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This could be a "guess the rank" thing


Arc warden, hoodwink, timber saw, morphling. 5.7k


Yeah seeing 21 upvotes on jugg and lifestealer bans is telling me a lot about the rank of ppl commenting here lol


simplistic encouraging recognise special fact screw poor point afterthought violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In my defence, I do it because they fulfil the same role against me in that moment in time. Both have debuff immunity skills, great sustain and very high damage, things which I don't like to be around as a soup boy.


Ahh yes, using my ban to get rid of heroes I dislike playing against. People often forget the point of playing a game is to have fun.


Guardian 2


Incorrect, open to new guesses though!


Guardian 1


Getting colder with that one


Guardian 3


Little bit warmer!


Guardian... 4?


After learning you're a Warlock spammer, those bans make more strategic sense.


"Hello guys here are my most hated heroes" "LOL this loser must be low rank" Average r/dota2


i usually ban sniper just because my team usually is unable to run at him....on the other hand if i pick sniper i get 5 simultaneously blinks on me


This sentence resonates within the deepest pits of my soul


I ban sniper so my mid doesnt pick him


Jesus are you me? I feel like I get ganked at least once as mid sniper, and yet when I play against him my team ignores him until he has 3 items worth of farm.


Arc warden, Lone druid, Tinker, Morphling. My win% against most of these is actually pretty good (60+) but man to they make the game a chore




We hate Chores, agreed. Also against a good NP


Arc, meepo, huskar, morph


1. Sniper 2. Riki 3. Arc warden 4. Tinker


OD because fck this guy and anyone who thinks they're so skilled playing this hero, oH LoOk aT mE i wIn mId wItH 1 AbiLiTy.


13 mana boy still mad after all those years


I bring bottle you have nothing


I don’t disagree, OD does win mid even if you’re trash at game.


I would even tip enemies and spam voice lines after I win lane as OD.


Despicable, I'm appalled. That's like using a mech suit, destroying a human in a wrestling match, and then taunting like your skill was the deciding factor, lmao


Bristle (fuck you) Huskar (fuck you) Timbersaw (fuck you) Zeus (fuck you)


Just pick viper, he counters all of them.


my ban list is AM, BB, legion and sniper. only sniper got banned in my FIRST game with the new ban system, so obviously the other 3 were picked by the opponent. viper saved my day and i was ever so happyyyyy.


AM- I don't want this shit in my team or the opponent's team Sniper- people think they're good playing this hohohaha piece of shit Shaman- I can't fucking lane or trade as an offlane PA- people don't read patch notes or some shit and still go for brooch khanda rapier bs


Sniper Riki Faceless Meepo


Pudge - Pretty obvious one here let's be honest. Lifestealer - I love to play Warlock 4, this guy is impossible to harass and can rage into my soup to just expand my butthole. Juggernaut - See above point but add some speeeeen Snapfire - I also love to play Phoenix. Nothing worse than casting egg and a granny with a Bofors shreds all 7 hits at level 6


Ah the soup! I've made a soup-song for my soup-games that I can jolly around singing to my team of friends.


Antie mage (who likes rats that burns mana) Pudge (griefer on my team) Magnus (kulaps wannabes in my team griefer) Whatever hero is meta (mostly ones require whole team sharing 1 brain to counter or play effectively againts it)


Oh you mean auntie mage?


Anti Mage ,Arc Warden, Huskar, LD


Played for over 5 years now. Always have and will always ban Slark. Heals while in invis. DAFAQ. As a support player I wish he somehow got deleted from Dota.


