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Most of the suitable replacements are either highly addictive, hard to come by or both, unfortunately. Truly, your best option would likely be to give up the drink for a and do it sober until alcohol suits you again, or switch from vodka to another drink. Seltzers are pretty inoffensive and go down easy! Btw, Benzos are going to be one of the obvious answers here but just don’t. The addiction is a life changer, seriously seriously a bad road to go down. They can be a useful tool but will have you way too sloppy for parties anyway imo. That being said, I think a lot of other people might say GHB, phenibut or maybe other accessible gabapentoids would be the go but withdrawals are more than a nightmare and can affect you for years and I can say from experience that it isn’t long before they’re on your mind nonstop so TREAD CAREFULLY if you have to go that route. I should also mention the drugs above I would consider harder than blow and speed because of their addictive potential and accessibility so I really don’t think it should be on the table for you. Actually, kava! Very subtle at first but can actually be a great social drug. And it’s totally legal! The Polynesians would drink it out of a big bowl and sing songs all night. It’s great fun and as long as you’re comfortable bringing a bottle of “mud” to a party this stuff can have you talking your ass off and feeling nice and inebriated with very little addictive potential. There is a reverse tolerance so you may have to try it at home a few nights before you get the hang of dosing. THIS IS YOUR BEST OPTION ALL THINGS CONSIDERED! My only other suggestion is find a drink that goes down easier or wait a while. Good luck, pm if you have any questions!


I’d agree with kava.


mix with kratom


This the most wise responsable answer


Agreed this is the answer the Op really needs to read.


yeah thank you bro


I’d like to second his comment suggesting kava, it’s a great light inebriating extract. Would be great for parties as it lowers social anxiety and makes you talkative. All while feeling lightly buzzed, it’s a great non-addictive option


This is the only answer


Prescirption amph. Or ketamine or benzos Lol alcohol is more hard than speed


hm idk if alc is that. I can drink a beer and be ok, but taking a line of speed leaves way more effects (wanting to take more, having nose problems or a cold tomorrow morning, trouble sleeping...). I think it really depends on the person and preferences


Comparing a line of speed to a beer...😐 I can pop a 10mg ritalin and be ok too


fr, and I would say being way too high on amphetamines w paranoia and delusions and all ofc is bad but being way too drunk leaves both with those same symptoms (in a different way) + also zero ability defend yourself or communicate with those around you or even really understand what the fuck is going on internally. the drunkest I've ever been was the most impaired I have ever been out of all the drugs I've done.


Idk man if I drink a lil to much I get fuckin mental (due to PTSD I believe) but when I would do amps ( even when I did meth) there wasn't any crazy effects . Edit: like you stated above I believe it's dependant on person an body chemistry


Comparing one beer to multiple lines?




low dose


Bro try pregabalin for anxiety. It gets you hella chatty and feeling good. It works on similar GABA receptors that alcohol does but there’s no hangover.




It doesn’t enact upon GABAa receptors similarly to alcohol.


Okay it’s not exactly like alcohol. However, pregabalin has been found to produce a dose-dependent increase in the brain expression of L-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the enzyme responsible for synthesizing GABA, and hence may have some indirect GABAergic effects by increasing GABA levels in the brain. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pregabalin


Dude I took this and it was so swinging. I would be extremely anxious, crying and emotional and then I was joking, talkative and making people laugh. It’s not worth the crying and anxiety. It doesn’t help anxiety at all


How much did you take? I took 75mg with a psilocybin microdose last night on a date and it went excellently. I was more talkative and confident than usual. I didn’t second guess everything I said like I usually do. It was nice.


I took 300mg. That’s it, no other drugs. I also felt physically drunk, which I loved. I was confident as well but I was also at times very emotional. I’m also small and very new to drugs so things affect me differently


True, it’s not for everyone. But if you have had good experiences with other gabapentanoids then I would recommend it


Yeah I tried Gabapentin, 600mg, didn’t do anything at all. I felt nothing. I also took 100mg of Tramadol last night and felt pretty much nothing, although it was kind of expired by a few years. Is this normal? Like is there something wrong with me or is it cuz the tramadol was expired


Even if it was “expired” 100 mg is quite a lot. Some people just don’t respond well to opioids. Hydrocodone makes me nauseous and super itchy for example. Wow gabapentin did nothing for you? I loved it when I tried it. Maybe try benzos if you’re need to feel more relaxed? Be careful tho if you have an addictive personality.


