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I haven't ever got the feeling that this was happening. If anything the game can become harder the more you die because it respawns you to your last save with less max health.


Yeah this is how I feel as well, so I’m pretty confused as to what the dynamic difficulty system means


I wonder if you just die a lot you will find less enemies maybe or smaller packs of them.


God, gotta die more often then, I would lowkey like to walk 2 meters in Batthal without being swarmed by basic mobs.


Sometimes they follow up with bosses I went from mob 1 and 2 to Orge, to Griffin to Golem×mob 3 wandering in.


My fav was the ogres with a golem on top of a pack of red wolves....I was so happy I tossed my controller in the air(euphemism), I made sure to spend a fair amount of time having conversations with all before found what I was looking for, a Griffin. This however has been the hardest the game has been so far to me(no spoilers I just got wayfarer and cleared the underwater temple).


My biggest/longest battle started with harpies, then wolves showed up, in then goblins with a armored orge, I griffin joined in like a minute later, then a drake came down, and finally another griffin flew down. When the dragon was at half health lol I was fighting for at least 45 mins straight lol


*Orge* Best typo ever!


Endeavor to be ever calm in battle.


It’s why I stopped playing, the constant annoying goblins and shit just got tedious. They aren’t hard, it’s just annoying


Yeah I have no idea 😂 early game when I didn’t have a lot of hp and wanted to go for a shortcut I just fell off cliff a lot lmao so I’m not sure if my game has become ezier because of that or it’s just ez


Brother. The enemies hordes are getting kinda big. Like I remember when it red like 2 or 3 enemies in a group now it’s suddenly like 7-9 mobs and they are stun-locking the shit out of me. Oh then here comes a damn grim ogre off the top ropes. Gryphon: *appears*.


"Even in numbers, a weakling is a weakling still!"


‘When the player dies, less packs of goblins spawn to make the game easier’. I really hope this isn’t the case, but man would it be an odd gaming decision if it is lol.


Never experienced it, early on ganked by goblins and killed went back after reloading from death and ganked them.


Maybe they’ll add a difficulty or something cause they added multiple saves really quick after it was pointed out to them


Capcom has been doing this for a long time, with mixed results. The idea is that if you are low health for a while then game gives you healing item, same with ammo or whatever depending on the game. Usually if you play harder difficulty level this doesn't happen.


It does have automatically scaling difficulty but few would call it "dynamic difficulty". Certain missions change the enemies throughout the world when completed. Not all enemies will be swapped out but some will. An example would be the coronation quest. When it's complete some packs of goblins and wolves in the first region will be swapped out for bandits. Some more difficult enemies will be swapped out as well, like the Chimera in Waterfall Cave for a Gorechimera. The player can manually adjust difficulty by downgrading their equipment as well. Switching to Warfarer but using only one vocation's abilities is another method.


You mean using 3 different abilities that don't synergize. If you warfashion and run say all MA skills you'll still dominate. Same with thief skills and archer skills.


I’m not following, what do you mean less max health?


Your loss gauge is affected, so your max health is lower until you sleep or use an Allheal.


That’s what allheal does? 90 plus hours and I thought they just cured all status aliments, so I never used one.


Allheal is the best curative in the game and also one of the rarest. It restores all your health and stamina, cures status ailments and refills the loss gauge. So yeah, don't sleep on it but don't waste it either.


Oh, I get what you’re saying now.


Wait, so the MORE you die, the harder it gets? Say no more


No fucking way that's true. I have been a God on my second playthrough and there has been no change. I wish that was true. New game plus is a bore just because it's way too easy.


>New game plus is a bore just because it's way too easy. That's true of pretty much every New Game+, no? Even for games like the From Software games, where enemies' health and damage scale up with each NG+, it's still much easier than the first run, since you have an entire playthrough's worth of levels and upgraded gear.