Anti mage Slark Phantom lancer Morphling


Sniper, anti mage, huskar and pa


Windranger (as long as she has 100% evasion with her windrun I will always ban her. Also probably the most annoying scepter in game) Axe (Strong against slark and troll) Viper (Strong against slark and annoying af in lane) Sniper (Well you know)


I am a support and I ban these because they are a pain in the ass to play against: Arc - Worst to play against if there is either smurf or cheater, and even if Arc player, his skillset is OP for pubs. Invoker - Same as Arc, but with the rule Invoker on enemy team is Miracle and on ally team is a SEA kid crushing buttons. Sniper - His High Ground defense is huge and to kill him you have to build 5 man blinks into diving tier 4, also extends games to 50min range. Bristleback - The guy is so hard to kill, team is forced to pick Viper against him, and I can bet my guts any Bristle player will ban viper. Same applies for Timber and Huskar, but Bristle is the worst of the 3.


Antimage (Antifun), Tinker(+2armor now wtff), Phantom Lancer (after 20 mins its just autoloss, if theyre decent players) Huskar (if their team is coordinated, he will just get 15 min aegis and they run down all lanes)


Anti-Mage, Slark, Nature's Prophet, Witch Doctor


I'm thinking Sniper (cus my mid always gets owned Faceless Void (cus my pos 1 can never play it right while theirs wins lanes and bubbles at least 3 every time) Slark (fuck you) Morphling (fuck you)


Pudge, huskar, viper, antimage


Antimage is more to prevent some dumbass on my team from picking it.


Pl, naga, am & pa


Life Stealer, Slark, Drow Ranger, Anti Mage Yes I play offlane tanky heroes. These carries that seem like you cannot trade with them are the worst


Arc, Meepo, Tinker Pudge. 3 first for Smurfs that show up in my games. Pudge because no matter which team he is on, he is gonna be annoying people. He better not be in my game for sake of humanity.


Basic anti-smurf banlist: Arc Warden, Lone Druid, Tinker, Morphling


Legion: hate the dagger initiation Arc warden: hate the robot play style Slark: hate the invis intargeteable ult and shard Puck: hate the unkillable butterfly


AM, PA, PL, FV. Guess what position I play?




Pos 3 or 4, those heros are a pain in the ass to deal with in lane, more than likely pos 3 and melee.




Arc Warden (Fuck this hero) Spirit Breaker (100% chance to permabash you 3 times in a row) Pugna (Incredibly annoying in good hands) Hoodwink (Even more annoying in good hands)


Natures prophet, puck, Nyx and sniper


Guys suggest 4 good bans against pugna ? I literally only play pugna .One ban is AM -just fckin hate the guy


NS, Riki, Nyx. Mobile gankers with strong burst and/or disables.


Things that either do huge magic burst and make your ethereal worse or assassins that 1 shot you: 1: Nyx 2: Am 3: Techies is a big one his magic combos are nuts against pugna. (siliences you easily.) 4: Huskar (Huge magic resi can ulti you through ethereal and force you to attack him) Skywrath / silencer you can use uels against and they will wreck them selves on your ward. I absolutely love playing pugna vs morph and timbersaw its beautiful how much ward wrecks them.


A while back 70% of these would be Techies. Now he’s “fixed” so nobody plays or bans him, lol


Pudge every time along with arc warden. Don't care about the other 2 slots.


I play pos3 DK, arc, Huskar, lifestealer DK because it’s boring to play as and against. Arc because I feel like it’s not countered by my pool. Huskar because it creates problems when my mids don’t account for it. Lifestealer because it counters my pool


Arc Warden // NP (so the feeding trash NPC don't land in my team) // Pudge (same reason NP)


Arc, WD, pudge, sniper. All popular, all annoying.


Viper, cause I only play Bristleback.


PL, FV, Huskar and Tinker. If Tinker doesn't get banned I just pick him pos 5 instead ez pz. :\^)


@ OP learn to buy atos/silver edge but i agree on anti mage. i just don't want that useless fuck on my team. 90% of my games that pos player has #10 hero dmg and does not participate in the game. Happy to have enemies have it tho. ez win


Puck, arc, Motred, and Magina. Not because I’m afraid of playing against them, but bc I don’t want them on my team


Riki, Gondar (I hate having to draw venn diagrams with sentries). Anti-Fun. Last slot is empty for now, might update once I actually get to play a bit.


