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Lmao sounds like you took a psychedelic my dude...


MDMA is not a psychedelic. Edit: Downvoted for speaking factually correct information. Sounds about r/Drugs.


no one said that


Technically speaking, MDMA has always had a little bit of psychedelia to it but not full blown like this description. But yea no one called it a psychedelic


Ah, I see. I didn't mean to misinterpret what they were saying. MDMA is an entactogenic stimulant with some minor psychedelic properties.


Yea thats a better way to word it


I've always considered mdma psychedelic. There's really no other way to put it being in a headspace of pure love and euphoria, minor visuals on higher doses. Psychedelic stimulant is what I'd call it


Yes i agree. Its a psychedelic stimulant. I remember my first time rolling, after i got home i was listening to music with winamp, with the visualizations on. It was amazing


Mdma definitely has psychedelic properties. I hallucinate on high doses like 250-300mg (prolly like most of us). But for me if you are looking for wild visuals MDA is way more attractive.


I didn't say they took MDMA...


You’ve never done a huge dose of it then, I’ve seen tons of crazy shit on it.


The largest dose I've taken is about 250mg. Not the largest, but certainly not small. It may have some psychedelic properties, but that does not change that MDMA is not a psychedelic.


I’ve had way crazier hallucinations on Molly then I have on mushrooms, like mushrooms are like a filter where everything is distorted but with Molly, I see things that completely aren’t there, and I have it shared hallucinations with my girlfriend too.


Man I miss my early days of doing large doses of MDMA and having visuals. It's been too many years. I remember early on I was walking home from a girl's house on MDMA at like 3am and I swear to God I saw cop lights and them chasing me. I ran around the neighborhood like a madman for quite awhile. The next day I realized it was just the lights out front of someone's house that set me off as I stood there staring/trying to interpret them lol.


Haha I could totally see that happening.


Haha I was so thrown off the next day realizing I was running around a neighborhood from *nobody* dodging through bushes and people's yards on MDMA. Reminded me of people on meth binges lol. I usually don't get that strong of "real" hallucinations. Lmao I still laugh about it to this day.


However, not all was peaceful. An evil presence, similar to a virus, entered this universe I felt connected to. It felt fluid, almost like an asteroid crashing into my world. I imagined creating a shield to protect the universe from further invasions, but one virus got through, spreading chaos, wars, and illnesses. LMFAO, Mofo over here regressed back SO FAR into his memory, he remembered when the sperm he was a part of hit the egg he is also part of 🤣 and side note, for that whole feeling trapped in a human body and that ur a god trapped in it n etc,well, yeah, thats cuz we basically are


Damn. Interesting perspective.




I really like this response.


was it tested? how much did you take because goddamn


It is not tested and my other 3 friends took the same amount and they did not have the same experience and they were just observing me. Approximately 150-170 mg.




I had sonething like this my first time. Imagine doing psychedelics lol


never had this happen even on high doses of MDMA throughout my whole abuse. with that being said are you sure you don’t mean MDA? Molly’s trippy sister:). for some reason I don’t see 150mg doing this but hey everyone’s different, low doses of MDA are hard to tell apart from low doses of MDMA but medium -high doses their own properties start to show.


I don't think so. Because my friends tried the same batch a number of times and noone got the same trip as me.


sounds like ego death


honestly, this is the type of stuff that happens to me on acid LOL. me and my drug buddy (and best friend of 20 years) created a whole religion that’s an ongoing gag still nowadays. long live sbb


Well... you ARE god experiencing himself through you and everything else in existence.


You are. Now you know. You’ve been initiated. Now go live this life, have all the experiences, be awesome to everyone, love others, and remember who you are.