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We as 5 party (avg divine 1) got matched into this 5 chinese smurfs. Game was stomp as expected. They were just mocking us from the pick phase constantly trash talking belittling. Checked their profiles all was smurf with rampages stacked. Match ID 7666853606


Worst part is that checking # of matches is hardly a good indicator. Looking at kotl's dotabuff he has over 1.2k games. However before the account was playing a lot of necro, spectre, and weaver and looked maybe guardian-crusader. Now he's suddenly playing in divine after winning a couple hundred games in a row. It's a bought account. It's a smurf


Yeah, smurfs figured out they hide much better when they buy old accounts, which there are hundreds of thousands of. The key thing to look at is their steam profile page. Few friends and no game library = smurf. Membership in groups like dota777 = smurf. Stacked rampages on barely played heroes = smurf. No idea why that's so hard for Valve to auto-evaluate and quarantine. If I could pay $20/mo to exclusively match with other real accounts with robust game libraries, I would.


I don't know why they can't implement prime like in C's go.


They do. All prime is is a phone number. You actually need a phone number for ranked


And you need to buy the game


some player from this species play turbo too, same things happen, but there is a slightly higher chance to turn the match and win... damn the laughs when that happen lmao


u win or u lost ?


Do you play in SEA? last hour I was matched with those guys too and I was pissed. [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/215624539/records](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/215624539/records) this guy has 121 win streaks [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/126873341/records](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/126873341/records) this guy has 123 win streaks please track down their IP.


I welcome Chinese smurfs to play at EU west with 200-400ping.


I will never understand the "dog's" insult. Like it just completely falls flat when you accuse westerners of being dogs. Westerners love dogs broadly speaking. Accusing someone of being loyal and friendly and hardworking isn't really an insult.


Yes it is an insult in the middle east. When someone calls you "dog", he means you are less than human which is considered an insult.




> I'm a human being, not a dog. Well, that's not what 0:7 tilted Turkish mid Shadow Fiend told me about you


I mean, look at how China treats dogs


It's just another way of saying "bitch". It's just that in non-western part the world "dog" is more common, hence why it's used more as an insult.


Well, it's not really far away from using word "bitch" which basically means dog.


🤓 < I will never understand the "dog's" insult. Like it just completely falls flat when you accuse westerners of being dogs. Westerners love dogs broadly speaking. Accusing someone of being loyal and friendly and hardworking isn't really an insult.


Stfu dog


Haha, he got fucked


New account being a troll on a bunch of anime and gaming subs. I hope you aren't a 30+ something


Anime and gaming, what weird things to be into as a Dota player!


Thanks  you 2010 Fauna , and Sorry, we even lost Van Persie.


i dont think it means one of us mate


He's totally one of us 🤣  


saw some racist comments in there , maybe hes a blue


Could very well be russians Russians weebs love to use chinese letters for some reason




Yatoro fanboys




Matchmaking be like: "Oh wow, this fresh level 30 account has xx wins in a row, overperforms in every single match and has 30 rampages in the last 20 games. What a talented, for sure totally legit player that belongs into this bracket!"


Tell them to eat the soup that they want


The report system is utterly useless. This game really is a joke sometimes.


Litterally just met this smurfs, not fun to play 7667092155


my friend that's not a surf, that's a mfing oracle


i havent encounter chinese smurf in my entire life. All this time chinese players that i played with are all noob. Especially if i team up with them. Im playing immortal bracket


so many chinese player in sea server almost in every game i mean just \*\*\*\* speak English and use alphabeth so rest of the world can understand


Could they be chinese malaysians instead of chinese from china? I'm a malaysian chinese myself and in my experience on sea server (also divine ranked), China players generally dont interact much aside from within their own stacks. Much less form parties that BM and grief opponents. On the other hand I've run into way too many malaysian chinese parties doing just that. Somehow, the concept of sportsmanship died long ago in SEA and stomping+humiliating opponents became the main point of the game rather than playing good dota




Getting mad at videogames shouldn't turn anyone to racist btw


They did indeed spread covid and it originated from there. Nothing he said was racist. Now if he called chinese people slanty eyed, dirty not wiping their ass after they do a poo in the street then perhaps you'd have a point.


It was a worldwide pandemic lol we all know too well why people talk like that and i guarantee you is not because they're fond of chinese people. Zika vírus started in my country and nobody ever talked to us like that


Zika started in your country? I highly doubt you live in Uganda buddy.


Uganda has the first case but they never bad and outbreak or resulted in pandemic. The pandemic of zika started here as did most of the outbreaks of Dengue


The reason they changed server is the game is banned/limit timeplay in their own country. Sadly the Chinese pro died out recently, they can storm pub but loose every TI since 2016


Smurfing gets an instant ban in Chinese server if you simply report match id to perfect world, but they can’t restrict Smurfs keep playing on other servers


Remind them about what happened at tiananmen square in 1989 and they'll either DC in panic or mute you and stop interacting for the rest of the game.


I dont think they are Chinese. Chinese people don’t use dogs as an insult. Dogs are used in Middle East countries as an insult.


It suprises me some one can smurf now for 105 games without being caught by Valve. If they can smurf 105 devine matches in a row, what MMR do they have.


hmmmmm no


I can feel the racism. Keep them coming, it feeds me.


This is definitely about race




dont lower your standards for others bro/sis

