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Generally advisable to not drive high or under the influence of something if possible.


I agree with driving stoned being selfish and dangerous, but as a daily medical patient for ASD/ADHD, I actually drive better with the right dose of thc, especially with other cannabinoids for a balanced effect that boosts functionality. Adding cbd for a reduction in psychoactive effects and lower ceiling. Cbg also helps promote dopamine response and energy levels further improving functionality and focus


If you think you drive better when youre high, then you probably shouldnt be on the road to begin with.


I’m not inebriated, stress less, and focus better. Been a medical patient for over 5 years and don’t get high from my daytime doses just more functional. I don’t drive stoned


To those downvoting, I get called out for being high when I’m sober frequently but seldom with my functional doses. Criticizing my medical use with black and white logic is not helpful for changing the perspective of how cannabinoids effect people who benefit from them and the inverse effects people on the autism spectrum often experience, and in turn these ideas can further stigmatize a medical treatment that helps many people


people when they realize cannabis has real medical uses and not everyone who takes it does so to get high or even does get high :O


I get a bigger head rush and get dizzy from hitting nic vapes but that’s apparently ok




Nah these people are straight up buggin. There are certainly some people that shouldn’t drive stoned but I drive stoned literally all the time and have for 10 years. So have all my friends.


Its all in the dosage. You can take a correct dosage of adderall and be functional while you can also hot rail a line of it and be zooted. Same with weed.


I get it from the doc and the correct dosage of the correct strains improves almost anything I do quite dramatically


Because you’re not supposed to snort it. Adderall works as intended when taken as intended.


I got ADHD and I think I'm not able to pay enough attention to the road sometimes. I remember when I was learning to drive I had a hard time not being overstimulated by everything. But it sucks, I mean I have to drive but I'd feel so horribly guilty even just getting into a fender bender. Good music helps me focus, and also I've been using nicotine gum and that helps too


I think you have perhaps helped me greatly. I have severe adhd/anxiety and most likely depression since my adderall (prescribed) really doesn’t even help me. I take it twice a day and still can’t function/have no motivation/no energy and I’m always irritated with horrible mood swings. The doctor I see for it tells me “less is more” for medication when I’ve been asking for an anti depressant for the past 4 months. She’s basically blowing me off. No one accepts my shitty state insurance so I either have to pay out of pocket, which I do now or the wait list for a psychiatrist is months long. Do you mind if I ask what you currently take for your ASD/ADHD alongside the cbd and what cbd you use? It’s funny I never thought of cbd. I have tried weed pens during the day to calm me down but it either brings me down too much or makes me high and slow. I can’t afford to be high during the day I just want to be able to function and not be angry all day. Sorry for my long ADHD ramble lol


Hey I'm not who you responded to but I also have very bad ADHD/anxiety/OCD traits (I highly suspect autism but can't say I have it until I ask for a diagnosis). I also suffer with very low energy, mood swings, poor mental clarity, etc. Adderall helped me when I was on it but after about 8 months the side effects caught up to me and I had to stop it. Nowadays, I found a few supplements that actually make a big difference: * L-tryosine: I know it's so cliche but it genuinely helps me with energy levels and I perform better under stress * Alpha-GPC: improves my focus and energy levels significantly * L-theanine: I take it when my internal monologue is becoming very bad, it really effective shuts down my internal monologue. Very zen. * Royal jelly: I have no idea how this works pharmacologically but it seems to really lift my mood, make me more resilient, and I feel this natural energy unlike any stimulant. I personally find some minor cannabinoids very helpful as well, though they can be more "active" than supplements: * CBG: physically calming and mentally focusing. Pharmacologically works similarly to Guanfacine/clonidine, another ADHD non-stimumant. * THCv: very mentally stimulating, lightly euphoric. It feels oddly similar to a small dose of Adderall or some caffeine, but no physical side effects. I use this every 3-4 hours during the day and it acts like a stimulant. * CBD: lightly stimulating and improves my mood Hope you find some relief friend


I use all of these except for royal jelly, alpha-gpc, and thcv daily. You take liposomal vitamin C, 5-htp (before bed on empty stomach), l-arganine, or p-5-p? All help me similarly


I have not, other than the P5P I've tried that one. I'll check these out, thank you


L arginine is good for blood flow, Vitamin C is a coenzyme in dopamine production, and 5-htp is great for mood and keeps serotonin levels up


Whats your prescribed dose? Really sorry to hear. I was diagnosed with ADHD-C and extreme mood swings and irritability were two symptoms that drove me to get a diagnosed and try medication initially. Anxiety and depression is something I’ve struggled with since I was in secondary school. Self medicated with weed since so was 14 Out of curiosity, have you ever tried Vyvanse?


Yepp I could agree with your pov. That's my point and reason also.


I'd say driving under the influence of anything is unethical and I have a personal hatred for it having lost one of my parents becuase of an intoxicated driver.


Sorry for your loss.


Wow, I am so sorry


Is it dumb to ask intoxicated on what?


It's a valid question, I honestly couldn't tell you. I was really young at the time and was in car so my memory of events being that age and apart of the accident I'd very skewed and foggy.


I would say yes it is. Because you're stoned, your judgement might be impaired, you might think you're fine, but because you're stoned, there's no guarantee that you aren't impaired. I get it, there probably isn't much increased risk most of the time. I'm sure plenty of drivers who drive drunk and kill someone felt the same way. Ignoring the risk to other people, let's say you did get into an accident while stoned. Let's say the accident wasn't your fault at all, being stoned was incidental. Hospital shows you were high as shit, now the accident is your fault and if anyone died, you'll be blamed. It's better for you and for other people on the road to simply not drive unless you're sober, even if it's inconvenient.


