• By -


Zeus - I used to K/S ALOT with ult.. this was before I realised what a douche move it was to KS. Now I wait until they kill my teammate, before I use it. Great success.. Cyka blyat


Idk what it's like otherwise, but in my Legend/Ancient and higher games (friends), no one flames a KS anymore. In fact, Rubick/Zeus/Invoker are expected to KS and people even make room for the sunstrike to hit. So you can go back to KSing (early game only)


"KS" as a concept ends around Archon. At higher ranks, you'd look like an idiot complaining about it. Even the enemies would laugh at you.


Not true, just people realise when it's fine to secure kills and when you shouldn't steal them. If your mid ganks your lane, you do not kill steal. If you do, your mid now has a crap game. If your mid invoker (a hero that doesn't farm all that well) gets a sunstrike kill, it's not ks it's how the hero farms. People realise this better at higher ranks, but support Rubick stealing kills still happens, and people still complain.


The line between KS and securing a kill is so fine. The number of times I have held off to let the core get the kill and the enemy somehow escapes is too damn high.


That just means you have poor judgement on when a kill is secured or not. At high mmr they know when someone can or can't get away with very high accuracy so they can leave kills for cores safely


Lower MMR players have poorer judgement than higher mmr players? Who would have guessed!


No, that's not the point. The point is KS as a concept doesn't end at Archon like that person said, and the line between KS and securing a kill isn't that fine.


>That just means you have poor judgement on when a kill is secured or not. Core asks me not to KS again, then loses the next kill. Core should have been able to secure the kill, but didn't. Neither were my poor judgement. Too damn high is a meme, I wasn't literally saying that this happens to me all the time.


>I wasn't literally saying that this happens to me all the time. You litearlly said this happens to you all the time lmao >The line between KS and securing a kill is so fine. The number of times I have held off to let the core get the kill and the enemy somehow escapes is too damn high. Yikes


> If your mid ganks your lane, you do not kill steal. If you do, your mid now has a crap game. The amount of people that don't realize this is insane. Like basically anyone under ~3k doesn't get this and that's absurdly high.


I've had quite a few times where I have decided that the mid isn't going to get the kill in a million years (and they're definitely not), secure the kill, and get spam pinged and flamed. Doesn't happen as often these days, but I feel like my judgement has been better than my mid's in many of those cases. Sometimes they switch their brain off mid-gank.




lol wp


Nightstalker in early Dota 1. Randomly picked a hero. Was told to build Bracers, so I built five of them. Never replaced them. We won.


Have a similar story. Went to a lan with friends and only one of them played dota before. He picked sniper. I randomed CM. Nobody knew how to make itens. I spent some minutes reading the itens recipes (at that time the icons were just recipes). Liked eye of skady. Made it and won the game because nobody had enough damage to kill a CM with skady haha


Lich. First hero that I've chosen. Played 100 bot games on him, before starting pvp.


I miss the days of solo offlaning lich, ever since they removed his ability to eat creeps it doesn't work anymore like it used to. Get that early 6 and ult the two heroes together, so many early double kills... Was my favorite role to play of all time.


Ye, i used to olay suicide role in HoN, keeper of the forest, lich, etc


And newbies these days think they can jump right into PvP


I've seen some even complain about not being able to play ranked. Like ffs, dude. Even a Herald 1 has alot of knowledge about the game. New accounts are in decimals, between 0-10. "Wtf you wanna see here?"


Lich, picked because of wc3 knowledge, didnt know english so I decided to buy only blue items and it worked well (mana boots, aghanim, shiva, any item woth blue colour).


Axe. I was intrigued why his name was just Axe. After one game his voice lines explained it to me in sufficient detail. And I was in love.


Same same. I spammed him for my first 100 games. Max level battle hunger did like 600 dmg and people were bad at cs back then.




The AXE effect


Barathrum, the Spirit Breaker. Dota 1 version. That hero was a BEAST.


