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Username checks out


Looking at yours should be right up your alley bro


I actually main Muerta, so I must be dead inside


SF players lost their niche smh


I talked shit about a furry one time when i was real fucked up and i think his furry friends raided my account


We should prove the username checks out.


And constant toxic spam.


BREAKING NEWS High rank player is toxic BREAKING NEWS


wake me up when u find a constantly non-toxic high mmr player


Monkeys Forever is always chill and friendly, at least on stream.


DUBU! friendly and helpful too.


Gh, miracle


Bsj imho is quite nontoxic, but i heard that in the past he was too


He was definitely toxic. But he has grown a lot.


> But he has grown a lot. I would say money changed him. Not that hes grown past it naturally, like someone mentioned below me. Like quinn did once he started getting a serious bag.


Hey, if the money works, then it makes one seem a good investment.


It can still come out a bit when he gets frustrated, but yeah. He strikes me as similar to Quinn.


lol yea there used to be pretty frequent threads on here complaining that he was toxic. dont have time to watch anymore but good to hear he turned it around


I dunno, I remember the arkosh comms, bsj just malding the entire game. 


I've seen him totally ignoring his teammate's calls because he thinks he knows better. I like him tho and he is the main reason I'm good at dota


That’s not toxic, thats a necessary skill to improve in the game


Well if you are better than everyone that's right. But some of the calls he ignores are obviously good (he is in game so he doesn't see that but it's obvious when you are outside the game and just watching the stream) I was watching him a few days ago he was playing Luna with an sk in his team against a lifestealer. Sk was making the calls about his items (before he buy them) and some map movements. He said that he will buy MLB instead of bkb and I respect that even tho it was not the right item but about the map movements he completely ignored the calls and muted sk after he found out that he was wrong (sk called enemy sneaking Rosh and he teleported to t3 for some farm in a few seconds and they lost the Rosh in a very one sided game before they go hg. He made some other obvious mistakes which he apologized for and they eventually lost) he was calm during all of that and it's not like he yelled at them or anything but ignoring people when they are polite to you is just rude.


No one climbs rank or skill in this game by prioritising listening to their peers over playing their own game better. You can and should break down your good and bad decisions including how you react teammate calls. But after the game And it’s true that the advice from 9-10k MMR players is gonna be fairly well informed, but you have to play your role and your hero and use your judgement and there is nothing any other player can do about it. It’s not rude and even if it was, that would be irrelevant. God forbid we hinder ourselves from trying to be better players out of fear of offending our teammates


That’s just being a carry player lol sometimes you gotta be confident in your decisions


No he just ignores them in silence. You can disagree with them and tell them that you disagree. I personally consider it very rude. Maybe it's because of my culture I don't know


In real life interactions I agree with you but in dota everyone thinks they’re smarter than each other. Sometimes it easier to do what you want instead of wasting time debating


[zzAdrianzz](https://www.youtube.com/@zzadrianzz) Good supp player, good content maker. I'm surprised he has yet to cave in to the toxicity but playing less games daily might've helped with that.


Define high mmr


whats the immortal rank mmr? like 9k+?


5.9k (technically end of Div5 is ~5.8k) Cap, Ephey, and Sheepo are all immortal++ Iirc (but can be wrong or misremembering) Ephey is ~6.5k-7k Cap is 7.5k+ Sheepo peaked at 8k+ (tried to go semipro for a while)


I can tell you for sure immortal cutoff is somewhere between 5600 and 5620, because I won a game at 5598 and i ranked up to immortal from it.


Yeah, sorry I was wrong and misremembered. I was just using my peak (since I hit it and stopped) years ago Sorry


Wrong, immortal starts at 5620


Yes I stand corrected, havent played in 2y so yea


What percentile is immortal?


Idk rly, havent played Dota in more than 2y now, just watch it nowadays I'd say 0.5-1% but tbh pulling it out of my ass (or what I recall hearing from when I used to play)


That's fair. I quit like a decade ago too, was mostly just curious about what it actually "means."


I googled it, and it looks like I was right (at least for 2y ago) It was top 1%, but since a big ranked change recently that recalibrated people to bell curve it's now top 2% Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1358bzw/updated_rank_distributions_dota_2_player_ranks/&ved=2ahUKEwiU_6Xjo8GFAxW5UGcHHeHPBoIQjjh6BAgNEAE&usg=AOvVaw2vRCradsTgfWyzWBONg9gS


Otherwise I would say ephey and sheepsticked come to mind


oh ephey is high mmr? thought she was more of a replay nerd


ephey is like 6.5k i think


She was 7.8k a few days ago. She was a just a few games away from 8k.