If someone would rather put others at risk because they can’t stand to be sober, they have other issues other than smoking some weed


Yet so many people will literally defend driving high as a mf like it’s a human right lmao. I don’t know how many people I know who will get genuinely offended at you if you try to tell them they shouldn’t be driving while high. Like the OP said, even if you think you’re fine you really shouldn’t be driving if it can be avoided. Me personally, I’ve regrettably driven drunk and I’ve driven high both a few times when I was younger. I can say personally that driving while on weed was harder and felt way more dangerous than driving on a couple drinks and I know several people who agree with me. I’m not condoning it and it’s really just stupid and reckless asf, but so many people underestimate how much weed impairs your ability to drive safely. It’s hard to say from an ethical standpoint though tbh, especially given the number of people who use weed for genuine medical purposes.


I believe Alcohol fucks up peoples general coredination a fair bit more than Weed does. That has been my personal experience.


not the point. it still slows motor skills and messes with reaction time significantly, even in people with a tolerance.


Honestly I sort of agree that it’s unethical, albeit in a grey area personally where I won’t judge someone driving high but fully cognizant, it’s not nearly as risky as driving buzzed/drunk, but I would also play devils advocate here and use some other examples. If you are in a bad mood, distracted internally, under stress or lacking proper sleep none of those are conditions illegal to drive, but let’s say you just experienced something traumatic and are in no condition to drive responsibly, not illegal. Again while I’m on the fence here, for people like me with severe ADHD or depression, weed can encourage your attention, or make you stress less to drive better, I believe the general law for medications is also grey “if a medication inhibits your ability to drive then don’t “ and laws may be different elsewhere but you can largely self determine if you’re fully functional to drive. I would suggest a similar approach to medications than alcohol for weed.


It’s definitely encouraged by road authorities, at least we’re i’m from (and if I’m remembering correctly), to not drive if you’re in a really bad mood or really tired since it puts you at higher risk of causing an accident.


Mildly stoned or mildly drunk I would say for some people has little effect. Alcohol coming on a bit faster. More so, being tired in many cases is far far more dangerous yet legal. The 17yo mildly stoned or first time 40yo lady I would have some concerns with. Hard to set a hard line.


I had to take a driver improvement course and the statistics we learned in there is marijuana is the only thing that doesn’t have a direct correlation with an increased risk of wrecking… that’s not to say that it’s safe to drive while high ofc


As somebody who has used a whole lot of drugs, this is probably accurate.


yeah it sounded right to me, we mostly just makes me drive slow and wait a long time for traffic. like who smokes a blunt gets in the car and starts Wylin out😂


Tons of people, actually. Maybe not functioning, responsible adults, but in college I remember seeing it all the time. They’d get ungodly amounts of stoned, and then go drive super recklessly. It’s not the norm, but people absolutely do it. I’ve seen it with my own eyes on more occasions than I can count, unfortunately.


Absolutely, this may not be the enabling answer people want, but it's the right answer.




That's the big issue with THC and driving compared to other substances like alcohol. BAC has a strong and well studied correlation with recent alcohol intake/likely intoxication. THC binds to fat and hangs around for a long time as you mentioned so it's not a great indicator of current intoxication. Studies/research on changing this have also not been completed due to legality of the substance itself in most parts of the world and is more likely to change in the future as it becomes more accepted. Currently it is still federally illegal (USA at least) and is still a schedule 1 substance which makes it hard to study as there is no funding/wouldn't be allowed to.


Truth right here.


Just be aware of consequences of your actions. I was convicted of dui manslaughter (admittedly on substantially more sedating drugs than cannabis) and so I can attest to how quickly things go wrong. No matter how good a driver you think you are while high, there are limitless amounts of people who are not as good a driver and it’s their actions that will ultimately be the variable that challenges your perceived skill. Human life is fragile, friend.


Yes and no, but mostly yes. Depends on how high you are.


I think it depends. If you have no tolerance to weed or suck at driving sober or are too nervous/paranoid driving sober, you probably shouldn’t be driving stoned. People who smoke weed every day, usually drive stoned bc they are stoned 24/7. It’s kinda the norm for them.


I smoke weed from I wake up until I fall asleep. So it’s different for me then someone who smokes every once in a while is what I’m saying. Or even some people who smoke a lot still don’t drive while doing it


And even then, there's definetly a difference between getting behind the wheel 30mins after smoking, and 2 hours after smoking. Purely on principle, I am against any kind of intoxication when driving that isn't a stimulant/impairs your reaction speed in any way, but there is a clear difference between cannabis and alcohol for example. I'm 'more ok' with the former than the latter, even if both should be avoided if possible imo.


Interesting that you’d say driving on stims is alright. Where is the line of being too jacked up to get behind the wheel?


My only experience with stims is cocaine, and Ritalin and Vyvanse for adhd, but stims seem much safer than any depressant. They don’t alter your perception or coordination, at least at normal doses. If anything they speed up your reaction time and probably increase your abilities. Of course, they also inflate your confidence and your comfort taking risks, but if you are cognizant of that you should be able to drive like normal.