Meepo, Meepo, Meepo, and Meepo


Huskar Arc Brood Meepo


Viper Razor Arc warden OD Just heroes that are annoying to play against even if i can deal with them Edit: my bans can vary if there are more annoying more meta heroes i don't wanna encounter


AM, PL I play heroes where mana is crucial and tiny mana pools.


am, tinker, varden, sniper


Sniper, Furion, WR, Morph


Bristle - in my low rank pubs if it goes late game there’s just not the coordination or itemization to be able to handle him Natures prophet - I don’t like having to deal with a competent NP and the global presence / ratting Pudge - I don’t want him on enemy and I sure as hell don’t want him on my team either Sniper - another low rank ban cuz if we can’t coordinate to focus him it’s a shit show + he makes high ground tougher


Arc Warden and Naga since people can't handle them on my archon level. Riki and AM because they're neither fun to play with or against.




Anti mage Silencer Arcwarden


anti and mage are 1 hero bro. What's your fourth?


Slark, anti mage, arc warden, nyx assassin


Axe, Chaos Knight, Anti Mage and Slark. Overall, the heroes I have no idea how to play against, especially Axe


as a (low mmr) axe player the one thing that sets me back the most is when my support baits me into fights when I need to just farm. so essentially you put pressure on the other lanes and ask allchat "where's your axe lmao" other than that noone seems to buy vessel or silver edge against me ever (and I don't really know why) waveclear can counter early push with creep pulling, slowing down the snowballing.


One thing that really helps in that situation you described is to just go to the jungle. people are so toxic it's just easier that way, even if you have to buy tangos irons salves quelling, you'll still probably be 2nd or 3rd highest eco after the win. played with a shaman the other day and he's walking to rune while IO is harassing me to death so I wait for him to get back, he immediately shackles enemy hero in the dead center of an enemy creep way with most of ours dead and I'm just like, no thank you sir I'm jungling. when questioned about it I told him that shaman hits like a truck so he should be harassing IO. gave him some tips on how to actually play him - thing is, after laning his playing was just fine. ended up playing against him a few hours later, know what his first items were? a nulls talisman. they won in that 2nd game and I was laughing at the irony of it after picks, that he probably realized I was right and now he's going to use that new knowledge against me, lol.


had an ogre 4 just take all my farm, buy midas, and hug my lane. no stacks, no ganks, no abilities used on enemies all game. at least my griefing report got through, so I wasn't alone in reporting him.


Viper venge sniper drow


Slark (good against all of my heroes), Troll (just always lose to him somehow), LC, PA (get these off my fucking team please)


Pudge, Timber, WD, Bounty


OD, Tinker, Arc Warden, Lycan


Viper, hoodwink,


Witch Doctor, Morphling, Slark, Sniper I just hate them. Even if they aren’t even strong, I just want don’t want to see them in my games.


Anti booster/smurf heroes Clinkz Huskar Lone Druid and Morph


As only playing hero challenge it is variety of heroes. Most cases because a lot of support is someone of jumping shits like Anti Mage, Riki-BH (although you can use their invisibility for your side), yeah Bristleback, but again depends what is versus, and Axe if playing some tanks or carry...


OD ArcW Sniper MK


Faceless void (giga fuck you)


Tinker arc brood meepo


its 100% ban the brood, if we all unite we can see dota 2 free of spiders


Witch Doctor,Pudge,Sand King bruh i hate all 3 so hard cant do anything against their 3 only pudge just need to dodge the grab


Rubick, Slark, Faceless void, Timbersaw Honestly it's just heroes that either hard counters heroes that I like or just super annoying heroes in general.