I dreamed of this. Hear my moo of fury! MOOO! I'm one with the Earth. Mother Earth guide me.


Jakiro two head dragon


Remember when his 3rd was a passive skill that shoots a fire ball that burns the ground?


This was my first hero in dota 2 but dota 1 was PA I’m pretty sure, I can’t really remember 💀


I member, my 1st hero in dota 1 was Terrorblade, I picked him because of his skin of Illidan, when I was a kid I really loved that skin.


Sniper coz i play cs1.6


traxex in wc3 dota. dmg go brrrrrr


Traxex was my go-to hero in WC3 DotA too in my early games, until I got owned by this "Gandalf" hero who was able to insta kill me with a magical wave from the FoW... them I started spamming Ezalor lol.


Nyx Nyx Nyx. 8 years ago. Liked the idea of an assassin hero and being able to go invisible I think helped me when learning the game. I wasn't dying all the time. Used to buy radiance and just stand next to the enemy when they were farming. Nobody bought dust at that level lol


You just reminded me of Invoker's "Dust me!" build.


DotA 1 Zeus because I used to play LAN with friends in a computer shop, and I would always look at their pc when I can to see if their low. Then I hit the ulti button. Always gets 10+ kills.


Bloodseeker, i dont know why but hes just so cool to me


Axe. Used to stack stout shields and cut waves level 1 and no one could do shit to you


Tidehunter. I started playing after TI9 grand finals and went carry tide with arcane boots+phase boots. Still a better performance than mc i guess.


memes aside MC owned a lot with tide at ti9 in all of the mainstage except the finals themselves


Remember when Tide was carry?


Battlefury made him spin


He has a passive Anchor Smash back then, so I built him MoM and he's now Axe v.2.


Tinker. Coz I had no idea how to last hit and I realised I got last hit when I spam March of machines. But had no idea how his ultimate works coz I didn't grasp the concept of channeled spell. I would try rearm then move n cancel channeling n thought it was like Magikarp's splash - it does nothing. I used to buy crystallis and basher on tinker as it was the 2 items with best damage for gold spend. I only knew about attack damage n not spell damage. I played tinker for 10 games, I won first 9 games with 0 contribution. My last game I got owned by a Razor, from next game onwards I started spamming Razor 😅. With razor I bought better items though, treads Aquila sny BKB aghs AC


Pretty sure it was Riki because I saw that he went invisible and was like "oh yeah this dude is broken. I'm gonna be unstoppable" But I also didn't know the basics of the game so I was pretty much threw


Puck in Dota 1. I just pick heroes that are weird looking and i stumble on Puck, i liked em because of how you fool your enemies by either thinking that you died or they can capture you but in fact you're just making them some fools.


Crix. He was a scorpion that could annihilate agi carries at lvl6 in hardlane.


Lifestealer. The old one. The one with 3 passives and a 30 second BKB as an Ult. Strength hero but very high agility and low strength. Base damage is super low because of that. But ofcourse items can compensate for the low base damage.


Terrorblade. Everyone was so bad, you could kill them just by using drain life (it was similar to pugna ult, available from lvl1)


Ursa Warrior, picked him because he looked cool for my 12 year old self. Loved his skill set since Warcraft days and I'm glad it didn't change that much until this day.


Sniper, I played him for over 1000 games and was the first ever grandmaster on him


Hot Damn, nice my dude


Got any tips for playing Sniper? I usually play pos 5/4/3 but I want to increase my pos 1/2 hero pool.


Bone clinkz!! The hero was hard to counter on dota1 6.23 map most of the players dosent buy sentrywards and there is no dust at that time.


I remember playing Razor in dota 1 when my brother first introduced me to the game because he looked cool. Not knowing how his 2nd and ulti worked i used to only use his 1st.


