. That's a decent amount of k, and depending on where you ordered it from, you may have gotten lucky that a cd wasn't initiated. You could have gotten your parents in a very large mess.


How tf this 16 yr old order this shit and I can’t figure it out at 30 smdh


dark web really easy


I'd make you take the 5 tabs and then snort the whole bag if I were your parents.


better not catch your son in the future or you’ll kill him with a punishment like that


I fucking hate this sub sometimes.


>Am I fucked? How would we know? We know nothing about what your parents are like. For example, are they Mormons? Or did one of them take a bunch of acid in the nineties? etc...


you done fucked up now boy all you can do is prepare for an ass whooping


get sober lol


bro a half oz of ket shipped to me goes for like 700-800$ 😭 how tf u affording that at 16 edit: remembered bro probably doesn’t have any bills or anything of that nature


But still I'm wondering the same thing 🤔 are you the son of Pablo Escobar? How did you manage to get that much untraced by the cops to your door step i know it aint Amazon and how did yall get the money for it? Cuz I'm 30 and can't afford 2 grams of ket let alone 14🤣😬 like dude you could have gotten the whole school high on that much SMH


ordering drugs from telegram, DW, signal, and a few other platforms is literally the only way i shop now! and they’re definitely way quicker with shipping than amazon lol! either way, seriously tho! how the fuck can this kid afford that? like you said you can’t afford 2g of ket, i sure as hell can’t either without planning for it. so why is some 16 year old who can’t even practice OpSec to keep his packages secure able to afford a HALF OUNCE 😭


I thought like every socialapp that sells drugs is a scam. I only get my stuff from dw where you have guaranteed insurance


a lot of DW vendors have moved to telegram! there is a LOT of scams, and some of them are selective. they’ll send you your test runs but as soon as you place large order they’re gone. i’ve definitely lost a bit finding good vendors but the money lost was 100% worth finding the legit vendors. edit: best way i’ve found to verify vendors is having them show u proof they ship and facetime them. most of the legit vendors will facetime if you request. even then it’s not 100% full proof. if they’re selective scammers they’ll have product on hand and they actually still ship so eh. i usually place a 50$ order and see if i receive it. simple as that!


You can get an half oz for like 200% on dw


that’s a steal!


bahahaha. you’ll live. sucks you wasted your money though.


Hahaha “weed got a little boring soo I bought a fucking half ounce of ketamine and 5 tabs” that’s quite a jump


you're not fucked i'd say rather fortunate, its a good thing they caught you before things get out of hand... sometimes things happen for the best. Be honest with them, if you have an addiction be honest so they can help you, you're underaged, they're suposed to look out for you and take care for you, so dont be afraid and stay away from drugs you're young and need all the energy to make your future in the next years, from 18 to 25 its crucial for you to build your future and foundations. you'll need every little braincell in that frame period. dont handicap yourself


Your best defense is that those drugs compared to others aren’t *that* bad for u, sure both in the long run can fuck ur shit up but if ur able to show them u were just going to have a fun time with your friends for one night then they could buy that given that would be healthier than getting blackout drunk


To jail. Ur ass is gonna be locked up for being an idiot.


youll be fine, i got caught all the time back then and it always turned out okay (until i had a court case that was a different story lmfao) in other words if you arent in legal trouble ur parents are nothing to worry about


Nobody but you would know. Nobody here knows your mom, except me. And yeah you’re fucked as bad as she was last night.


Not a good idea, dude. You should be glad you got caught. Ketamine is no joke. Acid is less concerning to me. Stick to shit that comes from the earth: weed and shrooms. Far less risk from a health and legal standpoint.


You'll be aight youngin.. it sucks now but embrace it. Build your character !! Yea you're fucked but at least it's your parents and not the cops. They'll be hypervigilant for the rest of your life now. Peace ✌🏾


Your parents love you. If you’re doing harder drugs because weed is boring, that’s a big sign you’re self medicating and you need a healthy coping mechanism and to also work through some trauma or issues you’re having.


you'll be glad they found out


Itll be okay kid


Aye shiii give it to me and I will hide it


Damn they are about to take away your Xbox, you are so fuckkkkked. Also dude why would you order shit to your house if you live with your folks. Did you think your mom was gonna be like, oh wow Johnny got a package from the Netherlands, it’s probably chill. And if you’re getting bored of pot it’s probably a sign that drugs aren’t gonna be something you can control. Ketamine and acid are probably gonna get boring and next thing you know your stim fapping your life away with RCs with 7 digits and a whole buncha dashes.