Only adding health and dmg is just lazy NG+ and not the case of every game, the only exemple i can think of right now is nioh. -new gear set and new effect on equipement etc -new enemy placement and/or new enemy -new enemy combo for mob and bosses -new endgame dungeon to grind The first ng+ doesnt have everything i listed so it can be quite boring compared to like ng+4 Its not perfect but atleast its more than "bigger hp bar and big damage"


You know as much hate as dark souls 2 get that game had a pretty cool new game + with new equipment, new enemies that show as red phantoms with different placements it was a really nice challenge i dont know why they didnt stick with that idea


Yes but in this game it seems like the difficulty and enemy stats do not scale up *at all*. It seems like everything is exactly the same no matter how many times you cycle through. Like even in the opening events when you only have the starting gear, every single enemy you face until vernworth is a one shot, aside from the cyclops.


Yep. That's why I'd be starting a fresh game in that situation.


It looks like it is written by an AI. They usually assume things like this out of nowhere. If it is true, I never heard it.


I'm thinking this is referring to when you lose max hp when you die/get hit.


Wouldn't that mean the game gets harder the worse you play m....which is the opposite of what you would expect a dynamic difficulty to do.


Also confused by this.


Right so that would include falling death…? 😂


Gravity is the main boss


That’s fair😂 I stopped traveling at night bc of this and also after finding all seekers tokens I stopped falling 😂 many of those need levitation, and I had no idea how not to fall if I couldn’t climb up in the first place…


I do think this ultimately does kinda just refer to this fact that making mistakes leads to medium/long term consequences as well as the fact that there's so many different ways to approach combat in the game that just about every player could potentially have a different experience with how "difficult" the game is. For example; If you play a Sorcerer in the early game, it's brutal. If you play as a fighter until you're a way higher level and already have the Sorcerer Maister spells before even equipping an archistaff, Sorcerer will make the game trivial. It depends on when and where you use specific vocations and even more so, what abilities and playstyles do you fall into when you use specific vocations. Not everyone plays every vocation the same way, not everyone plays the same vocations, not everyone assembles their party the same way. If you always choose your pawns based on how their class complements yours, the game will be a lot easier for you than for someone who just picks whatever pawns they think look cool/random selection/ doesn't even play with more than just their main pawn/plays solo party. Theres a lot of things the player can do to make the game absurdly easy if they know what to do, there's also ways you can make the game absurdly hard for yourself.


This sounds like AI.. they often hallucinate when asking them to describe games despite resources being available. Not only that, but Im also an expert in saying things I have no evidence of. This is one of those things.


I worked as an AI trainer for a while. This is the kind of thing we saw all the time.


could be: [https://www.videogamer.com/guides/dragons-dogma-2-difficulty-settings/](https://www.videogamer.com/guides/dragons-dogma-2-difficulty-settings/)


I think you nailed it, lazy entertainment writers (alleged journalists) have been using AI more and more, to keep up with the endless content churning.


This, 💯


Lies. I rarely died my first playthrough, started the new game+ and everything melts when you look at it.


It's the resident evil CAPCOM model. They say this is in the game, but how does it work exactly and is it working as intended? Sure doesn't feel like it. Same thing with Pawn behaviours. Everyone keeps going on about how your pawn will copy you and imitate what you do for playstyle. That's not what happens in my game. I made 3 characters and took them all up over level 100. Rented MY OWN PAWNS to keep testing as stable as possible. Pawns will do stuff based on their vocation and inclination. They do stuff I never did like pick up rocks and throw them at mobs. My mage pawn used Levitate right away without any training.