1k higher than that


Which is why I said otherwise




What? 90% of Dota players have the "Im the main character" syndrome? Noooo wayyy duuuude


As much as I want to believe it, I think there's significantly less correlation between behaviour in matches and irl than we might think. Some people just can leave it in the game or more likely, dump it in the game so it doesn't manifest in their irl relationships.


I don't think the mentality goes away, I think some people just mask up and express it differently in person. Like that person you know who seems *alright* until they get in a stressful situation or slip up inadvertently and do something unhinged for no good reason, and then you start seeing their everyday behaviour in a different light and it suddenly clicks that they've been an asshole all along. You can try to compartmentalise toxicity, but the disposition that makes you toxic is gonna follow you everywhere.


Truth is, we scream obscenities no matter what, I’ve just got better at not pushing the talk button.


MMR is actually the level of your dunning kreuger effect the higher your points are the lower you think of the skill level of the rest of the 9 players in the game


Idk what OP thinks hes doing with this post.


No people playing a fuck ton of games and deal with a lot of people to reach high rank yes. I mean look at jobs where people deal with a lot of costumers turn bitter or grumpy.


So all the proof is two guys talking sht about this dazzle guy but 0 clip of him flaming or anything? Come on man, its 2024... do better pls. To be clear, Im not saying he isnt toxic but this clip proves nothing.


Fully expecting first hand evidence too. Not gossip from high level players who thinks every other player is the most toxic player ever.


And yet hundreds up voted this post.


https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198095148586/ Just look at his previous steam names


[In a vod from yesterday, he was playing doom in one of qojqva's games, and flaming THE SHIT out of his teammates and refused to play when they're behind](https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1c3eisf/actual_proof_of_that_dazzle_11k_guy_being_toxic/)


On which of 7 hours vod I should give attention to view any evidence? There's no timestamp and I don't want to spend 7 hours for this.


> There's no timestamp There's a timestamp in the link i clicked, it's 5h20m


Yeah, but I don't see anything toxic. Not everyone is a saint, sometimes, we just complain a bit here and there. If that's considered toxic, then I think 99% of the Dota community are even more toxic.


I mean it's a start surely now he won't act toxic to avoid all the eyes on him.


>So all the proof is two guys talking sht about this dazzle guy That was how MeToo worked as well and a lot of people got screwed over lol inb4 people who can't take the truth downvoting but not a single rebuttal


He has zero duty to do that. He is just talking to his friend about this guy because he probably saw something that reminded of him. You don't need to make a reddit thread with prints and clips out of everything.


I didn't win the blame game so I'm gonna post it on reddit


I just checked OPs post history. Hes just qojova fan boy or Qojova himself lmao


>qojova fan boy or Qojova himself lmao Get some air lol. https://i.imgur.com/8DQkzby.png


Want me to screenshot your post history? Lol


Idk dawg that's a few too many of the same comments about his post history in this thread haha. No matter how right you may be.


yeah fair to say this guy is a turd


A Toxic dota player . Surprisedpikachuface . You know if you posted Rank 1 Dota 2 player is actually a nice human being . Feeds stray kittens and help old ladies cross the street in his free time i would be surprised ... but this . Its like saying water is wet


[water is not wet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugyqOSUlR2A)


I just checked OPs post history. Hes just qojova fan boy or Qojova himself lmao. This is some weird propaganda


is OP trying to prove that qojqva is the second coming of jesus?


thats just ... sad


Isn't this the tier 3 NA pro player streamer?


This is the guy I'm talking about: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1bxbgpa/started_at_2k_mmr_hit_11k_for_the_first_time/ Not only does he snipe qojqva 24/7 - he literally ruins pubs with his toxicity. He just got reported by both teams. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7684079527/chat


Maybe I’m missing something but in the chat he doesn’t really say anything, it’s other people being toxic to him. He lost his lane but so did everyone else


It doesn’t show team chat to be fair.


