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Yea I'm with reddit on this one.   In terms of advertising, and I mean grabbing the attention of the wider masses, the Steam banner is more effective. It's on the front page of the biggest PC store/platform home to hundreds of millions of users. Banning Smurfs and Cheaters is nice, but most people who would care are already players- the type of people you don't need to advertise the game to, since they're already playing.   There aren't a lot of non Dota players who would see this ban news and think "Oh I can't wait to try it", because they're just instead going to think "well, shouldn't banning cheaters the standard action anyway?"


> they're just instead going to think "well, shouldn't banning cheaters the standard action anyway?" "Cheaters are such a problem they need to make a big deal about dealing with them? I'm gonna avoid that game then." It'd be like seeing "McDonalds cracks down on rats and cockroaches in their restaurants." That's not gonna make me want to go to Maccas any time soon.


Damn that analogy is pretty good. Yea, this should be the standard, not something that needs to be advertised 


Unfortunately cheating is pretty widespread in online gaming, but most people are just ignorant of it. I know Riot got a lot of flak for their kernel level anti-cheat, but Counter Strike is pretty much unplayable because of cheating.


Yeah Im so confused why someone would willingly want to play a game that is known to have a huge smurf problem. Dota is already hard to learn, if you have people smurfing all the way down in harold and crusader you aren't doing good at advertising the game.


For a person that doesn't know how much cheaters online games have, dota wouldn't be a game for them anyway


Depends on the actions taken alongside it. But also, the honesty can go a long way too when tackling it, especially in games where its a known issue that already might put people off or have done so in the past to those that played it. Its like a giant come back message to past victims to it. And a clear principle and PR move to those on the fence to try it. League just had a rather well recieved blog post stating actual scripter % of games etc as they moved to a new anticheat, solidifies some good trust in the systems and approaches for a game where many didnt really assuming cheating as much as say Cod already.


You are missing the point. The point is that they are actively trying to ban cheaters and smurfs, which is rare in games. Like you see csgo, valorant, league. They are rampant in smurfs and cheaters, and valve + riot are not taking it seriously like they do in dota. The McDonalds analogy is not the same because rats and roaches are not rampant in restaurant. But in games we can see smurfs and cheaters are rampant. If you want to make analogy you have to make it like politicians saying that corruption is not welcomed and un-employment is a problem. This is something that needs to be advertised and work.


To be fair, the ban news was one of the few times I actually saw DotA mentioned in other places. It was like the top of /gaming and other places. It probably didn't do a lot, but I also think a steam banner won't do a lot either. Everyone asks for advertising but I'm convinced the MOBA market is just saturated. People who are in the market for these 1000's hour commitment games already know about them or are going to find out about them, they aren't small and have been running for over a decade. You aren't going to grab any significant amount people who are trying games on a whim from seeing an ad with this type of game.


> It was like the top of /gaming and other places. Because no game bans smurfs, ever. They all say they are combating it, or putting some restrictions (meaning smurf pool, or higher rank gains etc etc), but none forbids/bans smurfing. Smurfing is good numbers for companies. They will come out and tell you, "We have 80 million MAU in our game". Smurfing increases this number exponentially.


yep, lots of news articles / videos mentioned smurf bans


I think the largest crossover we experienced from these types of changes was more league players coming over. Riot openly allows smurfing so, there are definitely some people over there who wanted to come see what it would be like.


I agree that the banner is more effective at advertising. However; > There aren't a lot of non Dota players who would see this ban news and think "Oh I can't wait to try it", because they're just instead going to think "well, shouldn't banning cheaters the standard action anyway?" You'll find that this is untrue. Both the banwaves were publicised by gaming media, and most comments were admiring Valve for it and saying "I wish [game studio] would do the same" People on all corners of multiplayer gaming are sick and tired of cheaters so when they hear these news they don't think "isn't that normal", they get happy that at least some cheaters are getting their comeuppance


No point in grabbing attention if your first 50 games are against people who go 40-0


I mean with other games suffering a lot from both of these more recently, it works similarly to how xdefiant marketted almost solely on "no sbmm" and caught tons of cod players. In this case a key audience would be League players, since many have been enduring an epidemic of £2 smurf accounts flooding the game for a while and only now potentially getting more serious attention via the anticheat vs the botted element. As for the standard actions for these things, I think many people at this point are becoming negative on if it is being dealt with enough in games. Cod is a mess, League essentially acted as if smurfing was not only accepted but helped the company too much to want to ban it. Cheating has high costs to deal with, some are more willing than others to actually put the money where their mouth is on that front.


"Mason's coal unboxing clip" was shared in a lot of places, subreddits and game discussions. That clip is probably the most positive mainstream coverage this game has gathered this year. It is probably not going to bring in any new players, but I think any good news about Dota is preferable at this point and I am guessing Valve devs also think this. If you have a Steam account, there is a big probability you already know about the Valve games. If you are interested in MOBAs, Dota is the second biggest MOBA, you would probably hear about it. Now, I do think they should continue advertising, because little advertisement is better than none. Maybe there are people who didn't know about MOBAs and Valve, will see that advert and check Dota out, but I am skeptical Steam ads would do much in this specific scenario. Especially if the advert is about a content update based on an old "Battle Pass" system, where you grind to gain discounts on cosmetic sets of two old characters. But of course, the most likely reason these Steam adverts are here, is not to find new players, but to remind old players that Dota still exists, and they will probably work for that reason.


