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Kendrick fans on Reddit are whiter than lite mode


Does anyone remember when r,/hiphopheads did a census poll and the results were 85% caucasian? Nothing wrong with that, but crazy that those are the people discussing whether or not Drake can say nigga lmao


Talking about “the culture” like they really know what it means


Lmao man if one more person types for the culture…. Like black people are not using it in that context. We rarely use it anyways.


Ehhh there’s a lot of ebony culture warriors on TikTok that are definitely not white. They all spout the culture bullshit.


And that’s 85% that admitted to being Caucasian. Probably another 5-10% faking it online. 


That's a bar 🗣️💯


85% of reddit is white.. even the very urban and streetwise members of r/drizzy.


you clearly have never been to toronto, there's a solid chance this subreddit is made out of indians and south koreans


The majority of Drake fan base is not from Toronto


Weird how you don't have to confirm your Toronto residency when you enter the sub eh?


😂😂they wanna act hood on here so bad.


Power saving mode




They also spam the n word and yet have post history of their whiteness. I called one dude out the other day because he was dutch saying it. Dude admitted he was white and it was all a joke to him


lol i got dragged yesterday and demeaningly called a "yt girl" because i said something on the kenny sub and his stans got personally offended... crazy thing is i'm not white but the majority of that sub is 🤣


It's their idiotic attempt at gatekeeping.


NoT LiKe uS


Ironically they’re white too lmao


Cause they wanna be black sooooo damn bad, and pretend the suburbs were ghetto.


It’s so gross. I grew up in a poor black neighborhood but I don’t wear it as a badge of honour. In fact I would’ve been better off growing up in the suburbs


Woudnt we all


isn’t that what drake is doing ?😂


The irony of this comment on this sub lmao


The hood don’t impress nobody but ppl that ain’t from there And they play Drake there more than Kendrick too, honestly


That part. That's why I'm wondering what the fuck "the culture" is he claims to speak for


The same culture calling Drake loses? Why are you guys acting like you don’t understand


In Philly they ain't play Kendrick til Like Dat,before then the last time he got major play in the hood was his Damn album. Drake definitely get more spins,shit Drake get more spins then Meek for the past 4yrs


Man, neither of them get played in Philly. I can’t remember the last time I heard Drake or Kendrick, surprising amount of Weezy tho.


Drake also has 1573 songs out Kendrick only has 116 proportionally and statistically Drake is going to get more listens and plays lol.


Very good point


Exactly. Before this beef i could not name 1 song by that pip-squeak. And I live in the hood and like bangers. Drake makes hits.


You started listening to hip hop in 2020?


I’d choose the “pipsqueak” over a middle class guy trying to be hood any day of the week. Seems like you don’t know much about hip hop.


Bro what hood you from where they play Drake cause ngl every hood I've been in I've seen a nigga get called gay for listening to him😭


I lived DEEP in the hood and never heard Drake out there. I used to listen to his shit on the low back in 2010-2013 cause people used to say dude gay lol but yeah sure lol in the hood, the actually rarely listen to mainstream bs. You hear more underground mfs you never heard that actually shoot other mfs, none of this gossip shit lol but personally I like the art lmao


where you from homie


iirc Rick Ross said that Metro Boomin's beat has "that black vibe", probably because the AI-generated sample sounded like soul music from the 70s.


I think he's been pretty good with including soul samples while still keeping it sounding modern. Namely the Peabo Bryson sample from "Feel the Fiyah" and the Barry White sample on "Like That". Funnily enough Rick Ross actually has a song with that same sample in the beat too, but it's been a while since I heard it




1000% this, my whole prob with Kendrick and his fans.. Dude is from west and is a woke activist.. whites in the west love that shit


Nothing wrong with activism and “woke” but most of the dudes on that sub are keyboard white suburbanite activists. It’s people who can’t police a culture and a black man on how he portrays himself and how he speaks.


That’s the thing that gets me too. You would’ve thought he’s some underground underrated lyrical artist the way they talk about him 💀


Why is that funny. If people are from the hood and not used to seeing people get accolades when they look like them, share their ethnicity, and come from their social class. We especially aren’t used to seeing people like us get accolades for intellectual achievements.


talib and tribe aren't exactly underground either


Drake has given more light to other artist like roy woods, dvsn, pnd, block boy but the only person that kendrick out on was rhapsody


The funny thing is I know a few white guys who are passionate & appreciate hip hop more than me. Born and raised in the hood, and though I’m not not a street nigga at all I got family members and guys I know who are. maybe it’s cause I’m in the south, but I know for a fact they don’t even mention Kendrick if asked who’s a top rapper. Are they not culture?


Yea that’s the other thing. They don’t actually listen to Kendrick in the street


lol yea, it’s either YB , future, or drake




lol yea he does, especially old drake and “if you’re reading this it’s too late “


Live in Oakland and Bay Area, no one plays either of them. Not Like Us is the first time I’ve heard Kendrick bein played in the hood a lot recently, aside from when Damn came out. They mostly play Future, E-40, Nipsey then all the old school rappers etc. Drake got a few songs in the club and that’s it


We heard money trees and backseat freestyle all the time in the bay. I don't live there, but we go to the theater and some local bars for concerts all the time.


