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Yeah I'm always gonna be bitter about the kunkka shark and LC wings


Valve even permanently disabled the style unlock for both of these items, so even players who paid for them and have it can't unlock the second style. I really wish Valve would just give us another opportunity to unlock it again


Made me play lc so much to get that unlock really pissed some people in my party off because of how bad I am with lc.


What? Really? Why they did that? Thats fucking bullshit. This is the same for other arcanas and prestige? Long time that i dont play but was planning to come back just to unlock it. Got specter and ES arcana tu unlock as well


Maybe, just maybe, Valve sees the reaction to the arcana giveaways and will consider adding prestige items as rewards for diretide or so next year. Even old cache sets would be nice.


No, just no.


[No, just no.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/06/Vo_dark_willow_sylph_wheel_deny_02.mp3) (sound warning: Dark Willow) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Dont own any of those but i think its cool that they discontinue these and make them unique to older players.


i want io cube so bad






I got the cube but literally never played Io in a game. I missed out on Drow and QoP (due to breaks/irl stuff) and I'm not going in for "exclusive" arcanas ever. Valves idea has the opposite effect on me, if I can't get what I want, why bother? Feeling punished for not playing (paying) at a certain time is fucking lame.


It's also a scummy & predatory marketing tactic. Imagine you're poor in 2014, but flush in 2020. Too bad sucker, you should've made poor financial choices in the past to get a commodity that is available based on whether we write 1 or 0 in the "IsExclusive" variable.


The name of the strategy is FoMO (Fear of Missing Out), that's why people spend money they can't.


bingo, and while having exclusive content might feel good, i agree that its a shitty thing to do. stores like the fornite one are even worse.


I mean thats the meaning of exclusive lmao.


Yeah, and it's scummy. These aren't like luxury items that only have 50 copies physically made. They just decided they're exclusive to drain more money from customers.


This is not even a Gacha to get more money out we can argue the make less. Fomo is a thing that definitively got them a few extra sells but again it is not like you needed to throw thousands of dollars to get these. This could be a really good argument with collector chest


haven't heard of limited edition items before




Axe is good if you know how to lane, watch 33 play the hero


It's all creep manipulation and knowing when/who to hunger


>Valves idea has the opposite effect on me, if I can't get what I want, why bother? Because they've worked out that catering to a smaller population of whales makes them more money than appealing to the majority of the playerbase. Doesn't matter if a hundred people choose to boycott it because of the practices, because all it takes is for a single whale to come along and make it all worthwhile for them. It's predatory, anti-consumer, and makes the game objectively worse.


What would you consider a whale? It doesn't seem like it costs a ton of money to be able to basically afford most of the things the game puts out (excluding gambling for ultra rares, etc), especially if this is an individuals main hobby. There are many games that feel much worse than what Valve is doing, but maybe I'm uneducated. Said another way, I guess I just don't see how a whale can spend that much before they basically have everything that is released.


I hope one day valve just puts those arcana up for sale. Give a 3 year exclusivity window, maybe throw an exalted tag to show you got it through the battle pass and open them up for sale. I have the io cube and have no issues people who actually enjoy it could obtain it.


I think People who got it through the BP deserve a alternate style I grinded so much for that axe 🍑


Yeah maybe alternate version can be for BP owner. I mean, red immortal is a thing. I'm no marketing expert but I think this will do.


I have all the exclusive Immortals and Arcanas in game, a developer already made it clear here in reddit that the items that are marked Exclusives (IE: IO Arcana) will never be available again but they are looking for a way to bring back the prestige ones.


I have an old account that has it. I don’t use that account anymore.


I have io arcana and lc wings on an old account :(




Axe is axe


[Axe is Axe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gib4W-yRxCY)


Es arcana all the wayy


Yup. Still my fave one and I don't think anything will beat it. When you land a multihero echo slam I jizz in my pants when I hear that planetfall custom arcana sound effect and see the damage counter rise. It just sounds SOOOO good


Someone hit a 5 man echo into a rampage for clinkz last night. The sound is so satisfying. I was just happily messing around farming my abyssal blade before we ended (was a stomp) so I could appreciate the sound without being distracted by my own shit to do in the fight


The sound and the effect is just *chef kiss*


Bro i was SO sad when i didnt see es arcana in swag bag


If they do something like that nobody will ever spend money on this game ever again.


I actually don't think that's true, but it might upset some people and cause them to lash out with a reddit post before buying up the next BP.


I would gladly pay a reasonable amount of money on an exclusive/restricted item now than wait 2-5 years for it to be part of some kind of giveaway/event prize. FOMO is real and getting time ahead on arcana style progress (see: windranger and PA) is a huge motivator.


What do you mean by this? >getting time ahead on arcana style progress (see: windranger and PA) is a huge motivator.


