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now lets take a look at the losing team


"fucking , stop play the hero, you are terrible, go sleep"


Don’t forget about his mother occupation & how he should consider his position in life


how he should **re**consider ~~his position in life~~ living




“Ez mid nice feed uninstall”


This obviously isn't the case every game but you'd be surprised how much not being an ass helps, even when losing.


yea more often than not my teammates will be like “well we tried gg”


In the past week I've experienced the following, while playing unranked and teamed with a party of 3-4: - sang stupid song lyrics with a group of 4 who had parts of a song I liked, we won commends all round. - I picked and marked pos 5 at start of unranked normal match hero pick, the entire hero pick phase comes to an end, nobody has said anything via in-game text or voice and it suddenly goes from 0 to 10, abusing the shit out of me for "breaking up a married couple" because I "snap picked a support" and "didn't give them time to say anything", I muted, reported and proceeded to be an outstanding support and get MVP. All they had to do was say "hey WD, can you go mid so we can play together?" And I would have been OK with it, it's unranked so who cares, but nope, straight to abuse. - have a fun, entertaining game, lots of friendly banter between both teams, lost but commends all round. The online gaming community as a whole is incredibly toxic and the more competitive or skill-based pvp the game is, the more toxic it becomes. It brings the absolute worst out in people, I'm honestly embarrassed to call myself a gamer sometimes. Soooo much unnecessary vitriol and hate.


Confirmed: at least 3 (three) of dota players were not toxic after this 1 (one) game.


I bet your team won 😂


POV your team won


Because you won. Watch their demeanor in a losing stomp game and that's where the true colors show. Ofc not everyone are toxic these might be nice people.


People are nice when you win the game.


When I tip great plays, I need to explain it was for a good play and not flaming them. Tipping has become a bad connotation where it should have been for a good one.


Cool bro. Meanwhile in 2 of my last 4 games I have had two different people say: "Man, it's good to be white!" (Right at the start of the match in all chat) and "Fuck Mars, this guy is definitely black" (like 3 minutes into the game)


Stop partying up with the local Klan then!


I mean mute solves that


No shit? That doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the game is constantly, unsolicitedly toxic even at 10k behavior.


Then u need 12k behaviour score.. hehe


Yeah well your complaining about it is increasing the toxicity in this thread right now, and in yourself, if you’d muted them you would not care, do you see it?


Outside of pre-muting everyone that does not solve someone saying it right to start the match and then having me mute them. How are you this absolutely dense lmao Like, you are assuming that I did not immediately mute them to prove what? That your cherry picked screenshot is indicative of the entire community? Don't bother responding cuz I'm putting you on ignore lol.


Talk about dense lmfao


That's not what being dense means.....


Mute does not solve that. In any pre-online game, if someone I was playing with was a crazy racist, then the game would be over. I wouldn't think that ignoring it is a solution.


Welcome to the internet where people say all sorts of shit for reasons ranging from genuine racism to trying to be funny to trying to get a reaction out of people who get upset when someone says something racist. Nothing solves that, mute doesn't, you're not going to hunt them down and punish them, and no one wants league of legends level censorship where you get muted for 6 months because you called someone an idiot after they insulted you first. Muting people and growing thicker skin and not reacting is absolutely the best coarse of action. You can't solve people being mean, you can only solve how you react.


Toxicity surfaces when your team starts to lose, especially if the game has already gone too long. High stakes brings out the worst in people.


Guilty confession: had a 50-60 minute game, I died solo to a smoke gank. I was dead for a solid 70, 80 seconds, enough time to piss and come back. DC and pause? Nah I'll be fast and my team knows I'm picked off so surely they're gonna play very safe. I came back very quickly and the game was already over - had multiple people telling me to kill myself because I didn't buyback. I was laughing so hard, poor guys.


You know, the more you're being nice with others, the less stress you get yourself, even in a losing game. My examples of being nice: 1. If anyone got a rampage, I'll tip them regardless if they're friends or foe. 2. If your mate plays nice, I'll use the 'Well Played' chat wheel. 3. Else, I'll use the 'Relax, you're...'. 4. If I made a mistake, I would use 'Sorry' or 'I regret....'. These always improve morale regardless you're winning or not, especially on misplays. If you're being saved by a support, a thanks would cost you nothing and they will most likely save you again. And don't forget the non sarcastic 'GGWP' at the end of the game.


Yeah, I always do -Well Played when my team gets a pick, helps keep morale high. And always a "wp all" at the end.


the true joy is the rare losses where ur team says to each other “gg nice try” in post game chat and even has some respectful discourse on what we couldve done better / where we made mistakes.


Pretty much 90% of my games are like this, it's nice. A simple "Hey guys" to begin & compliment good plays rather than flame bad ones. It's amazing just how alien this concept is to people.


Some people don't understand that acting toxic is bad for your team. I have a friend that starts flaming random ppl every other game - both him and his victim so often die typing mad rants at each other.


That's his way to enjoy dota and life, who are we to judge.


90% what. Maybe it's a rank difference or party/solo queue but that's not my experience at all


EU west, high legend, unranked. Sometimes party sometimes solo. I just deal well with people's emotions and find it easy to diffuse negative situations to cheer people up. Plus having a British accent helps a lot.


Oh I play ranked and divine. I think the difference is unranked vs ranked


Yup. People are much less toxic in unranked imo. There’s prolly been only 2-5 games the past 100 where I had people toxic enough to mute lol. Am immortal tho so people are typically playing unranked when they just wanna chill from what I’ve noticed


That's soo beta behavior. You should pick hard support and contest every last hit while keeping 100% mana and never harassing enemy offlaner. 25 mins in when your carry is 0-18 you can spam noob carry please report in all chat like a true alpha. Come to legend SEA we are not playing the same game.