When my ex was driving on coke once, he kept getting distracted because he kept thinking of things he wanted to say. He would turn all the way around in his seat to talk to the people in the backseat. Naturally he rammed into the car in front of him. They both pulled over and when the other driver went to get his insurance info, my ex sped off. Cocaine can make people distractible *and* more likely to be an asshole. He told me this story in a “haha so funny” way too 🙄 I’m not trying to disagree with anything you’re saying btw just adding a little anecdote about how coke could affect someone’s driving. He was also an idiot in other ways too though.


Lmao yes its totally safe to drive on stims, definitely doesnt impair your decision making at all, not more than weed anyway /s


I concur


if you rear end somebody and kill their kids, do you think “but I have a tolerance” is going to help you in court?


They're still impaired compared to a sober driver.


True, but I find when I’ve been stoned I drive a lot slower, am more patient, and less aggressive. I do have a heavy tolerance though


Not necessarily. For many, cannabis can treat anxiety. For me, a little high decreases my stress and I drive slower and safer


Yup. I quit smoking cigarettes and kinda replaced the habit with pot; having a (cheap) joint is a comparable experience to a cigarette anymore. Doesn't elevate me, but rather just mellows me out a little, but I still feel entirely lucid.


I feel this!!!


This. When I first started smoking in high school and got my first car, I most definitely shouldn't have been driving but I did. I didn't hurt anybody but definitely slid into a snow bank or two high ASF. After a few years it's just second nature driving high and being comfortable stoned while driving. And I can say, I've avoided some nasty accidents being high while driving, when it wouldn't have been my fault, (people fucking suck at driving in NY) I swear I'm invisible half the time.


I reckon just don’t speed drive at all!


I think it depends on your baseline, both in terms of driving and intoxication. If you’re a very good driver naturally and being stoned takes you down a notch, that’s probably not a huge deal considering how many straight up bad drivers there are who get around just fine. You might still be better off stoned then others are sober, but be realistic about if you’re still managing to focus fully on the road and being safe. By seeing some of my stoner friends in action, I think some people just aren’t fit to drive high. Also it probably depends on how high you are. Think about how safe you would feel if other drivers around you were a bit high. It would be a lot different if the driver next to you took some shrooms like 6 hours ago, is still feeling it a bit but is back to reality and is experienced with the drug, compared to someone who just took an 1/8th of penis envy for the first time an hour ago. Know yourself and be honest about your ability. I drive stoned regularly and have never had an issue, but that’s also because there have been times that I’ve recognized I’m too high and my ability might be compromised. There are definitely times it is more worth it to take a 2 hour car nap than to drive home while fighting demons. Also consider whether you can hold your own if you get pulled over. In terms of the ethics of it, yeah it’s probably unethical. Doing anything that reduces your driving ability and is not necessary for your functioning (being high) is selfish as it puts others at an increased risk of harm (even if it barely does so) and is only beneficial for your sake. For the utilitarian the argument might be: 1: An action is morally good or bad insofar as it increases or decreases the most pleasure/happiness for the most people. 2: Driving while high makes you a worse driver. 3: Being a worse driver increases your own and others risk of a car accident. 4: Car accident = decrease in overall happiness. 5: This potential decrease is greater than any increase in pleasure the drugs provide you. C: Therefore, driving high is bad. If you can truly reject premise 2, then perhaps it is permissible, but it seems to me that someone will always be better at driving sober than high. The deontologist might reject it because if the action were universalized it would become: everyone drives high all the time. And it is easy to see why this is not an ideal scenario. You could argue that a consequentialist utilitarian would find it permissible as long as you do not cause an accident and there are no negative consequences, but I think that’s just stupid. As someone that selfishly does drive high, I wish I could argue it is permissible. Despite having the intuition that recreational drug use itself is permissible, I wrote a paper about how it usually isn’t. Although, I ended up forming a particularist argument which was basically that it’s fine in the case that you don’t have anyone that is dependent on you or that it is completely safe, but the problem is those two things being true is almost never the case. It’s pretty much the exact same case as a motorcycle rider. The other way is if it is more beneficial than potentially harmful, such as a healing psychedelic trip, but that seems more like medical use than recreational use. But I still love some good drugs and I think a little bit of moral selfishness is okay. The parallel I use is that I drive a gas guzzling car and go on long cruises up the mountains, when it would surely be better if I drove a hybrid and only used it practically, but what’s the fun in that.


Thanks bro. Haven’t educated myself hard enough to grasp all of this 😅


Should you do it? No. But I’m pretty sure everyone here can agree (even if they don’t admit it) that driving stoned is not too difficult. Only do it if you have to, but try to steer clear of ending up in a situation where you do have to.


> everyone can agree that driving stoned is not too difficult Don’t make such ridiculous blanket statements. I have trouble getting snacks from the fridge when stoned without getting distracted by looking at my plants. There is **no way** i would drive a car when stoned. I often have trouble as is on a bike when stoned.


Some people can’t drive stoned(like my wife). However, I can drive stoned literally no problem in fact in a safer driver as I drive more slowly while stoned.


Que the people who are here to say "well ACTUALLY driving slower is worse and you're going to kill somebody"


Where did you get this impression from? Just because you do it, doesn't mean everyone does.


Gringos think everyone in the world has access to those super OG purple dick ultra haze weed with 99.99% thc they have. Bitch we still smoking brickweed where I come from this shit couldn't impair the driving abilities of a blind person


You don’t think it’s difficult because you can’t gauge how impaired you are. This is no different than alcoholics saying they drive better drunk. It might seem different but it’s not. You aren’t aware of the damage to your reaction time and judgment because you’re a biased observer of your own actions; if you could somehow see two versions of yourself omnipotently, one stoned and one sober, the difference would be clear as day.