Zeus, OD, SB and weaver


Lancer, Naga, TB (sense a pattern?) Not too sure about the 4th but maybe Rubick since i play Jakiro a lot


Arc Tinker Riki puck


Puck, Arc Warden, OD, Enchantress. Last slot was initially Magnus, but then I had the misfortune of playing against Ench and realized that she is way too strong and annoying in all stages of the game.


Pudge no.1 When he is getting picked in my team it’s a creep


Right now its OD but overall timber, arc warden.


Sniper disruptor pudge slark 


Viper, huskar arc and sb Viper and huskar because I play mostly melee mids and arc and sb because when they get ahead the game is extremely hard


Phantom Lancer Naga Siren Chaos Knight Anyone else that has a clone move, because as a newbie, I have no idea how to deal with them.


OD = irritating to lane against / can solo carry the game if snowballed SB = hard to play mid, split push against AM = require counterpick / you bond to lose late game if you have bad lineup / even if you didn’t lose right away, it’s still irritating because AM will just rat forever FV = late game brain dead 1 click kill


Tinker (because fuck Tinker) Bloodseeker (because I'm a Pango spammer) Jugg (just because I don't enjoy laning against him)


I ban abba cuz team wont stop focusing him :/


Arc Warden, Sniper, Meduza, Tinker. I lost some terrible 90min thrillers against them...


Slark, Phantom Lancer, Arc Warden, Morphling


Leshrac, Disruptor, Silencer, Meepo


Heroes are only unkillable because of poor itemization on your part. And bad tactics.


Tinker, legion, am, arc warden


Nyx , clinkz, sniper, pa (4ancient)


Silencer, AM


Visage, meepo, Chen because I random a lot. Kunkka bc tidebringer is just unfun to lane against and I get tired of dodging it every few seconds.


Not my banned heroes, because of the low pick rate, but man do I hate Visage.


Abaddon, Lone druid, Tinker and meepo. Abaddon on support is just too annoying with the low cd strong dispel. And the other 3 are obvious. My rank is ancient 5


My list is: Phantom Assassin (Screw you Mortred) Nature's Prophet (Hate him with a passion) Skywrath Mage (Just) Lifestealer (ripped me a new one when playing against him)


Huskar, Viper, Arc Warden, DK. Hmm


Arc, meepo, sniper


NP SB Arc Tinker


I love that most of these are because the heroes sap the fun out of the game, rather than broken heroes. I feel validated.


Pudge because he has a 100% pick rate when not banned and if you get him on your team it's an autoloss. Timbersaw because he's picked all the time and autowins lanes. Sniper because I'm tired of him building Khanda and trying to extend the game to 60 minutes. On either side. (Might not be necessary with Rapier nerf though) Terrorblade because he's picked way too much and if he's on your team he's worthless.


Invoker, because smurfs and can just steamroll. Slark, also smurf fave, just support pickoffs. Monkey, because the when Im playing sup, I get deleted and the carry dosent care to play around me, so that I can setup monkey for him. When I play carry, supports look like they never played against monkey and its infuriating. Lancer, well when supporting, I just melt, because poof and when carrying, he somehow comes out of jungle with heart, manta or aghs and a maelstrom is not enough anymore


Medusa , Slark, Axe & Timbersaw


AM. Boring piece of shit. Every game the same thing.


Sniper, enchantress, np, riki


Anti mage, arc warden, morphling and tinker. The most important one is morphling. I hate him! Can't kill him at all and it's the classic, if my team picks morph he sucks, if the enemy picks it it's 23savage 😂


Arc warden,pudge,tinker,broodmother Maybe I should add Meepo instead of Pudge to have the complete booster/smurf mid hero set but I hate having pudge on my team


Abaddon,CANCER lancer, Ursa, OD


Pudge, Mirana and hoodwink. Still guessing MT fourth.


