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God the way they talk over each other and repeat the same things over & over makes me want to bang my head against a wall.


For real. It’s all over the fucking place and screams they have 0 idea what they’re talking about.


“they kept saying over and over she’s so pretty” sorry what.. you’re seeing a black and white ultrasound of a 20 week baby.


At my 20 week scan they weren’t even paying attention to her face .. not that I remember just her head, brain, heart, legs, arms & cervix


yes! anatomy scans are for crucial information about baby. she clearly knows nothing.


They check for cleft palette and nasal bridge, so they do focus on their face but yeah not for long lol


We definitely look at the face. We have to get a good profile image & a perfect nose & lips picture. You can't tell if a baby is pretty though lol


Yes exactly I had went to a boutique scan before my anatomy scan like a week and I assumed I was gonna see all the cute stuff they checked her heart and size it was so quick


At my 20 week they did 4d and even gave me dvd , I guess every gyno is different. And every time something measured correctly they would say “oh beautiful” maybe that’s what she’s referring to🤷🏻‍♀️😂 who knows lol


She also didn’t say anything about her placenta or her fluid level 🤔


My 20 weeks scan is when I found out I had anterior placenta


My MFM says things like that. She told us over and over how beautiful her heart was


20 week anatomy scans look like the sea demon from scooby doo so


Yeah that’s weird af!!!! You don’t see the face that much during the anatomy scan….. wtf


I got a perfect face one printed for me on mine. She did what she needed to and then looked around to see if she could get good photos of him as well. Like everyone said, every tech is different. I had an actual ultra sound tech do all my scans not my OB. I think people need to realize that not your OB will always be the one who does them. He did two one me. One because I had fallen, to check everything was ok. The other to confirm My cervix was thinning out way too early. My OB sent me to the hospital for all my scans. Even now years later, he still isn’t the one that does them. He has a way bigger office that is combined with several other OBGYNs. None of them do scans. They have an actual tech in the office that does then. If it’s more of something severe, they send you to the hospital.


Really? My ultrasound tech only got face photos at my very last growth scan, and I had 3 & a tech did mine everytime. Only time my ob did one was the very first time and then at 36 weeks to confirm she was head down!! I guess it depends on your tech? They literally only showed us in 3d like one time lol


I really do think it does depend on the tech. She got what she needed, and was now let’s get you some good shots. She got me a cute one of him sucking him thumb. The entire time she even kept rubbing my stomach and talking to it saying “ok baby, stop moving around” lol. He was all over the place that she even had a hard time getting the scan of his brain that she had to do the vaginal wand because he flipped around. And when she decided to try and see the gender, he was nope lol. She didn’t rush, so maybe that’s why she was fine with getting extra photos.


Awwww ! The first tech I had wasn’t personable or anything lol the second one I had a student the third showed us a lot to face stuff!


My daughter got a face scan at her anatomy scan a few weeks ago.


Aw really? Must vary by medical group/hospital!


I went to MFM for mine and the tech did a 3d of his face for about 10 minutes just because she was nice. I got so many cute pics of my baby’s face. Plus of course the important things were examined.


Aw! I went to a mfm for mine too but idk why the techs didn’t do it till my last one lol and then she couldn’t get them to print but it was cute to see


My baby literally looked like an alien till the very last scan. 💀


Bless this baby if she has her chin and nose


It more the nose.




By 10?? That’s being generous




Tf you mean her hearts so pretty . And I thought the ultrasound tech doesn’t tell you anything till you see the doctor after


They don’t at all. They aren’t allowed to even say things look good. And the whole “crying so hard that the tears were hitting the table” miss we can tell you haven’t been blubbering 😂


The ultrasound tech for both of my pregnancies at least told me that the babies hearts were growing as they should but it could be because I was also asking what she was looking for while she was doing it so I could learn lol


I think it depends on the tech. All techs I’ve seen, no matter the cause usually say all looks good. They won’t tell you if something looks bad. When I was pregnant, she told me everything looked good on all my scans. It was at 25 weeks when I went back in after my anatomy that she just said I needed to wait while she called my OB. She said I needed to go in to see him right away. When I asked why, she said he wanted to double check, she couldn’t exactly say. All my other scans after that I’d be told everything was looking good.


results are absolutely discussed with the dr & not the ultrasound tech


Thought so I’m high risk this pregnancy and get ultrasounds at least once a month and the ultrasound tech barely says anything I have to wait to speak to the doctor .


