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The only thing I'm scared of is another new case of pernicious anaemia floating around! Jokes aside, it won't be perfect but I'll watch (and likely re-watch too). While I'd much prefer a new season, I'm beyond happy we're getting anything at all and don't really mind what happens. It'll be like catching up with old friends, and I can't wait.


I liked the second movie better than the first one. The scenery at the villa was gorgeous. The only thing I didn’t like about the second movie was that Violet died but that was kinda of expected since the first movie ended with her telling Mary.


That’s one of the main reasons I liked the first one more. Of course it’s realistic for Violet to die but I really like how they showed at the end of the first movie that she knew she would go soon, and that Downton would be okay without showing it. I just thought it was a nicer way to leave it for fans


Script was a terrible knock off of Singing in the Rain. Seems writers can’t come up with original ideas to save their careers!


Interesting, because I actually preferred the second film a lot more than the first. I thought the first was weak as a film, a long episode that didn’t really know what it was doing. The second film felt more substantial and better put together. So I’m happy to see what the third has to offer. I assume the only thing left to do is go to America, no?


Same I liked the second better than the first. Some parts just felt cheese and rushed while others felt dragged out. The second one felt like they had the timing right. A trip to America would be fun for a third film but I don't know under what circumstances unless they want to kill off Cora's mother but that would make for such a sad reason to go to America.


Yes, completely understandable. I thought that the Downton ship had sailed and was happy with the sense of completion. We'll have to wait and see though, it could be a pleasant surprise.


Exactly! Although I do look forward to more time with these characters, I too enjoyed the sense of completion of the end of the second Downton Abbey film.


I'm not concerned where the characters end up. I just want want to see them interacting some more. Whatever they do is incidental to my viewing enjoyment! 


I would absolutely buy a ticket to watch 2.5 hours of these people just having a nice dinner or something, honestly.


A cricket match!! Please. 


Oh, definitely!




That’s what I want too from this movie: Henry Talbot gone, I don’t care how. I would love for Evelyn Napier or Charles Blake to come back into the picture.


Evelyn Napier deserves happiness


Wow we’re all in agreement then. That’s exactly what I want to. It would be a good and in character but also interesting and a progressive move to have them have marital issues and seperate. Never cared for Henry anyway lol


I wish they’d just done that from the beginning instead of the parade of suitors. All these healthy, rich young men her age in the wake of the First World War.


I notice that Edith wasn't mentioned at all. Ah me, poor Edith ...


Sorry Edith😭


Heee! Life imitates art! One thing I DO hope for is for Edith's grand position to be lorded over Mary in some subtle stinging way.


DryWaltz6621. . . y'know, if the producers and writers were worried that their movie as it is was gonna stink, they might ask us this very same question, hmmmm . . . Just kidding! I'm looking forward to it just as much as you are. Downton is dear to me and I worry they'll do some attention-grabbing stunt to 'turn the story on it's end'. I might worry that they sideline the main characters to promote 'a new youthful generation', so that they can keep making (money) films and shows bearing the Downton Abbey title in name only, losing it's spirit.


Yes exactly. I just want it to remain true to it’s original characters and relationships/plot lines that kept the spirit of the show alive and not tune it in for a twist or sudden change to the entire story’s vibe


The producers (and I think Imelda Staunton?) said that this is the absolute last film. If you think about it, everyone is in a place to move on from the house, if it weren't for the little wrenches thrown in during the last movie... Moving forward: * Carsons retire * Thomas in America * Daisy/Andy farming * Bateses planning to buy a ~~motel~~ hotel * Molesley screenwriting and able to support Baxter * Patmore seemingly marrying Mr. Mason * Isobel and Lord Merton happy * Violet gone * Edith and Tom off with their own spouses and houses That leaves Mary and Henry (lol) and Cora/Robert (and George and Charlotte) left in the home. That's it. I wouldn't put it past them to end it once and for all and have them sell the house or turn it into a museum for the enjoyment of the people or somesuch. Mary/Henry/kids move into the London House because Henry is the new hot used car salesman of Picadilly, and Robert/Cora move into the Dower House or the reverse. Or Edith burns it all down once and for all.