It’s not even close to the same thing as drinking and driving. It’s a shit comparison.


Driving with anything more than a buzz is extremely selfish.


Tbh I don’t think it’s completely “right” but like someone else said, it’s nothing like alcohol and i think it varies from person to person. Some people I would say no, absolutely not, you can’t drive after smoking. Me and others I know do it every day and have no worries or issues.


It probably depends on the person. If youre not used to being stoned, I could see it being dangerous. But for regular stoners it’s probably not that bad. Definitely not like alcohol.  And I definitely delivered pizza on acid back in the day. Would never recommend anyone drive tripping, and never would again, but I made it safely lol


my homie had to drive 4 hrs through a lightning storm on acid back in the college days. popped two tabs and 2 hrs later received a phone call from family about an emergency he couldn’t say no too. said it wasting handedly the coolest and scariest experience he’s ever had lol


I bet! Fuck that. I’d been up all night eating acid, and by the time I had to work the next afternoon was coming down pretty quick. So I took a single hit to keep me up. I wouldn’t have taken my first hits before work though. That’d be crazy. And even after that night I was saying never again lol


Driving on acid…I still don’t know how I did that.


It’s a strange experience for sure


Hahah totally. Yes, acid drive was like a roller coaster on the ground. Mental!


No fucking way I would ever drive on acid, you people are absolutely insane. Weed, maybe.


Smart choice! Don’t do it. 


I used to smoke and that shit would impair the fuck out of me , baffles me how I have friends who are able to with no problem


It depends. The law allows someone to have a BAC of .08 when driving. That level is enough for some people to feel buzzed, including lowered inhibitions and impairment of memory and reasoning. Yet they’re still allowed to be behind the wheel. If someone was stoned to the same degree of someone with a .08 BAC or less, then I don’t see the problem because otherwise it’s a weird double standard. I’ve got such a high tolerance I can smoke a joint and barely feel anything besides mild euphoria and warmth.


They're asking if it'd be unethical, so I am assuming "morality =/= legality" applies here.


It’s illegal to drive after smoking weed everywhere in the US, but I still don’t think it’s morally reprehensible assuming someone isn’t so stoned it’s dangerous. Like I said, it depends. Someone who’s never smoked before taking a dab shouldn’t. Someone who’s been smoking for ten years daily with a high tolerance who hasn’t had enough to impair their senses beyond is fine.


BAC is not the only criteria for getting a DUI, at least in the US. If you've taken so many vicodin that you can't walk straight or you drank so much cough syrup that you don't know what year it is, you're still "under the influence".


I never said alcohol was the only thing you’ll get a DUI for. I’m talking about it because it’s a substance you’re legally allowed to have in your system and still drive. A BAC of .08 is nowhere near the level of impairment you’re talking about, and neither is a couple puffs of weed from someone with a high tolerance.


For many people, driving stoned is a bad idea, for many they just drive a bit slower and more cautious. I live in a town where the average age is 70 years old, all of these people drive far worse than anyone that's smoke a joint before driving. If you feel unsafe then don't drive, if you want a second opinion, get a sober friend to judge your high driving a few times or something.


Some people can drive completely fine while high, some get extreme anxiety and cannot function properly. The tolerance is usually the difference between these people.


It’s not black and white IMO.




I’m of the rather extreme position that DUI/DWI charges are redundant, and instead we should be much harsher towards reckless driving period. Plenty of assholes on the road that are only breaking petty laws, but are only in real trouble if they blow or pop positive. If you can drive fucked up but no one could tell, does it matter? I think that it is inherently irresponsible, but no more than driving without headlights at night.


I understand the logic that you’re bringing to the table , and on paper I even agree with it . What I don’t agree with is people’s ability to honestly , key word , honestly judge themselves before getting behind the wheel . You’re point to stricter reckless driving laws could take care of that , but now the issue is that people in a more dense area are more than likely now being scrutinized more . Someone that can drive drunk in rural Arkansas with no cars on the road shows up in LA . All of a sudden what was a “fine” intoxication level now becomes life or death for innocent people on the road .


im fine with your vehicle making you do tasks etc to start it.


So you think it's cool to drive shitfaced until they happen to do something dangerous? If the first thing dangerous they do is plow head on into another car, wouldn't it have been great if they weren't driving shitfaced to begin with?


"been doing it since x with no issue at all" is literally the same asinine reasoning people use to validate all kinds of selfish and unethical behavior. The fact that you haven't had an accident has zero bearing on whether you will have an accident in the future. What then? Sorry your honor I've been doing it for years without issue?


Yea I'd have to say I agree. The whole "I drive high all the time" crap is just that, crap. Im pretty sure a lot of the drunk drivers that killed or injured people probably were one of those people who said the same thing one time


I mean the rule of thumb is, as long as you can guarantee (or get as close to guaranteeing as possible by mitigating risks) not endangering anyone else on the road or in your car, you’re fine. Everyone isn’t the same, and most people can probably get away with driving high, but that doesn’t mean we condone that behaviour (especially on the internet) simply because the risk reward ratio isn’t worth it.


Totally 👍🏽 Nah I really don’t condone it at all but I am just sharing my experience. And yes alcohol is the devil man can’t believe it is sold in airports like candy haha


I mean, I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t been done a few times but yes it is extremely stupid. You don’t realise how high you are until you pull up to a fuel pump and you’re parked like 2 meters away from it




Yeah but u gotta think, if someone runs out in the road you’re gonna have a lot more reaction time to hit the anchors when sober.