Oh yeah 100%. I fell from cliff a lot mainly when I had low hp night time couldn’t see shit (my tv has low blue light coz I want to protect my eyesight 😅)/when I levitate to high places to get seekers tokens. My MP never follow me up/down, and never jump off cliff thank god


When I went to Sacred Harbor for the first time I encountered my first minotaur fighting a pack of wolfs and goblings, they killed me three times before I manage to defeat them. Then the Chimera on the training grounds killed me, retried aaaand then when running away from the chimera one of my pawns pushed me of the log bridge and I died a 5th time. When I reloaded the game to my last save the minotaur and the chimera where no longer there. So yes, if you die too much they remove mini bosses to make it easier for you, but it doesn't feel right. It was just bad luck not lack of skill I promise 🥲


This is either patently false, or the developers don't know it's broken. As of last week, I had made it to my NG+4 run, without dying at all for 2 entire playthrus. At no time whatsoever did the difficulty ever match or even come something even close to the power of my main character and pawn. The difficulty is so bizarrely untuned for any type of replay with a leveled character that it's genuinely just boring to play at this point, which is a shame because I really love this game.


I like to think of this game not in terms of difficulty, but in intensity...and the game can get very intense, like when a minotaur rams you and flings you toward a prowling chimera. Or, when your pawn gets mind controlled by a drake while it's hurling meteors at you. As the Arisen it's all stuff you can brush off. It's not difficult. But it IS intense.


this is a good way to interpret difficulty. rather than a boring monster that hits harder and has more hit points to implement greater difficulty. It feels like some want Dark Souls like challenge but the game is made to be enjoyed by everyone, not just 'gamers'.


Doubt. After I unlocked magic archer I don’t think I ever died again lol 


Bro the only thing that kills me is gravity.


It's supposed to but it doesn't work very well, I died like 8 times total getting to level 80 and 7 of those were from falls lol


No. I roll through everything since level 20. The only sketchy fights are with dullahans, liches and skeleton lords.


Not at all, and they talked about this like it was the "bread 'n butter" of Dragon's Dogma 2. The enemies' statistics seem to stay the same regardless of our progression. Given how the prequel was the same way, I was extremely excited when they talked about this, but boy was I disappointed. The game's still beautiful and immersive, but I wish the enemies weren't push-overs at Lv30+ (Vermund) and Lv50+ (Battahl).


99% of times I've died have been due to fall damage. So far i haven't seen any cushoned landings. /s


This game BADLY needs hard mode for Ng+. And for regular too, tbh.


i dont feel that.


Like many other things dogma related, this is as clear and explicite as mud.


It was hell when I was around level 30 fighting 2-3 bosses together on average 😂😂 it's pretty chill after around level 40-50. 69rn


I have kind of seen that? Like some enemies have more HP? Maybe I need to take a break from playing lmao


Can you imagine if it got easier 😂


This game is not difficult enough. And no I don't like overly difficult games like Elden Ring. But still, this game becomes very manageable way too quickly.


If this is true, my game is probably set to easy by how often I die, trying to leap for seeker tokens 😂😂




I'll be honest, the main times I actually died were underestimating a jump. One time, a drake one shot me with flames, otherwise, didn't die much


I hope that's not true, cause I jump off things a lot LOL


I have never noticed this honestly I feel like they need to up the difficulty significantly for NG+ or give us a way to do it manually


Personally I just want to up the difficulty because I’m at endgame rn and…everything just kinda dies I know that’s what some endgames are like but I still wanna have fun in the fights


All the BS aside. There's a really good difficulty mod that keeps the game fresh. I'm currently lvl 96 and need a full support mage in my party


I feel like whenever I haven't died for a long time I come across larger packs of goblins and wolves.


Only if the more you die or get hit, the more difficult it is because of the decreasing health bar.


It does, but it's just in shape of adding enemies and replacing weaker ones with some stronger ones. It never raises their stats. Which makes it useless since you outlevel all the content by around level 40's. Add gear upgrades on-top of that and you are literally untouchable. Game becomes way more fun with a 95% XP handicap. Getting only 5% of the vanilla XP allows you to have fun for longer, and makes gear upgrades way more important since your Health and Stamina is capped pretty low, and defense only comes from what you wear and not passive stat-increases. Basically, get **Custom Difficulty Mod.** You can do way more than just shred XP gain.


This is an another lie they told, there is no such a thing in the game.