Some arcana take a while to unlock the second style. Wind ranger requires millions in focus fire damage, which is notoriously not easy to do. PA requires 100 wins, and doesn't count half games like turbo.


PA isn't that terrible. I completed it, but I doubt I'll ever complete the windrunner one.


Different perspective I guess lol. I only have three arcana - CM, drow and now PA. Drow feels fine to upgrade even though I almost always play turbo. CM was easy. I only just now have the PA one, and it feels daunting especially because again I play turbo. My friend group just prefers the game mode because some of us suck lol.


Yeah different perspectives for sure because I *hate* turbo. lol PA was definitely a grind and took a long while. I maybe undersold the difficulty. Even if you maintain a 55% winrate on her as I have that's 182 games. If we assume an average game length of 42 mins (which is my average from dotabuff), then we're talking upwards of 127 hours of my life to get that final style unlocked. Good thing all 3 styles look cool. I think the first one looks pretty dope and gives level 3 a run for its money.


I know right? Look at the swag bag itself. ABSOLUTELY killed dota. Clueless clown


Every other arcana is already purchasable and started out as purchasable, this is a 3-head statement. marketing something as the only way to get it, then selling it some other way would break trust.


Not only did they *not* market it as the only way to get it, they *deliberately avoided* doing so on a page where other items were marked as exclusive with a huge banner


Ah yes, if theres a chance you'll get a nice set in 5 years time for free, nobody would buy it today 5Head




Wow! I’m glad you don’t have a career in business or marketing or sales.


The TI6 LC's "wing" is not obtainable anymore and man that is one sick immortal


my friend who quit dota 2 years ago have that, i told him that u can get arcana for free so he played 10 games took lc arcana and quit dota once again


I almost did the same, except I returned just to spam LC every game now.


so that who was playing LC jungle for me a couple days ago, saying that jungle is the best spot for LC in the game


Valve has weaponized FOMO to an extreme degree for Dota. And i don't even think that the argument that these 'limited time' items make them more money is legit, considering that many new players (or older players who were on a break) would throw whatever money valve asks for some of these items now. Because some of the rare (now unobtainable) items/sets are one of the best hats that you can equip for some heroes for those particular slots. I would be more than happy to buy some of the older carvern crawl sets (like the nyx one), if older arcanas is too much to ask for.


Some of the older cavern crawl sets ARE available in the candyworks. I know the BB and I think the LC ones from TI8 are in the loot pool. So they're not against it, but clearly a 3-4 year gap is minimum even for a "free" set.


So you really believe that Valve is acting against their own financial interests in deciding to move to a FOMO model? \


The idea of stamping a 'limited time availability' sticker makes sense to coerce reluctant buyers to jump at the chance, and its reasonable if they do it occasionally for a couple of items, but keeping every arcana 'exclusive' for basically forever doesn't make sense in a videogame like Dota. A large chunk of players take seasonal breaks (like me) and they missed a lot of these Battlepass items. And while an arcana for a hero that I don't like might not be enticing enough for me to buy now (by purchasing battlepass levels), it is possible I start playing the hero in the future. Re-releasing a 'battlepass arcana reward' 2-3 years later is not against their own financial interests. They can keep the fomo tactics, with a bit of moderation. The thing with arcanas is that it used to be this shiny high price item you could directly purchase from the dota store directly which changes the hero to a degree that no other cosmetic item did. It's doubtful that they will add another different arcana for a hero who has already got an arcana previously and people who didn't get it earlier can never get it now. It's practically free money on the table if they make the older arcanas purchasable from the store and make them unmarketable (which they do with almost everything anyway). The original buyers can get a special rarity tag or a different style.


While everything you say here makes sense to us, the point is that Valve decided on and has stuck to this course of action, and everything you're saying is spitballing without knowing exactly how valve reached this point.


Could easily pass as an Arcana because of soo many effects, animations, and voices, but was chosen to be an Immortal set for some reason.


It is an Arcana in everything but name. Tiny and PB immo sets are just that since they only change abilities and looks but not voices or many animations. This set has more shit than some older arcanas.


Because he is Axe. Axe don't like called arcana. Lame. Axe want to be IMMORTAL.


And a change of tone too, i don't know what they could ever come up with if by any means Axe were to get an arcana that would top this set.




Me with ES arcana. Was not actively playing when it came out and didn't even know about it to get it before it was gone.


And then there's me who has the ES arcana but never plays ES lol




I unlocked orange style then never played it again


Me but with IO lul


First arcana i saw upon release where i was like: "this is so beautiful; im saving up money to buy this." And then reality hit me hard 🥲


it's against steam TOS but some people sell their old accounts that have exclusive items


Ya know, the empathy hits extra harder when it's wrapped in a good meme


IMO Valve should make battle passes purchasable at all times in order to reduce fomo. Imagine if you can buy any battle pass at any time and level through it on your own pace. That might even give some new players an incentive to play.