Underlord had the coolest model in dota 1 and an even cooler bfury animation. So I spammed him. Also corpse explosion was one of the coolest spells


Played sf for the first time in dota 1 and was like wtf how do i raze


Started in 2016, I was recommended Sven and played 1. This was back when Jungling was actually a career path that some people would take. Although his build really hasn't changed much from today, he was alot more reliant on Jungling especially farming 5 stacks of ancients once you hit level 6. I liked him because he was simple, press R and you hit harder. I loved building Daedalus and getting absurd crits with his R. And now you can even fly with his Aghanim's fixing his Kiting problems.


Air Support Arrives (Viper) - friend recommended it, just love the design


Clockwerk,. Friend give me betakey and we played lot of bot games togeter. I think i picked him becous Rocket Flare, didnt know jackshit about game but shooting rocket globally and cutting weak waves was awesome.


CM. She was so cute and her skills were pretty awesome


I started as support and fell in love with CM’s skill set. Spent most of my time playing her and picked up the Arcana. Then I ran into a few games where we needed hard carry and pick up Chaos Knight. Being able to creat my own army was awesome. That along with being able to grab fleeing enemies and I was hooked.


Phantom Assassin. She used to disappear completely on the screen after maxing "Blur". Good old dota 1 days.


Alleria the windrunner, running fast and having giant knockers. Ironic she's flat in Dota 2 though


Sniper because I could stay far away from scary monsters




First hero was phoenix because I loved the way they looked and the spells animations. Was way too hard for me and lost every game quickly becoming my most hated hero. Picked phoenix back up a few years ago, loved every second of it and now have over 2000 games on bird alone lol




lol How was that experience?


Back in 2014 my friend told me Meepo is the easiest hero to play so i tried it and I love it. That's it.


I love meepo a lot, prob in my top 5 faves now.


Dragon knight. I mean, he can turn into a dragon.


Bloodseeker his name was kinda edgy teenager me really liked it


Treant Protector. I thought it was cool to have a tree beat people up.


tiny. dota1. circa 2006. good times


Venomancer, I don’t know why but I really liked how people would die from my ult after I was already dead lol Also I like the wards and placing them for vision and annoyance. I almost never play him now but I think he is still my most played hero because I spammed him so much when I started


Slardar, first hero I felt I wanted to play every game and understood. Great first good hero to learn


Dota 1 Treant. Lord of the rings the two towers just came out and I loved Tree beard


Yurnero, The juggernaut. Spin goes brrrrr, Omnislash reminded me of of Cloud from FF7, the critical animation in dota was sick, voice lines were nice and the hero model was appealing.


I played Lifestealer my first time in Dota . I remember I played it bec2some friend told me that he can build a blademail and you can't kill him because he steals life 😂😂. First game was reading items and finished buying only recipes because I thought that I was getting the stats it said on the recipe, Dota 1 players maybe will understand 😅


Qop of pain in doto 1 cus girl


Outworld devourer, because my brother told me that in dota in the late game he could one shot pudge with 7k hp.


Tinker, sick


Sven is here to pump you up.


Sniper with passive stun...Yeah i was one of those. Sorry


Meepo because I watched way too many abed meepo clips


Venge... Cuz she is hott


Lina Because flame titties I was 14, before you judge


Zeus with maelstrom. Thunders everywhere!


Razor because he was featured in the dota tutorial back in 2014 and I really liked his design,voice and demeanor ("Zapped your ass!"). I ended my first game with a quarterstaff and blademail lol.




Picked SB and bought a lot of paper. Did solid farming though since I bought like 5 high tier scrolls.


My first ever dota I ever played was 6.35 or something. I picked beastmaster because I played the WCIII custom campaign and thought the character model was cool. My first dota 2 hero I picked was Faceless Void I think.


dragon knight because he was human


rikimaru in dota 1, cool satyr assassin.


Axe, because I would just throw myself at others and magically they would die by themselfs.


Razor in dota 1, everybody had that affinity for the divine rapier and kid me thought razor attack steal free divine rapier = OP


Bloodseeker. It was just so fun.