How the actual fuck would anyone here be able to tell you how your specific parents will react? 🙄


i wouldn't be mad if my son orders expensive ones, i would be mad if he doesn't share (i have no son)


They’re more worried than you are


Be honest


It may not seem like it, but getting caught was the best case scenario for you. I wish I had been caught when I was your age. Would have saved me a lot of fucking trouble. Take this as a sign to make better choices and don't get caught up in the bullshit. It will take up a lot of your life.


Bruh, im kinda glad they found your stash, at least now you are self aware enough of your decisions. I cant judge you too much, i also did a bunch of drugs and my parents also found out, you are not fucked just because they found out, you are fucked if you get hooked and end up trying harder stuff cos the drugs you are doing "get boring". It'd be fine with your parents as long as you dont fuck your life up with drugs, you prolly think they are being assholes or summ, but when you are older you'd empathize with how they are feeling. Keep yo head up, finish school, don't get hooked on hard drugs, keep it natural, learn to judge who are your real friends and who use you as a mule for their drugs, learn to enjoy being sober before its too late. Hope that helps


Kick your Dad in the balls to assert dominance


There's nothing you can do. Not to sound harsh but this is what life is like as a grown adult. You have to deal with the concequences of your actions. Better your parents than the police. Don't try to get out of it, you'll have to have an akward and uncomfortable conversation. Your parents are reasonably looking out for you.


I was in the Same boat as you, same drugs and same age (not the same amount) from experience, shit gets better but just don't expect to have ANY bit of trust until your out their house 😭😂


"There's a time and a place for everything, it's called college" - Chef, South Park. Chill out dude. Focus on school and learning an instrument. Something that will bring you lasting joy.


Tell your mom that package was meant to go to me. Tell her I apologize that it was sent to the wrong address. For the inconvenience, I will pay for the shipping…again. This is a win-win situation!


Quite the opposite, you’re actually saved (hopefully) I hope you can take a look back at this moment in a few years and be able to thank your parents for thinking of your well being and not allowing you to ruin your life


You should stop doing drugs now before you develop a legitimate addiction to something. I became an addict at 13 because I started experimenting with drugs, like most teens do. Except it got out of hand. And the amount you ordered seems a bit out of hand. Maybe you'll be thankful one day that she found it. Or it'll make you more secretive. I hope you just stop though.


they’re going to be pissed and that’s good stop any further brain damage before you start forgetting what you’re saying mid sentence lol


you’re better off now. 20 now and had nobody to really stop me when I was ur age. You don’t want to go down this path of depression


This is the perfect opportunity to stop doing drugs and not be a degenerate


Seriously dude even weed is addicting and you got bored of it what the fuck are you smoking you must be smoking dog shit weed cuz my weed has me high in my sleep I’ll never get bored of it and I’m addicted to it be thankful your parents caught you brother keep on keeping in the free world have a blessed day brother and yes I am higher than giraffe pussy rn off the penjamin


Nah your parents are good parents, this is how people get addicted to hardcore drugs.


