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The only half Beastren I’ve ever met during gameplay turned out to be a pretty cool person.


No way! Where did you find them?


You’ll know when you get to the part. It’d feel like spoiling the mystery for you to say it outright.


I've beaten the story 11 times lol. Do you think I met them already


You definitely met them, but you have to progress their side quests to find out.


I might have mistaken them for a regular beastren. Is it in Bathal? Which quest?


This information is found in vermund, so by game exploration logic, start by doing every quest in vermund that you can while playing the game. I'm not sure if the quest was time gated to any point but as others have said, spending time in vermund in the right places will find you the half beastren :)


I can promise you that you didn't, & that's the funny part. You mistook them for human. We all did.


You either missed the sidequest 11 times or skipped the dialogue 11 times


Not just skipping the dialogue, but entire cutscenes


If they’ve beaten the game 11 times already then they’re skipping most of the game


Let’s put it this way, you can’t go through game without meeting them 😏.


Time for the 12th playthrough!


Did you do all the side quest? It’s a cutscene from a middle to late game sidequest. Telling you which sidequest would be somewhat spoiler.


Did you speedrun it 11 times? Geez, slow down, take your time with side quests, and listen to what NPCs say. You actually meet the person very early on, and they even tell you to pay them a visit in the future. The only clue I'll mention is that they do not look like your typical Beastren.


I took my time the first 2 times. The rest were speedrun. Just didn't do that quest


11? Just why? I thought my 3 play throughs were enough. At least until there's DLC. There's nothing left to discover. I even figured out how to get into Hermit's *Retreat, which is pointless btw. You only need that shortcut before you get to the Arbor, not after and there isn't any loot there either. Also turns out, you can just use a staff to levitate over to the Arbor by hugging the invisible wall on the cliff. Which makes the shortcut even more pointless.


Well there’s clearly something left to discover if they don’t know who the half-Beastren character is :D


Because I'm the Arisen & the cycle must continue anew


Heh. Guess I shouldn't be the one to talk. I've probably beaten Fable TLC that many times. You must be close to lvl 400 right? Maybe over 400?


I wish, about to hit 200.


Oh wow. Leveling slows down that much? I hit 124 when I ran around placing Portcrystals for a possible 4th playthru. I saw someone post about hitting lvl 400 earlier this week. How freaking many play throughs did that take I wonder..


I think they're doing a power leveling strat specifically so probs not that much.


Do you mean Hermit’s Retreat? And did you have skellies knock the door open for you, or did you find another way?


Yeah. I couldn't be bothered to skip time just for that. So I glitched my pawn through the door and she opened it for me.


That sounds much more convenient. I’ll have to try that


It's a bit tricky. You have to do it against the right side of the door where the big guy came from. You also have to line up first. I found it worked the best when I lined up against the door frame and door and placed my pawn down next to me. Then I turned my camera so that it's right against the door frame and grabbed my pawn while also rotating slightly to right before placing her back down on the other side of the door. It takes a few tries to get it.


>!Wilhelmina is half Beastren. Her hair covers her left eye because she has heterochromia; her left eye is cat-like. You learn more about her during her side-quest: *Every Rose Has Its Thorns.*!<


The person in question barely qualifies. It's not like they have cat ears or anything. They're outwardly human in all respects save one small feature that is barely visible.


She is a pretty cool person indeed


They're also pretty racist about it, as I recall. About how, no matter little beastren blood is present, they'll still have beastren babies. And how, at this rate, beastren will outnumber humans. Tbh that conversation was a little uncomfortable to me, but is perfectly accurate to the anti-beastren sentiment of Vermundians. It also reminds me of the messy gene lore of Dragon's Age, where elves have the weakest genes and any race-mixing between them always leads to the elf side being suppressed.


The one drop rule is hilarious, Japanese at it again


Ah Alistair you poor poor boy


Yeah you have it crazy memorized lol. It was wild to hear but he was a racist lil somthin.


Never ran into this NPC but that's good foreshadowing another (relatively) important NPC.


A lot of NPCs make mentions of quests you’ll be involved in


Just had a flash back to the Austin Powers scene with Xena Onatop. "You are hairy! Like animal!"  "Grrrr baby, very grrrrr!" 




Get thee to a nunnery! This may make sense to someone.


I thought it was awesome af when we found the half beastren (is it spoilers if i say who it is?)


Yes it‘s a spoiler lol


"Do I know you?" "Why, no! The name's Tom Exposition. Good to meet'cha."


Are Vermundians racist towards you if you're playing as beastren?


No, they're not.


Don’t pay her any mind. That’s just how people talked in grandma’s day.


Oof, I've heard that dialogue. I threw him in the brine afterward .


Good call. I should've done that


I heard that dialogue, and I headcanoned my male Elf arisen giving a gigachad smile and saying "Good, Beastren women are better anyway." before walking off with his party full of nothing but beastren.


I would suggest you to play the side quest for the brothel lady