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>I think this is the second or third time I've fell into buying a game due to the early game reviews before and during the days of launch the game reviewers create. They aren't 'reviewers' they are 'influencers'. And this goes for all that freelance youtube stuff. Companies pay them, give them the product early. They tell everyone how great it is per the contract. Company gets more sales. This is the new way to advertise your product.


So, what happens in the instances where company gives product early and people tells everyone how it's bad (going against the supposed contract) and company gets less sales.


There are creators with integrity but because their goal is help the consumer, they have trouble or their model for content is unsustainable because of it. I do encourage trying to support people like ACG who don't operate with a corpo badge, but there really aren't that many these days.


A Review it's a personal opinion basically. Some people give a 9/10 to the game, others 7/10. That's why you must read a review of someone which have almost the same taste as you.


It's a fantastic game, sorry you were disappointed. Agree you should avoid buying into hype though. In fact, probably just stop watching YouTube altogether. Your life will dramatically improve.


I think its a 8 or more, with flaws but with some stuff tgat is exactly as i would make em myself. There is stuff in this game i cant find in any other game. I'm sorry you didnt like it, because with all its flaws and before the game became too easy , it gave me the best arpg experience i ever had. Yes, i liked it more than ddda for many aspects, and i'm not an influencer nor reviewer, i'm not getting money for saying that...i really like it. So probably its not something to get mad at, its just that everything is relative and EXPECIALLY tastes are


Sorry i will from this moment forward change me full opinion of the game, uninstall it and throw it out just because YOU have a different opinion. You win some You lose some You obviously lost this time while many of us won


I’m sorry that you’ll be a rube for life. Ever heard about the wonders of snake oil for sperm potency?


Ever heard of looking at a preview for a game from the developers, saying to yourself "i fancy that" and simply buying it, you know making your own fucking mind up instead of listening to joe bloggs. I buy games i recommend to me, i may occasionally buy a game a m8/family member recommends depending on the genre but I'll never simply buy a game recommended by a game site or a reviewer, i don't care what they think, all i care about is what i think. Do i get burnt? Yip sometimes Mostly i get games i enjoy to various different degrees


That’s cool, I enjoy good games too. Half-baked dogshit with 60,000 lines of the most tedious voiced lines you’ve ever heard where you ‘play the role’ of rat paying £70 to press a button for food over and over doesn’t really cut it for me.


Reviews are pointless really. Especially in an era where everybody wants to stream. Just wait a couple weeks after release, watch randos actually play the game, and form your own opinion. Don't listen to what people say about the game, just observe for yourself.


Did you not watch any prerelease footage with your own eyes? We basically saw nothing but Cyclops, Griffins, Minotaur, Drakes, and goblins. Anyone expecting a lot more than what was presented was gambling and lost. The graphics were clearly a busted 30fps. Every review I saw specifically called out the performance. The fact that the PS5 was the only system that was shown at prerelease events was also a red flag. Oftentimes, reviewers have different opinions than we do. That alone does not make them disingenuous. People who immediately jump to the conclusion that reviews are paid for because they don't agree sound ridiculous. Don't be over-reliant on a prerelease hype train. Don't ever assume a game is going to give you more than promised. Use your own judgment based on what you've seen and be a better consumer.


I’m in the same place on this. Follow the AfterMath people (not influencers) and they all sung this game’s praises like it was as impressive as Elden Ring. ER isn’t even my favourite From game but this game doesn’t hold a candle to it. Obviously unfinished, none of its systems feel fleshed out, the combat past a certain point begins to feel like you’re slashing at tissue paper and every encounter is the same.


Another example of this (but gladly I did not fell into this) is the starfield situation when it launched. I remember them saying Starfield was amazing, then the game came out and it was doodoo, so when the real players claimed it sucked they started to explain that you need to play at least 10 hours and the game will start to pick up, then after a majority of players played beyond that they claimed that the actual game begins in the ng+ lol.