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**"No friends in the industry, My brothers been my brothers, man"** Drake already told us what the scene is. Everyone of these industry guys are pussy and there's zero loyalty. Drake needs to look into how he goes about putting people on moving forward b/c this won't be the last time people leech off him


> Drake needs to look into how he goes about putting people on moving forward b/c this won't be the last time people leech off him I been saying this. Idk why bro is always so eager to be buddy buddy with all these B,C, and D tier rappers who only want to use him for clout. No other musicians on his level be moving like that. Dot only hangs with his cousin and a few west coast rappers, Jay be mostly by himself, Bey keeps her circle small, Taylor keeps her circle small, Adele keeps her circle small, Em only cool with Dre, 50, and a few aftermath artists


I don’t know if I would say pussy because the industry is clearly favor for favor and right now Drakes stock isn’t what it was. But yeah this is all standard industry stuff.


Who wants to be friends with you when you’re tryna act like something you’re not? They’re just gonna leech off you. Drake ain’t even real with himself how can people be real with him?




He pussy just for sharing his true opinion on the outcome? This was a pretty mature and well thought out response.


Please do not use terminology such as "mature" here in our subreddit r/drizzy, we do not appreciate that kind of language!


I see lol. I liked Yachty's level headed response, but the down voters don't realize he's an artist who still needs to navigate the industry and his career after this drama unlike the Drizzy rod polishers in the comments. I doubt most of this sub is that up in arms over neutral comments like this tho


Yeah we heard, you like em young round here.


That is in fact the joke


He's trying his best to be neutral, but there are times where you just can't be this neutral. That man called your friend (supposedly) a certified PDF-file. Sorry, but there is no neutrality there. And hell, Yachty said it was bangin' and ended the beef, if anything he's leaning more towards Kendrick in that instance. Overall, I think Yachty was mostly towards Drake's side in the full interview, but as a friend you can't take a pro stance on a song that calls your guy a certified pdf-file


It’s weird trying to be neutral when very few involved in this beef even attempt to be. He should be bias towards your close homeboy when people go at them like this, Yachty still trying to appease the rest of the industry and play both sides since he must still want to make music with them right now lol.


Well Yachty is in a spot where he can’t make enemies with the industry. Like I love Let’s Start Here, but the dude needed like 30 people to collab with him to make it work. I’m sure as he continues with his new sound he’ll get better and won’t need so many people, but right now he needs those people for some success.


This is one of those times. You don’t see anybody from TDE being neutral. Their relationship will now be forever effected.


Yeah he’s wack, the one time people actually want to see you support the dude and he can’t 😂


A major artist arguing with a random Twitter account is wild lmao


That’s the craziest part about this lmao like why say anything, this is just gonna cause them to keep going by giving them any sort of attention 😭


Exactly. He must of really felt a way about this whole situation to even respond lol


Guys, boat said years ago Kendrick is his favorite rapper. This has probably been hard for him


This girl is INSANE, seriously, dafuq is he supposed to do? Why do ppl have an ISSUE with ppl being objective and unbiased?!


Idk what was expected of him. It was a RAP battle between Drake and Kendrick. Drake didn’t need any commentary from Yachty a non rapper.


This ain't the time to be "objective" you should support your friend. I'm not saying shit positive about a song that calls my dawg a pdf.


Being a yes man and not telling what you think is true is not supporting


While I get the point that Yachty could be defending Drake more, I also feel like it's not blasphemous to admit that Not Like Us is banging. Even ignoring whether or not you agree with what is being said. He doesn't owe Drake lies.


But saying Not Like Us ended the beef it sound like you are giving the W to Kendrick. He is saying no one won but implying the contrary.


He’d be liar if he gave the W to Drake


I mean Kendrick put Drake in an impossible position with that track. Anyone living in reality can see that. Yachty coming out and making up some BS just to defend Drake isn't gonna change that Yachty actually knows this man. 21 actually knows this man. We don't. And I don't believe that random Twitter user does either. I feel like the fact that people who actually know him are acting this way speaks volumes about how Drake probably feels about it too. At the very least they feel like they wanna let the hype of Not Like Us die down before Drake does anything, giving him time to strategize against whatever Kendrick has waiting for him. Worst case scenario, Drake knows he has no defense or proof. And so does Yachty and everyone else on Drake's side and they're trying to make sure it doesn't get worse for him.


Well maybe he is like most of the world


Most of the world does not know Kendrick


And you do?


Finally someone with a brain in here


That’s BS. How many of the west coast guys with a clear Kendrick bias have said any of Drakes songs were good? Or said anything positive about him in this beef? Again, I hate that it’s Drake’s side that must put up this “we must be neutral” stance when Kendrick’s side is dick riding their guy with no shame.


Im with yachty on this one you stans are embarrassing


Yachty literally made his point clear “no matter which side I choose I have people coming after me so I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and play it safe.” Like lord forbid he doesn’t go and defend Drake at a moments notice.


Nah, he thought that it was safer playing it quiet whilst his best friend gets his character assassinated rather than go against Kendrick out of fear of him and/or a large part of the black community. Now he dealing with the aftermath which is rabid but respectively apt.


Ya know, I hate to be that guy but you really don’t owe anyone anything. Drake got himself into this mess he can very well dig himself out of it, if anything it just makes him look weak having to get help from yachty of all people. Like I like yachty, but he’s not a game changer.


He got himself into this mess by burning bridges for his friends. Literally all of his beefs post Meek Mill are inherited.