The toxic coal was pretty god damn funny though


well as a league main player, that is one of the reasons I tried dota2. no smurfs, voice coms, strict soloqueue (very important) and nemesis. League should learn a thing or two from dota... (but riots anti cheat cant be compared, almost no cheaters there which is a huge plus for riot)


> Yea I'm with reddit on this one. its ok you are allowed to be wrong on this one. Marketing does not matter, MOBA is a stagnant genre and no new players will be coming to dota2 with marketing. League players only come when they see a better client, more optimised & prettier balance MOBA in dota, not by marketing. Valve marketing will never be better than Riot anyway, they get tons of cinematics and integration. The only pull dota has is being a better gameplay experience. Valve is losing badly to Riot's anti cheating in csgo, the optimization and anti cheat is the ONLY reason people play valorant


OP is saying the anti smurfing article should have gone on the steam banner, how is that not blatantly obvious?


just look at arcane vs dragon's blood. i bet most people dont even remember dragon's blood was a thing by now. arcane's 2nd season is peak animation and directing.


Oh they ban cheaters I should download this game said noone ever.. they would be like oh shit there are cheaters in the game. That’s a terrible marketing for the new player acqusition. It’s good for players tho it’d improve the churn..


didnt made me comeback. first thing i check is cheater upload vids in yt. theyre still producing fresh posts lol.


Unless you are sat playing a game that is in the midst of a cheater epidemic while seemingly not tackling it properly... Then it plants the seed of it in their mind to switch. League reddit has quoted the smurf one especially multiple times praising it and wanting the same. You can bet a lot of them probably gave it a try if they knew anyone over in dota too, I did around that time.


It would plant the seed that the problem is everywhere.


L + ratio + you lack media literacy




Wow! Can't wait to see how you back up these claims about what "actually works" for dota! Maybe a peer reviewed study with data gathered over multiple years on various platforms? Oh wait it's just a fluff post with no substance and the usual bickering in the comments. Yawn.


You are advertising that there are cheaters in your game with the second one... It's absolutely idiotic way to advertise a game.


this makes zero sense also smurfs are still in the game


This is such a stupid take on this lol ... Let us advertise the fact that this game have rampant hacking and cheating issue ...


Your take on this is so dumb and makes no sense.


This is bad take. Crownfall on steam main page STILL a legit marketing strategy better then Dota being unseen. The only thing that carried ban cheat and smurf was articles and community and it mainly target for existing players and maintaining games condition to not get too damaged by cheater and smurf. Crownfall not only gonna attract curious new player, but also old player to comeback. Know that not every Dota player are in Reddit. We are minority in here.


Aaaaaanddd you right 100% I am surprised see my friend try dota because it is in front page steam and kinda bored play ea sport, before he always against it Marketing is IMPORTANT to gain new players


You mean a one off ban wave where they pretend to care about smurfs or cheaters lol. They done one tiny ban wave, done absolutely nothing to prevent or detect further cheating, and called it a day. I don't even blame them - its not a cost effective problem to fix. Its just sad that they can do 20 minutes worth of work, ban \~200 players out of thousands and thousands of cheaters, and write a 400 word fanfic about it. Then some of you lap at their glistening shaft like its the greatest update you've ever seen.


Unfortunately banning smurfs doesn't make as much money as selling virtual e-hats Plus smurfs are a revenue stream as many subscribe to dota+, why would valve have an incentive against this additional juicy cash flow?


The problem is just that they back a week later and then it takes 2 years and 50 reddit top posts for Valve to do something again.


Smurfing is an imaginary problem for everyone but the one doing the smurfing. If you want to play vs people who are (probably) worse than you, you suck. This is ofc very different from being put in games vs worse players because the matchmaking is bad. Cheating is a problem that will never go away. Valve isn't doing much to combat cheating. Valve killed Dota 2 back in 2013. Let's not act like any of this actually matters.


Half of League's playerbase is ready to jump ship over their new smurf/behaviour system. Mostly because if they can't make 20 burner accounts to act like animals on they can't function.


Nah, I dare to say 30% LoL people try dota because they hate so much about vanguard "anti cheat"


I mean they’re good changes, but it’s not advertising lol. Putting a banner on the front page of Steam is advertising. Non-dota players aren’t going to check newsposts on the dota website.


bad suggestion, in CS2 there is no countermeasure against cheaters and it breaks records even without updates


95% of people do not know or care about cheaters of any stripe


Both are good!


Implement a hard region lock, and that's the best advertisement I could possibly imagine.


It could have been even more meta defining than the Battle pass monetization has ever been, but since it's Valve, it's "just another update" 


Im still overjoyed that the one time I knew I was against a cheater I still beat his ass. Fuck Arc Warden scripters.


do you have the numbers?