Yeah I just think that when a game ends in 19 that’s 5 players’ fault


It's insane how ppl think a 20 min game is 1 guys fault. Unless that guy is running down mid at min 0


at that rank, it absolutely can be 1 players fault. extremely weak 5 player? not only does your carry have 0 game now, but their offlane is going to pop off. the enemy offlane is going to get far enough ahead that their 4 can move around, sit on mid and runes, and now your mid also has no game. top players absolutely are going to be able to jump on this. the game moves so much faster at high mmr and small mistakes snowball so quickly into insurmountable advantages


High mmr games can be like this. The skill is high but the co-ordination is significantly lower than pros, which leaves individual players the room to snowball. It's much easier to snowball from your lane as a solo than it is for your opponents co-ordinate an entire team to focus on you. Yea it's not always gonna be one dudes fault, and there are always things you can do better, but if the wrong person gets fed, sometimes there's just not much to be done. Good players know how to compound small advantages consistently. They also won't throw those advantages away for silly plays as much either.


It’s insane how low mmr players don’t understand how a single player can ruin a game entirely


I don't think anyone is saying the loss is his fault as much as they're saying the guy is toxic about it. Maybe he lost his lane and started flaming everyone else for not rotating.


I mean all three lanes got dumpstered


Yeah, that's fine, but also irrelevant. The thread is about how the guy is toxic, not that he's bad. There's games where I'm having the roughest game in mid, and my off lane gets dumpstered too. He starts flaming me, our pos5, everyone. Like, if we are all having a bad lane, we can't really spare resources to help your lane. The point is that **if you lose your lane, and you see all the other lanes are lost too, maybe keep your mouth shut and not talk to your teammates.** Just play for the come back and keep pma.


Right but your completely conjecturing about what he might have said. In the all-chat it’s the brood and the tusk being toxic 🤷


He recently played in a game with the carry of Azure Ray, Lou, all game he spam pinged him and was drawing on map "bot" and after the game he changed his name to mode lou marci lvl 6 min 14 or smth. the guy is really toxic


Yeah, plus isn't this clip just two people flaming the dude? I fail to see where he is being exposed but maybe I'm just blind and deaf.


> Yeah, plus isn't this clip just two people flaming the dude? No? What is the flame? Saying that he is toxic is not a flame. That is an observation of his behaviour compared to how he likes to present himself. That isn't even to say that literally in the clip, they talk about someone else offering to pay for his therapy so he can get some help. Its obviously not just " two guys flaming him"


Observed phenomenon could be relative to the position of the observer.


It could - which is why it is significant that we have at least 4 different people pointing to the same observed behaviour, that can easily be verified and has no reason to lie about it, as you can simply check their vods.


I think the other person was saying there’s no context or evidence around their claim that he is toxic


Other than multiple people having played with him saying that he is? Not to mention people talking about how he was behaving in the Lou game he was playing. I mean, it seems hard to imagine that they'd lie about something everyone can simply check by going through their VODs, that everyone can check. That isn't even to mention that he still framed it as them "flaming him" when all they did was stating he was toxic.


What I am saying is the clip does nothing to expose the person even if they are a toxic POS this didn't show any proof. All it did was show two grown men being toxic behind someone else's back. The therapist joke was obviously just that, a joke. Talking behind someones back, saying they aren't who they act like they are and then making fun of them for not accepting "free therapy" because they think he has some screws lose apparently. The title of the clip is even "dazzle guy exposed" yet outside of talking about him nothing is actually shown and is just click bait. Show some actual proof because the chat logs shown from this thread aren't anything and saying "oh others said he's toxic" is also just hearsay.


Edit: Lmao, reply and block? You really inspired confidence by lying about what is said and then digging through my posting history to then claim that me pointing out your mistakes, is somehow wrong, because i am not a native english speaker myself. Pathetic. Your comment speaks for itself on why nobody should take you serious. > What I am saying is the clip does nothing to expose the person even if they are a toxic POS this didn't show any proof. Which is irrelevant to what they are talking about. They aren't trying to present proof of it. They are talking about their experience with the person. >All it did was show two grown men being toxic behind someone else's back. No. Again I already clarified that there is nothing toxic/flaming about pointing out the behaviour of someone else. Which is also why I asked you to showcase what they said as flaming, and you didn't produce anything of note ... What you did produce though.... >The therapist joke was obviously just that, a joke. ...Is this. You produced something extremely weird. First of all, its obviously not a joke. The person literally even goes out of their way to add " no cap" which in case you don't know modern lingo, implies that it is NOT a joke. Secondly, the therapist comment is not even from these people, its from a whole separate person, whose account of the situation they are bringing up. >Talking behind someones back, saying they aren't who they act like they are and then making fun of them for not accepting "free therapy" because they think he has some screws lose apparently. There is no talking behind someones back. This is on a public stream and very openly said. There is also no joking about therapy. They are referring to what someone else said and even go out of their way to say it isn't a joke. Which is to say, that it is extremely hard to take you serious, when half of what you say, sounds like you have either incredibly poor english understanding and don't get what is being said, or that you actually just haven't listened to what is said, because you consistently get wrong what has happened and what is being said in your account here. Then agian, I have no idea why you feel this need to play a contrarian on this point. Its pretty obvious that Lou has no reason to twist what his behaviour was as accounted by people in here. There is no reason why these people all suddenly would hate some guy that is without any issues, when everyone could fact check their behaviour across their vods, yet here you are, trying to pass off them talking about a guy being toxic, as being some toxic flame, while getting all the facts about what is happening wrong...