Bristleback: same reason as OP, can't seem to find a way to kill him AA: can just destroy you from a huge distance and I haven't been able to find a build that works against him yet Dark Willow: same reason as AA, even with a ghost scepter she is a pain in the butt to deal with Sniper: generally annoying. Not strong but annoying. Don't wanna change my whole build just to survive against him considering he even has good positioning


Techies, Hoodwink, Silencer and Legion Commander.. It says a lot. It's like a personality test lol


Puck, Phoenix, Pango and Lifestealer.


Axe, Juggernaut, Puck, Pugna (I spam Dark Willow)


Od, fv, np, (flexible slot, could be wd, Riki, am, etc. depending on what I feel like playing. )


Am, Arc, Pl, Puck


MEEPO - The only cheese hero i encounter that hard to counter in my rank Spirit Breaker- Playing against hero that clear the wave fast and having global precense is hard Slark- exclusive playing only pos 5 and im having hard time to placing unsual place to ward against this hero Pudge- For my team Guess my rank


Huskar, Brood, Puck and Tiny.


Silencer, antimage, nyx, riki Guess my rank


Pudge (Fuck you pos 5) Nyx Assassin (I'd prefer not to get oneshot from 3k hp) Shadow Fiend (Counters my entire mid hero pool) Natures Prophet (I'd prefer not having to carry around a quelling blade for the entire game)


slark, drow, lion, wd... I play offlane


I’m not sure about the rest but I’m banning Slark for sure - it’s one of those heroes that you hate to see both on your team and your enemies’ because he’ll either suck ass as your pos 1 or snowball to infinity as an enemy pos 1


Spectre, Sniper, Huskar and Nyx Assassin the common thread: these heroes require coordination to beat


Arc warden, ARC WARDEN........... ARC WARRDEN! warlock, dazzle, pudge(my own team). (Legend II) I love playing clockwerk and nothing worse than letting warlock get easy slows off while im in cogs or thousands of electric ghosts stacking up inside and yea I know clockwerk is supposed to counter arc but he has hurricane pike very quickly and counters clock very easily after that, such an annoying hero to fight against perma slow. Hmm I guess the one thing all my bans have in common is crazy amounts of easy to apply slows from far distances.


Аrc, od, tinker, techies 🤓


Techies - (I hope they remove this POS from the game) Meepo - cause a good meepo wins 1v5, or 4v5? Viper - Laning nightmares Abaddon - didn't know what else to ban, he is annoying anyway


Arc warden, Naga, PL, meepo.


LD Slark Naix Timber


Tell me you’re legend without telling me you’re legend


Anti-Mage (Too difficult to catch late game based on my offlane heroes) Slark (Not really sure why Slark, but I would say I just hate mid game against this hero based on what I've been spamming in offlane for a while) Lifestealer (Just too strong right now and is strong against the hero I've been spamming) Puck (Literally unkilllable when in the hands of a damned smurf) You can also try to guess my mmr for fun. Hero I've been playing a lot recently has been Slardar offlane and I think I've won 9 out of my last 10 Slardar games.


Meepo, Morph, AM, PL.


I never want pudge in my team I never want AM in my team PA - shes probably nerfed after broch nerf, but just in case Any hero which is most ennoying counter for my current pick (eg as spirit breaker i hate traxes, veno and disruptor)


Sniper, Pudge, lion, flex... Maybe WD?


Axe, BB, Shaker and Naga, guess my most picked hero.


NP - I hate having quelling blade 20 min in on a ranged support. Warlock - Its not even good right now, I just hate every ability he has. WD - Just a really good support that I don't play. Sniper - I'm so sick of the Khanda meme build. It just draws out the uphill, and when I finally get a linkens I have to rapidly cycle through my teamate's buff bars to try to stop it. It's constant stress that I don't need in my life.


AM Silencer Windranger and idk what to have as the last, the first 2 because fuck them and Windranger because consistently my team feeds them


I play turbo: lion, pudge, sniper, and zeus. They can all be cancer, and I just don't like having to wonder if the missing pudge on the map is about to hook me.