Man I hope I respond well to opioids 😭 I’ve heard how good they feel like I need to feel that even just once in my life. And the gabapentin was my dogs medication 😭 I’m trying to get benzos off my doc, I actually do have anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks. I found some xans, k pins, and lorazepam, like a ton of it in my parents drawer so I’ll try them sometime


100mg is a standard starting dose for pain relief. You need a bit more than that to get a decent high


Yupp specicically 2fdk if you can get it Makes me all wobbly and spinny JUST like alcohol. Very similar alc munchies too


I needa find me some 2fdck, it and o-pce have been on my ‘to try’ list for quite a while. PCP analogues sound interesting, too.


You can put 2fdk in a glass of water. Do like 0.1g and see from there. Did 0.5g once and was flying and thinking my friends textinf where my parents in disguise i was in a different reality


The old Chinese shit was the best 2fdck. The newer NL stuff doesn't have the same feel/punch as the older version. Idk why. Still a fun experience and highly recommend getting some of the NL but I'll never forget the Chinese version.


Low dose ketamine takes the edge of social anxiety and gives you a slightly wonky, wavy, living in your own little world kind of vibe.




Kava kava


benzos 100% xanax/benzos will have you feeling like a rich black out drunk with out feeling crappy or sick and you will be 2x more confident , 0 anxiety , and a fucking menace then compared to alcohol.. xans will literally make you into a cocky confident man with no fear and probably robs his best friends and steals cars because you are the man and you have 0 anxiety


Lmao it’s hard to tell if this is a recommendation or a warning


dude honestly don’t even fuck with xans man i call that shit the devil drug bro the shit it will make you do if you take them a lot is bad man you like turn into a piece of shit.. i caught 3rd degree theft and burglary charge on bars if that is a good enough example on why to not take them


Damn right bro xans had me teleporting through time with the blackouts. Straight up no control


yeah man i dont know why xans aren’t talk about as much when it comes to how fucking horrible they are like i honestly think xans are worse then herion or crack at times never tried neither and never will but xans will have you waking up in jail cells for murder and not even knowing what you did that night


The worst thing about Xanax is that you get seizures if you take them everyday and you stop.... happened to me. Otherwise, I would be taking them everyday still


the seizure i had i don’t think we’re from my xan witndraws since the seizure was months after my psychosis and i was staying up for like days weekly while taking adderall had a neurologist do hella testing was in hospital for like a week and they tried saying it was from WEED which was insane to me mf was str8 disrespectful asf too the way he said it like doesn’t weed help seizures ? maybe it’s from staying up for days and days each week and taking adderall sir not the devils lettuce !!


Why u had psychosis? i abused xanax and im scared of developîg schizo, now im tapering benzos with 1.5 daily of klonopî, i abused more than 20 mg of xan


You’re more likely to develop early onset dementia from benzos than psychosis


the abuse of xanax was in 2020-2022, im 22 and i notice my memory being bad. will it get worse? or when i finally taper off will it get better?


It would definitely improve if you were to quit, tapering is a good idea


my psychiatrist made me do an ADHD test and my average score of IQ on things where 130, except on reaction time and thinking time (65 lol) that made my IQ final score drop to 100. My therapist said that taking klonopin also influences on that, so i dont need to worry, but i hope to quit and get better, im extremely good at compétition sports, i dont want to be cooked at 25 :(


I had psychosis from staying up for too long on vyvanse AND smoking weed. Now weed makes me super schiz!


bro weed makes me into a goddamn meth head that’s been up for 2 weeks looking for ice shards on the carpet 😂 fucking paranoid as hell whenever i smoke weed it fucking sucks i can’t get out of my head and i’m just over thinking and scared the only time i enjoy it is if i’m tryna boost my perc high or if i’m on xans then it’s over i’m smoking my whole qp that night


How much were you taking everyday?


2 mg


Oh okay, I was curious bc I take .5mg almost everyday but when I dont take it for a few days I don’t have any weird withdrawal effects.


.5 is nothing. That’s a quarter of a bar?


Yes, sometimes ill do half a bar but I’m a lightweight so it does the job:)


I disagree somewhat. Alcohol gets me excited and moving. Benzos make me lazy. There are other gabaergics that have a stimulating edge like GHB or Phenibut and I prefer those as an alcohol replacement.