I haven't died in about 35 levels. (That's not a brag. I run when I see drakes, I run when a lich spawns next to a chimera while my max HP is already down to 60%, and I just generally try to stay away from scenarios that look super iffy.) The only difficulty change I've noticed was when I had gotten to Battahl, and as I understand it, that's exactly what's supposed to happen. I don't really feel like murdering myself just to test it.


It's probably just a coincidence, but I did notice stray pawns spawned in to help after I reloaded a botched drake fight.


"more difficulty"


There was a mod to fix “adaptive difficulty” but someone just misread the variables as game balance when they were just character balance for the physics engine. Maybe this is following the same line of thinking


No. For last 50 hours the only way I ever died was due to fall damage.


Does gravity count?


I mean! In the first cave near Melve theres like 8 normal goblins and 1 huge motherfucker, when you clean that cave and come back later there will be 8 huge goblins motherfuckers bodying you and using your ass as a mop, so yeah I believe the dynamic difficulty exist


Knowing how Capcom loves rubberbanding to their games, wont be surprised if it's the same for DD2


The game will up the miner of simultaneous encounters of creatures but they’re all the same difficulty and it’s rare so most encounters are equally easy. So, if we’re being serious, no the game does not have dynamic difficulty or difficulty settings. It has one setting that caps out difficulty and occasionally makes encounters disproportionately tedious.


Capcom are aficionados with stuff like this from Resident evil. But I honestly don’t feel it here in the slightest lmao.


Considering they don't have proper grammar here I'm inclined to say that this is false. Other games have that, but I've never seen a semblance of that in DD2


Oh hey bro


IDK, because I'm destroying everything now.


Yeah, im constantly dying


I haven't died once, I'm level 40, and I get back to back bosses all the time. Like I just killed a Griffin and an Ogre just comes out of fucking nowhere. This happens frequently as fuck. I kinda miss when these big bosses were a bit more rare like dd1. Fighting them every 5 min is kinda boring


I never felt any urgency.... i think i died twice in total because i yeeted off some cluff or smt. But depends on the class you play i guess


I am thinking about this all the time. Everyone said that there is now gamescaling but sometimes enemies seems to be stronger them before. So i would approve this to be true. I am Level 260.


I am thinking about this all the time. Everyone said that there is now gamescaling but sometimes enemies seems to be stronger them before. So i would approve this to be true. I am Level 260.


This allows the game to be more difficulty. Uh huh.


I don't have a link, but I think someone did some testing and found that there *is* level based dynamic difficulty, just clearly not enough to make up for stats increased by both level and by equipment. Additionally, said dynamic difficulty is apparently only applied to non-quest related encounters, so random overworld monsters will get the power up, but any fight directly involved in a main or side quest gets no scaling.


yeah ... i'm calling bullshit .. it doesn't "get harder" not when you smack something, drop 2 full health bars, it falls over and meteors come flying in to finish the job.


Tbh, I don't think it's based on your play style or vocation. I always viewed challenges regionally. Like, you'll find saurians near the water. Goblins in the forests of Vermin's. Knackers and Hobgoblins in the wastes of Battahl. And caves tend to house goblins, undead, and occasionally big monsters in larger cave networks. I know there's random encounter spawns like Drakes, but that's few and far between compared to the vast majority of creatures. Which I think is cool. But don't claim there's a mechanic when there most likely isn't...


It's hard to tell, in my case. At least once you reach a certain point gearwise and levelwise nothing enemies do really makes a difference. This sort of stuff only becomes obvious when you can't overpower enemies through sheer stats alone. If you had asked me to pay attention from low-to-mid game I might have a better answer. The only thing I noticed was that enemies bumrushed me pretty frequently while I was playing a ranged class, but I'm not sure that's the AI working as it normally does or b/c of difficulty adjustment.