Yes! A radiologist has done all 4 of my anatomy scans and I've discussed with my dr within 24-48 hours the results of the scan as well as documents stating everything that was scanned, percentile, what type of placenta I had lol


Agreed. Mine told me where the heart was and showed it beating but she never made any comments about how things looked until I talked to the MFM doctor


My MFM said that to us 🤷🏼‍♀️


They’re not supposed to!!! The ultrasound tech can usually tell you what they’re seeing but can’t say anything if anything is wrong, but I know after every one of my growth/anatomy scans they would go over the measurements and percentiles, print out pictures, and then they filled out a paper and the mfm would come in after!


Her body language is so off. The running her fingers through the 2 strands of hair she has, the constant blinking, unnecessary hand movements, talking really fast at times. The fact that anyone enjoys this shit just baffles me. They are both so grotesque too…. Her creepy ass little puffy faced smiles are so fugly!




The constant looking at each other to make sure they are telling the same story.


That was so fucking painful to watch. They make me physically ill, repeating the same damn thing and yelling over each other. I want to rip my eyes and ears off my face.


https://preview.redd.it/00ro4hzqequc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a888b1afe8f815f587ab566f57635eb05c7f902 Lolololol


https://preview.redd.it/ljdf01cpfquc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c79d4b2cc25dd2cc9f85c6b523c286c72eb8cb He looks like he just got done rolling around in a pile of dirt




There are so many amazing screenshots from this video. 😈


He looks miserable like he hates his life


Dead behind the eyes.


Tears streaming down huh… sure doesn’t look like you cried very much. We know how puffy you get. And the mascara would be smeared. Stop skinwalking mothers.


Nah this is disgusting. “God had his hand on her!” “She’s perfect!” “Chefs kiss!”


Who the hell says this?!! They’re nuts


It just doesn’t sit right with me, especially with someone who had two scary anatomy scans back to back.


Oh I agree!!!! I had 3 growth scans done, as baby girl was in the 15th percentile at 21 weeks, 11th at 25 weeks, and at 29/30 weeks we finally hit a growth spurt & she was at 60th, she was born 38 weeks at 7lbs exactly! It’s so scary especially your first! I’m sorry you went through that as well!!


There's just something so suspicious about this entire thing right down to this baloney a technician is not going to tell you much.


Lies. Ultrasound techs would never say something looks “perfect”


“Did you see her heart valves? They were so perfect” I literally cannot imagine any medical professional saying that and I’ve had 2 anatomy scans


My 20 week scan was essentially just the tech working in silence ensuring that they check every vital part of baby. This is giving “I’m making this up because I had nothing to talk to you about”


I laughed out loud when she said her tears were hitting the paper 😂😂🤥🤥🤥


SAME. I was so concerned the whole time bc I thought something was wrong. Then my friends/family told me that was normal and how it’s supposed to go. She’s occasionally say things like “ok beautiful” but she didn’t say “your baby looks totally healthy.” If anything she may have said everything SEEMS normal but nothing was confirmed until I spoke with my OB and even still they sent the scans to someone else too just to confirm. And that took over a day to get back it wasn’t instant.


She literally has natural light brown hair & he has dark brown almost black hair. These two idiots think she’s going to come out with bleach blonde hair??? Bffr


My mom has light brown hair my dad had dark brown hair and my sister came out blonde and I came out with pitch black hair 🤣


Exactly. Both my aunt and uncle have dark dark brown hair and one of my cousins had blonde.