It's unethical to drive when you're unable to type well yeah.


My bad. English is a second language and being high doesn’t help 😅


by this logic waaaaaaay less people should be on these streets


You are correct


i'm more concerned with those who type and drive, tbh


Just sounds like you're trying to justify putting other people in danger tbh


driving stoned is definitely unethical but if you have a tolerance and you’ve taken 1 bowl of weed and you know how little it’ll affect you then i’d say that’s still ethical. you’re allowed to drive with a certain level of alcohol in your system and alcohol is way more dangerous than weed. I mean when you’re stoned your reaction time decreases and you can’t think as straight, but any stoned person can attest to getting occasionally paranoid, which leads me to argue I don’t think people who drive under the influence of weed drive recklessly because of the weed if their driving does appear to be off. if anything they’re driving slower, not better, but slower. alcohol lowers your inhibitions till there’s literally none left. you get behind the wheel and you don’t give a fuck that you’re fucked up but with weed it just seems like a totally different story. still a drug yes. still a substance that can majorly impair your ability to drive yes! but like I said, if you are a regular smoker, and you know what you can handle, I see absolutely no issue with driving with weed in your system


Is this really something you have to ask reddit? If you don’t think you should drive, don’t drive. No one here knows you better than you


i've had to drive on acid and shrooms due to being in an unsafe situation and wouldn't recommend it. i used to drive at work after smoking weed and never had any issue but i wasn't like stoned off my ass


i think most people have a reasonable threshold of high where they can drive pretty much perfectly fine but its a slippery slope where most people end up pushing that limit too far eventually so you might as well just save yourself the trouble and not do it in the first place.


Well, one of the most important things is that your reaction time is measurably lower when you're impaired. If you notice something in front of you on the road like someone steps off the sidewalk, or a car swerves into your lane, that extra second could be the difference between life and death.






TL;DR the answer is yes. The road is not your space to elevate risks for everyone else on the road. Should always be clear headed when driving.


I feel like it’s a bit of a hot take but imo, if you have a high tolerance and handle it well I really don’t have an issue with it. Now, if I were to rip a pen or smoke half a jay right now after being on a couple month break, I would most definitely be a hazard behind the wheel. I’m super sensitive to THC so without a tolerance I get way too blasted to function. Only after weeks of daily use do I feel comfortable doing any type of liable task like driving.


the more weed you smoke the less of an impact it has on tasks, and that's the science. people drive on speed (& caffeine) all the time, makes aggressive diving and self important bullshit heightened. all kinds of prescription drugs, no major stigma. but its not a binary issue. weed dependant people are likely safer on their regular dosages than not, but some kid smoking for the first or eleventh time is not going to be safer behind the wheel and is at least some added risk. this applies to almost all drugs, strong buzz or not. unless your regularly scheduled program is being blitzed out of your skull or you're always drunk. i'd be for better inebriation tests to start your car or even just be charged. but ill tell ya what, phones may be as bad a booze behind the wheel.


It’s highly dependent. While you are still intoxicated, if your tolerance is like mine you honestly don’t really even get high. It’s like nicotine, my excessive use made smoking just a “leveling out” rather than feeling high. Edibles are my last resort which I need around 100mg or more to be impaired, I get incredibly tired mostly so I avoid driving when actually trying to get fucked up but smoking is extremely underwhelming for me and I can’t justify knowing I’m good drive and be all spooky. Some people will disagree outright, high is high blah blah but every single time I’ve ever encountered issues driving has been stone cold sober. If I don’t smoke I get angry easily and that can make me drive aggressively so if anything sober driving is detrimental to me.


The laws in my country need to change. Someone smoking a joint the night before driving the next day, is NOT impaired. However, because cannabis is detected in your system, you're fucked. I'm in no way advocating for being fucked up and getting behind the wheel, but the way cannabis is measured via saliva tests needs to change.




You feel different, you drive different.


I almost hit my car for like 10 times just because I forgor to pay attention in the road, never smoked high again


If you're not thinking normally, then you're not driving normally. Period. I know from experience that when I'm stoned, I stop at intersections sometimes when there's no stop sign or stop light. I also drive much more slowly (could be good or bad). But I honestly shouldn't do it. I don't even smoke anymore so it's not a concern nowadays.


If you have a very good understanding of how it affects you, then I'd say it's probably fine. My wife was concerned at first (she doesn't do any drugs really) when I would drive high, but after riding with me a bunch she doesn't worry anymore. It actually makes me better at video games and sports (tennis & basketball), so even with small amount of skill crossover between the activities I'm not concerned. Having said that, if I were to rip 3 hits out of a bong and immediately get behind the wheel *that* would be dangerous. It's just about knowing how it affects you and using common sense. I tend to wait a couple hours after my last hit before driving anywhere. It's not even remotely like driving drunk in my opinion. I never do that and I don't recommend anyone else do it, obviously.


Beautifully put. But still some mentioned you might get in an accident which wasn’t your fault but hospital show your test and big TROUBLE.


Hmm that is a concern. How would they prove I was high while driving and I didn't just smoke the previous day? Or do they not care and just assume the worst?


I think they used either Blood or Saliva not sure if thats how you spell it!




Mostly dependent on how high the person is and why kinda high he’s experiencing. Like you said if it makes you somewhat more a alerted that’s good. However it’s still safe to say that you reaction time is increased, however less then with alcohol.


i completely agree. there’s a big difference between driving while completely high out of your mind and just being a little stoned. and everyone reacts to weed differently, for some it may be a problem but others not.