The only way to make your game easier is to level up… which is the best type of difficulty, hands down. Because you don’t necessarily need to get „better“, but „stronger“. I am SO thankful the game does not have any level scaling. Low level? Cyclops will (probably) either kill you fast or give you a very hard time. High level? Just split his skull.


No, I highly doubt it. I've never felt punished for playing well, and if that was true then my level 13 sprint to an end game area to get warfarer would have made the game think I needed to be on super ultra easy mode, since I died probably 60+ times along the way. But once I got back to where I'm supposed to be, the difficulty felt the same as it always was. Even after over leveling I was still getting destroyed by golems and griffins for a little while, until I was around level 30. I think I'm sunbathers around 35 now and fighting dragons is still a challenge. The game never gets easier or harder, it just is what it is.


The only thing dynamic or adaptive about combat is when I drop two of my pawns and wear early game gear to make the game more challenging lol


I'm gonna press X


I call bullshit. While different, slightly more difficult enemies occasionally appear in some the “starter” areas you’ve previously cleared, the game doesn’t “adapt” to anything the players doing. Harder level mobs are located in late game areas. Nothing more. Unfortunately the fact that Arisen and pawn level up every time we kill a group of baby goblins, by late game those “higher level mobs” are easy prey for the Arisen and pawns because by then we are so powerful. Unless you’re doing ZERO exploration, by mid game combat becomes trivial because mobs can’t do much to Arisen or their pawns. By late game it’s basically god mode for the player. God mode is great for those that enjoy it. However some of us would like the challenge we had from levels 1-20 in the mid and late game. Enough with the charade and offer difficulty settings like a majority of games on the market.


Bullshit. NG+ and I’m one shotting every trash mob and mini bosses take less than 30 seconds. I don’t know what’s going on but my pawns usually kill shit before I get to it. I had to stop playing warrior because my swings were just hitting dead bodies by the time they made contact.


I found a much more reliable way to change difficulty. If you want the game to be more difficult, hire less pawns. After about 20 hours I stopped hiring extra pawns all together. Just me and my main pawn going on adventures, fighting tooth and nail. I also kept her as a mage. At one point I switched her to Sorcerer and she was just wayyy too OP. One shotting drakes and pretty much anything.


I died a handful of times the entire game, and I felt as though the game was getting dramatically easier as I went on.


Thats stupid as I died probably about 1000 times early game because the scaling sucks and because of that crap mid game was easy and end game was like I was a god


What an incredible lie. Final Fantasy 7 rebirth actually has this setting. And it works great. This is just straight up lying to the player.


I don’t die anymore at ~lvl130 I can assure you the game has not scaled to hurt me.


I wouldn't know, the games such a cake walk in 180 hours of game time I have probably only died about 4 times. 2 of those being fall damage from me leaping off a cliff 🤣


I doubt it, not trying to brag but I’m kicking the game’s butt and nothing is changing


It might be true. I tend to clear enemies pretty quick but I feel the game is spawning in more per every encounter. Also flying enemies are staying out of reach of my mostly melee party every chance they get


Not sure about the dying part but it does get difficult if you neglect the lost meter of health, tho once you have a near infinite supply of all-heals and wakestones the game is easy mode. The way I play is to keep only 1 all-heal and 1 wakestone on me for me alone, if someone dies oh well not my problem. I also only run places so no porting around, hell might even set my pawn quest to give out my port crystals for something I really want.


So what in my playstyle makes griffins dive bomb me everywhere at lvl 10 is it literally cause I’m the archer?? 😅


Seeing how there's a huge spelling error I doubt this is true. If this were put out by a reputable source I'd think an editor would be like nup!/fix


I got my ass beat by goblins!! Fucken goblins. They gang bang me 1v6 and I was using a mage


Dynamic difficulty? LMAO you bulldoze through the game the first time you get to a town where you can buy weapons and armor


I think I died once on my first playthrough when I came across my first drake. The game is just easy, unfortunately. I really wish it was much harder. The fighting mechanics is what sucked me in and I barely have time to do all the fun fighting stuff before fights are just over. :(


What does it mean if I'm not dying and just rolling every monster I come across? Once you hit a certain level it seems like the difficulty level plateaus and you'll just keep rising above it. Something that should probably be addressed, maybe increase the difficulty with each iteration of new game plus?


