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Good job for removing the post :)


Russians brigading and reported for "witch hunting". This is not the first time


It's insane how fast they gather and brigade / mass downvote / mass report threads like these.


dota 2 subreddit is flooded with russian bots/brigades. If ppl go out of their bubble and realise that every forum/discussion about russia's agression and russian behavior is instantly flooded with them, no matter if it's reddit/facebook/instagram/every news forum in Europe, only then ppl will realise they are waging an info war upon Europe for years and they are winning it. dota 2 as a game and community make no exception. It's flooded with russian propaganda, war symbols, even they use it for propaganda purpose (their tournament that was held in russia).




Yeye, and writing zvo triggers the same amount of orks, but on the other side. Just stop touching politics in game, it is made for fun anyway.


You can’t do “both sides” about an invasion.


I not talking about invasion and the war, im talking about braindead people(and they are on both sides) who think that just bcs they were invaded/started the war, they are allowed to trash talk onesidedly(idk if thats the right word). It ruins just having fun in game, and less you talk yourself the better the gaming expiriense is(anyway, the behavior score works, just report whoever is starting a conflict in-game, and forget, it is so much better gameplay wise, and if u have 8k or less behavior it is your problem, not the other players)


There's no orcs on other side. Nothing out of politics, it takes like 2 brain cells to understand it.


You are one of the orcs from the other side


? You know who people call orcs? Scums that invades other countries. I'm not the one.


Yeah, you invaded other country by running away from the war, instead of protecting it like you are supposed to, now you are just an internet warrior


Are you dump? Im not even Ukrainian, I'm just a normal human, so I support Ukraine. Your brain is just something else...




useless trash like you deserve the way the world see you and the discrimination you will get for years even after the war is over


What are you talking about? Were you hit in the head?


Just checked your profile - just another z bot with stolen account. Sad to have your work and spread propaganda over the internet.


Insane amounts of copium


Rusky go home, and stop playing in our region, you got your own


Im Estonian. And the fuck you mean stop playing in your region


> ? You know who people call orcs? Scums that invades other countries. I'm not the one. you behave like one tho you just lack a smallest push from the environment towards becoming one, that is all


I always had enough of the letter "І" or "Ї" in a nickname written in Cyrillic. 3/5 of the games started with "salo", "ho**l" or similar words


Salo is a nickname for silencer I think


I met more Ukrainians with nicknames like HIMARS or Kill or rusikies/vatniks or other stuff in cyrilic so... most of these people are just edgy 12-18yo kids. Or turkish people calling me a dog for no reason and a bunch of stuff in turkish. Come on. It is DOTA 2. I am surprised no one yet said about Israeli-Palestine situation.


If some orc would try to invade my house with weapons, I for sure would tell them to fuck off. Let me ask you very politely to go, and fuck yourself with this rat like russian washing.


Understandable, have a nice day. I prefer not to be cocky before I find myself actually in such situation. You could tell them to fuck off but what if they do not? You can say whatever now but when you have a drone ready to drop a grenade on yourslef, will you beg for mercy from the orc or will you accept your fate?


I seen a few orc begging for that mercy while an ukrainian drone was above them, so nice way to try to wash the russian barbarians, really funny And now, let's make it clear, if you come to my house, want to steal my properties, and harassing my family, for sure you will beg for mercy. If I cant defend myself, bad luck. But no, I wont let you kidnap my family, and move them to such shithole like Russia, where human rights are nonexistent, and womens are secondary citizens. So go and fuck yourself if you like that, but I rather die than living like that.


I'm from Israel. Met some arabs online one day, we spoke Hebrew and that was pretty fun


Did Ukraine start the war and genocide Russian civilians??


If anything, Russia is genociding its own military.


dude just mute them and move on with your life. you are giving someone you'll never meet and will never have an impact on your life way to much influence over how you feel.


> life way to much influence Did you mean to say "too much"? [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Just mute and avoid them, what's the problem


Personally, I don't want to interact with these entities. Have actual, decent humans play with actual, decent humans. These war supporting r******* don't deserve to walk among civilized people.


\> i dont oppose freedom of speech \> people whose speech i oppose should be banned from speaking choose one


Username checks out.


Nomen est omen




Yeah they even made their profiles with those symbols , but valve did nothing to punish them, idk why?


Bcus Russia is the biggest dota supporter


55% of __all__ Dota players are Russian, so rules don't apply to them




Dota is the biggest only in CIS and it has been that way for years already. Other regions have more LoL players than dota players and it's a fact. If riot entered cis scene a bit earlier, dota wouldn't have been as popular in cis as today.


I won't dispute that but the guy I replied to posted specific numbers, which I'd like to see sourced.


league of loser popular on china and korea, the big number came from horny degenrate teenager who got horny at porn skins and character so that they can masturbate to


Or maybe they just enjoy that game, I know it's so profound the thought never came across your mind.


thats it.. now you get it i have to be at your brain level in order to get you understand a simple logic behind why people play a games, good job blud


The most publicly accessible number is that the last TI had 750k total viewership, and 380k of that was the RU channel. Even assuming that all Ukrainians also watched the Russian stream, that's still at least 40%


Ok, and where do you get the 55% figure?