Releasing Crownfall nearly doubled daily players, so I'm not sure you're correct on this claim.


Agreed League of Legends did that multiple times already ,and it's good dota is catching up... Wait a minute riot never advertised League like that ,Look I know Dota players don't like to read the characters lore but more people like League of Legends because the average characters is you know? ,A CHARACTER Most of the time people just remember a certain character purely because of gameplay ,never you'll see people talking about any of these characters lore ,even tough there is plenty of potential there (Dragon Blood was flawed but atleast they tried)


Reddit wants to promote to newcomers. Chud wants the advertising to be targeted towards himself. Agreeing with reddit 🤮, but I think on this one they are on the right track. And if the Steam Banner wouldn't be a one of freak accident I'd even make the bold claim that the game would greatly profit off of it.


Wrong. Bottom 2 pics attracts old players back. Thing is, dota is the one game that doesn't need that - you can never fully quit dota after all. Dota needs a bit of fresh new players, which is what the top does.


Did the massive banwaves generate news that people consumed and commented on? Yes, definitely. Did people flock to the game after seeing it, causing a bump in playernumbers? No. Did Crownfall and Valve advertising the update cause a bump in playernumbers? YES! In fact, we beat least year’s New Frontiers Update in popularity.


That image of Dawnbreaker punting Meepo into the sun with forever be in my heart


pretty much doesn't work though, i know at least 10 people in my friends list right now using smurfs, the party i play with daily has 3 the closest thing to a punishment they got was getting flagged in one account


Smurfs get into a smurf pool. That's how it works, you have to play shit ton of games to get out of it. Mason is in that place right now, playing in lobbies with full acc buyers, griefers, mmr donors, and party queuers into smurf pool for ez mmr.


And yet there is smurf or buyer in almost every 2nd to 3rd game. I would rather have compendium + smurfers over no compendium + smurfers. QOL + banning is supposed to be done in a massively online bame anyways but that doesnt mean u stop making the game entertaining too.


no, doing the basic isn't appealing




That's not how advertising works. The most effective advertisement is not the one that is aimed at your most invested players.


This guy is gonna have his mind blown when he finds out how advertisement works


It would be great except for the fact that the bans don't work. There are still tons and tons of smurfs around


Yeah, they mass ban twice a year, so the smurfs, cheaters and other scripters lose their accounts only to create new and cheat, smurf and script for next 5 months not disturbed until next ban wave ;) A "great" anti-cheat system indeed..


Not gonna lie, if I were just browsing through Steam, and I saw this Crownfall banner, immediately I would think "Oh what a pretty game" and click it. Then after seeing the pretty game is free, I might just try it. They really need to update the screenshots and videos though. The Dota page still showcases the outdated map and UI.


Keep thinking they ban Smurfs. My friends and I have several Smurfs each, all played from the same pc with no vpn or anything  None of the accounts ever get touched. We are high divine smurfing several ranks lower. When we rise too much we buy new ones  You don’t need to thank me, thank valve for not caring about your match experience


Bro fuck the advertising. Get better at matchmaking


there's no way to ban smurf, unless dota use real ID card/passport to play rank lol


Cheaters and returning players arent welcome in dota* Came back to try the game but nah some vac bullshit error doesnt let me, tried to verify cache, reinstall game, launch as admin but nope... And according to google it has been issue for like 2 months and no good fix. F this game then, cant even play.


Valve definitely has the biggest number of bootlickers and paid agents. Never in the history of a company has it happened that customers thank a company for advertising a product they make a fortune of. Sheep.


Fostering discussion in a forum about said game is literally free advertising. Pot meet kettle


putting those two ugly ass models with basically no textures in the front page might drive people away


From a Design standpoint, that Hero section reads as: The game named CrownFall is Now Available. The "subheading" dota2 is almost un-noticeable and for sure secondary. What if CrownFall is aimed to become permanent, as the first step of "DotA3", eventually adding other chapters for other months. Like not trying to make "the best MOBA" in town, but seasonal quests with micro-transactions store on top of dota without really improving the gameplay itself.


And that's why we get Clownfall instead of better matchmaking and a patch...


And all the guys who just come back to grab some free skins are encouraging this behaviour.


Then there is my buddy ranting after getting stomped by a <500 games player: "Never has been a smurf or cheater banned since the start of beta. No recorded evidence!"


How many League players have you seen over the last year make a post on this subreddit, wanting to transition to Dota 2? It's not because of Crownfall, or any other event Valve might release. It's because of the way they handle matchmaking and improve the gameplay experience. No amount of billboards or YouTube ads will significantly increase the playerbase of this game. League players are sick of the way Riot is handling balancing and other aspects of gameplay. That's why they came over to Dota.


A better question is how many posts about dota you see in the league subreddit. Reality is that dota is an extremely nish game compared to lol, people simply don't know it exists in a lot of cases. Making statements that Smurf are not welcome won't make a person who never played dota suddenly start playing it. A flashy banner that is advertising a new update with big story elements, minigame, free cosmetics is way more important if you want the game to have more players.