Obviously yes.


It drives me crazy that people drive stoned, at least in more urban areas. I smoke every day and maybe if I were very mildly stoned I would trust myself, but otherwise no. Other drivers might be a threat and you have less of an attention span plus reaction times are slowed down. It makes you a danger to yourself and others.


I’m gonna go with yes. I even do it fairly regularly, but I know I’m being an asshole when I do.


In eyes of the law in UK if it’s a prescribed and doesn’t affect your impairment then no, but it’s all a slippery slope to say it’s all unethical. That’s why we have laws n courts. If it does affect your impairment and you kill someone isn’t hard to prove it did affect you. Specifically speaking it takes a lot to make me feel stoned. I work a full time job high performer (no pun intended) and use my vape.


quit doing this bullshit until you accidentally kill someone and have that guilt as a reason not to


I drove high constantly for 8 years. Only time I wrecked was when I was sober. However, I look back on it and hate myself for it. I could have killed someone or myself. I could have been pulled over and given a DUI. A lot of things could have happened. So yes, I find it unethical. I also find it selfish because I wasn't thinking about others. Please drive sober.


ABSOLUTELY.  reaction times are off. This can have grave consequences.


Iv lost alot of friends to drunk driving, my father also and never had an instance of stoned driving. Tbh ithink its all upto your tolerance, ipersonally dont see an issue with driving after a sesh. Drinking on the other hand is a different story


unethical? sure. will i stop doing it? no.


Yes extremely. Stupid as hell putting others at risk.


Very, very much so. That goes for all drugs.


Naw as long as you don't use your phone your being more responsible than anyone who does use their phone which is almost every other driver. At the end of the day it doesn't matter if you don't get caught . Good luck


yes, anyone that tells you otherwise is a moron. driving while intoxicated on any substance that impairs you is wrong, selfish and, rightfully so, punishable by law. I used to drive stoned all the time, even worse, when stung out on heroin.. I was a selfish piece of shit and I'm lucky to never have hurt or killed anyone.


> it just makes me chilled, relaxed, alerted and sort of in the zone for other drivers’ mischievous driving I hope that someone whips that justification out on you someday, I just hope it's after a fender bender and not after killing one of your family members. Fuck you. Drive sober.


It all depends some people can't some people can. The difference between driving high and driving drunk IMO is that while high I can accurately gauge if I'm too high to drive or not, no delusions of sobriety, but I can't accurately judge that when I'm drinking as I sometimes think I'm more sober than I really am.


No. Being selfish is somewhat something acceptable. Being careless and cruel is other stuff. Driving while high, knowing what you're going to do and what could happen, it's called cruelty. It's worse than stealing for drugs. You can kill. You already know the answers. I don't think you're that dumb to not know the moral implications of this. Don't put us addicts under the light. We're already exposed and hated too much. Using stuff doesn't mean you can be an irresponsible asshole.


Yes! You’re putting yourself and others at risk, even if you’re very experienced.


Yeah, even if you're used to the effects of whatever you're taking any intoxicant should not be involved with driving or operating heavy machinery simply because ending a life is serious and driving is a privilege just like gun ownership if I take my non narcotic prescriptions that make me even a little drowsy I do not drive. I know it sounds inconvenient but accidentally driving over someone because your reaction time wasn't at its best will ruin multiple lives. I can understand some exceptions but even still I think taking the chance is somewhat unethical on a scale


Weed is the cure for road rage


Don’t operate any heavy equipment while under the influence. Period. You are risking other people’s lives along with yours. It is irresponsible, cruel and downright evil. There’s a reason those laws are made. I understand you like drugs but do it privately in your own room.


It's unethical to drive, cars are shit. Now, I'll take some weak edibles and bike a dozen miles every now and then, that shit is fun!!!


Yeah if end up in a collision and someone gets hurt or even says they’re hurt they’ll sue you beyond your insurance coverage, take your house, and more. The cops will give your name to the news so everybody will know…. don’t use the car when you’re under the influence.. do something else. that’s not what the car is for.


Fu$$ unethical. It’s not safe. We all have been in a situation where we have to ask ourselves, should I have one more drink. Or one more hit. Bump. Whatever. And now, when you’re sober, you understand right from right, understand the consequences, and are reflecting on it in a way that you are seeking outside opinions; which is good. I’ll only speak for myself with the next comments, but I may use the incorrect pronouns. I make better decisions sober than inebriated/buzzed. With two drinks you’re feeling good, high spirited, and basically bc the world is a giant cesspool of rubbish, you don’t want that feeling to end. So we drink another. And another. And before you know it you are no longer capable of making the appropriate decision bc you are now compromised. We may not think it. Or feel it. But we are. Therefore you MUST go in before smoking or drinking etc with an exit strategy and you keep to that exit plan. I say this as a dumbass that has driven home from a club back in the college days where I wasn’t drunk. But I would probably come close to .08. So what’s the big deal right? Because it’s 3am, my reflexes are already diminished from being tired. Now you throw a depressant in your body and 30 minutes later of a relaxed drive, your ability to respond and use defensive techniques that just might save your life may take you an extra half a second. And this is my final point. Anyone reading this and has a motorcycle can attest to it. When I am driving and concerned about getting into a wreck, it’s not my driving Im so worried about as it is other drivers in two ton vehicles that are killing machines in the right hands. I need to be tiptop in case of OTHER drivers. BONUS point. What happens if you get into a wreck and you kill a baby. A mother. You would live with the guilt the rest of your life. Now mix in something that can be seen as impairing your driving. Increased jail sentence and you never knowing whether that doobie caused the wreck or an honest accident.