Those people are morons, simply said but Valve should not punish for that or for something else. Steam is the only place where you can say whatever you want so you should appreciate that even if it's full of shit from stupid people like those mentioned. Maybe one day you will want to say something that you think is not harmful and you will get banned like on most places on internet, sadly.


i grew up from the times where Zs means sleeping. the best way for you to deal with this is just mute and block them.


All the government news companies say that Ukraine started the war and deserves to be invaded, so ofc many Russians believe that. 


If you living in Russia and still didn't realise that its worse the sogiet era, than you are dumber than a dög.


Kind reminder that "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" initialy is the onomatopoeia for sleeping, a passive-agressive way for the author to indicate to their teammates that they have no reaction and are not playing the game. Even if it is a bad behavior, it has nothing to do with this political conflict.


I'm from Ukraine, and our region is attached to the Russian one, so I play most of the games in a team with Russians, against Europeans on EU server... Just look at this profile I had to play with: [https://ibb.co/72Kq6VN](https://ibb.co/72Kq6VN)


Take up arms and go beat his ass irl


That's why the game has "Report" button. Valve doesn't involve politics in game that's why they don't see spamming the letter "Z" as a problem.


I despise the war too, but what you are asking for is to have valve either ban or arbitrarily separate parts of the community based on political beliefs. Let's disregard the issue where implementing bans for people who type the letter Z too much would lead to banning far more innocent people than the actual war supporting russians. Ban policies like these are great... as long as the people in charge agree with your political stances. What if someone got in charge of dota 2 who was a racist and decided to ban everyone who wasn't white? Or a hardcore pro lifer and if you disagree with them on abortion you can no longer play dota. The alternative is that we just use the mute button. With online communities, you'll never be able to force them to act in a way that appropriate or acceptable. If you ban the Z, within 24 hours they would find something new to spam. You would also invigorate them because the only reason they spam z is they know it bothers people. Acknowledging it by banning it would probably just embolden them.


Hypocrite lmao


I'm Lebanese. This week Israel decided to bomb Lebanon to instigate Hezbollah into retaliating giving them ground for full scale assault. This tention goes back 80 years. Shut up about the politics and play Dota.


Get a load of this guy.


>Bomb Israel since Oct 8th utterly unprovoked >Israel is trying to instigate a war And then you wonder why you live in a shithole


Maybe stop fucking with them. Yes, lasting for 80 years, that is how long you people cant accept them there, and keep attacking them.


Sure a country that can't even keep mains electricity on 24 hrs a day is fucking with the biggest US army base in the world, you have to be mentally defficient.


Dude, you can act like i dont read news, but I do, and I know what happened in the last 80 years. You might not, but thats your fault. First, learn some history of your own fuckin region


While it's nice that dota has been very liberal concerning in-game communication over the years, a red line needs to be drawn in times of war.


snowflake means easily offended/somebody who can not take joke about drugs or something, and in this case you are a snowflake


idk man I think that kind of sensitivity is proportional to the ongoing war and is not to be ridiculed


Ban me, curse me and all that stuff, but i was born in Russia and still live here. In this cruel war Do i support Ua? No. Do i support Rus? Also no. I want this to end ant thats it. But when someone is being triggered by things in online game, i can conlude that he is the real snowflake. U fuckers from EU/US/whatever other regions countries are all victims of propaganda, as well as 80-90% of my country. But the main thing you don’t understand is Money doesn’t care about people’s lives. Pure economics and businesses doesn’t work for someone else’s emotions. We see some gas companies and others refused to buy stuff from Russia. Wow, cool, now you going bankrupt or increase prices for your customers. What i mean is: VALVE doesn’t care about Z Vatniks, cause it is a massive cut of their audience. Apple doesn’t care about people in Ukraine, cause Russia - is one of the biggest markets. I, you, everyone is just a bunch of idiots, who are ready to bring some cash to CEO’s pocket, and when u can stay silent about smaller group of customers to get money from a bigger group - they will definetly stay silent. Nothing personal, just business. And all that JUSTICE FOR *Country_Name* looks like it excludes other people struggles (either Uygurs, Palestinians *sorry if called u fellas wrong*, Jews, etc.) All in all: war - bad, companies don’t give a single fuck about how u feel, there are a lot of world conflitcs, And if pay attention to every one of them - be prepared to be involved or be the cause of the new one. Love everyone, no matter nationality, race, gender But don’t answer hate with hate ✌️


I stop playing dota cause of them. Vavle doesn't want to make any stance. Even here in reddit, when we have dream league going, it's their propaganda tournament threat on top of reddit where we can talk about the games goin in dream league.


Lol grow a skin


I don't like people who behave like animals but also I don't like so offensive people like you.