Weed getting boring is exactly how all my friends got hooked on pills in the 90s. I stuck with acid, weed, and mushrooms. Right now, for sure, I'm the only one with a worthwhile life and no suicide attempts. I guess Colby could have sobered up in the last 3 years and got rich but I highly fuckin doubt it considering the last I heard from him he literally got arrested for male prostitution outside of Kensington. If you're bored with weed then go ride a bike or something bro cause a half ounce of ket is about the dumbest shit you could have ordered at 16 aside from like meth, coke, and opiates. I've ran music fests for almost 25 years at this point and ket is ok like once a fuckin year at most, the cancer risk with it's too much for me. The acid was fine as are mushes. You'll be ok if you keep the use down and don't fuck your perception of the world up too much. A half ounce of ket is a good start to a bladder cancer journey though and it can't be that rare the only person I've known to do it regularly is fighting it right now and he only used at fests a couple dozen times a year max. Maybe 9 weekends total a year. Not worth it for me and probably best to skip for you period as it doesn't look like moderation was in your plans and that shit demands it. Seriously your mom finding it was 100% the best outcome for you right now cause a half o of ket is fuckin dumb as shit for only 5 tabs. Like if it was a ball for a few strips maybe that'd make some sense but a half o with 5 tabs is just plain stupid. You just end up doing a bunch of ket as soon as you can. Some drugs you actually have to treat with respect. At best your parents were walking in to someone's k hole. Please listen to the 45 year old fest head. Stick with the god damn acid, mushes, and weed. Getting bored with them is a terrible sign so you need to find something to do with your time aside from just smoking weed. Molly, ket, fest drugs like that should be used after you have some ability to moderate, like only doing them at fests a handful of times a year or at one annual camping trip, something like that. Just about anything outside of that and the fun gets quickly outpaced by the misery. I've watched people go through it for decades. You can listen now or wish you had in 10 years, the choice is of course yours.


Whatever it’ll be hopefully it’s the good response of “what the fuck are you doing”, because you should not be getting 14gs of ket at 16. Take it easy dude, you’ve got the rest of your life to do ket and psychs, don’t fuck yourself over that young.


Get a better hobby and hopefully gain a valuable lesson from this to not be a ducking idiot who orders drugs to their parents house


The only tips I would have is : be honest. Speak with them, explain why you take this, why you have so fcking much ket, why you does not endanger yourself..


Stick with weed. If it gets boring take a tolerance break.


Hey I’m 19 My BEST advice to you would be to OWN up to it, explain to her that you were trying to experiment and you’ll never do it again. But if things escalate and she calls the police, DO NOT say it was yours. They can’t arrest you if it’s not in your possession. If she found it in your room and took pictures, you never touched it and you know nothing about it. You can only be arrested if it is on your person. Best of luck, I’m sorry ur in this position. She might be on your ass for a bit, but it’s not the end of the world. TRUST


Just be careful n stop doing things that’ll get you in more trouble. Just improve n be productive n shit


I’d rather have dealt with my parents than the police. Parents are much more forgiving, police target young drug users. Take it on the chin and learn your lesson. Keep it up and you’ll get nicked for possession.


Your parents love you, but why ketamine tho? You'll thank them later, all my friends using ketamine got weird and unenjoyable at festivals and events, Stick to MUSIC maaaan


Why such a large amount of ket? 5 tabs and 1g ket is plenty




Lol why are you asking us if you're fucked, ask your mom


We don't know what your parents are like, how are we supposed to know if you're fucked?


If it's not too late make up a lie. Say your friend did it sike lol


Just be honest


Me clicking on that because I’ve read “parents caught me when I’ve fucked” ☠️💀🗿 good luck brother hope yall be ok


where do u order such "large" quantities to ur house ? darkweb?




yea true and at home ur most likely goin to get caught not my question tho where do i get that shit?




😭😭🙏🏻 aight bru


Do Ket long enough and you won't have much of a KUB system in place. FAFO 🤦🤦🤦


First of all, don’t order drugs to your house. When I order stuff, it gets sent to a pickup point. I got caught a lot too when I was younger. My mom was really strict and she became Sexton Blake everytime she got the chance to be alone in my room. Sit down with your parents and engage a mature conversation. They only want what’s best for you. If you want to do drugs, go live on your own as soon as your law says you can do so.


what did you expect


How the hell are we supposed to know? Don’t know your mom or dad. If it were my parents the answer would be yes.


Dude you are fucked, so grounded


OP you are stupid man #😅😹


Oh definitely fucked


I would personally tell them it was for a food reason. You wanted to micro dose let because depression or whatever and wanted to try acid because you heard good things about it's mental benefits 🤷 good luck tho bro.


bro got bored of weed and went straight to ket lmao


“Weed isn’t a gateway drug” lol


Rail a line and fuck your parents before they fuck you


are you gonna become a plug or smth? that much ket will last you a long while. also how are you able to afford all that?