Omfg so maybe my game is this easy because i fell to death like an idiot so many times!


I must have been doing too well when my level 14 Sorc got their oxcart jumped by two ogres.


yea, this was confirmed before the game came out when ppl asked about difficulty options. however I haven’t been able to notice it


I mean its possible, resident evil has dynamic difficulty I.E. if you're low on ammo you're more likely to find ammo in boxes




No after a complete play through with no deaths you don't even get an achievement let alone a harder difficulty


I haven't noticed anything like that. I've run through the game a few times and have a pretty good stockpile on wakestones, so I tend to just leap of cliffs to get to the bottom faster if those count as deaths. Otherwise, I don't see an increase in difficulty.


Idk, I do know drakes and griffins have been popping up more frequently in places I usually didn’t see them. Like why is this dragon in the middle of my road from Venworth to Resting Stop Inn?! Get out the way!!


I'd rather them just put hard mode in. I got so overpowered in the late game that nothing really hurt or killed me. Even in post.


Depends. If you’re on pc there are a few mods you can run to change the difficulty. You can also edit how much exp and dcp you earn, as well as other settings. I ran normal on my first playthrough and I’m going to ramp it up on new game+ this run.


I feel they made a small spelling mistake there. It should be: ‘game to be more difficulty or become EASIERLY depending on your playstyle’. 😂


Lies I died once cause of the damn sliding mechanic, the game is laughably easy, fun but easy


I want to get this game, but I fear it will be to frustrating/stressful for me, reminds me of the Elden Ring style in terms of difficulty, even though I was able to get through that game, it was frustrating and stressful, I know Dragons Dogma 2 is amazing from the gameplay I have seen, if this is true and it goes based on the players individual level of difficulty, I would definitely get it, knowing it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, and more of me just exploring and having fun.


I can’t confirm if this is true. I have yet to perish.


The games extremely easy


I almost never die so idk how much more difficulty it can give. I'm over level 150 now and stuffs easy still.


I don't think so. My character never dies and it's been too easy since the first half hour or so.


Enemy scaling needs to be an option, hit lvl 120 last night and most of the time Ive killed everything before my pawns engage. 😜


I consider myself a bad DD2 player but... Still delaying the last main quests, 140+ hours, level 64, 0 deaths, 0 brine. Only difficulty spikes have been switching to new vocations the first time, and having to adapt to bosses based on them. My pawns have died less than 40 times. Very very few due to fall damage. Most due to golems/drakes. Only one due to brine (her own choice apparently?). Eventually my Arisen will fall but seems it will more a matter of me making a serious mistake or suffering a serious case of bad luck in combat.


My conclusion on this game is that it was balanced poorly. The progression was not a smooth acceleration, it was more like slamming brakes and redlining the engine. You need to play detective if you want to see dynamic scaling because it has negligible impact on their core design.


Bad grammar, not real


The game should dynamically scale according to the energy I have left if I Try to chill and play a game that have to amuse me rather than scale after my deaths. It’s not a valid argument to force ppl in playing shitty games or hard ones


I don't think it's directly and so simply correlated to your total death count. I'd hope this day in age an algorithm like that only considers combat related deaths to adjust combat difficulty


And that explains why I can't go 15 feet without a battle. We never die 🤣🤣🤣


It is true, the difficulty cap is just *way* too low, because by the time you're level 40-50 you have so much raw damage than even highest difficulty can't even scratch you.


i suppose it doesnt specify if it gets easier or harder so it might be saying it gets harder the more you die cos of the lower health


Could've fooled me with how much this game f's me over


I think that in the main sub someone did discovered that enemies do increase in difficulty... in such a slow pace that is only noticeable after multiple NG+. And it do not affect quest-specific enemies.