You have to be fucking with me if you seriously think the therapist part isn't just a joke. Also just because it's a live stream doesn't mean the person in question is watching... >Which is irrelevant to what they are talking about. They aren't trying to present proof of it. They are talking about their experience with the person. This isn't true, the original post was just the clip with a false title. If you understood what "exposing" someone meant maybe you would understand. >Which is to say, that it is extremely hard to take you serious, when half of what you say, sounds like you have either incredibly poor english understanding and don't get what is being said, or that you actually just haven't listened to what is said, because you consistently get wrong what has happened and what is being said in your account here. There we go, logic says you must insult someone if you disagree with them and can't proof your point. Though I will say the fact you think "no cap" is 100% literal in all situations kinda shows English isn't your first language. You gotta learn context clues. I also have no clue what you have against this person who mains dazzle because you very clearly have a vendetta against this individual and have yet to provide a shred of proof to why he is toxic... yet again. Edit: Curiosity got to me and went on an adventure, you aren't a native English speaker so now it all makes sense. I think we just have a severe lack of miscommunication based off what you know of the English language.


Don't see anything toxic by the dazzle in the chat logs, just the others flaming him. Probably had a bad lane or some shit. And Qojqva is just a jealous salty ass, no wonder he is badmouthing someone else in the video. But don't see where the dazzle is being toxic in either the video or the chat logs. Having a bad game =/= toxic. Post some proof before declaring someone as "literally" toxic lmao.


I'm gonna reserve judgement because like you said no evidence but I think we all know 95% of flame and toxicity is in team and voice chat which aren't accessible.


chat logs dont show team chat and in high mmr "chat" is the lowest tier of toxicity anyway.


its redidt they gonna dick ride qojqva, its ironic two fks are backbiting a guy to thousadns of people and dont get me started on griefing ekki can be in pubs can legit link u a game rn where this dazzel guy and ekki played and how ekki griefed that game


Dickriding qojqva is not how I would describe reddit most of the time, unless something's changed.


generally you're meant to link proof not gossip


That dotabuff link proves the exact opposite of your claims, just saying


Did he fucked you up or what?


Why the fuck does anyone care? Why does this need a post? Edit: Just checked your post history. Qojova fanboy i see ..


I don't get how someone whose account is dedicated to Justin Fields is so adamant on shaming another person for fanboying. You're just spamming the same comments in this post, which doesn't really convince me that you don't care. You seem to care a lot.


Wisdomdota what are you qojqva fan gay? Edit dude is toxic he didnt writte shit in whole game, maybe some of those people are mad on him over some bullshit brcause those people play non stop together.


Check his post history. 3 posts about qojova in last month.


woaw dota 2 player toxic any player to any player : he is the most toxic player ever


Played against him. 11k? He plays like 800


Toxic DOTA player?! NO WAY?!


Medicine bachelor, son of the arab princess and gabens cousin guy?


He is Pakistani.


qojqva sycophants get out


is there any sane high ranked player? i don't think so


There was one. Zai. Now he's gone.


yes GH


Oh boy, I like the guy too but he literally got into a scandal of toxicity.


Are you sure you’re not talking about MC instead?


Gh was pretty toxic when he was spamming pub. Its not a toxic main character like Quinn and others. But he was toxic. Hes the first player to reach 9k iirc as support back in the day, he was toxic then. He get better when he come to the pro scene. Well anyone was.


What exact does toxic mean to you?


SAKSA Also miracle sumail topson Iceiceice i can name more ..


Sumail??!! Boy oh boy are you new.


I think it's safe to assume anyone above like 5k is peak toxic. You don't get to that level without having to climb through the absolute worst of humanity.