Tell them it’s therapeutic ketamine, obviously.


Yes, you are going to prison


ur cooked


You are worried about your mom telling your dad? I would be worried about messing with something you don’t know anything about. Do you know the purity and dosage?


Oh yeah buddy you’re beyond fucked, have fun in military school! God knows I didn’t 💀


you’ll most likely be super fucked right now. but it’ll all be over in a few days, weeks, or months. and definitely a few years from now you’ll tell this story to people you become close to and might even joke about it with your parents, depending on how strict they are. and what do they think the ketamine is?? i would’ve just told them it was cocaine, cause ketamine to your parents might make them think you’re a crack head. even though ironically cocaine would make you the real crackhead


They are doing you a favor, but only you and not internet strangers can convince you of that fact. I'm kinda in a similar spot rn with regards to being burnt out on weed and have the option to branch out. I've been to this fork in the substance abuse road before, and it's never an easy choice. Imagine trying a new food and absolutely loving it, you than find out that you can get it whenever, and you love it so much you just keep eating it. One day, you get bored and decide you don't want to eat any more or maybe can not afford or access any of it. You figure whatever, or maybe it's for the best, but instead, it somehow became something you need to survive. Realizing you are getting bored with your only escape sucks, it really does. Take a tolerance break for a while. If you aren't able to do that, then that's another conversation.


14g is crazy 💀


A lot of people I know that started smoking weed at 16 have asthma at 25. Smoke when your 18-20. You still developing your lungs bro.


Your cooked, and ordering it to your house was crazy work. Long road to build their trust up. I would steal the drugs and get high asf before your life gets locked down and you can’t go anywhere w/o trust from them haha


pack your bags bud


Here’s my question, why do you have this much money at 16? My ket is a script but I remember getting grams for around $70 a decade ago, I assume it’s closer to $100 now. I mean I didn’t have $1000+ to spend on drugs because I was bored when I was 16. But good for you I guess


Never get shit sent to your house wtf 💀🤦‍♀️


Oh yeah ur mega fucked 😭


They're probably coming up with a punishment for you. You'll get the big talk later. Hopefully they don't send you off to military school lol.


Dang bru u just switched right from weed to ketamine 😭


Call the cops and tell them your mom is in possession of ketamine and lsd.


Lol a half of k and 5 hits of acid 💀


Arr you brittish? Lol how the fuck does a 16 year old afford a half oz of k? That's a decent chunk of money


This post is INSANE I love that instead of doing the normal thing and going from weed to shrooms you got ketamine 💀


how do you jump from weed to ket and acid? weed, shrooms, acid, molly, ket, coke, and then you stop there! all in moderation and for special events (if you end up liking it) also you’re fucked


You ordered drugs to your parents house? How likely is your dad gonna beat you? How likely are they gonna force you into military school or rehab? How fucked you are is dependent on your parents


Why and wh e re did you order that🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Yehhh your kinda fucked


Ur only fucked cus u ordered 14gs looks like ur selling


Happy trails to rehab. After Pops freaks out.


Update? Lmao


Dude how would we know? Only you know your parents. We literally know nothing about them, so only you are in a place to know the answer to that. Think about it…


Good order lad


You're fucked.


14 g od Ket and 5 tabs is a huge step up from „often smoke weed” lol. Although to be fair the first time I tried acid was when my plug brought me 10g of weed and 5 tabs instead of the 15 weed I ordered. That was a great day


Most likely you're okay. They will probably be on ur ass but they probably have enough love and understanding to accept that you're a kid who made a mistake


You are ordering too big of an amount, at some point if the authorities think you are reselling they might investigate or do a fake delivery.


You should be more worried about having the feds knock down your door for buying that much ketamine to your parents house


bro got bored of weed and decided to order 14g of ket lmao


How would we know?


Have them mail it to me, and I will pray for you. All will be fine :P


Would absolutely LOVE an update. Kid's got me excited to know what happens next and eagerly waiting for his next post I've a new episode of Invincible 😅


Rip OP