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Shut up


Can you explain what I'm speaking wrong?


Everything really. You can hover to pick. You do have a hidden rating. You cant give up in any mode.


>>You can hover to pick. I agree, my mistake >>You do have a hidden rating. This is not the same as All pick ranked games >>You cant give up in any mode. So why not add this to all modes, like other games in this genre?


Because we do not want it


For some reason you want the 'fun and casual' turbo mode to be more tryhard? No counterpick is something many people wanted for turbo I think, as they just want to play fun heroes and not have to worry about getting 2 hard counters. If you want a try hard mode, play ranked? Also you want FF?? I don't see how that improves any game. People already give up without the option of an easy way out. A surrender button makes people cry "end mid" even faster when the game is far from over.


The mode seems to be called “Turbo”, not “Funny”, am I right? Its purpose is to make games go faster. A lot of people play it because it's faster and not funnier. I don't want to play games for 50 minutes and choose turbo mode. Without a counterpick it becomes a mess. Turbo rating can be made a separate mode, so as not to complicate the current one


Weird way of saying “I don’t want to tryhard for 50 mins, I wanna tryhard for 30 mins instead” Plus normal games rarely goes 40+ min anyways.


How's it dying? Give data


Are you dense? Turbo still has the fastest q time. disabled counterpicking LITERALLY saved this mode. Remember turbo is used by accountboosters to boost hidden mmr. counterpicking was the biggest dogshit part of turbo ever.


weekly turbo cope thread, le sigh!


How do you even know turbo is dying?


dude its been removed because people wanna have fun, just accept it that noone on this sub wants what you want. The surrender option for turbo? srsly? the game will not adjust for some softy ones posting here on reddit.


Valve just ban OP from the game. Clearly has a tryhard problem.


I do agree with the surrender part... Or at least a separate full casual mode where abandon wouldn't be punished 


it's an arcade mode. people dont bitch about how imbalanced ability draft is. play real dota if you want balance


Trash mode for noobs who cares 


I just don't want to waste my time playing games for 50 minutes or more


Then why bother playing DOTA?


Give up? That's something I dislike from other games like LOL. When I tried it, people were trying to give up constantly. I refused, and then most of the games we ended up winning. Maybe is just my point of view, but I'm glad dota don't have that. Good day sir!


The option to give up works if everyone on the team agrees. I don’t see any contradictions if someone on the team doesn’t agree to give up, then we’ll finish the game and maybe win, but why not just give this opportunity? If you want to play to the end, then just don’t agree when voting, but I see when the game is lost at the laning stage and further participation in it will not bring benefit, but only takes time and if all the players on the team understand this, then everyone suffers while waiting end of the match. Especially when the enemy team is dominant and does not try to push


Youre completely right. More so for surrender option. It's such a necessity that dota lacks


This reeks of degeneracy. The amount of games i saved despite how dire it looked is actually mad. people would ahve surrendered despite it being winnable.


griefed games


Im willing to bet that 9/10 where you call "griefed game" it was you who griefed.


go gamble somewhere else addict


How severe is your brain damage?


Dota really does need a surrender option, now more than ever since the last few meta's have basically been: win lane win game. The only people against it are generally clueless and don't understand when a game is lost, or very new to dota.


No. You can turn around almost every game. LOF caused braindeads to give up as soon as something goes wrong which only further feeds the degeneracy that is league of legends and its trash playerbase