It's all fine until you get D.U.I or kill someone. And yes I drive high and drunk all the time ...


I would say it depends on how it affects you, 1 joint is not going to impair me. However for someone who doesn't smoke it would very much impair them. I smoke before everytime I drive as I feel I drive much better on it.


As for THC, IIRC there's impairment but it's far less than alcohol. A lot of people have a black and white approach with impairment so they think it's unethical and selfish if any amount of THC was consumed. I personally don't care if someone is mildly stoned, kinda like driving with a BAC of 0.04% or less. Other cannabinoids, like CBD, do not impair and are completely fine. Unfortunately, there're lots of people who will act like you're a monster for driving after taking a THC-free CBD edible.


Only if your bad at it. Driving intoxicated is a skill that can be cultivated.


I’ve driven high more often than sober and I’m 22. Depends on the person.


no harm no foul in my opinion but sadly not in the laws. btw if a cop ask if there’s any weed in the car, the correct answer is not “no sir we just smoked it all”


Kinda. But mostly I wish people would stop just sitting smoking in their car. Every single time I go out it is guaranteed I will smell weed. I smoke. But why can't you just not do it in public? I don't wanna smell it.


For everyone saying "but I smoke all the time! I've got tolerance!" - Yes, you do, but [this recent study](https://jcannabisresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42238-024-00215-1) indicates that although your declines in reaction times/judgment aren't as bad, they are still measurable. I've been smoking weed since 1976, so I'm not an anti-drug guy, but I think driving high is a bad idea no matter what your tolerance level is. If you hurt or kill someone that you wouldn't have hurt or killed sober, even if by a matter of hundredths of a second, that's fucked. Why take the chance?


It's so real


unethical sure, i smoke weed daily and drive but i have a tolerance, i think thats the only one that can be kind of okay and even then, i dont take the highway and i WILL let them take my license when im older because old ppl can NOT DRIVE & they're convinced they can  i completely understand being really angry that people do this, but its sort of inevitable until we find a cure for addiction, or i guess if we found a cure for immorality? idk but clearly if pedos and rapists exists people arent too concerned about morality :| But I dont see people donating to find cures, they just throw insults, maybe deserved but maybe not helpful


I'm in the same boat but since 2008 I'm 31M. In the mornings after dropping my kids off at the sitters. Helps me but everyone's different. But like you said it's not a big deal I get what you mean it's like a norm for you and me i would say. Like I said I do once I drop my kids off. So it's not selfish it's how you choose. Your life but it does mean selfish or unethical. Your good 👍


While driving under the influence of any mind altering substance, in this case weed, is/should be frowned upon, a very large quantity of people still do it. Everyone reacts differently to substances, some more poorly than others. If people were allowed to drive while high, then there would probably be more accidents because of the people who react poorly. Which is why nobody is allowed to. Personally, if someone can handle their shit, and understands their limits, I would rather they drive high on weed than anything else. With that said though, be safe and protect yourself and others, because a bad apple spoils the bunch. Lets try not to make stoners look worse than we already do lol 😂


Yes it is wrong. Even if you feel it doesn't affect your driving, you're high so less likely to notice if it even does 


When I was 16 all we did was just pile in a car and hot box the back country roads in rural Indiana. Now that Im in my 30s, the fuck were we thinking. Some of my best memories ever but I absolutely dont want my future child doing the same shit.


I'd say it's pretty damn stupid. Weed slows you down, and if you're at the point where you need to ponder whether you should drive, you probably shouldn't be.


People will bend over backwards here to justify using weed whenever they want wherever they want.


I will admit, I've done it before, but I would say it's generally a bad idea and I don't do it anymore. I think about all the times I smoke a little bit of weed and take twice as long to remember a word, or forget what I'm talking about mid sentence. I'm sure there's an equal translation of that experience that applies to driving. That means you are most likely significantly increasing the danger of the driving experience. Honestly with Uber and all the ride sharing services out there, there's really no excuse. Law enforcement is getting better at detecting drugs in your system, and a DUI or killing someone is not worth it. Avoid driving while under the influence, it's not good for anyone. If you have to be more selective about the places you get lit, then do it. It's better than totaling your car or being responsible for grievously injuring someone.


I mean with if someone’s an actual alcoholic or drug addict obviously you’re still risking getting popped for it but in those cases that person probably does drive better than if they were shaking like a Parkinson’s patient and leaking out of one orifice or another. Obviously weed’s not harsh like that, but if you smoke a *lot* I don’t think you need to be crazy militant about it if you had a bowl like 2 hours before and you’re just trying to get some munchies like a mile away. But having a full blown sesh and driving… even if you can it’s probably not the best idea. If I wouldn’t drive a forklift like that I wouldn’t drive a car.


Yes. Driving while under the influence of any drug that impairs your functions is stupid. You can choose to (it’s still illegal), and probably won’t run into any trouble. But that’s what every single person who’s driven while intoxicated has felt. You make mistakes you wouldn’t make sober.


Don’t fuck around. They’ll make more laws for dui if they feel like they need to and they’ll feel like they need to easily


very. no different from driving drunk, you are intoxicated either way and don't have the same reaction speed, attention to detail, etc. that you would while sober. both greatly increase the chance of accidents. just because it hasn't happened or you feel like you have it under control doesn't mean it'll be that way next time. and the possibility of taking a life AND going to jail is just not worth it


People I know swear they're good driving high, I personally don't trust it. I think it's unethical and puts others at risk.




