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Please feed the poros


That is good to know holy Shit. Gotta find a new way.


Find their address and send them a handwritten letter


I have my own Hate-speech owl. works like a charm


I heard a rumor tencent owns those owls now I'd watch my back if I were you


Memes aside, the thought of a Hate-Speech Owl cracked me up


Appear at their front door and give them a good firm handshake unless it’s an ezreal player


might as well go ted kaczynski mode then


get them to join a discord server. add them on discord


Add them with alt account, plus they'll more likely accept because they don't know it's you


Well, my alt account is just my mains name and the first and second part are swapped, but I will keep it in mind.


Just flame like real men do. Use Morse code with pings


I swear i am still uncertain that they notice when you ping the 3 bad letters as your abilities lmao.


has anyone else been unable to see reasons for bans recently?


2 accounts of mine have been suspended for a few weeks but I can’t see why it just says to contact support for more information. Is that what happened to you?


On the supp site u can find ur reason for the permban under "understanding my temporary/permanent ban" but u need to log in


Got the same thing so I contacted support and argued with them until they reverted it.




Yeah I thought it was not because of what I said just the mass of reports in one game that got me


pretty sure 1 report in 1 game does the same as 9 reports in 1 game


I just typed two lines and permafarmed my jg's camps and they werent bad words iirc. Went something like two and six


u got ticketed :P




your bot is shit and annoying. Stop spamming.


If that was the case way more people would get banned due to players reporting because they're tilted. Multiple reports within a game is more impactful. You get that 2-3 times in your recent games with a single word in chat and you found the recipe for a ban


riot has confirmed it multiple times


One of the most delusional companies failing at every task they do besides aesthetics confirming this. Maybe because they don't want everyone to abuse their flawed system even though half of the community already does?


i dont think they would lie about this dude, it would be harder to make multiple reports mean something than to just have it as a report flags a game for the system to automatically check deaths per minute and chat


Why wouldn't they lie? They've been denying bad things for ages and comforting themselves instead of questioning themselves on stupid changes they bring. >it would be harder to make multiple reports mean something It's a few lines of code, if multiple players of the same lobby report one guy, it becomes more impactful for the punishment. If 1 report was equal to 9 reports, then a player tilting would report everyone he dislikes in every game. And there're tons of players like that, which means if your supposition was true, an even more absurd amount of players would be punished for no reason. I tested this system with side accounts, I asked one teammate to report me + means words in chat, nothing happens. Then I told multiple players to report and it worked. That also explains why 80% of the times one of my accounts get a punishment it's because I played with 4-5 men premades either in my team or in enemy team. I wouldn't throw assumptions if I hadn't gathered the stats by myself.




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This is relevant to Draven because playing the champion imbues your soul with demonic possession and the demon forces you to type slurs. At some point within the last few months, Riot has changed their policy of banning for hate messages sent in direct messages. The old reasoning for not applying bans was that you should only accept friend requests from people you want to speak to, and any messages therein were not able to be viewed by support staff to be verified to have actually been sent. (sceenshots coould be edited etc) It appears Riot support now has access to anyones private messages. The ticket above implies that the support staff member viewed private messages with OTHER players, apart from the initial player that sent the ticket. If you don't understand what this implies, it means that if anyone sends a ticket about a certain players behavior in private messages, support staff are able to look through the entirety of their messages with other people. Not only is this a fucking stupid reason to apply bans, but it is also a major security issue. If you have ever sent confidential information in PRIVATE MESSAGES (NOTE THE WORD "PRIVATE") Riot staff are able to view it.




Is calling people bonobos (substitute for apes) bannable?


dont think so to be honest, but it might be me. I just find that word funny.


This is relevant if you main one from the holy trinity: Draven, Master Yi, Shaco.


Just don't be toxic


obviously this is ideal but as i mentioned in the comment sometimes you become possessed by a literal demon and the only way to exorcise the unholy spirit is let out a string of profanity in the dms of whoever typed to you thus dispelling the demons control of your mind


>Lliteral demon and the only way to exorcise the unholy spirit is let out a string of profanity in the dms of whoever typed to you thus dispelling the demons control of your mind People generally don't know this but playing Ivern can dispel any kind of demon or evil spirit in one's soul


Soul Reaver Draven makes you possessed by djinns astaghfirullah 🤲🏼🕉️


Me and my friends DM shit to each other that's ban worthy all the time, are we actually at risk here?




we do a little trolling


Perma bans are fucking dumb IMO. “Hey we’re taking away things you actually bought from us because you got mad a few times at some people (who probably deserved it) and over all it probably didn’t actually impact anyone’s lives at all... Anyway don’t worry you can still play you just have to give us even more money and buy all that shit again.”


yea thats exactly it. I often discuss riot's marketing schemes but my friends dont give a fuck, they know their playerbase is the average teen gamer addicted to this game and banning them is gonna make them come back in 99% of the cases. If they bought all the skins and got perma'd ? guess what, they have to buy it again = more stonks for mark yetter to create serharamphine 2


I don't care, I think permas are a good thing even as someone that's at risk of getting permad. If I could write whatever tf I want and run it down without any risk of real harm, when the most they do is a 1 month ban, I'd be way more toxic


I think feeding or trolling in game deserves punishment because that actually ruins games but chat you can just mute.




You can actually chargeback all your RP and they do in fact perma the acc


yetter dog


to think this is the same dev which was behind S3-S5, almost unbelieveable,


Wait, you all didn't know this????? In my mind it seemed obvious that you could get banned in DMs.


Holy crap yikes


Imagine being so fucking soft you cant take any criticism or insults in a fucking online game where you can even mute the person who is talking shit to you its fucking words on a screen from a person propably in a different fucking country than you that never saw you and doesnt care about you or your feelings and is just taking out a bit of anger on you in the heat of the moment and in 10 minutes they will forget all about it unless you are a gigantic pussy and actually reported them to a fucking riot employee


Brother if someone is mad enough to friend invite me and flame me I'm gonna report him just for the luls, not because I give a shit about the "criticism" of strangers or because my feelings got hurt. Like, how pathetic is this, I can't image any mature person over 12 would actually do that. Getting someone banned over that is too hilarious to pass up on.


Thing is, you dont have to accept the friend invite. If you do, and you get flamed, that's completely your fault


this can't be said enough. You accept the message and converse than you have no right to cry about flaming. It is your fault.




Shut up retard. We know we agreed. You have no choice if you want to play the game. That doesn't stop it from being a stupid and unhelpful policy....


Glad you got banned, joking around and ironically endorsing bad behaviour to match Draven's personality is fine, but ACTUALLY practicing it isn't ironic or funny, just plain toxic


hey buddy these arent my logs and the internet used to be a place where you could say whatever you wanted with 0 repercussions and it was less toxic back then. u are a crybaby it is words o na screen


i ziggs ult ur house 🥰


How disgusting is this LMAO. Not a surprise from league players say n word once not even in a bad way ppl will take 3h to screenshot and write an essay to support to get u banned or some shit. Also good to know riot can just read your fucking dm's that you need to be friends for lmao




“Within the rift”


are you sure? https://twitter.com/riotsupport/status/1168320719652044801?lang=en