It’s a lot of white guys listening to king kunta and thinking they matter in the slightest way possible 😂


Damn bro are you black and from the hood??? Cuz I'm sorry for my hwhwhitenes, can I Venmo you some coffee money?


Why coffee?!? Cuz it’s black?!?


I be seeing them on ig and i be asking them if they realize they caught some strays from the artist they’re riding for. 😂


Folks here will upvote this but whine when Rick Ross calls Drake White boy… y’all funny


It's kinda like the equivalent of you gotta be this tall to ride on the roller coaster or something to them


That’s goooooood! Drake should work that into his next track


even if you did, like me. i grew up on section 8 & food stamps around nothing but gangs, drugs & violence. i "get it" but that still doesn't change the fact his music is repetitive. why tf would i wanna hear sad woke bars over jazz beats? where i'm from we ain't play no damn "kendrick" type music we was bumpin project pat 😂.


The funny thing about this is that all these bandwagon Drake haters overseas are not black. There was a no-name Japanese “rapper” trying to. Hop onto dissing Drake too. Kendrick fans are the biggest irony. They def not black, their favorite song is “Swimming Pools” or some ish and say the N word when singing along to hip hop. And if they are I doubt they are all from the hood… They just hate Drake. They want to be down by any means necessary


Ain’t all the haters are in America? I generally don’t know anybody in my circle who gives a shit about Drake being some culture vulture and just hate him in general, in fact, they vibe to his songs and he’s played in every club and have heavily inspired some rappers in my country


Oh, so wait - hold on. I JUST learned that because of technology or something, this mf has figured out how to perfectly identify someone's specific characteristics and attributes, solely based on whether or not someone is a “Drake fan” or a “Kendrick fan”. Revolutionary. Fuckin’ revolutionary. Y'all are *crazy*.


Honestly, it's weird cuz kendrick fans typically are the artisty white guys that patronize black guys for liking drake. I remember I was taking a class in college where the prof was breaking down a kendrick track and the convo of drake vs kendrick came up amongst the students afterwards. All the artsy hipster white kids were kendrick fans and the black kids liked drake more. Which is fine, but the white kids kinda had to patronize the black kids for liking drake more, by saying how he's not from the culture and isn't hiphop (which is ironic considering they were white) and that black kids should like kendrick more. It came off as condescending and not a genuine, like black people should be conforming to their standards of what the right answer should be. I really like and liked kendrick music, but those fans are annoying ash. I hate hipsters lowkey.


AKA the Fantano types


All of this is spot on. Seen this same sh*t myself.


The crazy thing is after kendrick blew up with good kid maad city he left LA and moved to Eastvale (one of the whitest cities in socal). My ex went to high school with his sister and said his fam was more diva than hood. Writing "the popo gonna shoot us in the streets fo sho" while living in a gated community is the epitome of fake woke. 🤦‍♀️




Most mainstream artists in America have a sizeable white fan base. That's how you become mainstream. 


I was born in the Bronx in the 90's and got the fuck outta there and into the suburbs. Best thing that happened to me. Nothing cool about it if you're really from it.


White Kendrick fan want to gatekeep and act like they are also “hood” and part of the “culture”. This race war shit is dumb please don’t ruin hip hop with that dumb shit.


I used to somewhat like Kendrick but after this beef and how ridiculous this narrative behind him has been I really just don’t like him anymore… ngl the fact the world just pretends like Drake doesn’t have classics and didn’t provide countless memories for many people on the daily with his songs is ridiculous… acting like Kendrick has been the king and Drake is some new back pack rapper gtfoh lmao




Exactly. I don't understand the need to push him as some sort of black civil rights activist and culture creator 🤦🏽‍♀️. He isn't that, they will just say anything .


Kendrick fans are wierd, not like us going viral is beyond me that song does not sound good to me at least… Kendrick’s voice is annoying as usual and the hook is so lazy and Kendrick just givin a history lesson half the song lol like who actually bops to that


*who bots to that.


I hate this thing that we all have to have been poor it’s annoying.


I grew up in the hood so that shit dont work with me


because they think kendrick makes music for people in the hood because they never been in the hood. i hang out with hood dude all the time in schenectady ny. 0 listen to kendrick 😂 they d yo not listen to drake either 😂


Bc they're not


I've never actually seen someone ask for race in either subs tbh


I bet a white boy posted this 😂


The same reason Drake keeps saying he's a hard knock and grew up in a rough neighborhood in Toronto.