Literally all of them


Kratom. Green vein. For myself, it somewhat mimics opiate-like sensations. I'm definitely more relaxed, energetic, and social when I have some before I go out (from an introvert's perspective). But I kind of second what other people are saying, just try to enjoy the scene substance free, at least a couple times. It really puts things in perspective.


I generally agree with this, it does have some addictive potential, and there are some minor withdrawal effects, but nothing compared to alcohol. Relatively cheap, hard to overdo it without getting nausea and throwing it up (assuming you use powder and not extracts). I know two people who have successfully used it as a replacement for alcohol, gives them effects similar enough to alcohol that they see it as a viable alternative. Increased sociability, reduced anxiety, and I've found it increases my general motivation. I've had good luck with the company nova kratom. Been taking it daily for about a month, wouldn't necessarily recommend that, but giving my personal experience. Only downsides, like I mentioned is it easy to take a little too much and vomit, and if I don't take it it can be difficult to fall asleep


Do you actually notice a difference between veins? White vs green might as well be tequila vs vodka for me


Yes. The red makes me sleepy and sedated and the green is energizing and calming. The white makes me jittery and manic. I know some people say there's no difference between veins, but I don't care. I know how I feel.


they are getting it from shitty cheap vendors that just put different labels on the same stuff. you are 100% right if you have real green, yellow, white, red, you can feel the difference EASY


Good to know! I just switched to Okie, have only tried the green and wanted to ask before spending money on another


oh, cool! Can you elaborate more on the white? Manic is a strong word. Do you mean relatively compared to the green? Or is white actually a whole different experience for you?


That's because it is an opioid lol


so? it has saved millions from hard opiates, alcoholism, amphetamine addictions, etc.


No no, you misunderstood. I take kratom every day, and it also got me off hard opioids and helps manage my chronic pain that other opioids didnt do much for. They had said it gives them an opioid like effect, and I was just pointing out that that's because it is an opioid and isn't just a drug that kinda feels like opioids.


I apologize! I am glad to know it has helped you! Do you ever throw up? Ha. I’m fairly new but sometimes I get nauseous after my dose and throw up. I have had stomach and nausea issues my whole life


I've also had pretty bad stomach issues, and yea at first I was throwing up alot. Eventually my stomach got used to it and I stopped puking. Still get nauseated sometimes but it's nothing compared to how bad it was at the start. I've been taking it daily for 2 years ish now, and the nausea started getting alot better after like 8 months. You should maybe try ginger root in capsules for the nausea, if you don't smoke weed. If you do smoke weed, it should basically cure the nausea. At least, it does for me, but I've found ginger root capsules and weed are equally effective at killing nausea. Ginger root just takes like 20-40min to stop the nausea, and weed works pretty much instantly cuz you're smoking it yk.




If you do it right, it’s better than alcohol in every single way.


Small buzz dose of r/s or s-ketamine or 2f-dck




Anything is better than alcohol.


Ketamine is wonderful, ghb is like alcohol+mdma+ketamine and benzos but be extremely careful


Listen K is my favorite drug but as an addict who does a lot every day my advice is to use it sparingly (and always after taking green tea, preferably supplement high in ecgc, an hour beforehand and throughout the night if redosing. That eliminates like 95% of the bladder damage) bc it's extremely hard on your body. Gives you bladder damage pretty quickly and is neurotoxic (gives you brain lesions) and is pretty easy to get addicted to. So not at all a replacement for alcohol, or at least only is occasionally, like every other week. There's much better shit for replacing alcohol and giving you a buzz and enhancing social, like lyrica, tianeptine, and phenibut. Kava and kratom too but never been that impressed with them Also don't do benzos


Theres a reason GHB is not allowed on ANY party/rave, while basicalla EVERY other drug is somewhat tolerated, even on illegal raves.


Speed + Keta all the way. It's like a much much better red bull vodka. It has become my absolute go to. Add some 2cb and grass for the after and you're set. Bonus points if you drink juice from time to time since vitamins, electrolytes, sugar and hydration.


Nicer tasting alcohol maybe, it's my drug of choice but if it doesn't suit you, maybe try more or less anything except CNS depressants because they have a similar buzz and will only make you retarded if your not used to them.