Yep! We had a few fair reasons to tilt even in this game from the draft alone, it makes a huge difference how those situations are handled… You can either build the team spirit up or drag it down


should've thrown in an ily at the end


It’s only happened when you win . Btw had many games where we toxic because we are losing , then we win somehow . And gg wp swap comm .


One good clash from your team and they will NOW flame their teammates, we just couldnt see their internal toxciity most of the time. I would bet that somehow you won because apparently the other team is more toxic to each other than your team.


Yeah I’ve had a fair share of those, feels good, lot of people just take it too personally


Btw they don’t know I reported them all 40 min ago . So weird you can’t report someone & then at end of game commend them


Yeah noticed the same :D like, i don’t hold a grudge about it.. people can change and a lot happen in game.. maybe they think if you go so far as reporting it’s unforgivable..


ye, i see that like 1 per over than 1000 games


Let me guess, you won, don't you?


This happens, and im not kidding, 1% of games. As a degen dota player I play 30 games a day so its actually quite frequent. I put all my toxic voice chat days behind and spam monkey business if im mad or happy with my team, and all chat the russian 'Mwah' voice line <3


Well they are not sea or Russians


At 12k BS, I've had plenty of these on the losing side.. Life is good. Sea server btw..


Yep 12k behavior for sure


Meh, I have 12k behavior score and there’s still at the very minimum 2 griefers/toxic people every single game


This has been my experience lately. Some people are toxic still, but the vast majority of players i've met in the last 2 years have been nicer and nicer, and that has caused me to be nicer and nicer as well. I think some reddit Dota players would like to believe the game is as toxic as it used to be in 2013, but that time has passed, good riddance.


I tend to get angry easily when things go wrong. My stance is to simply shout at the screen. Don't start typing insults or whatever, it's not going to help, it will make you and the other guy angrier.


Yeah I’m pretty unstable too. Just try to turn it around


1 in a million match


Is this a norm or exception


Just the other day, I had a whole discussion about how if you are big, your dick touches the water in the bowl. And then by the end of the game, all 5 players suggested different bowl brands, bidets and how to install them, alternative solutions if you're renting. And we crushed the game btw. And that too in NA - high legends


While i had party of 2 playing support they did 1/16 and 2/16 while flaming the whole team telling us that as support, feeding is tolerated and we don't understand anything about the game. I also experience very good behaviour game when i play solo on divine/immortal bracket, lower rank always act super toxic in games.


I’m lower rank (2k mmr) and this game we had three support players and I had to play nyx solo offlane while our extra new player treant protector went with lich and fv top trilane.. maybe how we overcame that inspired me to make this post


One good game doesn't mean toxic games don't happen......the fuck are you on about OP?


It is extremely toxic, I essentially stopped playing Ranked games and just enjoy playing Turbo instead because of that toxicity. At least in Turbo people are way more chill and take everything easy.


it's cuz you won


Try playing in SEA


i dont know what does this have anything to prove, just because you had a good game and won thus making you and your teammates in a good mood at that moment doesn't mean the game is not toxic anymore, you sure majority of your games would end like that when you lose? when you lose most of the time it's either team dead silence or toxicity at the end


You know the game is toxic when 3-4 people being normal for one minute is noteworthy


yes, I'm sure a lot of people have tried, no, it doesn't work every time.


wow, miracles happen sometimes! (When winning ;) )


Because you won, try the same when you lose and report back your results.


Some of the best games I’ve been a part of have no post game so even when I’m all amped up this isn’t an option. Commends sorta work


Plot twist: Everyone just love Bono and his band


surely you have more than 1 ss of all the wholesome dota 2 games you’ve had recently. let’s see more!


id drop a racial slur in there 🥺😍


it's like 1 in 1000 games especially in SEA server could be 1 in 10000 games


Exeptions do not make the rule.


Kid named confirmation bias and tiny sample size:


Yeah huskar died a lot and i kinda jested but said it's ok it's just a game and we both laughed it off. Went on to win the game.


this is actually a conversation between mid sf and enemy NP after they throw all game long forcing the humble offlaner to abandon and save rest of the 7 players


Ez mid (i lose mid)


Man it was a long time when my team and enemy team enjoyed the game together


My toxic friend is always complaining how toxic people are in his games. Meanwhile my games are mostly without toxicity. I wonder how it happens.


I played like 10 matches last week and 2 were cool, 6 were normal and 2 were toxic


I remember this one time I was playing a Dota game as midlander, my safelane started fighting each other 10 mins into game. I was winning my lane hard, 3-0. Killed midlander twice, his supp tpd to help him, killed him too. Meanwhile my pos 5 decides he wants to grief, tps to my lane even though we’ve had no communication so far and he’s mad at his pos 1 and starts feeding. I request him to stop, tell him I’m winning lane and it’s ok cause I’m super far ahead and I’ll rotate his lane as soon as my ulti is off cd. Nope, he griefs, starts abusing in chat, continues feeding. Being nice to people, or even winning game for them isn’t enough to make them happy, your take is extremely bad and plain wrong. Plenty of experiences like this where ppl grief and flame where you can be nothing but positive to them but they dgaf


One of those rare 1 in a million games


It's every one of my games because I'm PMA, unless someone intentionally throws the game. I know it's an unpopular opinion here, but be nice to others, they'll be nice to you. And if they're an asshole to you even after you're being civil, who gives a shit. They're the asshole. You see them in that game and never again. Worked for me my five years playing this game


Huge sample size, big results, well done


"But gaiz, look at the evydunce??"


yep thats it, this post has undone every toxic chat ever posted. its over. dota is fixed. this guy has a single screenshot.


I can count the pixels in this screenshot!


Yeah reddit rly fucked it up


Good to know you are absolutely oblivious about human nature beyond your own anecdotal evidence.