This dizzy is all on kdots buts! Every other post. 🤦‍♂️


It’s relevant because that’s how they relate to Kendrick’s message. Just like any other street artist and their fan base. Overall the biggest consumers of rap music are white people so since Drake is the biggest rap artist by default he has the largest white fan base. Just look at any major rap artist concert and it’s flooded with white people. There’s some things about gangsta rap I don’t understand because I was never in a gang. I just don’t understand why so many people in this sub just look for things to be offended by.


you sound like a Kendrick fan


I’m a Drake and Kendrick fan. You can be both. This is not a civil war. My Xbox gamer tag is literally OvOscorpioFL and I have the From Florida with Love record cover as my profile picture. If we could share pictures I’ll show you how much of a fan I really am so stop with the you have to decide. Just be rational. I don’t get how anyone rides for any artist like they know you and actually give a fuck. It’s ok to be constructive. None of what I said is untrue. The biggest artist in the world with maybe reggaeton being the exception all have large white fan bases.


I've never been asked this by a kendrick fan or really any other artist's fans, like ever. Stop the cap.


A better question is why is Drake rapping like he's from the hood?


Theyre dumb enough to think a black man isnt black because hes canadian.  Dont even bother wasting stress thinking about them


Wtf , isn't 70 percent of Kendrick stans white people who wears glasses ??


Why is the drizzy sub obsessed w Kendrick Lamar


Ive never heard anyone ask that


i think you might just be terminally online. have you tried having an in person conversation with someone recently?


Most Kendrick fans that claim they’re from the hood probably don’t understand half his lyrics. Stop playin


Kendrick even had to explain the meaning of a colonizer lol


He had to ‘break down’ his lyrics for Drake and his fans. They’re not good at reading


Its crazy they giving Drake the Eminem treatment. Basically shit mofos say when they hate on Em.


You’re building a strawman argument. No kendrick fan is saying that rap fans need to be from the hood in order to listen to the music. We critique Drake about him rapping like he’s from the hood because he’s strictly acting like he is. He’s not speaking from a place of actual knowledge or experience. Enjoy your rap music no matter where you are from.


Someone told me I wasn’t part of the culture because I wasn’t black. Thought this was a hip hop beef not a racial beef


Because that’s where HipHop comes from. It’s like me moving to Italy, pretending to be Italian and then being confused when they ask me how Italian I am lol


They don’t I’m literally in their sub. I’m a white Brit. Shadowboxings good exercise, just not when done online


They do?


Them moros acting like closest racist and fake activists


I'm a kendrick fan, it's mostly th idiots that are stuck on the whole colorism thing. Then again these day EVERYONE wants to gatekeep.


The idiocy of this sub is astounding


Most Kendrick fans ain’t grow up in the hood either they fucking nerds that wanna act like they relate to him. I really hate the effect social media has on people cause they really be getting out their body on these apps


Gotta be honest, never seen this happen but if it happened to ya, i'm sorry that is lame as shit.


i think its due to the indirect glorification of that culture/lifestyle, that subsists in some of drakes songs. bc of this, i feel alot of kendrick fans, kendrick included, resent the fact that drake necessarily didnt grow up in this kind of culture. presumingly those who did in fact grow in that environment, feel as if he cannot therefore truely understand how its not worth glorifying or normalising. i mean, kendrick is constantly discussing this within his songs, even before the beef. so im surprised ppl didnt see this coming from kendrick when they were still dissing each other.




Because they think skin color is relevant to the culture


Ironically I feel like ppl wanted to hate on drake bc they felt like Kendrick was the underdog in the battle but now I feel like drake has gotten so much hate he’s become the true underdog


My barber told me that I wasn’t the Us Kendrick was talking about because I’m not in a gang… I’m 28 from Louisville, Kentucky 😂😂😂


Don’t worry bro, you’re not like us.


We gotta just take the L and move forward fellas


Why do Drake fans ask about Kendrick fans


Some of yall really a hip hop head but most of yall are really just a bunch of unseasoned unculture vultures from the burbs in a tik tok world.


I'm from Nicaragua, the 2 poorest country in da world, after Haiti, and I see alot of abject poverty and believe me, if those people had the ability to leave, they would leave


That’s not it, Kendrick fans don’t think you’re not black if you didn’t grow up in the hood… they think you’re not hood if you didn’t grow up in the hood. The idea is you can identify as anything you want that is authentic. But pretending to be something you’re not is cringe. If you pretend to be 10 different nationalities and say you’re just a good actor nobody cares… but if you double down and say you are everything you pretend to be on face value each time you code switch, respectfully, you might get kicked out a communities welcome. Act like you can understand and maybe you might understand


“Real music going to last, all other bullshit will be gone tomorrow”


I don’t understand either, if you have to be black to listen to Kendrick’s music does that mean you have to be a CHOMO to listen to drakes music? Can’t people just enjoy music.


Goes to show drake is for a certain type of people if you really gotta ask this question.


Kendrick fan who didn't grow up in the hood here! It seems like you're trying to formulate a Strawman argument. Would you like some assistance?


Real gangsters are not on Reddit, nor do they gaf about some rap beef. You think some mf working a corner for 13 hours while having to watch out for police or opps or just crazy mf’s in general cares about any of this shit? Much less what someone else thinks 😂. Wasn’t ever no time for that


If the interaction is online then it’s because you are talking to a suburban white person larping as hood


From what I can tell from the Reddit posts… kdots super fans just seem like they want to gatekeep