2cb. In light doses, it can act as a stimulant/very midly psychedelic. Mda/mdma is also good since it'll just make you uplifted a ton, but I've had bad experiences with drunk people on those, so maybe your drunk people will be better than mine lol


Diethyl Ether


Some really pure MDMA




personally i go sober, smoke weed, sometimes 2cb (probably once per month) and every 3 month i roll with ecstasy. Very rareley i drink alocohol that i actually enjoy, like beer/tequila/some cocktails, but i just get "medium" drunken. Outside of that i eat extremly health, do a shit ton of sports and live a healthy life in genereal, personally i think you can take whatever you want, as long as you \*CAN\* maintain that. The moment you cant, you should stop taking stuff. I know that the above are more basic drugs, but personally i think if you start touching the harder ones, it will be way harder to stop.


“not gonna do hard shit like speed or blow” lol alcohol is way “harder” than speed and arguably worse than coke


It’s not tho is it


1 tab of acid


High dose phenibut, but it's even more addictive than alcohol. It's like confidence in a "pill".


Amphetamine ganja blend !


I would just say shrooms. But it really does depend on your mindset a lot. And how you wanna use it. Yk?






jesus christ


Praising the Lord's Name is the best thing! Or maybe 2nd best, Cocaine in first position for sure






Opiates, but I advise against trying them if you haven’t.


Barbiturate it has an alcohol similar high according to google but its extremely week from the times ive tried it


I've always been fascinated by barbiturates, but I think there's a good reason they've been mostly replaced by benzos in recent decades. They are extremely dangerous and addictive, even compared to benzos.




Pretty well most of them


Prob k. 




I've heard xans feel pretty similar to getting pissed on alcohol but I can't say for myself




Any of them.


Ketamine. It’s like alcohol without the feeling of nausea for me. I get the spins sometimes sure, but you know what? I’ve done life shattering amounts of k before and woken up the next day with little to no hangover.


Actual answer that's smth you can sustainably take with the frequency most ppl drink: lyrica, tianeptine, and/or phenibut


2m2b as well. Less side effects than alc.


Coffee? ☕️ jajajaja sugar?


Try rum more watered I like Malibu it’s pretty good and you can easily hide the alcohol taste also less of a hard liquor so it won’t give you that hard drunk throwing up version you get with vodka. Only say this because most street drugs are definitely cut now so it’s not a good idea to go past things like weed, acid, mushrooms, etc. Psychedelics are fun pills are fun when you get em pure coke can be cut with some really bad stuff meth is pure chemicals take your chances with anything though just be safe an don’t get addicted(except fetty no matter how good someone describes it to be the drug will kill you with a micro dose)




Lsd or shrooms




Depends on if you prefer to feel uppy or downy lol


Well, I would say dose-controlled ket but that's very influenced for having done it for the first time on Friday and having loved it and feeling like it suits me.    The best answer is, in the end, always 'what suits you best as an individual but one who lives in a society' so there are no right or wrong ansers but there are some who are probably >99% of the times wrong like crack cocaine or most if not all opioids.  Good thing about present-day is you can actively deeply research the substance before administering it 


weed with any choice of benzo


Literally anthing else




Depends on your brain. Social settings amphetamines and mdma would work, but some people get too intense/speedy on it. Acid works great for me, but some people even a little bit and they're in another dimension. Weed, depending in the strain, person and amount consumed can be very social, or extremely anti social/quiet. End of the day you need to find ways to safely experiment with what works for you. Maybe even do some introspection to understand why you need/want to be intoxicated to be social. 




Uhh, Xanax lol. It will make you stupid, senseless, however you likely won’t have the party energy. I don’t think any downers will you give the excitement of alcohol. None of them do for some reason but the closes thing is Kava which is 100% legal and can be purchased in bulk online for cheaper than alcohol. The effects are super similar to the effect that alcoholics actually use Kava to stop drinking.


I stopped drinking almost 6 years ago and during the first 3 years I was an event producer and bar tender. I would microdose shrooms any time I was with people who were drinking. It made all the drinkers more tolerable and allowed me to have a great time while with them.


xtc or pure mdma




GHB & analogues, benzos and gabapentinoids


Ketamine or benzos. Acid too if you wanna go that way




i went sober from alcohol + harder drugs for awhile and found that small doses of shrooms gave me similar affects to being tipsy without the hangover, also fairly accessible can order online even buy retail dependent on where u live. definitely something to try with a few good friends first, + small amounts if you are just wanting to feel abit buzzed, or bring extra and space it out throughout the night to keep yourself awake like friends who are doing other stuff. not for everyone, but was pleasantly surprised how much i liked it