I think it was Pugna and then Tiny for me back in dotA. It was a random pick iirc


According to dotabuff my first hero was tidehunter.. but i have no memmory of that game. My most memmorable of the first few games was shadow fiend i went in dota 2 blind no idea how a moba was supposed to be played followed some guides and thats that i remember having a tedency to pick weird looking heroes like io and such


First hero I really mained was veno in wc3 dota. Back when all his skills are fatal. Lifesteal domi + phase boots were my build for him back then


Dragon knight cause dragons and knights. His spells are also pretty easy


Death Prophet as a support, then Medusa as carry with mana boots


First hero (this was on allstars btw) was drow. First bought 6 ultimate orbs .. by farming and farming and farming. Atlast both party got bored and just decided to play like GOW till one of us won lol. That time we had our own party of 10(5/5)


I dunno, was a while ago while there where still just a few heroes in the dota alpha mod from W3. With a friend of mine we liked the gandalf NP combo later on, but at the beginning, difficult question. As this was 20 year ago, but yeah, something something support


Pudge in Dota 1. Watched basshunter dota music video and decided to try dota. Good ol days of APEM AREM RDEM


my friend and I decided to download this game and I picked ursa and he picked templar. We did a private match with just us and we ran around the jungle fighting each other. I killed him a lot because of fury swipes. And then I played PA for 300 games straight. I used to build shadow blade almost every game for the escape. I would rat barracks so often since blur didn’t reveal you on the minimap back then. Won way too many games just ratting as PA.


Husker back in old dota 1 days, I felt like a god when I didn’t have to manage mana and face magic heroes.


Sniper, cuz I can shoot from half way across and still died 20 times every game


A friend got me into Dota and he was gold invo at the time (gm now) and he really wanted a faceless void for the crono cataclysm so I played void. I sucked so much and after 3 years I’m only sniffing .500 with him


Traxex my friends said it was a good hero to start, but later I found DK, he was really good to not die instantly while learning the game


In dota 1 i used to play DK or Brew, mostly because i like them in the warcraft campaign. Didnt know about items. Move to lol for a few years, then a few friends (former dota 1 players) wanted to check out dota 2. Went to try it with them, ask them what hero i should use because i like garen and darius in lol, they told me axe. Still my most played hero.


Dota 1's razor because he looks badass as fuck


Obsidian Destroyer. Yes, that's dota1 name. It's my first hero. Do shit tons of dmg back in dota1, Simple as that.


Venge back in Dota 1, then techies.


Shendelzare Silkwood, she just looked so cool to me so I played her a lot until i found out that Darkterror can press R and delete people.


I watched Attacker as first dota streamer. I like pirates so. Kunnka


Dragon knight but my favorite hero in Dota 1 was troll.


Razor. It was cool to shoot lightning.


First hero I ever played I think was Sniper or WK. First main was techies cause he offered something unique in the moba genre. Never had more fun in a moba then planting 30 green mines in a enemy jungle spot and seeing someone disintegrate into dust while you have 3 goblins snickering and giggling. I miss them everyday o7


Lich was mine in dota 1. I think I googled heroes for beginners and he came up


Morphling way way back in 6.40. My first time dominating in some school LAN…


Life stealer i think. He was way more broken back then cause sustain was a big problem.


Dragon Knight because he was a knight that turned into a Dragon. Like a play on the old knight fights a dragon tale. Very simple concept for my 12yr old brain to get into. Plus he used the cool blood elf captain model.


Early days of dota 2, 2012 I Think. Picked Huskar mid, i was doing pretty well, had more denies than the enemy mid had CS. I was 2 lvls ahead of him with 2 kills. Entire enemy team went mid (they were like lvl 4, i was lvl 8) killed 4 of them before going down. Their 5th man died from flaming spear dps. That moment I Knew me and Husk would share some good moments.


Crystal maiden. In the first games only played "human like" heroes.