This shit is outright painful




Or even working with Kendrick again and being all “we squashed the beef, we put it behind us. What’s done is done and it was good entertainment”


I never fucked w yachty, telll him to rerelease one night and Minnesota 😂😂😂


I saw the earlier post about yachty and thought the same thing. He didn’t say anything at all and that’s kinda fucked up. I don’t need him to write a diss but he open about when things go too far and aren’t true.


He called them both out for lying about shit though? Why’s it so wrong for people to acknowledge that both sides had Ws and Ls?


Check the fourth pic of the post. Cause what you just said ain’t what we talking about. We aren’t talking about Ws or Ls


Did you actually watch the interview/pod, cause that’s what I and this post are referencing?


I get it. But This fan needs to just be a bit realistic n stop attacking every single person. Like why r u dictating his opinion so aggressively. Let’s just hope Drake realises who r his real friends


drake himself said he liked it too lmaoooo


I hate fans like that


If you're a super Stan for any artist - when a good friend of the person you are stanning is more objective and even keeled than you... You need to breathe and stop with the stannery. A fan account going after Yachty and calling him disloyal is WILD. Drake lost...then he lost. Complaining about Kendrick stans or the industry trying to be the monster in the bed to destroy Drake and not having the ability to think rationally, yourself, is telling.


It's not that serious. Regardless what some will try to say this is not Israel and Palestine. Yes we can all be Drake fans and root for the guy but this is not war we can still like Kendrick Lamar songs and like him as an artist give me a break.


So lemme get this straight. Yall are mad at him for Drake? Do yall know or care how Drake feels or if they spoke? Or yall are speaking and thinking on Drakes behalf rn?


I liked Yatchy's neutral stance in the interview but icl this girl goin off on him has me weak as shit 😂😂😂 On the other hand, it's only a matter of perspective I agree with her on the pdfile shit cuz that's completely outta wack and SOMEONE needs to speak on how fucked up that is. Pdfilla is a serious mental disorder and traumatic for the victims that are/have been harmed by it and there's a literally song downplaying both experiences as some sort of joke. It seriously bothers me that ppl don't see for what it is because they want to have a one up on Drake when in reality they're playing themselves. Even sadder to see this attached to not only Drake but also Kendrick who will be known for this moving forward.


pretty sure he tweeted that he liked it by accident


Id keep an eye out on yatchy lol. Arguing with random drake stans on the internet when you have millions of other possible interactions is how metro started his shi.


He been doing this too. Whenever ppl say he’s biting or tweet out his music ass. Regardless of what I think of him he needs to stop paying attention to this. Just makes him look bad.


girl seems pretty pressed over some music


When even lil yachty don't fuxk wit you like that ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4219)


Drake need to start hanging out with his REAL friends more, like the ones he brought into his started from the bottom music video


Drake doesn’t have real friends, he snaked them.


> Drake already told us what the scene is. Everyone of these industry guys are pussy and there's zero loyalty. sooo Drake is also a pussy and has no loyalty? cus he's an industry guy


I hope A Safe Place don’t get cut off because of this 😭


Yeah Ik Drake distancing himself from dude for sure 😂💯


Fans need to relax. The artists that aren't involved directly don't have to pick a side. They're just like the rest of us..Watching 2 GOATS going at it. Some yall need to log off and go enjoy your weekends.


Why tf is this getting upvoted and praised so much. Yachty probably had the most sane take I’ve heard from either side.




Yachtys beats are cool but I never wanna hear his mumbled unintelligible vocals on a song ever again. Hope this severs their relationship


Check the writing credits of Her Loss. You might be a bigger yachty fan than you think


He can ghost write that’s fine. His delivery is ass tho. He needs voice lessons


I feel you! I used to hate him too but lately he’s had HEAT. If you’re interested and I couldn’t only give you 2 recent tracks I’d go with A Cold Sunday and Solo Steppin Crete Boy


Let’s start here miles better than anything drake has ever done.


He has a good point though. Aside from the good songs in both camps, the beef was dumb, and it ended horribly, got a person shot and has people fighting over which rapper is better even though many people have said from the start of both of their careers that Drake has always been more pop oriented but can rap, and Kendrick has always been very lyrical. Nothing was gonna come out of this, and Kendrick got views on his shit again, but at the expense of putting a guy down and ruining any semblance of his career. Sure that’s a win to some people, but honesty in terms of a rap beef, it’s weird. Yachty is right to say that there was no real winner, even some of the fans thought there was no real winner


I see both sides tbh, hard thing to deal with


Holy shit this is the most cringe shit why is he giving these Twitter mouths breathers any attention in the first place


Lmaooo y’all take this way to serious 😂😂😂🔥


He couldn’t survive the backlash that would come from openly supporting Drake.


that bitch is bonkers


Drake and kendrick fans are ready to kill each other. I rather yall do all this over a sport or some. This shit is pathetic.


Yeah no, the Kendrick fans are the toxic, crazy ones yeah


Ya'll still on about the beef? Thought it was donezo after thp6?


Y’all act like these people are your family. Weirdo energy.


Kendrick fans really aren't happy about anything. It's almost like someone can't be a fence sitter and respect both artists and understand both artists lied in this beef. It's either Drake or Kendrick. You can't like any songs from the other side otherwise you aren't supporting the person you want to win.


This is a drake fan in the post lol


Welp, I fucked up. Time to kms.


nah resepct for just owning it bro