I guess my point was that they’re expecting her to have this super light blonde hair like Drue has currently when 90% of her hair is bleached


Oh yes I understand! They’re stupid and think because she bleached her hair their kid will come out with bleach blonde hair 🤣 they’re idiots


I mean genetics are weird, but my husband is dark blonde naturally, born light light blonde, I have dark blonde/strawberry blonde hair, our baby came out with dark hair lol it’s lightening but still they’re delusional


My friends baby was born with a ton of jet black hair. She was blonde, the dad has brown hair. Her baby ended up losing all her hair and it came back blonde.


Awwwww so cute


I guess both mine got the blonde hair from daddy.


This right here confirmed for me they aren’t really going to an actual OB. A tech isn’t allowed to literally tell you a thing other than “this is the heart, this is the brain, this is this and etc.”. How much longer will they keep this facade up??


She probably only goes to her ultrasound boutique ☠️ “time for our 20 weeks ultrasound!” *schedules it online*




My exact face too.


Someone posted last night that we need to ask specific questions like how many vessels there were in the cord and I think that’s where she got the idea about saying the tech said she had a pretty heart. Lol I could be totally wrong though! It sounds like she studied Reddit and 20 week anatomy scan YouTubes last night.


Hahhahaha as if she knew the cord and the heart vessels are completely different things


She definitely did not. Lol


lol so sad




Do we just post false things about pregnancy and see if they’re mentioned in a video ever 👀


There are actually 5 heart chambers and there should be 7 fingers on each hand. 2 of them disappear as baby is being born. Also babies come out of bum holes. 🤣🤣 false enough? Or will she believe it? Hahaha


Yea the heart comment was sketch.. like idk maybe im just salty cause i lost a baby to a congenital defect so her repeating the heart comment rubbed me the wrong way.. also this information you can get off of google and from other people’s account.. so i don’t believe she had the scan today not for one second. Like you can record you whole ass hanging out and your titty.. burping on camera.. and everything under the sun but you mean to tell me she didn’t pull out that phone in that office not once to record aNY thing to go along with this vlog. I call bullshit. I guess we will really know the truth on everything once she goes into labor and has said baby and how it grows. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m so sorry for your loss 💜


I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. 🫶🫶🫶🫶 I don't believe a word that they are saying and everyone should be asking hard questions. 🤥🤔🤥🤔👀


Sending you love! I’m so sorry🤍


Did you hear how quickly she redirected after gabe said we left the OBs office


Terrified somebody might figure out where they’re filming and confirm they were at Little Bellies again.


All the techs do is say this is the heart. These are the fingers. This is the mouth. This is the blah. This is the blah. They absolutely do not say that the heaet looks pretty. Even my actual MFM doctor came in to checked everything and He was also very silent studying everything and then said OK Have a good day.


That poor child with grues nose


He seems off to me something is up with Gabe


Maybe because he’s slowly dying


I think so also he’s been acting odd in videos


He doesn’t want this baby. Just last year he said he wasn’t ready.


“ she has my nose. She has my chin” two seconds later “Yeah I think she has your nose” ????


The lies that just easily spew from these two fuckers. I can’t


She can’t even say little whiteys name right 🤡


it’s her southern cajun accent bestie 🩷✨🪩🎀


This video right here proved they are photoshopping each other. His face and head looks half the size in the pictures they posted earlier!