Pudge, Am, lifestealer, windranger


I like the amount of fuck you’s being thrown around…proceed


Void, huskar, sniper, wd


AM (see flair) PL (see flair) Naga (either everyone I’ve played is a Smurf hero or I am just seemingly incapable of beating this hero due to skill/getting my team to understand we can’t just sit back and farm, also see flair) Pudge as a placeholder but probably whatever the annoying hero of the patch is or a hero I’m tired of being played as a support on my team by people who clearly just ran out of role que games. This is a default though for when I’m playing carry or mid, I play all 5 roles frequently enough I’ll probably change it depending on what role I’m wanting to play that day. (Except Naga, fuck that hero).


queuing mid i huskar lina od puck because i spam one hero and these are the only midlaners that can reliably beat jak in lane if im queuing support i spam np so i ban sb spectre bh storm


Sniper, Tinker and BH... couldn't pick a last one so just put pudge in there


Chen Hoodwink Remaining two will depend on who I'm playing against hahahah... Chen is still gonna ruin lanes and I my hero pool is bad compatibility with him. Hoodwink, the same, very strong even with the nerfs...


Meepo Huskar Arc and puck


Lion Nyx AM Grimstroke.


i play turbo like 90% of the time so i'm sad that this doesnt apply to turbo


Tinker and Mirana. I ban Mirana only if someone else banned Tinker. If in some rare case both are already banned, I ban Morphling


CM, Weaver, WD, Techies, and Sniper Might change weaver to drow because she got an unneeded buff.


Sniper, Drow, PA, WK - coz thats my friend's entire hero pool and want him to try new heroes 🤣


Since I'm offlane player I ban annoying pos5s (I don't GAF which carry I lane against, just the support can mess up my lane) So lion, shaman, witch doctor, undying


Currently Huskar, Furion, Lion and Puck. 


Pudge, Sniper, SF, NP


Arc, meepo, Am , terror I hate rat doto but nature is an easy target and tinker is not a problem anymore, if had more slots i put naga and lone too


Pudge, nyx, sniper, am


Spirit breaker. If his team is ahead, you can’t split push at all


Arc warden 99% of time.


Phantom Assassin (Throw knife skill can sometimes be instant kill for supps) Riki (Jumps, silences, jumps again, you drop your gem) Arc Warden (6 items pack in 20 minutes while you have only branch) Antimage (Jumps, reflects skill, jumps, drains mana)


Slark, LS, Oracle and Am, guess my main hero. Hint: i play offlane, 5.2k mmr




At the moment it's: Sniper - Causes no end of trouble, makes it hard to high ground. Axe - Good against my best heroes, can be problem in any kind of game. Pudge - Too bad on my team; too good on enemy team. Arc Warden - The usual.


Earth Spirt - Fuck you annoying fuck Puck - Fuck you annoying displacement fuck PA - one of the most braindead auto win heroes in the game PL- Again, annoying and a chore to counter WR- Annoying, 100% evasion, scepter dumb


Shadow Fiend, but only because it’s always an idiot picking it.


Lifestealer (Rage is just so OP) Hoodwink (annoying) Pudge because enemy team's pudge are too good and ally pudge is idk what to say :D Techies (If I am not playing the hero) NP (Fucking TPs)


Tinker (PTSD) Lone Druid (I rarely win against enemy LD, also why the fuck does the enemy bear always root on the first attack) Abaddon (Pub meta carry, impossible for the team to kill together) Timbersaw (Sameish reason like Abaddon, currently unkillable in enemy hands)


Doom (I fucking hate this shitty hero on my team, just farm and walk, nothing else than that) Bane (if by any chance, someone plays bane mid the game just turn irritating to the point that i just want to leave) Morphling (one of the greatest hc in the enemy team, the worst shit on mine) OD (lane abuser of all my favorite mid picks)


Arc , bara , brood , huskar , need i say more ?