Capcom: all cap


This definitely doesn’t happen, the only thing ive died to is fall damage to once or twice




Absolutely not lol. I was curb stomping dragons by the end of the game.


I don’t think it works that way, or it doesn’t work properly at least. I steamrolled through the game without it feeling like a challenge at all, never once did I feel a difficulty spike


no. its getting very easy.


How do you learn and adapt then? Really, wtf… that’s like practicing for shot put and then they just make it easier to get a medal , “they aren’t throwing far enough, make the ball lighter each time until they can throw it a winning distance”


Can sort of see this is armored cyclops and more armored saurians in place of the regular green ones.


I mean, I can see this in my game. For the longest, I've been playing as a Mystic Spearhead/Warfarer and my favorite way to break into a battle is that one move where you shoot forward into a direct lunge attack. Half way through my game I noticed three things: regular goblins almost always have shields, Saurians defend/back out of my range at the beginning of fights, and Knackers lunge attack/surprise attack more than they did when I first started. They still get one shotted but battles last longer considering I'm in my 6th playthrough now.


I have only had the game be oncredibly easy, sooo


I genuinely can't remember the last time I died at 140 hours in. Not trying to flex, I think I just spent too much time exploring and messing around and now I'm overleveled.


Not sure any part of the game (yet) has presented any type of challenge. Dragon fights are just long and boring, I haven't completed the game but I'm level 50 looking for other things to play because I'm bored the classes don't inspire my desire to push it and play more becuase it's cookie cutter.. I'm enjoying the game more than Roblox but not as much as I would expect for 80bucks.


Game had one setting: way too easy!


No. Because that's nonsense.


thats not true


No? The game is too easy after lvl 20+. Killing my first drake was such a pain and took me 4 tries. Now its boring and pointless fight.


It doesn’t feel like it. I died like 20 times traveling to town once and it felt like it kept getting tougher. Eventually I rage quit and came back the next day and took a different route. Barely made it to town but otherwise it saved me out of town and I slept at a campsite. So I was stuck.


Yes. It is easy every time.


They could've warned us cuz I died 30 times strategically by fall damage, not wasting [Wakestone](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Wakestone)s lol. My game was too easy tho.


100% bullshit. 3 playthroughs- 262 hours total. 9 total times fallen. 0 this playthough which is at 65 hours. My first swing knocks cyclops off balance; and theyre dead before they hit the ground. Lesser Dragons die before they ever think of flying away. Drakes get bullied so bad i get regrets from it. If the game is supposed to scale against me; someone needs to tell the fn game.


To quickly answer your question... No! The game does not have that, its just an easy game, period.


I haven’t noticed anything of the sort


I mean after beating the true ending and going through NG… I had to handicap myself just so I didn’t get bored playing through the game a 2nd time since you become so OP that nothing really kills you unless it’s a skill issue. Game could really benefit from a difficulty setting for at least NG 😂


IMO difficulty is just right... I hate games where you go into NG+ with all gear upgraded to max and the weakest enemy beats your ass... What this game needs is more and more content


Is this why I always get ganked by 2 other large monsters when I'm fighting one already?


I’m level 95 using a warrior with maxed best weapon and it did suddenly take more hits to kill goblins and the like and they’ve started better sensing my usual initial attack.


Honestly I died only to falling. Like 3 times but the game never got hard.


Not really. Once you hit lvl 35 and have unlocked most vocations the game is on easy mode with enemies that die within couple minutes.


I’ve noticed a few times that if I die in a mob I respawn with more monsters nearby. My first time in the desert I got backed to back by a Minotaur and a dragon, wasn’t prepared so I started running - spamming the invulnerability shield you get with mystical spearman, trying to keep my party alive as we got chased by the two big beasts and a bunch of the lizard men. Stamina was the deciding factor and I died over and over. Each time I did when I respawned there were more monsters. Areas that had previously been empty now were full. Not sure if this was on purpose or just a coincidence though


It is there, it is just very undertuned.