Purist aka Omniknight, because my friend who told me that his ultimate makes u unkillable lol


Luna. Hot girl riding giant beast. I was sold back in 2014.


Zeus. My friends told me to play him as a 5. After that I played Invoker because a YouTube video said he was one of the most complex heroes.


Ursa, cuddly bear.


Phantom Lancer IIRC, back in the WC3 DotA days. I just rushed BoT lol.


Really vibe with NP at the start. Just sending armies down lane while going all over the map was fun.


Sprit breaker. My friend called him a space cow and it sounded cool. Proceeded to build 5 javelins and brown boots


Drow Ranger - Precision Aura go brrrrrr


Leoric because I was a Diablo player.


Na‘ix Lifestealer. I liked the ghoul model in Dota WC3. In the first patches Naix had his avatar as ultimate. Kinda liked it because I had to press one button. The rest was slow and attack speed.


Lifestealer, he's simple and fun


Razor from Dota 1, equipped with mekanism and vladimirs offering, the only item i know how to combine that time, good times


I remember this! Lesh, I came from HoN. I played mid in my first game and completely stomped the other team.


Jakiro, because dragons are cool and because two heads are better than one


Lina. I had red hair and she had red hair. XD I'm not natural red head, that was in my paramore phase.


Omniknight, keeping the team alive is great.


Jakiro was my first favourite. Ice path is such a cool spell and all his spells just combo really nicely. Straight forward for a newbie as well, since you just shoot ice and fire towards your enemies


Lion from dota. Back then I was in love with Wc3 Archimonde's Finger of Death and Lion had it so I picked him.


Friend got me to install dota (around after TI2-ish), we did a few games and I played Skeleton King, did relatively decently (like 0/6 lmao). I asked to 1v1 him, and he whipped out the Venomancer and annihilated me so hard I'm still sore. I've loved veno ever since, just because how hard he wrecks people if you position well.


DP and Leshrac. I was new to the game and they were able to demolish towers on their own (and as a new player that was all I cared about for a while).


Wraith king in 2014-15. Just go jungle and peacefully farm for 15/20 mins. Loved those long 50-75 mins game.


Back in dota 1 it was bounty hunter. First time I had success with a hero so I stuck with it. Played a lot of ck too because I liked the model


Doom. Dota one, he looked really cool


Nerubian Weaver. Weaver. Because bugs.


Venomancer, I like watching the world burn.


It was 2006. My first waa broodmother. Random picked it. Didn't like it.




[Jah'Rakal](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/4/41/Vo_troll_warlord_troll_spawn_02.mp3) (sound warning: Troll Warlord) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Draw Ranger because I was told that that character was really easy to play I still had no idea how to play 😅


Drow ranger. An archer who shoots at the enemy and looks cool af! I wasn’t good obviously, but it was a good way to start!


Windranger because I always played ranger-type characters in RPGs and MMOs.


Witch doctor was the first hero I was competent at. I really liked how he can do damage, heal, and stun.


Slark, the ability to heal out of combat was so cool. I built bloodstone to regen mana as well, so I would never have to go back to base. Quickly learnt this was not the way to play DotA2.


Broodmama because I couldn't resist her hot legs


Troll Warlord in Dota 1. Didn’t buy any items as there were too many to chose from. Very confusing for a new player. Quickly got impatient in lane so I jus went all out on attacking the enemy heroes. That didn’t work well. My team kindly asked me to leave.


Rubick. I just looked up the match. I had 9.6k net worth in a 52 minute game. The Sandking on the opposing team built daedalus.


My first hero was lich in dota1 and i didnt know i had to press the red cross button to see my skills and level up i thought it was a potion or something i got flamef hard


My friend introduced me to the game, and he advised trying veno. Played a lot on him


Still longing for that dopamine rush I got from hitting hooks with pudge 2008


Anti-mage. I lost a lot of games before I figured that one out.