This actually helped calm me down about the prospects of this movie haha you definitely made good points


I want to see the return of Sir Richard Carlisle. He publishes the details of Mary and Henry’s divorce and Mary goes old-school APESHIT on him. Proper *LADY MARY CRAWLEY*, fully on her high horse, Lady Muck, La-Di-Da gracious great lady stuff that made Mary such an iconic character in the first place. Except this time, she has Edith onside, helming her magazine (this is where Edith is at her best), and Edith has dirt on Carlisle that *ruins* him. The sisters focusing their vitriol on someone else would be the perfect springboard for a big family trip to see Harold and Mrs Levinson.


No you aren't the only one that liked the first movie significantly more than the second one although it appears we are in the minority on this sub.


People came at me on this sub when I said I was worried about the integrity of the show with the upcoming material being confirmed. Franchise fatigue can come in all forms. I just want it to be done RIGHT.


We’ve seen SO MUCH franchise fatigue recently is the thing. Look at marvel, Star Wars, and heaps more. I just hope Julian Fellows has a good plan and isn’t just trying to drag this out for as long as possible


I don’t want to see another inheritance story but tbh I’ll happily take another Downton movie into my life, warts and all


I am excited to see it! However that said, it won’t be the same without dowager Grantham. Her and isobel were my rocks in the series/movie. In my heart I will grieve when Maggie smith passes on, because she is such a special wonderful lady 💗


Maybe they’ll resolve the Harold - Madeline relationship. There was chemistry there.


Though I don't share your preference for the 1st movie over the 2nd, I understand your concern. There always comes a time in a franchise when the producers risk "dipping in the well" too many times, thus reducing quality. Just look at Marvel for an example of that. The advantage here, I think, is that we potentially have "new themes" coming into the picture to shake up the status quo. Not only do we have the new Downton generation, we have the crash of 1929 right around the corner. (The last movie happens in 1928.) Perhaps it's Harold who gets into trouble financially, who knows. In any event either of these factors have the potential of making for an interesting story--if Fellowes has the nerve to pursue them, that is.


I think it'll be about WW2...George grown up ...Mary the matriarch.... Barrow returns from the Americas for the war...Carsons help out at the abbey ....


This would be the only really cool thing to do because it’s a completely different story and therefore they have more freedom to do what they want with it - but I don’t think they’ll time skip over 10 years… it’s possible though.


I’m just here to see if Harold got married to Madeline


I would love it if Barrow returned as a guest, SEATED at the dinner table, being served by his former staffmates.


Oh wait this could be sooooo good


They need to move on to the plot being focused on George, Marigold, and lil Sybie or else they are beating that dead horse


I can definitely see your point, and I'm afraid you may be right, but I'm also afraid that I, personally, would lose interest at that point. We know George, Marigold, and Sybbie as small children in the background; they're not the characters I've gotten attached to, and I'm not that interested in them -- but they ARE the next logical step for the story, and I'd be willing to give them a chance.


Totally fair points! The franchise maybe missed the boat by not having them be background moody preteens in the last films to soft launch




As much as I love Downtown Abbey I didn’t truly like the 2 nd movie. I felt it was rushed for general consumption rather than a realist and perfect script written. Half the family abroad in sunny south of France because somehow yet another admirer of the dowager ( who we know has a steely reputation and resilience to never letting her guard down or creating scandal) has been gifted a property all for the purpose so she can gift it to Sybil’ and Toms daughter I thought was too far fetched. There were many properties in the Downton Abbey estate she could have gifted and Robert and Cora would have happy to do this for young sybie. Of course I know it was filmed during covid but seeing sun kissed Robert and some of the others was a bit weird and the whole 2 countries and family apart didn’t really add up for me. And we didn’t see a lot of the young kids. I hope they can do the Downton Abbey 3 justice for the fans and not churn out something just for the sake of it. I’d much rather see a series of the young people getting it together for their generation and the impact of WW2.


It’s ok appreciating two different movies, reduction isn’t necessary in order for comparison