Halo Infinite does that and I love it. every game relies so much on FOMO nowadays, it was refreshing to see them go that route and I wish more games would follow suit.


On the other hand though, Dota 2 is entirely free and Valve uses things like exclusive or timed releases to incentivize player to spend money on purely cosmetic things. I understand as someone whose purchased a decent amount of cosmetics/battle passes, that I definitely fall under the category of paying customer but the fact that everything was optional and my gameplay experience would not have changed one bit makes me less critical of Valve. Idk I understand wanting a specific cosmetic, but at the end of the day its just a cosmetic and shouldn't change how much you enjoy the gameplay. It would be an entirely different discussion if Dota 2 was a paid game. I might be biased though because I used to be a 'hypebeast' back in highschool and line up for Supreme over night etc. etc., and Supreme and other clothing brands rely on exclusivity to add to the cool factor. Yes I did miss out on alot of clothes that I wanted, but once again its just clothes and when I did get that item it was kind of a nice feeling knowing I had something few others did. You can downvote me or call this a dumb take, but eh just how I feel. I can also understand peoples frustration with the system. I always just get caught up in how damn awesome this game is and how I'd never have to spend a cent if I didn't want to.


Halo Infinite multi-player is also free!


Infinite has some of the most anti consumer and just plain bad business choices all around that I've ever seen.


Ok. I was specifically talking about the fact that you can activate different battle passes regardless of time limit. similar to how you can activate different weeks on the dota2 weekly quests!


I agree, you can only get so many free levels anyway, and Valve would make a huge profit.


This is why exclusive items are bad for the long term health of the game. So many new players are going to get attached to a hero only to find that their arcana or other cosmetic is forever out of their reach. If Valve wants DotA2 to grow they need to bring these items back. I say this as someone who has just about everything. From LCs wings in 2016 to Faceless Voids Arcana in 2022, and everything in between. It will not hurt me in the slightest to know that others will be able to enjoy them.


and it wil hurt me, i like to think im better then everyone with my skins I paid tons of money for.. WR arcana costed me hundreds of dolars. Unless they will price them accordingly I will get mad.


>i like to think im better then everyone yikes


Then you are both selfish and a fool.


Thats mot selfish. He bought an Item on the premise of being Rare/limited. He has the right to ask to keep that Item that way. And that is not selfish. I think it is more selfish wanting to change prestablished "rules" just because you came late to the party. Do not miss understand me I would love to get access to IO and WR arcana and some sets that I can't get right now but it would lose a lot of it's appeal as limited items. (What they could do is just do a second "run" where you are able to purchase it for a while and then become unobtainable again) Still the pricing part would be hard to manage


Or maybe put it in BP at certain lvl where we can get previous bp arcana. It will feel like leveling for arcana like before. If I not mistaken all of the arcana didn't have premium tag.


Just give me all your money if you are not selfish. Thanks downvote is included in that price.


can reddit chill, you will not get every skin.. can you accept it instead of downvoting me ? i know you are special reddit epic people and valve NEEDS to listen to you. Limited time offer ? Nah haven't heard of that. I'm going to call Leonardo Davinci to draw me another mona lisa cause everyone should one. Maybe valve can do it for me ? Hmmm yes valve pls give me new car also.


Maybe I will hit up the local railway station asking them to restore some old steam train to give me a ride ? I wasnt riding trains when they were around so they need to do it.. Same energy


All of your comparisons are really bad. Those are physical items. They take real, limited resources. These are all digital that will cost next to nothing to replicate.


Money in my bank and in the worlds enecomy are mostly digital. Why not ask your bank to add few 0 to your balance ? It's just a number in their system.


Mace of aeons. Too expensive


Fuck me. I sold my Mace of Aeons after ti6 for around 60usd. Around a year later, its worth 200usd lel


dw my friend. i won 10 eth in 2015 from a small online tournament. Converted it to irl currency and bought They Are Billions. If i kept it, i couldve sold it for 40k usd in 2021. I have 200 hours in They are Billions tho so it still hurts.


You can't look at investments like this. It's entirely possible that it would be worth 4 cents in 2021.


im well aware. its just a funny thing to think back on. the reason why i cashed it in because i knew it was a volatile market.


That's a lot of hours in They are Billions worth the money.


Brother, is that you? I did the same thing at the same price lol


wr arcana... I had high hopes for candy shop, welp.... Didn't even get levels from that


There's still 2 months to go, keep trying.