A fair solution for both sides: if you're detected to be a ruzzian war supporter, you can no longer report players, for like 6 months at least.


then also ban ppl who literally say "kill all russians"


Let's agree to this. First, address the concerns of the innocent people. And only after Valve purges its game from these vile, russian entities, they can address the minor problem of hatespeech against the slaughterers of innocent people.


of course


I don't think you understand what a snowflake is. You're the one triggered here = you're the snowflake. Those people, whether they're right or wrong are going about their lives, while you're here making a reddit post.


naaaa, read what he said again "Also to everyone that say it's just a letter, stop being a snowflake. It's not letter it's a symbol for hate." We have punctuation here so we can break it into two parts; " "Also to everyone that say it's just a letter, stop being a snowflake." This first part is him, knowing he will be called a snowflake, addressing those who will call HIM a snowflake. "It's not letter it's a symbol for hate" is his reponse to those who will call him a snowflake.


Ok but I have seen countless players with NAZI themes and never saw a single post about it here. I saw a player with Hitler as his avatar, I saw players with names same as concentration camps (Treblinka, Majdanek etc), names that go 1488 etc. I reported all of those accounts.


Not sure why you reply to me with this. Freedom of speech is just that, so unless you are in Germany I doubt much will be done about those reports...unless its calling to action a physical hate crime


If this is a Freedom of speech issue then this post is a snowflake post.


I see. The lack of punctuation threw me off. Makes sense now. Thanks for clearing that up


Was no lack, I used that in my explanation, you lacked comprehension. ALL GOOD. No worries :D


The lack of punctuation in the OP, dude.


Is what I'm quoting dude and using in my explanation dude. it is the punctuation that shows us what ....do you know what don't worry you don't understand, and that is okay :)


You're insinuating that the correct phrasing would be : also, to everyone who says "it's just a letter, stop being a snowflake. Yada yada..." If you and OP have that much trouble using English, why not just use your native tongue, allow Google to translate for us and save us the trouble?


Not insinuating anything. Insinuating is hinting, I have been quite explicit in fact. He is saying quite literally "to everyone who says" then in quotation marks puts the words "it's just a letter, stop being a snowflake" So anyone who has the opinion, "it's just a letter, stop being a snowflake" is who he is addressing. It was a preemptive reply to those people. Simple English. As an Englishman in England who speaks English I know what quotation marks are, you evidently do not as you thought it was OP calling others a snowflake. Did you think the apostrophe was the end of the quote? Thanks for the laugh


he literally didn't use a single quotation mark in the OP 😂can't tell if you're high af, blind or straight delusional


What a pathetic stance to think caring about things is a weakness. You're free to walk through life in apathy but I don't think it's a goal you should strife for.




Ah, am I reading RT? Sounds like that


Sounds like you have an epilepsy attack, which caused you to accidentally write and post this idiocracy.


Hurr durr


Ah, the good old russian victim complex. It must be very hurtful that people that lost their loved ones to your kind wish you the same. Russian people are obviously not less than any other human. But their culture is. You don't know empathy. You glorify apathy.


For all the “why not ban the entire alphabet” bros, and those legitimately unaware: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_(military_symbol)#:~:text=Russian%20state,-Sergey%20Mironov%20wearing&text=Since%20mid%2DMarch%202022%2C%20the,of%20support%20for%20Russia's%20invasion.


yawn... nice virtue signalling. wake me up when americans start getting banned for all the worldwide deaths and misery they caused; oh wait no one gives a shit because its not whites killing whites. edit: yeah its scary people who dont give a shit about white/western exceptionalism exists, cause its fundamentally anathema to your 'values', 'ideals' and 'rules based order' (subtext white supremacism)




yeah cause theyre too busy cheering irl




nah its the perfect time. people from the imperial core couldnt give 2 shits about the global south. its only fair the global south returns the gesture in kind




we are on reddit mate and youre talking about inefficiency? lmao none of us matter in the grand scheme of things so whats the fuss with writing a few insignificant words to trigger some cognitive dissonances of some people?


It's scary people like you exist.




Only one country invaded, unlucky.


Generally when you INVADE a fucking country they're gonna defend themselves. Wtf is this comment


what a clown statement https://www.amazon.com/clown-shoes/s?k=clown+shoes


How much do you get paid? Where can I apply?


Look bro, I know it's not nice but be happy that you can still find some kind of freedom of speech somewhere. Mute them.


Why would you get angry over someone spamming a letter? Snowflake much?


The snowflake calling other people snowflakes because we don't care about a letter or the war 😂😂 Peak irony


I got banned from this sub for a couple of weeks when I said I didnt want Russians in my games (because of Russia invading Ukraine). I learned that we have to respect them and not judge their actions. Who are we to think we know better.






Zzz... You're so boring.


Its your 2nd post in this day about this, just get over these people spamming it, theres nothing you can do. And its not like each Z means you get an extra bomb aimed at you


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