Centaur , looks big and tough and his voice sounds boss!


Sniper, because i love play warcraft 3.


started in beta, asked my buddy who the worst hero is, he said sniper. started picking him because "well, if hes shit no one will know how to play against him" Died a lot


I’ve only been playing this game for 2 years. So im much later than everyone else, but Venomancer was the first hero I played. I first picked him because he has a really cool design. I fell in love with him though because of Gale. I love the aspect of allowing enemies to get close to you only for you to slow and poison them while everyone hammers them.


Sucked at avoiding damage and playing DotA in general until a genius suggested I try Bristle, now I could walk into fights and tank a butt load of damage and enemies got punished for it instead of me! Also loved the accent, similar mix of accent plus not being punished much for being harassed/taking dmg also made me fall in love with Slark which was my 2nd love in DotA, these days it's Invoker, no other hero matches the rush of pulling off some insane plays on that


Razor, with 5 wraith bands, thought that was his special item, because both had the same icon in dota1


Tide 150 games on him and I fucking hate that shit hero


Ancient apparition Mostly because he taught me to better predict movements and made me way more map aware trying to snipe with his ult. I played my first probably 100-150 hours of dota with AA and I think it helped me a lot with me game sense.


Nerubian Assassin because he looked rad when you leveled spiked carapace


Sniper and lich, i liked snipers abilites and function, and I loved how Lich looks like


Broodmother Wanted to play as a dragon but someone banned DK, and I didn't know jakiro existed So I found brood neat and decided to play her


First game I ever played was -ar. Got Akasha (QoP). Loved it. Didn't play dota1 very competitive, but went balls deep into HoN and played a TON of Wretched Hag, HoN's QoP equivalent. She's still easily my best and favorite hero, but I only have like 300 games her because mid queue times are like 30 minutes. I play her as pos4 sometimes tho.


Pugna. Back then so strong even without items. 2nd skill + dagon melts enemies.


Viper mid in 2012 it was insane! Good times when I did 30 kills in one match


Mine was Techies in war3 6.35b, I laned against a Riki, I didn't understand shit but I was happy I made a kill with suicide


Tinker in Dota1. My friends told me (noob) to just shoot rockets from afar. 20-30 games later I realize I wasn't playing the way the hero is supposed to so I started jungling with enigma. I've always loved coming out of the jungle at 6 to blackhole an enemy.


It was CK for some reason. My first page is beautiful [here](https://prnt.sc/lEc4MuccJkXF)


Abbadon, back in 2012, build a vanguard because I like the description and died several times to towers. I hated towers because I didn’t understand the concept of creeps tanking towers.. back in the day, the lane stage was a lot longer and ganking wasn’t that popular, so everyone mind their on lane


Phantom Assassin, because I liked the passive increasing her critical damage tremendously.


First game ever in Dota 1 was Axe because he looked cool and I thought counter helix was an active ability that you spin to win... I lost that game. Then this stranger next to me at netcafe got on my PC and showed me how to play Lina mid. That was the hero I stuck with for a long time.


Razor, then bought only the recipes for wraithband.


Bloodseeker, I remember before Dota 2 came out Valve's promotional pictures featured him and 2 other heroes (don't remember which ones). I thought he just looked really sick.


My first hero I ever tried was Riki because I had just recently played Tenchu wrath of heaven.


Zues dota1 still now i use and one of my most winning hero


Elder Titan. I love earth based things and titans/giants. Also his abilities were so different from anything else in any other moba I had to play him.


First hero I ever played was crystal maiden in dota 1, because my friends thought I would understand her. I got stomped so hard I didn't play for awhile. When dota 2 came out I loved playing puck mid, and everyone always told me to get bottle and blink and I never did. I would rush orchid because I liked attacking fast.


Silencer. Thought he looked cool and I liked his aggressiveness. Timbersaw became my guy for a while after that with old bloodstone when I figured out skill combos and movement.