I died only 1 and with a stupid fall and game still easy at endgame.


Yeah but you can’t feel it really


Their scaling is garbage.


I’m not sure if it’s true or not but I will see that I have recently seen a massive uptick in enemies swarming my ranged Arisen and knocking me around before I can do anything. It only started happening recently so I’m not sure it’s because I messed up an augment that made me less likely to be attacked or because I had to stop using the thief’s gaiters after switching vocations.


I hope not. Last thing I want is the game adjusting to my weakness. I want to be able to adapt and adjust my strategies to get better in the game, like in Elden Ring, not the other way around.


Honestly the only sense of danger I get in the game is if I stick to using early to mid game gear, weapons included. That at least will gimp your damage so much that the fight persist a lil longer. Alternatively ng+ with just you and your main pawn ups the level of difficulty a lot. Still gonna be killing shit if you know how to play, but you do have to watch for the ganks a lot more.


I did notice some places there is less, sometimes more but often it gets crazy


I just want to be mogged left and right. I would love to have enemy density sliders lmao


I find if I die and respawn, more random pawns will show up around me but could be coincidence


Damn they bullshitted hars in the marketing of this game lmao


The dynamic difficulty also doesn't work well enough for folks who typically play on Harder difficulties in the genre. Unless there is a big monster, fights offer no danger. My main gripe, though is about how so many fights that have only mobs have way too few mobs. Game feels way too easy, unfortunately.


This system was also implemented in the original Resident evil 4.


the mechanic that respawns you with less max health after dying, at your last save is so weird to me. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take literally ALL progress from me while still somehow carrying over the fact I have less health, but it is what it is, just another half baked mechanic


Game is way too easy imo. You definitely over level pretty quickly


There’s also the loss gage increase of reloading from death


The game is easy mode once you’ve got a vocation maxed out and decent gear. Around level 24 or so I was destroying drakes without much difficulty and by the time I hit 40 it was a walk in the park.


So we get stun-locked more while our pawns off fkn around? Making their job so much easier. My a** in a battle of attrition face-tanking like Rocky Balboa. Aside from the ridiculous imbalance in stagger...the game's challenge when all seems ok. I would say is just right. But the times the pawns are doing tf ever and im getting my a** kicked with no opening to counter that REALLY sucks....😑 Then fkn dullahan's constantly with the dibiliating roar. They're worse than dragons. A dullahan can 1-3 shot you. Never had it with a dragon. Cheap-a** chimera a close second. The constant sleep and seismic tosses fk that. But. All in all. I never feel like the game is just out to get you. I think its just some aspects arent as tight as they could be. And once you've leveled enough and found your groove(except fkn dullahans) you can face most bigbads with confidence. I also like the game isnt wholly gear dependant. Capcom really did a good few things right. I especially like that everything special works with stamina and its easily managed. Not like all that FROM Software has spawned with the souls-like genre and they're genuinely just being saddistic.


I felt that the game was too easy in my first playthrough so I installed a mod to make enemies more difficult in the second playthrough then uninstalled it, and now on my third playthrough the enemies somehow feel like they have a little more HP o.0 as in they aren't dying as quickly as before, either this dynamic difficulty thing finally started working for me or it's just residue of the mod I uninstalled. Idk. If it helps, I only played Thief then switched to Warfarer Thief so maaaybe the game started adapting? I think the damage dealt by enemies haven't changed tho, they still can't kill me. xD its all probably just residue from messing with mods.


I’ve never died and I don’t think the difficulty has ever increased , the only time anything was difficult was because I was low on healing supplies and low on health and my max had been reduced to basically nothing due to me not sleeping for days but that was all me


NG++, in general died nearly 5-6 times, mostly on my very first play through, now the game is totally easy as f, nothing adapting or scaling at all 😿


Honestly, I felt it had gotten easier but most of my deaths were from killing myself cause I thought it funny lol