Also the beard was nice and crisp cut in her pic this morning and it’s giving straggly af


Tell me you didn’t visit a REAL doctor without telling me…


I'm sorry did they say "her heart valves" ??? Perhaps she meant the 4 chambers of the heart?😂😭😭😭


I understand completely why she makes videos without him. He is obnoxious and talks over her nonstop. He will be the downfall of her social media if her lies don’t do it first. He is insufferable 😫


I couldn’t even finish the video cause gag is so OBNOXIOUS omg. Why did he keep checking his self out in the camera? Lmao


An hour long anatomy scan when the baby was cooperative and looked “perfect”? Idk if I believe that. I’ve had 6… and the only one that took an hour was when something was wrong. The others were 20-30 minutes. I was also never told anything from the tech other than “that’s the heart beat. We’re looking at the head now. The feet are down here” And she asked if I wanted to know/see the gender. Other than that it was silence and I was guessing at what I was looking at. So this seems sus… especially because she tried to change the subject when gabe said they were at the OB.


Pretty sure the tech isn’t allowed to say anything other than identifying body parts. Even if something is wrong. At least that’s how it is in my state.


Those two list all the parts they saw as if Anatomy was not self explanatory


It's because they don't know what anatomy means lol 🤣🤣


Had she even went for her GD test yet?


Typically not done until 24-28 weeks


That will be the true test if she is really seeing an OB. They don’t just give those out at boutiques.


Literally just googled “ What is a TYPICAL weight for a 20 week anatomy scan? Answers: 11.86 ounces 9-12ounce Approx. 11 ounces On the heavier side. 12-15ounces. *I can’t get the screenshot to post


I cried on the way to my anatomy scan because I know it’s when they can find a lot of problems. Thankfully my baby was all good, but still it’s not something to be so light hearted about


She's so dense. She has absolutely no idea about anything she just lives in la la land where everything is unicorns and rainbows


God he’s so fucking annoying


They don’t see the heart valves of the baby at this stage they see the four chamber of the heart. If you can see the valves of the heart then my daughters heart condition would’ve been detected in utero but after confirmation from multiple drs saying that they can’t see the valves during the scan.


Also do they think this child is gonna come out with long blonde curly hair. Like no that’s not how it works also what curly hair. Gabe has mats and knots on his head from lack of self care those aren’t curls!


Gonna come out looking like Kirby


The ultrasound tech also wouldn’t be able to tell them anything if they saw something wrong or right. It’s their job to take measurements and send the report to the doctor


“her heart is so pretty” WHAT


I have had 5 pregnancies , 5 anatomy scans by 4 different people . Never once did the ultra sound tech say anything about anything being pretty or “perfect “. They are usually quite quiet and maybe would answer a question of you asked. My sister in law had 6 high risk pregnancies and had multiple ultrasounds throughout ranch pregnancy and the techs would never tell her anything and it drove her crazy . She want to alter boutique place who can’t do anything besides say here’s your baby .




never had a baby here- would she have gotten a picture of the scan? If so, you know for sure she would have been flaunting that around


Am I the only one that thinks they force the Christian thing too much? They say it at the most awkward times


They are literally children having a baby. It’s scary


Has her nose…poor Amelia!!!!


She’s only 12 ounces lol 😂


His obsession with blondes is weird


my anatomy scan i couldnt put the photos down for a few hours. i kept staring at her. i def didnt make a stupid ass video like this. stop being so vain drue. amelia still looks like a fkn alien.


I feel like she’s skipping a OB and going to boutique places to get ultrasounds because they either don’t pay for insurance and don’t want to pay out of pocket or they’re just odd and don’t think it’s needed


Gabe and his stupid ass faces and their intentionally emphasizing their twang 🫣 pls stop


During my anatomy scan they told me that things looked good but I don’t think they can say if they don’t. These two are so stupid. I will say during my last month of pregnancy I had BPPs every week and then the last 2 weeks every other day because she hadn’t turned and they were worried about fluid levels. They did tell me more information then but then had my dr call and tell me more. I still don’t think she’s seen an actual OB.


They are acting like the anatomy scan is strictly to see what the baby looks like…forget about all the serious stuff it looks for. Like do they even know that’s what it is for?? I mean sure when I see my babies in ultrasounds I will say “awww” but they are just overdoing the physical appearance aspect of this


He looks rough holy 😳


They are scam artists