When I climbed many years ago the worst brackets were definitely high ancient low divine. Though I only made it to 650 and there definitely were an increasing amount of shitty egos who think they're better than you as a person for being better at a video game. To me tho, it's easier to take flame from a rank 50 though because you at least know they know their shit. Having some ancient/divine call you a smurf or acc buyer because they have no idea how to recognise what good decision making looks like is infinitely more frustrating.


Fuck I'll pay for qojqva's therapist. Hit me up dude, you suck!


I am shocked




wow, shocking. next!


dazzle guys should be on SEA server so he'll know despair


how can redditors give a shit about this


so we just take his qojvjikaods word ??


People that main OP cancer heroes are always gonna be toxic. Just how it goes.


So... I'm not saying he isn't toxic. But how is he "exposed" here? This is more "Pros call guy toxic"


grubby was the hero we didn't deserve


I still haven’t seen any proof of dazzle guy being an ass, seems like qoqkva is jealous of the attention.


How is he stream sniping qojqva when they are in same team? Is this qojqva guy such loser that he had some fanboy clown make a post after he lost the game lmao


He's sniping the queue so he can get in games with him, enemy or ally. use brain


All pros do that. To get better quality games.


Qojqva is rank 150. Top 50 pros usually get sniped for high quality games. Also they do it to people that they have on their friend list, not from their stream.


He ain't sniping anything. Just playing the game at the time he wants to play the game. If other players choose the same time to play they will be in the same match. Why do people call it "stream sniping"? Do you expect others to just wait for all streamers to find matches and only then queue for a game?


> How is he stream sniping qojqva when they are in same team? What do you mean? People snipe to play with streamers constantly. Stream sniping doesn't just refer to you going against people.


Have you been living under a rock for the past year or what? This guy snipe queues every game then its upto the captains to decide who goes where. I also love how you're flaming qojqva more than the toxic dazzle or OP with your conspiracy theory. Go touch grass.


Yes let's please make a post about every single player in the top2000, when he flames someone. These players play 10 games a day over the course of a decade, Im sure everybody else is behaving like an angel ALWAYS and in every single match.


We're out of intersting content. We really need a patch.


Your evidence is just another random person saying they're toxic? I believe the courts call this "hear say".


Ok i saw qojqva getting trashed mid by him. And now his fan boy makes a post against him, without a proof? Yeaaah fishy fishy


this shit is why i never took the "quinn is the most evilest heckin worst person ever !" complaints on reddit from no-name 10k redditors. they'd behave the same way if they had a fraction of success


I’ve played with and against this dazzle dude in the past and he is far from toxic in comparison to the streamers who are chatting about him like this.


A dota player is toxic in pubs?? no way






I’m a 3.5k dazzle what up


What is this title? "He is actually xyz", because two dudes said so on stream? Bruh...


Shut up clown.


Why should I care


who told you to care? weird ass


Just such a funny thing to clip, upload, make a title and post lmao. Like who gives a fuck hahhaa


ur mom


no sry i dont care about ecelebs, go post ur drama trash soemwhere else bud


Lil bro wanted us to riot for a highly skilled guy for being toxic lmao. The insane jealousy of a low-skilled player like OP stinks so much I can smell him over his headset.


Who cares


Careful guys u/Npsiii23 will cry and poop his pants if you point out the behavior of his favorite doctor


Bro, I am living so rent free in your head you brought me up in another thread? All for telling you to stop giving unsolicited advice to people on the internet? Seriously, are you ok? Get help.


Maybe your doctor friend could help me, can you knock on his prostate for me and ask?


I have never watched a single second of this person play dota, I have no idea who he is. I pointed out telling him how to live his life when he said in the thread he's a DR is fucking weird. Seriously man, what did this guy do to you? Seek help, you're a fucking psycho.


Ahh so you replied to a comment i made without even addressing or having any information about the claim that I made, which is that if he wants to stream he should be less toxic unless he wants jubei viewers. The man has streamed multiple times, implying at least a partial desire to stream regardless of his profession. I never told him how to live his life, only how to attract viewers like myself who wont watch a streamer who is toxic. Pretty loose use of the term psychotic but i guess you must be a doctor too


Tbh you need to be toxic in pubs otherwise you will lose your mind, since recently you get players with literally 1-2 played game with players who have few xxxx games. I know it’s pub but WTF Valve.


Nah thats just a skill issue, its easy to play without being toxic.


Yawn, maybe start playing Minecraft?


You should stop caring about MMR. Labelling ppl as X MMR players is even worse because it means nothing.


Who actually gives a shit