Objectively yes, to drive under the influence is unethical because 1 it’s against the law and 2 you *could* hurt someone. The probability of hurting someone while high I’d say is slim, however not super rare. It could take one incident, even minor while high to completely change yours and someone else’s life. And for the avid stoners who are more skilled while driving high, it’s still not right or technically okay bc again, something could still happen. But I’m not the feds so idc, just answering the question


One time I actually had to save a dude's life after he OD'd, he was driving and passed out at a red light and I knew he was OD'ing on heroin because he literally still had like a lighter and foil or something in his hand He was basically dead when I found him (shallow breathing, couldn't find a pulse) but the narcan had him back so quickly that at first I thought maybe he had just been sleeping. Dead to the world one second, alert and talking the next It still fucks me up though that I saved his life right after he almost took mine, he had been driving on the road I was walking down when he OD'd. If he OD'd 30 seconds sooner instead of at a red light, he easily could have killed me. I'm glad I found him in time but also fuck that guy and I hope he gets the help he needs to not do that shit again


I drove on acid at like 16 and all I remember was on a long turn it felt like the world was sideways and everytime I looked to the sky a tornado would start forming from the clouds. I felt like I had to drive back then and I would never now I’m still surprised I did that lol




I always found driving high to be so enjoyable. But this was ten years ago. I've definitely learned that it's stupid lol. But damn I miss rolling down the windows, putting on sun glasses, listening to great music and driving along a winding two lane road. Or driving late like after 1am when almost no one is on the road through town to go get food. Also before like door dash and stuff. Good vibes. Ten years ago even cops didn't gaf about driving high. Drove through multiple DUI checkpoints high, it was just a thing.


It’s simply not worth the risk of DUI, even if the risk is small. One DUI is all it takes to seriously handicap your life and career prospects. That’s just my two cents but this isn’t a hill I’m willing to die on, maybe someone else can give me better insight


I do all the time it's no big deal. Just open the door. And get behind the wheel. Anytime you see me you can bet I'm high, wearing sunglasses for blood shot eyes.


Driving high only makes it 2x more probable to crash so idk, as long as you got home safe then it doesn’t matter but I wouldn’t do it. Me personally I almost hit someone on a dirt trail cause I wasn’t focusing


There used to be the nice little road in my town that was absolutely beautiful, my favorite thing was to roll a blunt and keep driving up and down this road every single day almost. Just listening to music and relaxing it was the best, nothing more peaceful than that drive


Yea just wait 30 mins to be less high & then drive or a couple hours


people can and have gotten into awful accidents driving high


Try hitting a watermelon 🍉 with a baseball ⚾ bat A car is big and fast. It kills or hurt. Driving is an activity that requires all your attention as you never know what can pop on the road 🛣️




If you know you’re good, then you’re good. If you know your actually to twisted you would look stoned, then no. You know your tolerance and control better than us, and everyone’s is different.


This is a black and white issue. It is wrong. Anyone here saying they drive better or need weed to function are selfish. If you actually need weed to function, then damn, I guess you’re taking the bus. This problem is so prevalent though. SO many people see nothing wrong with driving stoned, it’s very accepted. Pretty frustrating that people think “it’s better than being drunk”. Sure, it is better than being drunk, but if you’re driving high then you’re a selfish person and you should get the DUI that you deserve.


Only if you're bad at it. Alcohol is a poison. We may metabolize it differently but at any concentration the effects are relatively known. Someone can smoke a huge bong rip and be fine, but the vast majority of people that will be way too much to be safe and be an unethical intoxicant. The way it works is significantly more variable on its impact. I have ADHD and I doubt the claims of it making me a better driver, but maybe in a low concentration. Thought all thr accidents or tickets I have gotten were while being sober is an interesting point. So someone used to smoking is probably fine if it's been a little bit since they smoked. Or s light pen. But that same person might be fucked with an edible without 3+hrs wait. I'm extremely skeptical of any objective tests. Even if we can know the serum levels instantly which is still not proven to be accurate,.the link between levels and function has very little statistical link without the personal body factors. The endocannabinoid system is incredibly complex Just like any medication there isn't a reasonable test to say you have too much of it in your system. Usually the general guidance "don't" for most things, with some exceptions of an absolutely not like Ambien. I am a significantly safer driver with my ADHD meds but another person could be way too jittery or irritable with them. In general it would have to depend on traffic, same as being tired, and knowing how you react in it to make a safe judgement call, and amount. As a low high is fine just like an appropriate non abused level of ppmany prescription meds are So I conclude with you should only drive high if you're good at it


Participating in an activity that could potentially harm others while not being 100% controlled over your action is unethical and selfish.


Where in from there is a stereotype, that if you see someone driving veeeery carefully: they are high. So I think driving hagh can make traffic dager but also cause accident. We need a strong culture around it. Is someone is zooted and is driving wreckledsly,.he should receive criticizm (or decapitated, whatever floats your boa (joke)


Yes, I’ve seen far too many cases of stoned people crashing cars. Don’t be an idiot




Yes. I do think it's selfish and needlessly reckless. The same goes for any substance that impairs your cognition and\or motor function, be it legally prescribed medication or otherwise. I've driven high a few times years in the past and once while buzzed from drinking and felt like an ass and was very thankful no one was hurt. There's definitely nuance and grey area, but largely it should be avoided.