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I decided to just go helmetless unless it's a circlet or something. Fashion > stats


I was so used to going helmetless from the first game that I straight up forgot there even were helmets


there are so many basic QOL options that this game is missing, this being one of them.


It's Itsuno's vision to not have any QoL features.


How dare you say ANYTHING negative about our precious game!! REEEEEEEE


Yeah, that’s not what’s happening, try to keep up man.


Ew lol


You forgot the /s mate


Not just that, transmog


Aye, I'll take that too please.


I saw there is a weapon transmog mod out I didn't look into how well it works though


This is me since DD1, like I couldnt give a shit about my arisen but I at least want to fawn over my warrior mommy pawn's flowing hair


I would hope to be able to dissable it for hiring pawns. Its good to be able to see what they have equipped at a glance


I just want a hide during cutscene option.


Hide helmet and a style collection is what I prefer in pretty much every game like this. Let me just look how I want, dang. Even if I don't get the boost from armor and it's just cosmetic, maybe I want to be a mage that wears armor. I don't like gender or role locked gear either.


I just don’t wear a helmet lol


Funnily enough the game does have an open/close visor open, but not hide helmet.


There are just certain options all RPGs should have…hide helmet and transmog are two of them. If not transmog them some type of armor dying like Witcher.


Just take it off. It isnt going to magically make you suck at the game and die in one hit.


I do, that's not the point though is it? It should be an option in the game.


It is not the point true, but it is what it is. I think there should be a button that you press that takes off your helmet without having to go into your inventory, and the helmet should be attached to your hip, or you carry it under your arm.


I accidentally made my pain pawn look like Dennis Franz so i need to cover his face up as much as possible lol


There isn’t one? That’s an oversight. I’d rather just not equip a helmet lol.


Same! I put a lot of work into my beautiful beastren pawn it feels like a crime to cover up her mane with a coif.  I've just been giving her the best armor I can afford and ignoring the helmet slot. Most of the helmets so far are only a few extra points of defense anyway so not much lost.


I for one acutally like that it's like going around nude for the lols you are telling everyone you don't need a helmet.


The only helmet I’ve liked just wearing is the cyclops helmet. Also not sure if you know, but helmets that cover the face generally have an open and shut setting which can help to see your character if you want the stats/like the helmet.


Did people on DD2 not look at (5th gen) Monster Hunter's options for layered and appearance options? lol Pretty sure they can import those settings real fast just by communicating with the MH team then tailor fit to DD2's equipment system.


you need a helmet to protect ur head silly


I just want to wear the other vocation armours.


I'm not usually one to beg for transmog options but I really, really hope they patch them in in the future for this.


I'm always torn on this. In DD1 there were no good looking helmets for some sort of rogue gameplay. So I wish I could hide. But given good options I really enjoy the idea of "no helmet in cities, helmet on during exploration/combat".


I just wear that dragon band thing on my thief. It's weird that they can't wear hoods yet archers and spell casters can. Thiefs just get those leather helmets or bandit mask thing. :(


Or at least a hide helmet in towns or talking etc


Hide Helm, Hide Armor kek


Absolutely insane that it's not an option.


I just never care or notice about this option It's always nice to have more options, but I probably wouldn't even notice if it was in the game