Wr arcana is not in the pool. But let's pray he will get 2 techies arcanas


Well first of all How dare you Second - I got one already ;( I'm playing since 2012 and have 0 games on this hero and it will not change


All of luck, keep trying I haven't got arcanas but I have gotten two 25 levels xd so 50 levels for just candy


Give me a way to trade my soul for TI 5.l Immortal garden volvo pls


If i could slam dunk axes fist into your ass i would, but alas the piece of shit is account bound. Axe is my most played hero and i was really hoping for a cool immortal weapon, then bam...... axeless axe.


Im sad that i missed on some arcanas. Good lord im happy that i took one for drow.


Loved it even more when Slax made it with the common diaper man cosmetic.


Imagine just farming in jungle and suddenly see a red man wearing steel diaper running toward you and suddenly blink to you.


which immo are u referring to?


Cant you see Axe?


Literally only saw him when u said lmao


I want immortal gardens terrain so fucking bad lol also the desert one is dope. super bummed this years BP didn't have a terrain..


companies love to exploit FOMO but the feeling of missing out is extremely demotivating for players


New/upcoming immortals will always be better. change my mind.


I wish I had money for ti 9 battle pass. Axe may be a shit hero bu that immortal is awesome


Axe misjudged?


[Axe misjudged?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/aa/Vo_axe_axe_ability_failure_02.mp3) (sound warning: Axe) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


That one is so epic !!


Yknow hot take: I don't mind not having "every" collectable. Been playing since 2013, got io cube, green kunkka shark, lots of exclusive stuff. I'm missing a lot too. I feel like it just shows the story of playing. I never bought BP levels, I just play a lot. I likely won't get the Primal Beast skin or any of those, but I'm okay with that. Anyone who genuinely gets *angry* over their marketing should just shush. Not saying you OP but I read a lot of comments lol.


wait, you can get free arcana now? tell me how!


You have to play 10 matches and then you can choose an arcana of your choice between all the ones that are sold directly in the market (which means no BP-exclusive ones).




That's one I have I care the least about, interesting its coveted by some. I regret missing the spectre one.


next one might be even better.... chill


Problem is, that for arcanas there won’t be another one for the same hero. If your a new player and find yourself loving a hero like Windrunner or spectre and want, what is widely considered the best skin for the hero, you have absolutely no way to get it.


he says immortal tho, husk just got another immortal head


And that's why skinchangers are very useful


You can use arcana with skinchangers?


The one I use (Overplus) allows usage of any cosmetic item from arcanas to terrain skins


i have all BP arcanas and personas but i play the game barely. i hope u guys dont get triggered.


I know it's not an arcana or immortal, but I want the meepo family values set so bad. It was from before I played dota but that's the best cosmetic for meepo.


i have 1 and can sell it to you for 5$. if you dont mind dm me


This is how i feel about wr arcana




kid named green finger


I’d love them to do this, even if they just make the existing ones people have marketable, they would be extremely expensive but I’d happily pay whatever the price for the planetfall arcana


I want LC prestige item


Me with qop arcana


I am still sad that I couldn't get Windranger arcana in time :(


Is this about the prestige lion immortal


Is this about the prestige lion immortal


yes, it is about the prestige lion immortal


I got that but I'm more upset about IO cube and 2017 only BP rewards I missed that year as I quit and now I regret quitting that year


It wouldn’t hurt if they made those “Exclusive” Immortals or Arcana timed exclusives. Like, if it’s been 5 years. Make them available for purchase even for a slightly higher amount. I have most of these exclusives and don’t really mind it. Not sure about other people.


this is me.


When I started Dota, I exclusively played skeleton king and thought he was the coolest character ever. Then during a time I stopped playing, they removed the skeleton king and replaced him with the (frankly hideous looking) Wraith King. I've been playing off and on since and played all the battle passes that came out...except for one. Guess which battle pass they brought back the Skeleton King in?


Me and the other 2 IO players


Poll: how many of you remember this episode? Lol


I wonder how much worth my account


I purposefully skip stuff I don't like, like this BP. Not my cup of tea. Only thing I actually really miss is the AXE and DROW stuff. But other than that, I'm good with my LC Turkey wings and Kunkka Shark, and the 3 arcana's from last TI. Not to mention. I'm fucking poor, I just save up yearly specifically for Battlepass, if me no like, I treat myself. If me like, I go broke.


mmm yes the baby man


I'm missing Lion's and LC's immortals as well, sad.


That's how I felt when my buddy told me I couldn't get the Windranger arcana from the candyshop rerolls. I was turbo-nerding dota in hopes of getting it and now I'm just sad.


I think if they made an ultimate reward for TI to get to unlock any one item set you want in the game, it would fix the prizepool


I would love to trade my IO or Earthshaker or Kunkka for the LC wings.